Friday, 2 March 2012

Wide Open

 Comment posted on our “Magic Is In The Air post:

"Anonymous said...

Ola mc, tambem gosto muito do seu Blog. Sempre que posso, Passo por la.
Tambem me parece uma matricula portuguesa, mas nao vi muito bem.
Tinha a impressao que as inglesas tem fundo amarelo.
Pode ser um carro emprestado. Mas a senhora e entao uma surpresa. .... Mais amiga de rua do que parece no depoimento que fez a policia, embora ela tivesse de fazer compras como qualquer pessoa.
Pelos sacos, parecem compras de supermercado.
Nao ha um supermercado mesmo a frente do OC? O Baptista.
Com um supermercado perto, vai de carro a outro para comprar tao pouca coisa?

Feb 29, 2012 9:33:00 PM"


"Hello mc, I also really like your blog. Whenever I can, I go there.
It also seems to me to be a Portuguese licence plate, but I didn’t see it very well.
I had the impression that the British ones have a yellow background.
It may be a borrowed car. But the lady is really a surprise. .... much more street friendly than she seemed in the statement that she made to the police, although she had to shop just like anyone else.
From the bags, it seems to be supermarket shopping.
Isn’t there a supermarket just in front of the OC? The Baptista.
With a supermarket nearby, she goes by car to another for so little?"

First of all, let us, for a proud moment, pat ourselves on our backs for our readership.

It’s just so stimulating to have our readers spot what we haven’t, and we do hope to create in all of you a similar kind of response with our posts.

Today, we have to congratulate yet another reader, who pointed out what is so evident to us all, but we didn’t see it until s/he showed it to us: why does Mrs Fenn use a car to go shopping goods that fill up only two grocery bags when she happens to have the Baptista Supermarket about two hundred yards away, if that far?

That’s what I call a “slap-on-own-forehead” moment for not having it seen it myself.

It would be the most logical for Mrs Fenn to use a shopping trolley as the one pictured above to go to the same supermarket where the McCanns, who, supposedly, stayed in the apartment below hers, supposedly did buy their bottle of wine, supposedly from New Zealand, which they supposedly drank just before supposedly going to dine where, supposedly wine was available in large quantities and supposedly included in the meal price which we’re still to know what it is till this day.

And they, the McCanns didn’t drive there, they walked, and we know how grumpy they are about walking big distances…

So why did Mrs Fenn drive to the supermarket just down the road?

It could be that she had to go much further away, to a larger supermarket, in Lagos, for example, because she needed to buy something specific that wasn’t available at Baptista’s.

We don’t think so, but, as always, we’ll leave it up to you to decide.

Let me now try and return the favour to our reader, by exposing something else in SIC’s video, the one which we’ve been talking about lately, that people have noticed, but not quite understood the huge blunder it does really represent. At least in our opinion.

I know, that we’ve almost dissected the thing to bits, but it just keeps on giving information, so what are we to do?

We have to let you know what we see, mustn’t we? And by the way, after this post, we’re still not finished with it.

It’s amazing the amount of information one can gather from such a short, apparently harmless, news report, isn’t it?

Let’s now try and understand what we've been theoretically shown.

First we have to assume, because it plays in Mrs Fenn’s favour, that she doesn’t have any of those shopping trolleys shown, and decides to use her car to drive just couple of hundred yards and buy two grocery bags of goods at the Baptista Supermarket.

We also assume that she doesn’t need to go to any other major supermarket. A couple of hundred yards drive down the road, a couple of hundred yards drive back.

So the “script” (for us without the double commas) appears to be the following:

Mrs Fenn, in her car, leaves the house to go shopping at Baptista’s;

Drives about two hundred yards, parks her car near the said Supermarket;

Enters the Baptista Supermarket, and chooses, from the various aisles whatever she wants to buy and heads for the cashier;

Pays for the goods, walks to where her car is parked, and places the two grocery bags inside the trunk;

Drives back a couple of hundred yards, and parks her car in front of the apartment block where, supposedly, the flat where she lives in is;

Exits the car and is surprised by the SIC journalists.

And from this point on we have “visual” contact with Mrs Fenn.

We see her, as you recall, vehemently denying ever speaking to journalists, saying that what they write is rubbish, and asking/telling everyone to forget all about it;

We see her go to the back of the car, and take out what appears to be a single shopping bag, but our eyes trick us, for later we see that it was two of them, closes the car’s trunk with what we perceive to be, wrongly again, unexpectedly free hands;

We see her walking from the car to what supposedly is her flat with the two shopping bags, where, on the way, she encounters a man, who she seems to know and he seems to be expecting her arrival, but who, very ungentlemanly, doesn’t help the elderly lady carry those two bags;

And we see them both entering the G5 apartment, the one that is immediately above 5A.

I hope I got all the sequence right, and if I haven’t do feel free to correct.

Now the question one must to ask is the following: as the G5 door is wide open when Mrs Fenn and her male companion enter the apartment, for how long has it been like that?

I mean, really, really as wide open as can be seen:

I see only two possibilities.

The first, most obvious, is that there were people inside all this time, the second, less obvious, but apparently more realistic, is that she went shopping and left the door open. Wide open.

To have people inside, means that she had to have ongoing some kind of renovating works inside the apartment, and the man seen on the video, was but one of those working inside

We know that she lived alone, and if she was to be with a friend, it would only make sense that that friend would accompany her shopping, and not stay in the apartment with the door wide open all this time.

Ok, let’s pretend we buy that she had renovating works going on.

We don’t see any sort of construction material outside, do we? Neither do we see any construction related vehicle parked outside. So we don’t see that to be the reason for the door to be wide open while she went shopping, and that is even assuming she absolutely trusted the workers she, or the OC, eventually had hired.

Renovating works inside apartments are done with the doors closed, unless there’s stuff being taken in or out, and, as said, absolutely nothing indicates that such is the case

We see absolutely no reason for the door to be wide open while people could supposedly be working inside.

But it could be that that man had just come out to have smoking break, and had left the door open?

It could be, indeed. Or could it really?

Why did he have to walk all the way down to the ground floor to have a smoke? He had, as we all can see, right outside the door an entire open corridor to do just that.

And he also had, on the other side of the building, the flat’s balcony with a wonderful view to have a relaxing smoke, didn’t he?

Besides, I’m just digressing. He seems to be holding some sort of measuring tape and having a notebook under his arm. When Mrs Fenn approaches him, she nods him into the direction she wants him to go.

So the man is there waiting outside for her, to do some measurements, for possible future renovating works, not ongoing ones

So no, we're not seeing renovating works to be the reason for that door to be open, wide open.

The only other possibility would be for Mrs Fenn to have left the door wide open when she left for the supermarket. And the door remained open that way during all the time she did all she did and that we detailed above.

After all, besides Maddie’s” abduction”, PdL is an absolutely friendly and safe town, isn’t it?

Well, not according to… Mrs Fenn, it isn’t.

As you can read on our Thanksgiving post, on August 18th, 2007, exactly 4 days before this video was shot, The Sun reported Mrs Fenn having said ““Expat Pamela Fenn, 73, told them she disturbed a burglar at her apartment about three weeks before Maddie vanished.

Unsurprisingly, the link to this article in The Sun is no longer available:

I wonder how many other The Sun pages on Maddie and the McCanns have since been wooshed away into thin air… it would certainly be a very interesting statistical study.

But nonetheless, no one can deny that it’s a rather strange behavior, to leave a door wide open and go shopping when you’ve been burgled just a few months before.

Why? As always, we’ll leave it up to you to decide.

Post Scriptum: Our next post, is still based on this video, and will be called it “Food for Thought”, but that will be after the weekend. If you don’t mind, until then, it’s time for the family.

But I would just like to say that understanding fully this video will allow you to understand better the “Guerra video”, or Brunt’s video, which I promised to write about but haven’t found the time to do it, yet.


  1. Assim, tipo a fugir:

    “Food for Thought” faz-me lembrar a empresa do salvador da c. eh,eh. Ou um artigo do salvador com esse título com o intuito de lifting, claro.

    Já cá volto.

  2. Agora que vi o amarelo laranja do supermercado Baptista, o logo de pelo menos um dos sacos parece indicar que as compras vem do dito supermercado.
    Nao acredito que a senhora tenha sido assaltada nas semanas anteriores nem que algum apartamento do resort com gente dentro, tenha sido assaltado.
    Houve realmente assaltos a apartamentos e vivendas desocupadas, em algumas zonas do Algarve na epoca baixa. Mas a PDL e este Resort em concreto nao correspondem ao target dos imoveis procurados pelos ladroes. Eles sao espertos e sao profissionais. Nao arriscam e sobretudo nao arriscam por pouco. Sabem quais as zonas com interesse. Vilamoura, Alvor, sao exemplos dos targets procurados pelos ladroes de entao. Apartamentos de ferias com probabilidades de terem algo no recheio com interesse. Nao o OC da PDL que pelos vistos ate em epoca baixa oferece ferias interessantes para quem nao vem a procura de sol ou Praia. Eram muito falados os assaltos em Vilamoura, portanto nao admira que convenientemente o assunto tenha sido usado num momento dificil.
    Se o OC teve assaltos, reportou-os a policia? Nunca li Nada sobre nenhuma queixa.
    Tambem nao acredito que Mrs. Fenn tenha deixado a porta aberta. Nao que ela temesse algum assalto. Isto parece mais uma montagem de cena journalistica ou a policia a verificar dados. Ou esta alguem dentro do apartamento ou alguem anda dentro e fora a fazer um trabalho relacionado com o desaparecimento que dizem ter acontecido em baixo, e nao com renovacoes no apartamento. Pelo estilo do homem, parece jornalista ou policia. A policia de certeza que usou especialistas para peritar distancias, sons, luzes, marcas deixadas por quem passou pelo lugar. O apartamento em cima da cena do crime, tem relevancia.
    Os sacos da sra. Fenn sao provavelmente comida para o lanchinho que ela Tera oferecido aos ilustres visitantes. Por causa dos sacos e da entrevista inclino- me para jornalistas dentro do apartamento. Ninguem forca ninguem a dar uma entrevista e ninguem se desloca a um lugar para entrevistar uma determinada pessoa sem ter a certeza que a Pessoa esta la e esta disposta a ser entrevistada. Houve de certeza contactos previos e um delinear de objectivos.
    Tambem nao sabemos onde mrs Fenn tinha o carro estacionado antes. Sabemos que os McCann deixavam o deles a porta de Murat. Mrs Fenn podia ter o carro estacionado num lugar que Perturbava o trabalho de jornalistas ou policia e ja que tinha de o mudar, aproveitou e foi nele as compras. Sera que nesse dia o chazinho tambem foi extensivel aos vizinhos do 5a?

  3. O video foi editado? Quer dizer que Pode ter havido partes inconvenientes que foram cortadas? A presenca dos McCann ou do seu ( sua) porta-voz ou de alguem do OC a dar instrucoes? Suspense... Venha o resto.
    So um aparte. No blog de Pat Brown alguem pos um post onde fala de um encontro entre Fagan e John Geriathy ( acho que se escreve assim) no aeroporto. Portanto nao falta quem tivesse convencido mrs Fenn a fazer um favorzinho aos McCann, acendendo a chama do rapto com uma golfada de oxigenio, o choro prolongado.
    Depois S Carpenter poe no OC na manha de 4 de Maio, os amigos do Surf de Gerry e um property developer com chaves de apartamentos vazios. Seria John G, o amigo dos McCann?

  4. Por cá, no meu País, também há páginas com notícias do caso MMcC que desapareceram.

    Sem dúvida, fazer esse apanhado também seria bem interessante.

    Apesar da Senhora P. F. ter desaparecido do mundo dos vivos ( tenho pena, obviamente) acho interessante a exploração deste vídeo e das notícias relacionadas.
    A minha intuição leva-me a pensar que mais haverá a descobrir porque acredito que neste blog não colocam os posts apenas por colocar.

    Todos eles têm tido sempre bastante significado.


    with googlês:


    desculpem estas palavras terem saído em maiúsculas.

    sorry ,these words they left in capital letters.

    I begin to think that at least one big question seems this: 5G not from the Lady but probably she was caring about the flat to someone.

  6. The lady may have taken the car to go chatter up with other expats. The man is a wall painter. Probably going to a job inside. Reasons to leave the door open:
    - the elderly maiden was alone with a man, was badly inside the two without someone;
    - you don’t shut you door on the face of reporters, that would be rude
    What’s the importance of a under the arm of a house painter?

  7. Anon Mar 3, 2012 12:06:00 PM

    Point by point:

    No indication as to any painting accessories. As far as I know, painters usually wear overalls and carry brushes and cans of paint when starting a job, not measuring tapes and notebooks. Note that in the video, there's an image of the front of the building, where Mrs Fenn supposed balcony is zoomed in showing an umbrella, you don’t see there any sort of renovating/painting material to be seen.

    The lady being alone with a man… to comment that would indeed be distasteful, so I won’t.

    The problem is not the closing the door, it’s having it opened it? When and by whom was it done, that is the question.

    Last point, I think you speak about the notebook/notepad. They’re important in terms of indication that the man is there to measure something up and take notes, to make a budget. So he’s not a man working inside, but someone who is waiting outside for Mrs Fenn.

  8. Tex,
    You have an analytical mind which is good it will add to and help solve this case, I also feel Mrs Fenn is questionable, but the one that nobody ever asks about is the nanny that stayed with the mccanns at their invitation in UK. By getting this nanny to stay with them, they then made any statements of her invalid, they would have argued ' she was being vindictive' if she said anything against them, this is where the Mccanns were clever they covered whatever the nanny may have said against them, why don't we do a separate post on this nanny?

  9. Textusa

    You're currently being thrashed on MMF:

    Honestly they're beginning to sound as pathetic as JATYK2...


    Mrs. Fenn photographed sitting in her balcony. above apartm. 5A

    Scroll down to "Cadaver odour 'in the flowerbed of the yard', 05 July 2008"

  11. The argumentation used at MMF is not innocent. Mrs Fenn must be defended at all costs:

    Professor Plum:

    “They seem to be querying why Mrs Fenns door was open? To what purpose I have no idea!!”

    “I find most of the posts on there completely incomprehensible at times,a lot of words and not much substance!!”, no use explaining to the Professor.


    “When i have workmen here the door is always open.”

    “Perhaps they werent workmen,perhaps they were conducting a little surveillance hence the open door,”

    “perhaps they were workmen and they got hot, so leftthe door open.”

    “Mrs. Fenn was an older lady, i understand, why would she walk to Batista'swhen shes got a car she can put her bags in instead of struggling even 200 yards.”

    “I dont know perhaps im not seeing what other people are seeing. Sometimes things are as simple as they seem.”


    “I can understand why Mrs Fenn would drive to the supermarket.”

    “She probably wasn't the most fit person and, as you say, driving would have been preferable to struggling with the bags of shopping.”


    “I think textusa's been on the Wacky Backy !


    “I couldn't see why every action taken by mrs. Fenn was made out to be suspicious.”

    “She was over 80 yrs old. She doesn't want to walk with two heavy bags of shopping. ”

    “The door is open because either the man is measuring up for a job to come or he is actually working there and needs to measure something. Normal behaviour. ”

    “Even pointing out he could have a smoke on the balcony instead of downstairs? Why not? ”

    “The video that's referred to - I can't find it. ”

    “Mrs. Fenn may have put the bags down in order to close the boot, why is that significant?”

    “Usually I really like Textusa's insights, but here they're on a hiding to nothing.”


    “And maybe Mrs Fenn didn't like people smoking on her balcony. Smoke can drift in.”


    “I just wonder why this is being discussed at all.”


    “I can't see anything wrong either: ”

    “Mrs Fenn, a woman over 80 years of age, goes in her car to do some shopping; ”

    “there appears to be someone in her apartment and the door is seen to be open; ”

    “the man goes downstairs for a cigarette. ”

    “I must have missed something because that doesn't seem worth spending so much time and words on as are seen on the TextUsa blog. ”

    “I drive to the shop, return, open the boot and put the bags on the pavement, shut the boot.”

    “Now, I'm sure no one would wonder why I did things like that.”

    Professor Plum:

    “Exactly thats why I asked if anyone understood this.”

    “Textusa has previously written a lot about Mrs Fenn and if I understood it correctly she seems to be implying Mrs F was lying?”

    “I do find a lot of her postings pointless and over analytical to the point of nonsense.”


    “I think from my own experience Textusa is devoid of subjects to discuss which would interest her Members so posts items without thought. ”

    “If I remember rightly there was a photo of Mrs Fenn in a Car Park telling Journalists to stop pestering her and saying she knows nothing....something like that. ”

    “Anyway, this, apart from her age prohibiting her carrying anything heavy, was maybe why she used her Car, to get rid of the Journalists even if she had to shop further afield. ”

    “Also, she could have also been visiting friends as well as shopping, ”

    Professor Plum:

    “Yes I completely agree,her previous post was a clip by clip analysis of Mrs Fenn opening and closing her boot”

    Not Born Yesterday:

    “I think that Textusa needs to get out more!”


    “Afternoon NBY, I think that"s one thing MM can be proud of, finding interesting topics and reasoned debate. ”

    “This is why we have such a large Membership and "visitors".”

  12. Textusa, you're wrong in you say "Note that in the video, there's an image of the front of the building, where Mrs Fenn supposed balcony is zoomed in showing an umbrella, you don’t see there any sort of renovating/painting material to be seen."
    If you look, in the picture you speak of, there's a white board leaning against the wall next to the umbrella. That could be for renovating works, couldn't it?


    com a imagem aumentada (resize) os sacos parecem transparentes e o " laranja " julgo ser a cor de alguma compra.

    with the enlarged image (resize) the bags appear transparent and "orange" I think it is the color of any purchase.

  14. Page deleted or they silented Mrs Fenn mouth
    ( even deceased.... RIP)

    Tot's screams 'a myth' - - Traduzir esta página
    By Grant Hodgson, 23/09/2007 ... Pamela Fenn, 81, who lives above the Praia da Luz apartment Madeleine vanished from, supposedly said ...
    But here is something

    Tot's screams 'a myth' Sunday Mirror


    By Grant Hodgson

    A key witness in the Madeleine McCann case yesterday DENIED telling cops that she heard the family screaming and arguing.

    Pamela Fenn, 81, who lives above the Praia da Luz apartment Madeleine vanished from, supposedly said she heard the four-year-old "scream for four hours" the night before. The reports fuelled police theories that mum Kate sedated Madeleine. But widow Mrs Fenn, interviewed by police two days after Madeleine disappeared, said: "I never heard her screaming or Kate and Gerry arguing.

    "I didn't realise anything was wrong until I heard all sorts of commotion outside."

  15. Textusa, sei que entende perfeitamente o português, por isso vou escrever nessa lingua, para melhor me explicar:

    Se reparar na entrada do apartamento da Sra. Fenn, o 5G, na parede do lado direito da porta,para quem entra, está um painel de azulejo, que parece dizer algo como "CASA DA" ...(um nome). A mim parece-me ser "CASA DA WENDY", quando pus em ecrã total e parei o video imediatamente após o homem entrar na casa. Quem será (seria) a "Wendy"? Uma neta da sra.? Será importante para esclarecer se este era realmente o apartamento da Sra. Fenn? Ou talvez o painel já lá estivesse quando a Sra. Fenn comprou a casa, seria uma coisa de anteriores moradores?
    Se achar que o meu comentário é tolice sem significado, por favor não hesite em problems!

  16. O site do Baptista parece realmente priveligiar o verde e branco, mas o edificio do supermercado tem riscas amarelas de contorno e um placard enorme de fundo amarelo com a inscricao Baptista a branco.
    Um dos sacos da sra Fenn parece ter o amarelo das riscas e do placard mas pode ser que seja transparente e que como alguem ja salientou, o amarelo venha de uma das compras e nao do saco. A imagem nao permite concluir muito.
    E um facto que no Algarve, estes supermercados Sao mais caros que as grandes superficies. Mas e mais no verao. As alternativas a eles Sao do mesmo genero e tambem caros.
    Ha outros supermercados na Praia da luz, com precos melhores que o Baptista?
    Penso que a grande superficie mais proxima e na Guia e e o Continente. Os sacos nao Sao do Continente e nao vejo que a poupanca seja o argumento porque o que poupa nos produtos pasta em combustivel, para comprar 2 sacos meios vazios?
    O fulano com o notepad nao tem ar de trolha, a nao ser que os trolhas na PDL estejam mais preocupados com a imagem do que com o trabalho que estao a fazer. Deve ser da equipa das filmagens.

  17. Depois de rever o video e de ter entrado no site do Baptista com o link facultado aqui num comentario:
    - o logo do super Baptista nos sacos dos Mccann e nas carrinhas parece verde, branco e preto.
    - mas as riscas de rebordo do edificio sao amarelas e ha um placcard enorme que parece de publicidade as frutas, com fundo amarelo e a inscricao Baptista a branco. O amarelo do fundo parece igual ao amarelo de um dos sacos da sra Fenn. No site do super dao grande relevo ao mercado que e normalmente de frutas e legumes. Podiam ter 2 tipos de sacos- o normal e um especial se estiverem a promover uma feira de legumes e frutas, por exemplo.
    - os sacos da sra Fenn nao sao nitidos. parecem-me branco translucido e o amarelo parece vir do logo do saco e nao de um produto dentro do saco. Quando a sra tira o saco da bagageira mostra lateralmente o amarelo e nessa imagem parece impresso no saco.
    - e um facto que os supermercados algarvios cuja clientela principal sao os turistas, sao mais caros que as grandes superficies. Mas estas zonas balneares que vivem essencialmente do verao, nao tem muita oferta de supermercados. Portanto se os sacos da sra nao sao do Baptista, sao de onde? Ha outro supermercado ou mercearia proximo? Que me pareca a grande superficie e o Continente no Shopping Algarve na Guia. O que a sra poupava em meia duzia de produtos, gastava em combustivel. No fim ficava mais caro. Os sacos tambem nao parecem do Continente e nao creio que uma sra com 81 anos que vive sozinha e tem um super ao lado com os servicos que esse presta ( home delivery) va longe fazer as compras. O que me parece e que os seus 81 anos nao a impedem de ser uma amante de rua. A varanda, ou na rua, ela tem indicadores que prenunciam gostar de andar fora de casa( ao contrario da mensagem caseira que quis passar a PJ). Repararam nos oculos de sol? Nem sao old fashion como acontece habitualmente nesta faixa etaria. Os oculos de sol sao para estar em casa e ir a varanda? Nao foi no jardim, na prumada desta varanda, que os caes sinalizaram a presenca do corpo? Quem levou o corpo do 5A sabia dos habitos da vizinha de cima e tera controlado esta varanda. Mas nunca se tem a certeza de um controle a 100%. Portanto esta vizinha tinha de ser acessorada por alguem de confianca que descobrisse o que viu/sabia, de modo a poder ser moldada. Nada que um expat da zona, bem relacionado, ou o manager do OC nao conseguissem. J Carpenter, no primeiro depoimento que fez a PJ, poe o manager do OC e um expat (property developper) bem cedo junto ao local do crime e muito empenhados em ajudar Gerry. Tambem la poe uns amigos do Surf de Gerry ( actividade de que este nunca falou). Pat Brown publicou o depoimento no seu blog.Cont

  18. Cont:
    - O homem que espera pela sra Fenn, parece ir fazer-lhe arranjos no apartamento, nao de pintura mas de carpintaria. Tem um notepad onde apontara medidas e fara eventualmente um desenho. Tem uma fita metrica e um stick de madeira. normalmente usado pelos carpinteiros para servir de prumo quando medem distancias para armarios. Na varanda esta uma madeira branca que parece uma porta de cozinha. Portanto inclino-me para obras de carpintaria na cozinha, que ja estariam a decorrer quando a sra saiu para umas compras ligeiras ali perto. O carpinteiro tera precisado de discutir algum pormenor com ela e em vez de esperar dentro de casa, resolveu espera-la ca fora e deixar a porta aberta. Ambos sabiam que a zona e segura e um assalto e a mais improvavel das situacoes.
    - O facto de Textusa e este assunto estar a ser largamente commentado na MMF, atesta a sua importancia. Alguem esta preocupado com a desconfianca que a entrada desta octogenaria em cena, gerou. Nao admira que Panda tenha la tempo de antena e que a negligencia seja servida como prato da casa.
    Esquecem um pequeno pormenor que quem faz ferias no Algarve, neste tipo de apartamentos ( tipicos de ferias) sabe- as construcoes tem um pessimo isolamento sonoro. Portanto o choro agudo e persistente na serenidade da noite que o amplia, teria de ter sido ouvido por muita gente que ficaria incomodada e intrigada. o choro de crianca e normal, mas o choro de que fala a sra Fenn ja nao o e e portanto tocaria e intrigaria muitos adultos que o comentariam. Impossivel conter este choro na prumada dos Mccann. Este parco isolamento sonoro tambem torna quase impossivel a vizinha de cima, nao se ter apercebido da movimentacao que decorria no 5A, por mais que tivessem tentado faze-la em surdina. As portas de correr do patio ou o trinco da porta principal sao facilmente audiveis. Como audiveis sao os passos das pessoas ao entrarem e sairem. Por mais que tentassem controlar a vizinha de cima, cujos habitos de rua deviam ser sobejamente conhecidos do 5A, nunca tinham a certeza de um control a 100%. Portanto, alguem de confianca teve de sondar a vizinha para saber o que viu e ouviu e moldar-lhe o pensamento. Afinal, nada que uma octogenaria lucida nao percebesse em funcao das circunstancias. Uma mentirinha a PJ, em nada mudaria a vida desta senhora de 81 anos. Em contrapartida, a verdade arruinava a vida a 8 compatriotas mais novos, podendo deixar a deriva a vida de mais umas criancas que ela sabia nunca terem sido negligenciadas. Portanto, foi so uma questao de papeis e conveniencias. Nao admira que a sra depois pedisse por favor para esquecerem isso.
    Interessante, porque e que os Pandas da MMF nao percebem do que falamos aqui, mas estao tao preocupados a perderem tempo discutindo e tentando desacreditar o que eles chamam 'nonsense'. Talvez porque seja 'fullsense'. Afinal a mentira que safou aparentemente 8,9ou 10, esta na eminencia de arruinar outros que tambem foram sondados e convencidos a calar o que viram ou suspeitaram.

  19. Not exactly related to this post, but, will this blog look into a certain Philip Edmonds, who was staying at the resort at the same time as the Tapas9 and suddenly decided to leave on the 4th May, apparently without checking out from the OceanClub...?

  20. I'd like to express my gratitude to the Portuguese readers, as a non Portuguese speaker, for the efforts they make to read a blog with posts written in English.

  21. Anon Mar 4, 2012 12:41:00 PM

    If this case is ever to be resolved, it will need the joint pressure from concerned citizens of both countries to be applied.

    Of course, the contributions of all readers who may not be English speakers are valued by the person who has written them, regardless the language used or how correctly it was done.

    Human language was created to allow us to communicate between each other, and we seem to have been able to do just that with all the English, Portuguese and Portenglish. We truly thank and appreciate all the effort made by those who try to make themselves understood in a language other than their own.

    We don't claim to be correct in everything we write, but we are sincere in coming to the conclusions we reach and welcome corrections from our friends.

    We also have to sift misinformation from those posing as friends. Sometimes it can be difficult, so your patience as we try to reach the truth is greatly appreciated.

  22. Anon Mar 4, 2012 12:18:00 PM

    Thank you for your suggestion.

  23. I believe you are very close to the truth Textusa, for all those anti comments about posts here on another website as previously mentioned suggest you hit on subjects that they do not want discussed, or else why would they bother to comment.

    You are a threat to the BH and they obviously monitor your site.

    Well done Textusa and sisters.

  24. Anon Mar 4, 12:18,

    I think that is the guy, J Carpenter is refering to on his statement to PJ. He said that there was a guy with 3 children, seating near his table at the Tapas dinner ( he don't know his name) but he remarked that the guy left the OC very early on May 4 to join his wife in switzeland.
    T Bennet, come up with the name you reported and published an email he exchanged with the guy where I think, he claims to have Madeleine on the background of the pictures he took from his children. If so, why that pictures didn't come up as the last pictures of Madeleine and why they were not published immediately after she disappeared? The last picture was published after Gerry trip to UK.
    I found strange J carpenter not knowing the name of the guy but knowing a very particular and very private information, which his the place to where he flye and who he meet there. This characters are always amazing with details. Who passed to him that information and why?
    Sorry, just a curiosity. While here the subject under discussion is Mrs Fenn and that subject his highly disturbing the members of another forum MMF, why did you bring here Mr. Edmond? I just wonder, because some members of the MMF already complaint about the way they were not allowed to post in a Forum where Mr. Bennet use to post frequently. Our friend advocato. Mrs Fenn, is a subject he?she don't want to be under scurtinny at any place.
    Apart that, Mr. Edmond and the rol some characters like the Carpenters, Berry, etc, played on May 3, 4 must be a very interesting subject to be debuncked by Textusa.

  25. To Mar 4, 2012 12:41:00 PM
    I always have read in my not english all blogs about the case.

    When I have questions or do not write or, worse, write, interpret wrong and I can cause misinterpretation to me and others.

    In my old days lol I learned French, Latin and Greek. The English language came too late for me.

    If I have doubts, I ask before making nonsense.

  26. I've just read the MMF thread.

    It's correctly called "Can anyone understand this?"

    Are they being stupid, or just stupid? They've become bickering and insulting BHs with no justifications to say what they say.

    It seems that Panda has found herself a new friend: Professor Plum.

  27. Regressando ao meu post das 8:45, o que esta na varanda junto a sombrinha, e uma porta branca. A porta de entrada e castanha, portanto ou a senhora andava a mudar as portas interiores para branco, ou andava a pintar de branco as antigas. precisou de refrescar a casa.

  28. 'Afternoon NBY, I think that"s one thing MM can be proud of, finding interesting topics and reasoned debate...' by Panda in MMF

    Ah! Ah! the Topic now is Textusa and the debate went on with many posts exchanged.
    Really Panda, you can't resist. That is the best compliment you can give to Textusa and to all of us.


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