Saturday 22 June 2019

Blood and the EVR dog - Part 3

01. Introduction

It’s said that in any creative process, like writing a book, painting a painting, the object gains a life that is independent of its creators. This series of posts shows this very clearly.

This was supposed to be a single post and is now in its third part and we inform readers that there will be six in total. Not 4, or 5 but 6. We are half-way.

Wednesday 5 June 2019

Blood and the EVR dog - Part 2

1. Introduction

We inform readers that there will be a Part 3. This part became too long so we decided to divide it.

Last week’s post we showed how Keela, the blood dog, alerts to blood and only to blood in all its states of decomposition.

No one argued against this, not even our critics. Their criticism was centred on the alleged “fact” that Eddie also alerted to blood from a live person which immediately begs the question, why call these EVRD dogs “cadaver dogs” at all, if one of their alerts would be to a substance coming from a living human?