Saturday 22 June 2019

Blood and the EVR dog - Part 3

01. Introduction

It’s said that in any creative process, like writing a book, painting a painting, the object gains a life that is independent of its creators. This series of posts shows this very clearly.

This was supposed to be a single post and is now in its third part and we inform readers that there will be six in total. Not 4, or 5 but 6. We are half-way.

When gets to the details, things need to be said and what appeared to be a simple and straightforward post, which was about the EVRD dog training quickly became apparent that it needed to be sub-divided, into blood and the EVRD training – with which we will deal today – and debunking the desensitising myth that some are trying to propagate.

Part 5 is planned to be about deployment and part 6 about Mr Thompson’s gigantic blunder.

02. Mistranslations

We will start by tackling the controversial sentence which is what was said by Martin Grime and that is in the PJFiles: “Eles localizam porém, e dão alerta para sangue seco de um humano com vida.”

This was initially published by JBLittlemore as proof that Eddie was also a blood dog. He published the translation of this phrase in the McCannPJFiles website which is “They find, however, and give the alert for dried blood from a live human being.”

We translated this phrase into “They however locate, and give the alert to dried blood from a live human being.”

The difference between our and McCannPJFiles’ translations is not significant but it shows that there are currently 3 versions of the same phrase: in the original Portuguese (red), translated by the McCannPJFiles (magenta) and translated by us (blue).

This paragraph of the post does not intend to question the content of translation but to show how inadvertently translations can affect the original meaning of words.

We only have praise to express the absolute gratitude we have for all those who translated the files and to those who have set-up the McCannPJFiles where we can all see both the originals and translations of the entire files.

What a commendable huge amount of work! We recognise it as such and sincerely appreciate it and will forever be in debt.

And because it was huge, it’s natural and expected that it will contain mistakes. To point these mistakes out is to be helpful, to give constructive criticism and in no way does it alter our absolute recognition for all the hard work some people have put into this.

In 2008, those of us who were around the case at the time, those of us who were sharing the original CDs via Hotmail Messenger chat windows (only way to share such large files at the time) know exactly how much pressure was put on the people who were translating the files.

The fact that it has so few mistakes is an outstanding achievement in itself.

But let’s see how the passage from the where the controversial phrase comes from, shows how meanings can be altered with mistranslations.

We do not have the original in English, we only have the original in Portuguese from which the McCannPJFiles site translated into English.

O cão EVRD também dá o alerta a pistas sanguíneas de um humano com vida ou somente de um cadáver?

O cão EVRD é treinado utilizando material completo e desagregado, sangue, tecidos ósseos, dentes, etc e contaminantes em decomposição. O cão reconhecerá ne integra ou ‘partes constituintes’ de um cadáver humano. Ele não é treinado para odores humanos ‘vivos’, nenhum cão treinado reconheceria o cheiro de ‘sangue fresco’. Eles localizam porém, e dão alerta para sangue seco de um humano com vida.”

This was translated by the McCannPJFiles into:

“'The dog EVRD also alerts to blood from a live human being or only from a cadaver'

The dog EVRD is trained using whole and disintegrated material, blood, bone tissue, teeth, etc. and decomposed cross-contaminants. The dog will recognize all or parts of a human cadaver. He is not trained for 'live' human odours; no trained dog will recognize the smell of 'fresh blood'. They find, however, and give the alert for dried blood from a live human being.”

This is a translation of a translation and no matter how much JBLittlemore and friends have said otherwise, it doesn’t change that fact.

We translated the same passage into this:

“Does the EVRD dog also give alerts to blood leads from a human with life or just from a cadaver?

The EVRD dog is trained with complete and disaggregated material, blood, bone tissue, teeth, etc. and crossed contaminants in decomposition. The dog will recognise in its entirety or ‘belonging parts’ of a human cadaver. He’s not trained for ‘live’ human odours, no trained dog would recognise the scent of ‘fresh blood’. They however locate, and give the alert to dried blood from a live human being.”

Again, as is obvious, this is a translation of a translation and, spoil-alert, it contains a mistake.

Before we reveal that mistake, just from the 3 versions above as they are of the same passage we can see how people with the best faith in the world, with absolutely no intent to deceive, having only the intent to help spread what the files contained, have mistranslated the following:

- translated a question into a statement;

- translated “utilizando material completo e desagregado” into “using whole and disintegrated material” instead of “trained with complete and disaggregated material”;

- translated “Eles localizam porém” into “They find, however” instead of “They however locate”.

If the last mistranslation has, as we said, no significance the first and second ones do.

The first can confuse people into thinking that it was Martin Grime saying it when it wasn’t and in the second there’s a significant difference between “disintegrated” and “disaggregated”.

And to show how hard translating is, we, even when paying close attention to that particular passage and basically revising what had already been translated, made a mistake, we translated “contaminantes em decomposição” into “crossed contaminants in decomposition”.

Where did we come up with “crossed” from? From the McCannPJFiles’ translation and that is not an excuse as that translation was exactly what we were revising when we made the mistake.

So those critics who jumped on the chance to try and convey the idea that we were dissing the translators of the McCannPJFiles, must be aware that we are now dissing ourselves. Mistakes do happen and once detected, the intellectually honest correct them.

So, please add to the list of mistranslations above:

- translated “contaminantes em decomposição” into “crossed contaminants in decomposition” instead of “contaminants in decomposition”;

There are no crossed contaminants, just contaminants.

This passage shows how when relying on a translation to prove a point one should use caution.

If, as is said, the McCanns did spend £100K on translating the files via certified translators then that  would have been  a wise correct way to spend money, and in no way represents anything against the very good-willed, highly altruistic and exceptional volunteering McCannPJFiles translators but it’s easily understood that the McCanns needed a translation they could use legally.

For the effects intended in this post we will be using this translation (ours corrected) of the passage in question:

Does the EVRD dog also give alerts to blood leads from a human with life or just from a cadaver?

The EVRD dog is trained with complete and disaggregated material, blood, bone tissue, teeth, etc. and contaminants in decomposition. The dog will recognise in its entirety or ‘belonging parts’ of a human cadaver. He’s not trained for ‘live’ human odours, no trained dog would recognise the scent of ‘fresh blood’. They however locate, and give the alert to dried blood from a live human being.”

03. The controversial sentence

So, it’s undeniable that in the PJFiles that Martin Grime appears to have said this: “They however locate, and give the alert to dried blood from a live human being.”

Only Martin Grime can clarify if this is what he really said and if he did say it as is translated, why he said it.

We have to say that when read literally it doesn’t make sense and we will try and to explain why because for us it would seem to be a case for Grouxo Marx to say “who you gonna believe, me or your own eyes?” than anything else.

We can only find 2 explanations for this, mistranslation or generalization.

The first would be the result of an innocent mistranslation, obviously with no ill intent.

For example, and speculating, Grime could have said “they however locate, and give the alert to dried blood from a human being”, with him meaning blood contaminated with cadaver compound, and the translator may have assumed that the word “however” after an adamant sentence stating clearly that Eddie was “not trained for ‘live’ human odours, no trained dog would recognise the scent of ‘fresh blood’” meant that what followed would be an alternative to this, that this “human dried blood” would be then, to highlight an exception, from a live person.

One just has to think. What is said literally does not make sense in practical terms.

If an EVRD doesn’t detect fresh blood but would detect dried blood then the only time they would not detect blood would be when the blood was flowing, literally, out of the human body because blood dries up pretty quickly. In all other circumstances they would detect blood.

As there are absolutely no circumstances in which an EVRD dog (or even a blood dog) is used when the blood is coming out of a live human being, why say the above if the situation described is one that, literally, NEVER happens? Why mention the fresh blood thing at all? It just doesn’t make any sense.

Read literally, then the EVRD dogs would detect blood in ALL their situations of deployment and if that was the case, then why not just say “EVRD dogs detects blood”?

That would make dogs like Eddie full cadaver AND blood dog, not just EVRD as per the title they bear publicly. The blood detection capability should be included in their identification. They should be called Enhanced Victim Recovery and Blood Dogs (EVRBD) and they are not. Why not, if they could detect blood in all circumstances? Because they don’t detect blood in all circumstances.

If they did, since blood dogs are known as Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) dogs then dogs like Eddie should be known as EVRCSI dogs: Enhanced Victim Recovery and Crime Scene Investigation dogs.

But as they then, according to the defenders of Eddie being a CSI & EVRD dog, any of his alerts would be questionable, then they should indeed be called GNPO dogs: Good for Nothing but for Photo Ops Dog.

The sentences “He’s not trained for ‘live’ human odours, no trained dog would recognise the scent of ‘fresh blood’” and “They however locate, and give the alert to dried blood from a live human being” are oxymorons in terms of sentences, as they absolutely contradict each other.

However, and that is what we defend, if those sentences were instead “He’s not trained for ‘live’ human odours, no trained dog would recognise the scent of ‘fresh blood’” followed by “He however locates, and gives the alert to dried blood from a human being” then all would make sense and be a very accurate description as the blood referred to would be dead blood, blood contaminated with cadaver compound.

Note in the above we have not only taken out the word “live” but we also replaced the “they” for a “he” in the last sentence.

And it’s because when one reads the 2 sentences one sees that Grime speaks of Eddie in the singular “He’sand then in the last sentence he speaks (?) of him in plural, “they”.

This change raises the possibility of the sentence having been correctly translated, the second possibility we have considered to have happened, generalisation.

Could Grime be resorting to generalisation of dogs and in that particular sentence he is talking about blood dogs?

That what he was trying to say was the EVRD dogs detect cadaver, that don’t detect ‘live’ scents and for that we have, they, the blood dogs. His reasoning would be that no trained EVRD dog would recognise the scent of ‘fresh blood’, however, blood dogs locate, and give the alert to dried blood from a live human being.

We will leave it up to readers to judge which, if either of the 2 hypotheses is the one they think happened in that sentence but the fact is only Martin Grime can clarify what he did say in reality.

We are certain he has written down somewhere what he said originally and if he doesn’t he will certainly remember what he meant to say, maybe one day he will tell us.

We know our critics will hold on for dear life to the “They however locate, and give the alert to dried blood from a live human being.” We expect that to happen and can only aspire to hope that they do explain to all of us how this phrase fits in (or doesn’t as we have shown) with the rest of the passage.

However, we won’t be sitting down waiting for that.

04. Eddie the Etcetera dog

But even if our critics hold tightly to that phrase until their knuckles go from white to translucent, that passage makes their entire argument collapse when this is said: “The EVRD dog is trained with complete and disaggregated material, blood, bone tissue, teeth, etc. and contaminants in decomposition.”

Because, if we are to follow their reasoning then the EVRD dogs are not limited to cadaver scent (“complete and disaggregated material”) and blood but also to bone tissue, teeth and contaminants in decomposition. And “etc.”. As readers know, etcetera is used at the end of a list to indicate that further, similar items are included, because that list is too tedious or clichéd to give in full. But here as the list cannot be tedious or clichéd, the etcetera should have been detailed and it isn’t.

So, EVRD dogs are not only cadaver and blood but also bone tissue, teeth. etc. and contaminants in decomposition dogs. But is it all that all they supposedly alert to? No, according to our critics: 
J B Littlemore‏ @JBLittlemore
Vol. IX p. 2480 EVRD "'Eddie' The Enhanced Victim Recovery Dog (E.V.R.D.) will search for and locate human remains AND BODY FLUIDS INCLUDING BLOOD in any environment or terrain." Martin Grime statement. So, as Syn said ... fluids with blood in as per Jersey etc. #Mccann (my caps)
12:26 AM - 1 Jun 2019

So, if one says that because Eddie alerts to blood because he was trained for it, then one has to say that he also alerts to bone tissue, teeth and contaminants in decomposition and an undefined number of body fluids. Which? We don’t know. But if he alerts to blood then he must alert to them all, whatever their number.

Maybe these plural body fluids are part of the etcetera list. Maybe that’s exactly what kind of a dog Eddie is, according to our critics: an Etcetera dog!

What an amazing dog! Basically, he alerts to all!

05. Blood mixture

There are some who say that Eddie only alerts to various fluids when they are mixed with blood… but where is that written? It’s not.

If that was the case then shouldn’t that have been definitely highlighted by Martin Grime? Shouldn’t he have said “body fluids mixed with blood” instead of “body fluids including blood” that he did?

We see no reference or the tiniest implication of any mixture involving blood, just the statement that Eddie has been trained with body fluids, one of which – so there are others – is blood. No mixtures mentioned or implied and those who deny that are simply misinforming.

But here again, our detractors shoot their own feet. If a dog would only alert to a fluid when it’s mixed with blood then what in reality would that dog be alerting to? Blood and only blood.

Blood would be the substance releasing the scent triggering the dog’s nose and the fluid with which the blood was mixed up with would be the object being alerted to.

Let’s use nasal drainage as an example. Our detractors say that such a dog would detect nasal drainage if it had blood mixed in it. Would that make him a nasal drainage dog or a blood dog? A blood dog because the nasal drainage was contaminated with blood, the real substance he was alerting to. Object, nasal drainage; substance, blood. Very easy to understand, so even our detractors can.

But this understanding fascinatingly stops when we use the exact same reasoning. We will rewrite the above and will replace ‘nasal drainage’ for ‘blood’ and ‘blood’ for ‘cadaver compound’: such a dog would detect blood if it had cadaver compound mixed in it. Would that make him a blood dog or a cadaver compound dog? A cadaver compound dog because the blood was contaminated with cadaver compound, the real substance he was alerting to. Object, blood; substance, cadaver compound. Very easy to understand, even…

Nope, our detractors’ brains suddenly freeze and abruptly fail to understand what they easily understood before. Fascinating is this switch their brains must have to understand and not understand the exact same thing.

06. Training a dog for a typical crime scene

What is the human fluid most expected to be found in a crime scene where a human being has died or where is suspected a human being has died?


That simple, that obvious and that evident.

What does that imply? That anyone who has a profession that requires being involved in such crime scenes, has to be prepared for and react to blood found there in all its forms, consistencies and constituencies.

Such a professional should be as prepared to find blood in such a crime scene as a student should be to find numbers in a math class. 

Before a dog handler enters such crime scene with his dogs, EVRD or blood, he must have them trained and certified to react to blood in whatever conditions it may present there.

In whatever state of decomposition, on whatever surfaces, independent if it’s live or dead blood or if it’s pure or mixed with other substances and/or fluids.

All hypotheses must be considered beforehand and he and his dogs must be prepared to respond to them all appropriately.

Does that mean a dog should be trained to detect blood under all circumstances?

A blood dog, yes, all other dogs, no.

All other dogs should only alert to blood if and only if that blood is mixed with the substance of their target scent.

To give an example, a dog trained to alert to shampoo, should be trained to not alert to blood without any shampoo in it. How does one determine that? By using blood without any shampoo in it as a negative control as part of the training. If the dog reacts to it, fails the test, if not, passes it.

Blood must be an integral part of the training of any dog deployed in the described crime scene, as negative control, to certify that the dog alerts only to the target substance.

After that if the dog consistently passes the test of not alerting to unmixed blood that means the dog is certified that when he reacts to blood, he’s not reacting to the blood but to the target substance that is mixed in that blood.

So and to be clear, to train a shampoo dog for deployment in a typical crime scene, blood is used. Uncontaminated blood in all its phases of decomposition as negative control. Also should be used as negative control, blood contaminated with all other substances expected to be found in a crime scene, except shampoo.

Blood with shampoo is used in training as positive control. Other positive controls would be with all other substances expected to be found in a crime scene, mixed with shampoo.

That way, the shampoo dog will be certified to alert to shampoo, mixed or on its own.

To train a shampoo dog for typical crimes scenes, blood is used. Does that mean that a shampoo dog alerts to blood? No. He alerts always to shampoo and only shampoo.

So, readers can now see that  when Martin Grime says blood is used to train the EVRD dog, that does not make Eddie a blood dog. The use of blood, a substance expected to be found in crime scenes,is mandatory in the training.

A certified EVRD dog, is trained to ONLY alert to cadaver scent wherever his nose is triggered by it. Be it in blood, be it in Cuddle-cats, be it in trousers, be it in t-shirts, be it in flowerbeds, be it closets, be it wherever.

So, Grime saying that “still born decomposing piglets” and “blood” were used in Eddie’s training makes total sense and that doesn’t make him a blood dog:
J B Littlemore‏ @JBLittlemore
J B Littlemore Retweeted J B Littlemore
And in the next sentence MG said "The initial training of the dog was conducted using human blood and still born decomposing piglets." #Mccann
J B Littlemore added,
12:30 AM - 1 Jun 2019”

About Eddie’s subsequent training, we will just quote Mark Harrison:

“An EVRD dog received additional training on human cadavers which were buried on land and submerged underwater. This took place in America and facilitated by the FBI at the University of Tennessee.”

“Human cadavers which were buried on land and submerged underwater” and no mention about being trained to alert to blood.

07. Sets and sub-sets

Hopefully by now, readers can answer this question: 
 “Green Leaper‏ @FragrantFrog
Replying to @ArataMylov
Yes you do [desensitise a dog to one particular element of the combination he's already learned]. How do you stop a cadaver dog alerting to stale urine, semen & faeces which all contain elements of human decomposition?
11:39 PM - 19 Jun 2019

And the answer is simple, if urine, semen & faeces are contaminated by human decomposition, they will be alerted to by Eddie, just like blood and Cuddle-cats. If they aren’t, he will ignore them.

See how the Frog is being specious? Containing elements of human decomposition (namely cadaverine) isn’t the same as being contaminated by human decomposition.

For some reason we say that an EVRD dog alerts to cadaver compound and not to cadaverine.

Urine & semen contain cadaverine (faeces don’t as far as we know) when produced by a living human being, but are only contaminated by human decomposition, or cadaver compound, when that human ceases to be alive.

If having elements of human decomposition was the same as being contaminated with human decomposition, then EVRD dogs would be useless in all crimes committed near any toilet. Considering that possibility is just absurd.

This is the reason why Martin Grime speaks of “human blood as a sub-set of human decomposition” in his “Forensic Canine White Papers: A proof of concept foundational guide to the application of Forensic Canines within law enforcement investigations, research and training development”:


HUMAN REMAINS DETECTION DOGS (HRDD): Sometimes referred to as a Victim Recovery Dog (VRD), or Cadaver Dog, will SPECIFICALLY discriminate, and detect, human deceased victims, inclusive of dismembered parts, in all environments / contexts, on the surface, sub-surface, on land, and in water. The dogs should be trained to generalise the spectrum of decomposition process to allow for the investigation of recent death to cold case historical remains. This type of detection dog may detect human blood as a sub-set of human decomposition.
- Canines trained with the inclusion of animal remains (pig, pork) cannot be referred to as HRDD”

About sub-sets, we went to the website Math Goodies:

Lesson on Subsets

Example 1: Given A = {1, 2, 4} and B = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, what is the relationship between these sets?

We say that A is a subset of B, since every element of A is also in B.”

It’s easy to understand that when decomposing inside a decomposing body, blood decomposition is a sub-set of the set that is the human decomposition of that body.

When released outside, when the body is not undergoing decomposition - when the human being is alive - each biological substance will undergo their unique decomposition process. Each decomposition is its own set, not a sub-set of anything.

When the substance is released from the inside of a cadaver, Eddie will alert to it. If released from a living human being, he won’t alert to any.

Keela will alert to blood in whatever state it is, independent of being dead or live blood.

08. Human blood in the EVRD training

As we have shown, because human blood is a highly likely fluid to be found in a crime scene, human blood should be used in the EVRD training:

“Drug dogs are trained on drugs, and cadaver dogs are trained on cadaver,” says Mary E. Cablk, a scientist at the Desert Research Institute in Nevada who studies scent detection. Training a cadaver dog requires regular contact with human blood, decaying flesh and bones. In the United States, dog handlers can legally obtain bodily components like human placenta and blood, but not always easily, and trainers like Cablk often resort to using their own blood. Some substitute commercially available ersatz odors (the most common is Sigma Pseudo Corpse Scent, which comes in three kinds: recently dead, decomposed and drowned). But deceased humans produce unique volatile organic compounds, and canines have a keenly attuned sense of smell, so you should practice on the real thing. “You don’t want to put other people at risk,” Cablk says — searches are often in dangerous areas, like collapsed buildings — “to find what is ultimately a dead pet.”

People who are currently desperate to diss Eddie by saying he’s also a blood dog will obviously pick from above “training a cadaver dog requires regular contact with human blood, decaying flesh and bones” but will not pick up “Drug dogs are trained on drugs, and cadaver dogs are trained on cadaver”.

No mention of cadaver dogs having been trained on blood. Drug dogs on drugs, cadaver on cadaver.

An EVRD dog is trained with blood and not on blood.

It’s clear from above that the trainer uses her own blood for training: “and trainers like Cablk often resort to using their own blood”.

Not being a cadaver herself, does she train her dogs with only live blood? Of course not, the answer of where she gets dead blood is very simple: she contaminates her live blood.

By mixing her own blood with whatever she has that she knows has cadaver compound, she will have dead blood.

Then she will have the 2 types of blood she needs for the training from her own blood: live and dead. Negative and positive controls on the reference object: blood.

This positive/negative control contamination is also applicable to all other bodily fluids that can be released by a dead human body. Any qualified trainer will know what “cadaver-fluids” s/he has to produce for the training of the EVRD dogs.

09. Conclusion

Blood is an integral part of an EVRD dog training. And it’s also an integral part of the lexicon used when speaking of EVRD dogs in their deployment, something we will analyse in detail in a later post.

That in no way means that an EVRD dog is also a blood dog. Blood is a mandatory instrument in their training not the target scent. That is very clearly one and only one: cadaver.

They are not trained first in blood and then upgraded to EVRD. They are trained only in cadaver.  

One just has to understand how, where and in what context the word ‘blood’ is used.

For example, once it’s clear that the context is cadaver scent alerting, when it’s said that teeth, blood and Cuddle-cats are alerted to, what in reality it is being said, because it is within an EVRD context, is that teeth contaminated with cadaver compound are alerted to, that blood contaminated with cadaver compound is alerted to, that Cuddle-cats contaminated with cadaver compound are alerted to.

Not that the EVRD dog is also a teeth, blood and Cuddle-cat dog.

Those who say he is a teeth, blood and Cuddle-cat dog (cannot mention one and leave the other out), are misleading on purpose. We all know that by now. For some reason they are reduced to either silence or to resorting to transparent vileness.


  1. 'Eddie' The Enhanced Victim Recovery Dog (E.V.RD.) will search for and locate
    human remains and body fluids including blood to very small samples in any
    environment or terrain.

    (English version, not translated)

    I can keep repeating this as often as you like.

    1. NotTextusa,

      1. According to your reasoning: Eddie “will search for and locate human remains and body fluids including blood”, meaning to you he’s a human remains and body fluids (including blood) dog. What other and how many fluids does he alert to? Thank you for confirming that according to you Eddie is just an etcetera dog, an absolutely useless one. By the way, when we publish the part on deployment (planned to be part 5), you will see how Eddie himself will show how wrong you are.

      2. According to our reasoning, this is said clearly within an EVRD context, meaning Eddie will search for and locate human remains (contaminated with cadaver compound (evidently)) and body fluids including blood (any body fluid contaminated with cadaver compound) to very small samples in any environment or terrain.

      By all means, do keep repeating and do keep making an absolute utter fool of yourself, with or without external help.

    2. Comment received from NotTexusa which we have censored:

      “Not Textusa has left a new comment on your post "Blood and the EVRD dog - Part 3":

      Nothing I stated was “according to me”
      It was a verbatim quote from Martin Grime.

      It’s a case of who people want to believe - the dog handler who is a certified expert and published author in the field, or a (censored) blogger (censored)?

      Posted by Not Textusa to Textusa at 22 Jun 2019, 13:12:00”


      Verbatim quote from Martin Grime: “'Eddie' The Enhanced Victim Recovery Dog (E.V.RD.) will search for and locate human remains and body fluids including blood to very small samples in any environment or terrain” (which we have never said was a translation).

      From the above “and body fluids including blood” – which body fluids besides blood? Thank you

      Want to talk about courage? Let’s start by you revealing your identity to all.

    3. NotTextusa,

      You can’t reply, can you?

      In other words, you don’t know how to get out of the hole you dug yourself into and you keep digging that hole deeper.

      We know exactly what “other fluids” means. It means… other fluids. To be precise, it means whatever fluids. And we will even take the concept further, it means whatever. Whatever fluids or whatever non-fluids, such as Cuddle-cats and trousers. Whatever contains or has cadaver compound adhered to in enough quantity to release the minimum concentration required to trigger the dog’s nose of airborne molecules of the cadaver scent, the dog will alert to it.

      You, on the other hand, say that Eddie alerts to the scent of whatever fluids AKA “other fluids”.

      From your blog:

      “That literally makes no sense at all. Literally none.
      You [Textusa] might as well insist that Semtex-trained dogs are trained not to alert to Mr Muscle Oven Cleaner”.

      See how when you make an effort you do understand things? Well done, your primary school teacher would finally be proud of you.

      If your Semtex-trained dog alerted to a bottle of Mr Muscle Oven Cleaner, that would mean that bottle may have or not Mr Muscle Oven Cleaner in it but it did certainly have Semtex, so you’d better call the bomb squad.

      However, if your Semtex-trained dog as in reality a Semtex & Mr Muscle Oven Cleaner trained dog, if he alerted to that same bottle, was he alerting to Semtex or was he alerting Mr Muscle Oven Cleaner? Would you call the bomb squad because of an oven cleaner and make a fool of yourself or make a fool of yourself by risking an explosion because you didn’t want to make a fool of yourself in front of others because you called the bomb squad because of an oven cleaner?

      Making a fool of yourself is something you are doing brilliantly at the moment.

      Looking4U2‏ @nowayjomo
      Looking4U2 Retweeted
      #mccann @mccanncasetweet lies, as usual. Cadaver dog Eddie was never employed in the hire car boot. It was the blood dog Keela. Both dogs alerted to DNA from living person at car door which contained keyfob of car.
      Looking4U2 added,
      8:06 PM - 22 Jun 2019


      Wow, could a pro have stated this better? Oh, wait a minute… nowayjomo is a pro!

  2. One question:- from where do you believe Grime obtained this human cadaver contaminant to mix with human blood in order to train Eddie?

    1. Frog,

      We would say he used a certified and authorised substance that produced a positive result accepted by the appropriate authorities from the respective country where such certification is taking place.

      Morse, the dog that succeeded Eddie was trained on cadaver contaminated scent pads (used in the Castillo case) so presumably Eddie was trained in the US using same method.

      Again, only Martin Grime can answer your question fully.

    2. So in other words, you have absolutely no idea, because you made it up.

    3. NotTextusa,

      Have you caught a Jules-bug?

      You know, that ailment that causes one to continue to make a fool of oneself knowing full well that one is making a fool of oneself but is unable to stop?

      It appears you have.

    4. To NT,
      Please enlighten us as to which training aids were used when Eddie was trained in the USA.
      Details and quotes would be helpful.

    5. Would you like to post a link to ''Cadaver Compound'' Mario?


    6. Idiot@ 10.41

      I suggest you contact Martin Grime as that information is not in the public arena

    7. NotTextusa at 23 Jun 2019, 11:00:00,

      Are you losing the plot, NotTextusa? Is defeat affecting you that much? We know what a disappointment it must be for you not to have been able to fill Blacksmith’s shoes…

      What problem would we have in providing a link, that we have provided many times in the past, of one of our posts?

      Here it is:

      Why on earth would it cross our minds not to provide the link? Only an unbridled utter stupidity from an unbalanced mind could come up with that idea, a mind that is now firing blindly in all directions…

      And to the link to our post, let us add this one:

      “The headspace of a decomposing body contains hundreds of different compounds, from most chemical families, and over a large dynamic range.”

      And this one:

      “These factors can also have an effect on the large number of compounds produced during the decomposition process.”

      You agree with Mr Thompson and JBLittlemore that Maddie’s body was never carried in that car. Now that we are showing why you hold such an opinion and in the lack of any substantial counter-argument what you do what bullies do and attempt to make things personal.

      You goad. You don’t want a conversation to debate sensibly, never wanted it. You just want to be nasty, to off-put readers. Fighting hard to distract from the facts.

      Even when you goad you fail, as has been your habit for years now.

      For your information, we take your goading, your nastiness and your despair as a compliment as it proves we are on the right track.

      It’s very amusing to see a coward like yourself, when absolutely convinced you’re doxxing someone from the blog, you like to write down names but then hide fiercely behind anonymity both of name and of gender.

      Here we were thinking the Brits were brave people. Your lack of bravery shines through. What a disappointment you are to your country.

      And this said by someone you think is a hairy Iberian arse with short fat legs, according to this comment of yours in your blog at 30 May 2019 at 22:45: “So you can insert your threats up your hairy Iberian arse, Mario. You'll find it between your short fat legs”. Could the insult be any greater than being called out a coward by a native?

      Animals with the size of feathers of the white-feather you deserve to receive went extinct with the Ice age.

      By the way, before commenting on the appearance of others, you should check out whether you and your supporters can all pass muster aesthetically, as this appears to be the shallow criteria you and your friends judge people by.

      Mocking people for being midgets is what some of your gang do. Even if they are McCann supporters, there is no justification for making fun of people with physical attributes your lot deem less desirable than their own perfection. Perfection after photoshopping, it must be said.

      We can envisage you as school bullies, tormenting smaller children with red hair, a stammer, being fat or wearing glasses.

      Readers will remember how much xenophobic violence was thrown at Amaral, just for being Portuguese.

    8. By the way NotTextusa,

      I AM a fictional woman, and I AM fictionally married to fictional Fred and I AM ready to prove that by showing the fictional marriage certificate for all to see.

      Now, when are we going to see your scientific credentials? Are they fiction or non-fiction?

      Who is trying to be a bigger deceiver in the Maddie case? Some heteronym who recognises publicly she's a fictional character or someone who pretends to be a real scientist when he's not?

    9. NT@11:34
      Thank you for confirming what I suspected. You have no idea what Eddie trained on in the USA.
      You were just making it up that he was trained to alert to blood of living people?
      Debunkers of theories must do better.

    10. Censored comment received from NotTextusa:

      "Not Textusa has left a new comment on your post "Blood and the EVRD dog - Part 3":

      “The headspace of a decomposing body contains hundreds of different compounds, from most chemical families, and over a large dynamic range.”

      Precisely what I have stated; hundreds of volatile - ie gaseous - compounds all produced during the process.

      Not some single, mythical ''Cadaver Compound'' which you claim coats the surface of the cadaver like an oily salad dressing.


      Posted by Not Textusa to Textusa at 23 Jun 2019, 16:19:00"


      Our caps:

      “At trial, FBI Canine Program Manager Rex Stockham testified as an expert in forensic canine operation. Stockham testified about the process of training and testing victim recovery dogs. Stockham’s protocol called for regular single- and double-blind testing of dogs throughout their working lives. Stockham’s program had three full-time handlers in its program, including Martin Grime. Stockham testified that he had tested Morse and Keela, Grime’s dogs, and that both dogs had accuracy ratings in the high 90 percent range. Stockham testified that dogs have been able to smell the odor of decomposition as soon as 2 hours after a victim’s death, or years after a victim’s burial.
      Grime testified as an expert in the training and employment of cadaver dogs. According to Grime, he is a full-time contractor for the FBI. Grime worked with MORSE, A DOG “TRAINED TO SEARCH FOR AND DETECT THE ODOR OF DECOMPOSING HUMAN REMAINS,” AND KEELA, “TRAINED TO SEARCH FOR AND LOCATE SPECIFICALLY HUMAN BLOOD.” Grime testified that there was no methodology to test the dogs’ responses when there is no recoverable material, and that the odor of decomposition may transfer if a person TOUCHES a dead body and then TOUCHES something else.”


      Why doesn’t Grime also mention in court that Morse also alerts to blood?

      And what’s this about touching?? Doesn’t Grime know that it’s all ONLY GASEOUS??

      Is NotTextusa calling Grime an idiot or is it the other way around?

    12. I suggest you do what I suggested you do years ago - buy yourself a basic science textbook and address the yawning gaps in your education, because the world grows tired of trying to explain this. It's like trying to explain quantum mechanics to a potato.

    13. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

      And we suggest you go back to your fanbase. Oh, wait, that’s now only reduced to Jules, isn’t it?

      And could you please pass this to your only fan?

      The Tapas has moved to the beach!

      Oh, have you found that ossuary beneath 5A yet?

  3. Hi. I understand that the use of dogs separately and in that order clears the doubt that arises after that controversial paragraph of M.G. Eddie enters first because only the discovery of blood matters if and only if there is a previous indication of a corpse. precisely because it is considered necessary scientific evidence to support Eddie's findings. but it would be enough with the dog CSI. Now, I do not think that MG's response to the PJ wants to question the use of dogs in research, but I certainly do not rule it out. I have the doubt if it was not another result of pressure, like the second report of the laboratory that came to ridicule its own preliminary report ...

  4. It shows great integrity to admit to your mistakes vs the weakness of others who prefer to hide their own.


    Oh, look who is a supporter that Eddie is both an EVRD and blood dog: Muratfan!

    “debunker, on Dec 30, 2012

    [insert] muratfan said:
    Both alert to blood... Eddie to both cavadar and blood. [end of insert]

    Agreed, but neither react to 'body scents'; Tracker dogs do, blood dogs and cadaver dogs do not.”


    So now we have the following pros believing that Eddie is both an EVRD and blood dog: NotTextusa, Muratfan, JBLittlemore, nowayjomo, Mr Thompson and debunker.

    We are repeating ourselves above as ‘debunker’ is NotTextusa, isn’t that so NotTextusa?

    1. Neither NT, JBL or NT are pros.

      The pros enjoy your blog.

      The three people I've named above think your blog is a hive of incorrect information.

    2. Oh, hello Mr 🐍Thompson!

      Even under enforced silence you can’t resist, can you?

      And you get so altered that you spell NT twice…

      Was this the best brown-nosing way you found to show your utmost loyalty to him so the income doesn’t disappear?

    3. What ''income'' would that be, Mario?

    4. NotTextusa,

      Please tell your friend over at Ben-Hadj, Shanahan & Henderson, that the bank has contacted us and they have very bad news for your friend.

      They have confirmed that they are really going to collect the loan. With interest. To the last cent. To the very last cent. Regardless of whatever. You know how banks are, ruthless, persevering dogs that don’t let go of the bone.

      The bank said, not sure what it means but they are certain you will know, that you are the one hiking up your friend’s interests to loan shark levels and is something you may want to know. We did tell them that you have no friends, just servants and bosses. As that person at Ben-Hadj, Shanahan & Henderson falls into the servant category and as you have proven that you don’t give a hoot about your servants, we warned the bank that it wouldn’t make a difference but they insisted we tell you.

      You’ve been told and that person has also read it, it’s now between you two, if you give a toss.

      The bank says all the paperwork has been done and is ready, the balance sheet has been refined (when and where the money of the loan was spent, how it was spent but most importantly with whom it was spent) and is just waiting for management to decide what will the right time to go collecting.

      By the way, the bank has also said that the balance sheet on your friend at Ben-Hadj, Shanahan & Henderson, is not the only one they have ready. It seems they have refined sheets on many of your other friends too. And friends of your friends.

      A financial crisis coming?

    5. You’re going to have to translate that, Mario, I don’t speak gobshite

    6. NotTextusa,

      A translator shall be provided. Not by us.

      Interest rate up a point. Do continue. It's on you.

    7. It would be very foolish of you to attempt to threaten me, Mario. Or to attempt to threaten others in order to get to me. I suggest you wind your neck in.

    8. NotTextusa,

      By all means, please quote us where we have threatened you. It is becoming quite boring us asking for quotes and not getting any quotes quoted. Are you always this panicky? Very unbecoming…

      You really think a big deal of yourself, don’t you? You are not, you are just a monkey. A higher ranked monkey than the people you have working for you but a monkey nonetheless.

      Why would we want to get to you when you’ve been one of our biggest helpers? You have made a fool of yourself repeatedly, you have shown how vile and foul-mouthed people who oppose us are, you, by being their “best-player” have shown how empty and ridiculous are the arguments against what we have written in the blog. In fact, you are its best promoter.

      But the most important way you have helped us was by through the years giving us directions to valuable information which we would never have found without YOUR (and specifically yours) precious and valued help. To get to you would mean killing our golden egg chicken and we’re not stupid. You are a valued resource and we will be saddened if we lose you, just the way you are.

      Thank you for confirming that the “friend over at Ben-Hadj, Shanahan & Henderson” is indeed your friend. You were supposed to say “what f**king, friend are you talking about??”. You didn’t. A little translation by the appropriate translators really makes a difference, doesn’t it?

      No one is threatening you. All we want to do is to is to explain to readers why someone, you, who on Dec 11 2017 was bragging “So, Maria, as I am sure you are aware that I have all your real-life details”, is now filling his mouth (or is it her mouth from New South Wales as Mr Thompson has been spreading to his friends that’s who you are? 😂😂😂😂) with “Mario”, “Mario” and “Mario”. And then “Mario” again.

      We just want to explain to readers how you got hold of that such “precious” information that you hold so dearly to be true and are using it so repeatedly like a little boy so proud to have spelled “MUM” correctly on a paper plate with macaroni in his first kindergarten assignment. You do come across as a proud little toddler. Go on, say “Mario” again. We love to see toddlers happy.

      You see, every single time you allegedly doxx “Mario” the more embarrassing it is to your “friend over at Ben-Hadj, Shanahan & Henderson” (the reason we said you are raising that friend’s “loan-interests” because the more you people reveal your “confidential” information – which if you haven’t grasped yet is useless – the more you make your friend look ridiculous). You are doxxing more your friend than you are doxxing any of us. Say “Mario” again, please. LOL

      And yes, we know your friend was not the sole source of that information, that there was a more purplish one, but the link between you and “Ben-Hadj, Shanahan & Henderson” has been established and that, for us is all that matters.

      Again, a piece of information that we have you and only you to thank for. Another one. Brilliant. Appreciated.

      You see, you are very much like Mr Thompson. No one should tell you anything because you cannot be told any information because you’re unable to control yourselves and will use it without pondering on the consequences of what it means you revealing having that information.

      In doing so you embarrass your sources. Very much like Mr Thompson did with what he was told and ended up with his blundering. That did not make you happy, now did it? That’s how people feel about you. You have abused their confidence. A very naughty and nasty thing to do to friends. But then again, you don’t have friends you only have people you use.


    9. (Cont)

      Whey are we saying this?

      Because what is anonymity today is an anonymity protected by today’s tools. Tools that will be obsolete in the future.

      In that future, when someone will click on your name “NotTextusa” pop-up screens will probably appear and with all the information there is about you and all your connections done by some future algorithm. In the future, if someone is interested in knowing what was your role in this case, computers will show them, all your connections, all your characters and all your personal information.

      No use deleting anything. The deleting tools are those that will be obsolete in the future. Anything that took place online will be retrievable, and that includes private conversations.

      This is not a threat because the same will happen with us, with your friends, with our friends, with everyone.

      Anonymity will be something very hard to achieve in the future, and that is something that you and your people did not think about and maybe should have before engaging in the sick lives you live.

      Evidently not all will be monitored, that’s in the movies. But all information will be presented very quickly within a chosen context about a chosen individual, that will be very real. A reality that all of us are in the making of today. Food for thought to those who thought this was just words on a screen.

      And then history will repeat itself. Remember all those who gave their statements totally unaware that they would be made public. If they knew that was going to happen, would have they done the same?

      We will have a batch of people who will see revealed what they said online about the case thinking they could just say it without consequences.

      History will know who every single one of us is (and that will include all multiple online characters), will know what every single one of us was in the case and will judge us accordingly.

      We have no problems with that. No one who genuinely sought the truth about Maddie has absolutely anything to fear.

      In our case, we saw history anticipate itself because the fact that the minor was stalked means our anonymity has been compromised, and yet we continue. Why? Because our consciences are clear.

      You, on the other hand are the one who seems to have a problem to reveal who you are. For some reason you engage in doxxing but protect your anonymity like Fort Knox.

      Why? Why are you so embarrassed about people finding out about what you do?

      If you have no problem with people knowing who you are and what you do, then you certainly shouldn’t be rattled by us wanting to tell our readers how you got the “precious” 😂😂😂😂 information you think you have.

      Yet, you appear rattled. You even speak of being threatened…

    10. NotTextusa,

      By all means, please quote us where we have blackmailed you. It is becoming quite boring us asking for quotes and not getting any quotes quoted. Are you always this rattled? Very unbecoming…

      First you imagined that we had threatened you when we hadn’t. Now you are imagining that we are blackmailing you. Where have we said you do this or…?

      What next are you going to invent?

      You haven’t made you any offer. It you want to continue to throw your friends under the bus, by all means do continue.

      Whenever you say “Mario” your Ben-Hadj, Shanahan & Henderson is exposed and doxxed. So by all means do go on, say it as many times as you wish.

      Your failure to realise that only shows your “slaves” on what solidarity they can expect from you when their game starts to be exposed: you will always come first and they matter absolutely nothing to you.

      You will not bend, you will not concede, regardless of who you compromise.

      Great results you have achieved.

      The more rattled you are, the more uncontrolled you become. The more uncontrolled you become, the more you expose your gang.

      If only you knew how much you make us smile.

    11. NotTextusa,

      You really are a case to be said "with friends like you, who needs enemies".

      By the way, have you noticed that this all started because Mr Thompson couldn't control himself and had to comment?

      You should really have a word with him.

    12. But Mario, you are just a fictional woman married to a fictional man, remember? You did clearly state that. So I can call you what I like. Or does it threaten your fictional husband's masculinity in some way?

      After all, you have been falsely claiming that I am several different named people for some years, have you not?

      What's sauce for the goose, etc.

    13. NotTextusa (or should we say Ms B (or is it Mrs B?) as Mr Thompson has said that’s what your name is?),

      You really are not a very bright man, are you?

      Of course you can call me/us whatever you like. Haven’t you done that for the last 11 yrs? Has it it had any effect other than drawing people away from you and directed them to us?

      Has it affected us at all? You think we are worried about what you call us? Really? Seriously?

      As you seem to fail to understand, let us try to explain what is at stake so that even you can understand.

      When there’s an open wound one either let’s it heal and avoids anything that might make it worse or one pokes a stick in it and cause it to infect. Even you are able to understand which is better. You are also able to understand the more one pokes the wound with the stick the more it is likely to infect.

      The gender and doxxing issues are wounds created by you. What you utterly fail to understand is that this wound is on your body, not on ours. The more you poke the stick, the more you hurt yourself, not us.

      For example, when you say “you are just a fictional woman married to a fictional man, remember?”, you are poking the gender-worrying wound.

      You are clearly worried that Textusa may be a man but are you worried about whether Trish Hills Allen is a fictional woman because he’s really a man? No, you seem not to be.

      Are you worried about whether Paul Rees is a fictional man because she’s really a woman? No, you seem not to be.

      Neither about Kirstie Murray being a fictional woman, nor about Mr Thompson being a fictional man. Netty Estelle being a fictional woman nor Natalie Charlesworth being a fictional man.

      But truth is, 2 of the 6 above are gender-fakes, and you by insisting on making gender an issue are poking a stick in that wound. Making their names resurface, time and time again. Wheneve you mention gender about us, it becomes about them. It’s them you are hurting, not us.

      You just won’t let that wound heal, will you? And why, to save face. Just to save your own face, knowing you are hurting them.

      What do you think Trish Hills Allen, Paul Rees, Kirstie Murray, Mr Thompson, Netty Estelle and Natalie Charlesworth will be thinking about that? Pleased? Hardly likely. Angry, frustrated? Most likely. They do certainly feel exasperated by the fact that you won’t stop poking the stick in the wound.

      With your “But Mario” you are trying to doxx again.

      Doxxing knowing full well that it will draw attention to your “Ben-Hadj, Shanahan & Henderson” friend again who really must be fed up with you saying “Mario” by now. Only if there was a time-machine…


    14. (Cont)

      And yet you insist to continue to poke the stick in that wound as well. And what for? To save face, to show you will not back down. Just like a little boy in the aisle of the supermarket sitting on the floor, crossing his arms and holding his breath until he gets the brand of cereal he wants. Annoying little brat, isn’t he? That’s the perfect picture of you. You will embarrass those with you, you will embarrass yourself but you won’t get up by yourself, oh no.

      You know who you remind us of in these times when Boris Johnson has said “do or die”? You remind us of Lord Cardigan and the “do AND die” of the charge of the light brigade. A totally stupid thing to do and yet it was done.

      You, in an attempt to save face, will make your soldiers ride against cannons. Let them die, they are expendable, your face is way more important.

      Now, who follows such a leader? A leader who won’t hesitate to sacrifice his soldiers just because he gets upset because he didn’t get a proper salute in the morning? Only the idiots and the desperate would follow such an individual.

      And that is linked to the answer of a question you may ask: if the doxxing and the gender-faking doesn’t worry us at all, then why are we insisting on the subject?

      Because it is to our advantage. It highlights what a weak leader you are. Totally self-centred and self-obsessed. One who will drag with him just to save face.

      By helping you poke those sticks in those wounds we show how much your monkeys feel constantly worried because they have a leader who cannot control himself.

      So when we say, please continue, we mean it. Every time you show concern about gender-faking we feel like we are a dagger being driven slowly by you into the heart of Justice for Madeleine FB group. Every time you say “Mario” it’s your friend “Ben-Hadj, Shanahan & Henderson” who feels the pain, not us.

      Hear that sound in the background? No, it’s not clapping. It’s a mixture of moans and groans from your side of the fence with laughter from ours. That’s how ridiculous and pathetic you have become.

      Now that we have made it clear where we stand (and so have you), let’s get back to the facts of the Maddie case, more specifically the blood and the EVRD dogs posts.

    15. Mrs B,

      Do you remember this?
      green‏ @greenink211
      Why do so many anti #McCanns demonstrate such poor debating skills and have to resort to abuse? Lack of education. ignorance of facts or...
      12:16 AM - 7 Oct 2013
      green‏ @greenink211
      Why do so many #anti #McCanns have to resort to foul disgusting language? A sign they are just scum or are they just immature kids really?
      12:15 AM - 7 Oct 2013

    16. "Of course you can call me/us whatever you like. Haven’t you done that for the last 11 yrs? Has it it had any effect other than drawing people away from you and directed them to us?

      Has it affected us at all? You think we are worried about what you call us? Really? Seriously?

      As you seem to fail to understand, let us try to explain what is at stake so that even you can understand."

      "But truth is, 2 of the 6 above are gender-fakes, and you by insisting on making gender an issue are poking a stick in that wound. Making their names resurface, time and time again. Wheneve you mention gender about us, it becomes about them. It’s them you are hurting, not us."

      This is how psychopaths work, Mario. It's how domestic violence perpetrators work. It's how terrorists work.It's how blackmailers work.

      'Do as I tell you or I will hurt the children'
      'Do as we say or we will blow up the innocent'
      'Do as I say or I will hurt you by hurting those close to you'

      One never, ever gives in to terrorists, Mario.

    17. After having minor girl stalked, after getting menacing Brighton bombing IRA quotes, we hope the authorities are following this threat veiled as a comment.

    18. MI5 are right on it, Mario. At your service, Sir.

    19. From NotTextusa's blog:

      "Jules..30 June 2019 at 06:32

      Odds on the wife beater reference is what triggered him..
      Short arsed prick.."

  6. @idiot, 11.34.

    Let's study your reply, shall we?

    Thank you for confirming what I suspected. You have no idea what Eddie trained on in the USA.
    You were just making it up that he was trained to alert to blood of living people?
    Debunkers of theories must do better.''

    Now let's look at the question you posed:

    ''To NT,
    Please enlighten us as to which training aids were used when Eddie was trained in the USA.
    Details and quotes would be helpful.''

    And my answer:

    Not Textusa23 Jun 2019, 11:34:00
    "Idiot@ 10.41

    I suggest you contact Martin Grime as that information is not in the public arena"

    Now - and this will all appear on my blog in case your shortarsed hairy friend bins it - perhaps you could try again?

    You asked a specific question, and you received a specific answer. Of course, you may prefer to make stuff up, but at least be honest about the fact that you are doing so.

    You asked what training aids were used in the USA, with details and quotes

    That information is not in the public domain.

    Shall I do a Textusa and make it up, sweetcheeks?

    That seems to make you happy :)


  7. Here's an article which may make you re-think your "oily residue fact", Textusa.

    1. Frog,

      What part of "This has NO scientific basis" did you not understand?

      Even it had, can you tell which of the Eddie's alerts would be because of this? For example, do you think Kate sat on one of these plants?

    2. I was more interested in the part about dogs being unable to detect particles stuck to a surface....*sigh.

    3. Frog,

      You mean this?

      In terms of odor sticking or being held making it easier for the dog to smell... in fact the opposite is happening. Odor molecules that are truly stuck to a surface, which does in fact occur, are not available to be smelled by a dog. For odor to be smelled, it, the odor molecule, has to be in the air column so that it can get sucked up into a dog's nose, hit the receptor and trigger the brain parts that do the olfaction. (How's that for non-technical explanation?) So an odor molecule(s) cannot simultaneously be stuck to a leaf AND be in the air column. It's like those old flypaper strips that you hang from the ceiling. If the fly is an odor molecule and your hand-vac is a dog's nose, you can vacuum up the flying fly but not the one stuck to the fly strip. Same concept."

      If it's this, you do understand the concept of a source of a scent (the oily film the Rat speaks of) and the scent emitted by it (the airborne molecules, which are what triggers the dog's nose)?

    4. Why use a blood dog to pinpoint the invisible "oily residue" which triggers a cadaver dog alert?

    5. Frog,

      Please quote us where we have said that. Thank you.

    6. @ Frog.

      That's actually a very interesting article, I read it a while ago.
      The thing is, body disposal sites, as opposed to graveyards, can be identified by changes in vegetation; it's actually one way of finding them, especially with the use of aerial photography. However it seems obvious to me that what is occurring in those cases referenced in the paper is that the presence of those products of decomposition in the soil is what triggers the alert, not the plants themselves.

    7. One step at a time, then.
      Did Eddie alert to a general area or pinpoint the source of his alert?
      What's the purpose of a blood dog if trying to find the invisible oily residue you claim must have triggered Eddie's alerts?

      If a general area, why bring in a blood dog trained to find decomposed blood from both the living & the dead? According to you, the only common scent the 2 dogs shared was to dried blood from the dead.
      Why did Grime write this in his personal profile about Eddie in the section about the blood dog....

      "It is possible however that the EVRD will locate the scent source as it would for 'dead body' scent. Forensic testing may not produce evidence but any alert may provide intelligence to support other factors in the investigation of a crime."

      Why "only possible" if Eddie alerted purely to decomposition associated with human remains?

    8. Frog,

      No. No steps determined by you at no time.

      We pick our battles, when we fight them and how we fight them. Only the stupid show up to every battle they are invited to and only idiots attempt to make that effort.

      One has only to respond to one’s conscience and answer to oneself if when not responding is one running away like a NotTextusa, sorry, a coward, like when he doesn’t answer the question about “other fluids” nor explains how one can contaminate a gaseous substance solely by touch as Martin Grime clearly said when he described the contamination process of the cadaver scent, or is one simply delaying the answer to the best time to answer it.

      We have already explained that we will deal with the deployment of the dogs in a separate post. In it we hope to answer all your questions and if we don’t, then after it please feel free to ask again the ones we haven’t. But only then.

      We will not change our rhythm.

      But to quickly answer your questions with explanations given when we deal with deployment in post.

      “Did Eddie alert to a general area or pinpoint the source of his alert?”

      He pinpoints the source of his alert just like Keela pinpoints the source of hers. However, for reasons we will explain in that post Eddie’s pinpointing has peculiarities that Keela’s pinpointing doesn’t. The fact that one uses the word ‘pinpoint’ with Keela and not with ‘Eddie’ feeds the idea that Keela supports Eddie’s findings. She doesn’t. They each are the confirmation of themselves, Eddie confirms that it’s cadaver without the need of Keela and Keela confirms that it’s blood without the need of Eddie. There use in tandem has nothing to do with supporting each other.

      “What's the purpose of a blood dog if trying to find the invisible oily residue you claim must have triggered Eddie's alerts?”

      False statement, please quote where we have said that.


      “If a general area, why bring in a blood dog trained to find decomposed blood from both the living & the dead? According to you, the only common scent the 2 dogs shared was to dried blood from the dead.”

      Answer is explained by the reason the dogs are used in tandem. Will explain in post.

      Why did Grime write this in his personal profile about Eddie in the section about the blood dog....
      "It is possible however that the EVRD will locate the scent source as it would for 'dead body' scent. Forensic testing may not produce evidence but any alert may provide intelligence to support other factors in the investigation of a crime."
      Why "only possible" if Eddie alerted purely to decomposition associated with human remains?”
      Before he says what you quoted defines that a “’dead body’ scent” may be alerted to from a distance its emitting source:

      “The dog will alert to the presence of 'dead body' scent whether it is at source or some distance away from a deposition site. This enables the use of the dog to identify the exhaust of the scent through fissures in bedrock or watercourses.”

      Then later says what you have quoted which means that it is possible for the EVRD dog to locate the emitting source. Meaning that under certain specific circumstances, Eddie’s pinpointing may be similar to Keela’s kind of pinpointing but this is not common.

      Green Leaper‏ @FragrantFrog
      Replying to @Cerb32 @BourgeoisViews and 18 others
      Thank you, Cerb. As Eddie was not operating under test conditions & no body or human remains have ever been located connected to the areas alerted, there is no way of assessing whether his alerts were correct or not, or what he was actually alerting to.
      11:28 PM - 23 Jun 2019



      You wish.

      The Portuguese justice system has assessed his alerts were correct.

      And we know exactly what he was actually alerting to: human cadaver scent, and only that.

  8. Are Frog and NT working in tandem?

    1. Confusion is good, remember ��

  9. Textusa what do you think of the new disguise, replacing that other person, talking to cerb about the dogs? Does this new frock make any difference repeating the same boring messages about the dogs, over again and again, for the show.

    1. Anonymous 24 Jun 2019, 12:09:00,

      We intend to reply specifically to that question in our next post.

      Do keep track on with whom he engages and do read attentively what he says. All very interesting.

    2. Thank you. I will read with new interest now. Good to know you discuss this in your next post.

  10. We have published NotTextusa’s comments at

    - 23 Jun 2019, 20:38:00, to an Anonymous he has called “@idiot, 11.34”
    - 23 Jun 2019, 23:55:00, reply to the Frog.

    They are 17 minutes apart.

    The first one we read a defeated angry man, rambling, waffling, feeling he has to lash out at anything or anyone after having been beaten black and blue. Resorts to insult, tries to make it personal, a defeated man, apoplectic.

    17 minutes later he’s totally recomposed. Literally a new man. The Frog gave him what he saw as an opportunity and he set aside anger to seize it.

    Why are we showing this?

    Because it shows how this individual, a professional, is able to switch quickly between characters. And why is been able to maintain so many different characters in these 12 years.

    1. What's alarming, and shocking, is how this NT character can insult and demean when trying to win an argument, then switch it all off as if it none of it meant anything; It was all just a game. Which can only mean that NT has no empathy, no sense of others, or of self. One can call NT a narcissistic personality -- but at an advanced stage. A sociopath.

  11. Tex, I think they've all run out of puff - all out of challenging questions - enough so that u may not need to go to Part 6. They might all need a BRT conference to discuss tactics.

    Airam‏ @MariaxoxoxMaria
    Airam Retweeted Sunrise
    #MadeleineMcCann Its now coming to the end of June and still this test hasn't been acknowledged. Why?? @missingpeople
    Airam added,
    2:12 PM - 24 Jun 2019


    [Tweet retweetd by Airam:
    “Sunrise‏Verified account @sunriseon7
    One of the world's leading DNA experts says new testing may finally reveal what happened to Maddie McCann.
    11:58 PM - 31 Mar 2019”]

    00The Jules... 🕵️‍♀️ 🐌 🌸 🐌 🌸 🐌 🌸‏ @Jules1602xx
    Replying to @xxSiLverdoexx @McCannCaseTweet
    If someone took a pic of my daughter & shared it around on SM to strangers Shell I'd be going ape shit...
    She's a minor FGS..
    What's wrong with people..
    8:10 PM - 24 Jun 2019


    Look at who is now so concerned for the well-being of minors as if she didn’t write all the foul things about a stalked minor.

    To be clear, we absolutely subscribe with what Jules wrote in her tweet but unlike Jules we don’t differentiate minors and them being targeted.

    1. Ironically - just a tut tut from the gang when it was revealed that McFadden posted a photo of one of the McCann twins...

    2. Was your daughters pic put on Social Media and commented on..? No..
      If it had have been I'd have said exactly the same..The people who commented about your daughters stalking incident were the ones you tried to blame for being involved.. You had no right making such accusations..
      If you make such accusations then expect it to be commented about.. Stop trying to score cheap points using minors..

    3. Jules,

      Please quote us where this happened:

      "The people who commented about your daughters stalking incident were the ones you tried to blame for being involved.."

      Have we accused you of being involved? Please quote us.

      Have we accused Anne Guedes of being involved? Please quote us.

      Have we accused Blacksmith of being involved? Please quote us.

      In fact, please quote us where we have accused specifically anyone of being involved.

      Thank you.

    4. From NotTextusa’s blog:

      “SadeElisha25 June 2019 at 20:42
      Good evening NT. I'm told Mario is having trouble remembering when he ever accused anyone that comments here, of being involved in the stalking of his daughter.
      We surely didn't all, collectively imagine it did we? My phone isn't friends with the blog's search function atm, so if anyone could help the old dear out, as a public service like...😀”


      Sade Anslow,

      We are glad you are all now searching the blog to help Jules find the refs of where we accused anyone of being involved in the stalking.

      No need to go that further back.

      The stalking happened in the end of November, so searching before that only shows how stupid you are.

      Then after the IRA quote threats, the matter was debated in February this year.

      Really not that much to search but do go continue, we’re waiting. At least we know that there are at least 3 people searching avidly: you, NotTextusa and Jules.

      We do hope you produce some results otherwise you will simply be doing a “Jules’ BRT pics & mails”.

      By the way, we’re not the ones who have a problem in remembering things, Jules is.

      Jules has made the accusation, Jules (now with your precious help) is the one who has to put up. Going by the BRT pics & mails, we all know how that ends.

      You know who else has a memory problem? You.

      You are the one who has apparently forgotten what you wrote to us in January in a do not publish comment. We have repeatedly asked you to provide us a mail so we can send you your comment to help you with your severe memory problem by letting you read and remember what you wrote.

      Why are you so scared of reading what you wrote?

    5. From NotTextusa himself, in his blog:

      “Not Textusa9 June 2019 at 12:40
      I guess this was aimed at me :)

      Textusa9 Jun 2019, 11:39:00

      Apologies for this late reply and apologies for not replying right at the moment but your comment deserves a detailed reply which we hope we can give tomorrow.

      Unlike some who use "I'm busy" to run away from their responsibilities when they aren't, we are rather busy at the moment (our most faithful readers will know that we are on in the Summer Break period).

      We will reply to you as soon as we can. As said, hopefully tomorrow.''

      This just shows how far removed from reality the prat is.

      In the previous post I mentioned being busy. That how most people live their lives - busy with work, family, friends etc. I'm no exception to that, Mario. You clearly are.

      Who the fuck gives you the right to determine whether I am busy or not?
      And as for ''responsibilities'', mine is to the people I care about and provide for in my life. This is just an extracurricular activity.

      If you have reached the stage where you neglect your stalkee relatives in order to sit at home being a laptop warrior then you need a life audit, chum.”


      NotTextusa confirming that the stalking, unlike Jules has stated was not a lie invented by us and that the objective of the stalking of the minor was to convince us to stop blogging:

      “If you have reached the stage where you neglect your stalkee relatives in order to sit at home being a laptop warrior then you need a life audit, chum.”

    6. "NotTextusa confirming that the stalking, unlike Jules has stated was not a lie invented by us and that the objective of the stalking of the minor was to convince us to stop blogging:

      “If you have reached the stage where you neglect your stalkee relatives in order to sit at home being a laptop warrior then you need a life audit, chum.”

      I have no doubt your daughter was followed. I think the rest is a figment of your overactive and unhealthy imagination. Any further suggestion that I have any knowledge of or involvement in that event will result in action against you

    7. NooTextusa,

      If "the rest is a figment of your overactive and unhealthy imagination" then in what way do I "neglect your stalkee relatives in order to sit at home being a laptop warrior"?

      If it's all imagination, there can't be neglect.

    8. NotTextusa,

      If "the rest is a figment of your overactive and unhealthy imagination" then in what way do I "neglect your stalkee relatives in order to sit at home being a laptop warrior"?

      If it's all imagination, there can't be neglect.

    9. From NotTextusa’s blog:

      SadeElisha26 June 2019 at 19:01
      He's still chomping at the bit for my personal email address I see 😄
      You won't be getting it Mario. I don't need reminding of anything thanks very much, I know exactly what I wrote and why, as do those who you fantasise as being my "gang".
      What you think you're achieving by banging on about it is anyone's guess, as is all of your mad ramblings. I imagine it's some desperate attempt to cause unrest, like your previous failed attempts.
      All very boring and irrelevant, as is usually the case with you.
      What's not boring though, is accusing people of being responsible for a crime with no evidence other than the fantastical workings of your very odd brain - especially with your track record of 'deciding' the identity of people on the internet. Now that's something that's very dangerous indeed, which you should keep in mind.

      “What's not boring though, is accusing people of being responsible for a crime with no evidence other than the fantastical workings of your very odd brain”

      Sade now also recognises that there was a crime, that the stalking was not a lie as stated by Jules.

      Still waiting for the proof of us “accusing people of being responsible for a crime”. Patiently.

      Are you sure you REALLY told your friend of what you wrote in the do not publish comment? Really? We doubt it. That would make them as disgusting as you are because when you returned to the case you crossed a totally uncrossable red line.

      We’re not surprised you won’t provide us an email. But we will keep reminding you of your comment in the hope that one day a flicker of conscience will finally kick in inside that moral vacuum that you are.


    Meet Indiana Bones, Los Angeles County coroner’s detection dog

    Brian Day
    PUBLISHED: November 9, 2014 at 2:09 pm | UPDATED: August 30, 2017 at 7:29 am
    Categories: Crime + Public Safety, News, Things to do

    Killers often go to extraordinary lengths to conceal their crimes. Victims of accidents or disasters sometimes seemingly disappear without a trace. And that’s when Los Angeles County Department of Coroner Human Remains Detection Dog Indiana Bones and handler Karina Peck go to work.

    Through their unique profession, Peck and her highly-trained German shepherd, affectionately known as “Indy,” recover bodies and evidence to help secure justice, as well as bring closure to families waiting for word on the fate of their loved ones.

    The pair has been teamed up since early 2009, during which time they’ve recovered remains — including bodies, blood, bones or tissue — more than 130 times.

    “This is the most rewarding thing I’ve ever done,” Peck said. “If I won the Lottery tomorrow, I’d still do this.”

    While some may consider the job as morbid or grisly, Peck said she views the task she and Indy are charged with in a positive light.

    When faced with the aftermath of a horrific crime or accident, “All I can do is be the voice of the victim, and get answers for the family,” she said.

    As the only full-time human remains detection dog team in Los Angeles County, Peck and Indy keep a busy schedule. And they often travel to other Southern California counties which do not have a trained dog in their force. And since the program makes use of federal funding, the team could theoretically be summoned to help anywhere in the United States, or the world.

    Before Indy was assigned to Peck in January of 2009, coroner’s Investigator Renee Grand Pre handled the eager animal. Peck, who started her career with the coroner’s office as an intern in 2005, took over when Grand Pre went overseas on a military deployment. Indy is the coroner’s department first human remains detection dog.

    In November of 2010, Indiana Bones successfully sniffed out the grave of a young woman who had been murdered in Whittier and buried in Santa Clarita nearly 10 years prior, Peck said. The recovery helped secure a conviction for the killer, who led authorities to the area where he buried the body of 20-year-old Placentia resident and Fullerton College student Lynsie Leigh Ekelund following his arrest in October of 2010.

    In the case of 44-year-old Lesley Herring of Hollywood, no body was ever found after she disappeared in February of 2009, Peck explained.

    Nonetheless, Indy’s keen sense of smell helped secure the April, 2010 conviction of her husband, Lyle Herring, for her murder by detecting the scent of human remains in two of Lyle Herring’s vehicles.

    When a fisherman from Baldwin Park went missing this past summer after a boating mishap at Pyramid Lake, Indy helped direct divers to the area of the lake where the body of 64-year-old Jack Thirasack was ultimately found, officials said. His body was discovered tangled in plants beneath the water’s surface July 2 in an area where Indy had jumped into the water the previous day to follow a scent.

    While sniffing at a cemetery, Indy has been able to detect bones that were first buried as long ago as 1927, Peck said.


  15. (Cont)

    As a member of the coroner’s Special Operations and Recovery Team, Peck also handles responsibilities dealing with hazardous material situations, and even performs clerical duties for the department, coroner’s Assistant Chief of Operations Ed Winter said.

    “She wears a lot of hats,” he said.

    When not busy searching for a missing body, Peck and Indy engage in constant training, Peck said. They are certified locally once a month, and annually by the California Office of Emergency Service. At least four additional hours of training are required every week.

    Indy’s accuracy rate at finding human remains is upwards of 98 percent.

    Peck employs a series of techniques to sharpen Indy’s skills, and ensure the dog’s results are accurate.

    While training at Hahamonga Watershed Park in La Cañada Flintridge, Peck hides small containers of human remains samples for Indy to seek out. The samples include items such as bone fragments, charred bone fragments, soft tissue, bodily fluids and even grave dirt.

    After studiously sniffing the area, Indy lied down and pointed her nose to indicate she had detected the scent of human remains.

    Training often consists of trying to trick Indy into either missing a scent or giving a false positive, to make sure her skills remain keen.

    Animal remains are sometimes spread among the samples of human tissue to ensure Indy knows the difference.

    Special care is taken, and sometimes a third party is used, to ensure the dog is not receiving subconscious cues from the handler during the search. Samples are sometimes thrown, so there are no footprints or scent trails Indy might be alerting to, rather than the actual target.

    At 10-and-a-half years old and 66 pounds, Indy bounded around the park with puppy-like energy. Indy was born in the Netherlands, and Peck speaks to her in Dutch. Peck exclaimed “Braaf,” Dutch for “good,” when Indy found the target.

    Human bodies begin decomposing immediately upon death, and the chemical reactions associated with it can be detected by Indy within hours of death, Peck said. Conditions such as temperature and humidity play a role in how well Indy will be able to locate a scent.

    But regardless of the importance of the work, it’s all play to Indy, Peck said.

    Human remains detection dogs are selected for their high “play drive,” she explained. With training, the dogs’ desire for play can appear more to humans as a tireless work ethic.

    “That’s how we get them to work for us,” Peck said. “It’s play.”

    1. We want to highlight the following, with our notes:

      “While training at Hahamonga Watershed Park in La Cañada Flintridge, Peck hides small containers of human remains samples for Indy to seek out. The samples include items such as bone fragments [from the containers of human remain samples], charred bone fragments [from the containers of human remain samples], soft tissue [from the containers of human remain samples], bodily fluids [from the containers of human remain samples] and even grave dirt [from the containers of human remain samples].

      After studiously sniffing the area, Indy lied down and pointed her nose to indicate she had detected the scent of human remains.

      Training often consists of trying to trick Indy into either missing a scent [negative control] or giving a false positive [negative control, using for example live blood], to make sure her skills remain keen.

      Animal remains are sometimes spread among the samples of human tissue [negative controls] to ensure Indy knows the difference.

      Special care is taken, and sometimes a third party is used, to ensure the dog is not receiving subconscious cues from the handler during the search. Samples are sometimes thrown, so there are no footprints or scent trails Indy might be alerting to, rather than the actual target.”


      No mention of blood as a target scent.

    2. The only time the word ‘blood’ is mentioned in the article:

      “The pair has been teamed up since early 2009, during which time they’ve recovered remains — including bodies, blood, bones or tissue — more than 130 times.”


      It’s perfectly clear that it’s the object blood – like bones and tissue – that has been recovered and not a target scent.

    3. No mention of using dogs in tandem.
      They are a team of 1 dog, 1 handler.
      Indiana alerts to cadaver odour and her handler has no doubts about that.

    4. Anonymous 25 Jun 2019, 12:28:00,


      Exactly. The cadaver dog confirms itself.

      The same as with the blood dog when used in tandem with the cadaver one.

    5. Why are you quoting articles about other dogs, from other countries, trained differently by a different handler?

    6. Mr Thompson,



    And if a dog could smell explosives before we boarded a plane would we trust it? YES! I would.

  17. There’s been a fuss on twitter about G receiving phone calls from a cleaning firm whilst he was in PDL
    Quick research shows one of the directors was G’s next door neighbour, so maybe just a call to ask how things were going?
    Doubtful it was anything to do with cleaning products.

      If I’m anon, you will note I didn’t name the caller as I only made the point that one of the firm’s directors was a next door neighbour of G. It could have been the man named or one of the other directors. The call only named the firm.
      Probably but not certainly the man named elsewhere.

    2. Anonymous26 Jun 2019, 18:54:00

      Bringing Mr Salmon’s the tweet over to the blog, censoring the name:

      “Ben Salmon‏ @Tealtraum
      With thanks to an anon, one of the directors of Ramon Hygiene Products was (censored), the McCanns' immediate next door neighbour #McCann
      2:16 PM - 26 Jun 2019


      Only Mr Salmon will be able to say if you are, or not the anon he mentions.

    3. I’m not the person who contacted Ben Salmon. Or have anything to do with anybody who contacted him.
      I just wanted to point out that any implication cleaning materials were the reason behind this call did not seem to be supported by these phone calls.

    Mr Delorean‏ @MrDelorean2
    Replying to @Jules1602xx
    What are your thoughts on Not Textusa’s theory, that the VRD alert in the garden could have been to minute fragments of human bone, as are commonly found in topsoil?
    10:24 AM - 26 Jun 2019


    We’re curious to see what Jules’ reply to this will be.

    1. Jules has replied:
      00The Jules... 🕵️‍♀️ 🐌 🌸 🐌 🌸 🐌 🌸‏ @Jules1602xx
      Replying to @MrDelorean2
      Hi Mr D.. That wasn't what was actually said was it.. ? If I remember correctly NT used that as an example for a positive alert.. Not that Eddie was alerting to minute fragments of human bones in 5a garden.. #McCann
      5:09 PM - 26 Jun 2019

      Mr Delorean‏ @MrDelorean2
      Replying to @Jules1602xx
      Here are Not Textusa’s exact words, which offer one possible ‘thinking outside the box’ explanation for the VRD alert in the garden outside 5a. Do you consider this is a plausible theory? #mccann
      6:02 PM - 26 Jun 2019

      [Picture attached is a quote from NotTextusa, screengrabbed from our blog:
      “Well, why do you think? Might interest you to know that it’s impossible to field walk in this country without finding small pieces of human bone, due to centuries of ploughing disturbing medieval graves. Consequently, it finds its way into topsoil very readily. Try thinking outside the box for a change.”]

      00The Jules... 🕵️‍♀️ 🐌 🌸 🐌 🌸 🐌 🌸‏ @Jules1602xx
      Replying to @MrDelorean2
      All things Eddie was trained to alert to is a plausible theory.. However, in this scenario, unless there was an ancient burial ground under 5a then I doubt it.. Which is what I think NT was saying..
      I'll ask though.. But that's my opinion..
      6:13 PM - 26 Jun 2019


      Jules doesn’t remember NotTextusa’s graveyard theory? What a fan then, it must be said. He even linked up an article about some Roman graveyard!

      NotTextusa has only pinned his colours to 2 things: sedation and the graveyard theory. Other than that, he relies only on circumstantial evidence and strong behavioural indicators!

      Basically, Jules supports NT without knowing what NT supports. On practical terms by saying “unless there was an ancient burial ground under 5a”, she’s just another making a fool out of NT.

      “All things Eddie was trained to alert to…” Things? Wasn’t it supposedly just cadaver and blood?

      Are “all things” then shampoo, Semtex and Mr Muscle Oven Cleaner?

  19. When stupidity shows itself to be limitless:
    00The Jules... 🕵️‍♀️ 🐌 🌸 🐌 🌸 🐌 🌸‏ @Jules1602xx
    Replying to @FragrantFrog @MrDelorean2
    Isn't blood dead when it leaves the body.. ?
    I wouldn't take much notice of Tex, he thinks a cadaver is covered in an oily sheen.. 👀
    Any idea what the 'Not Frog effect' is.. ?
    7:38 PM - 26 Jun 2019

    00Sade 🕵️‍♀️‏ @SadeElishaa
    Replying to @FragrantFrog @Jules1602xx @MrDelorean2
    Frog I'm disappointed in you 😂
    Never mind Simon says. Dried blood from the dead or the living is exactly the same; it decomposes as soon as it leaves the body.
    Both dogs will alert to DRIED blood. It matters not whether the blood-shedder was dead or alive.
    8:12 PM - 26 Jun 2019

    And then:
    00The Jules... 🕵️‍♀️ 🐌 🌸 🐌 🌸 🐌 🌸‏ @Jules1602xx
    Replying to @FragrantFrog @MrDelorean2
    But but but.. Mr Grime states that Eddie alerts to blood from a live human being.. It doesn't matter what Tex says, he's irrelevant...& a prick..
    9:24 PM - 26 Jun 2019


    If “Isn't blood dead when it leaves the body.. ?” and “ Dried blood from the dead or the living is exactly the same” then why concur so vehemently with Grime when he’s translated saying “Eddie alerts to blood from a live human being”?

    Don’t these parrots think before they write?

    Oh, parrots don’t think.

    1. Sade Anslow who has this in one of her Twitter accounts:

      00Sade 🕵️‍♀️
      'She got a body in the boot, or just bags full of food...'
      United Kingdom
      Joined February 2017


      A body in the boot? Based on what if Eddie is also a blood dog?

    2. Are you dim..? If I bleed, the blood that leaves my body is dead, it doesn't mean I'm dead.. Unless blood leaves the body & is refrigerated then it dies..
      Google cognitive dissonance in psychology..

    3. 😂😂😂😂😂

      Jules, we would tell you to google stupidity but what for? You wouldn’t be able to make heads or tails of it…

      Looking4U2‏ @nowayjomo
      Replying to @CarlaSpade
      Eddie is alerting to the cellular material of a living person, namely Gerry #McCann Keela also alerted, you know, the blood dog. Eddie was never empolyed inside car dope. God give me strength ..........
      11:43 PM - 26 Jun 2019


      A pro saying it’s Gerrys’s blood, not cadaver odour. All singing from same hymn sheet now.

      Remember the good old days when this came from only on side of the fence?

      The fact that it’s also coming from people claiming to be from the “good” side of the fence, doesn’t mean that it’s friendly fire. It’s continues to be from the enemy. From pretendies, conscienceless sell-outs for whatever reason.

      Using a familiar expression, a “genuine question”: do they really think they are still fooling anyone?

      Madeleine CaseTweets 🌐‏ @McCannCaseTweet
      WOW!!! A lawyer...neighbor to McCanns villa in Portugal claims McCanns left CAR BOOT OPEN every night, she saw this every morning on way to work...same boot CADAVER DOG alerted to
      You have to listen to this woman!!! #mccann
      6:19 AM - 11 Dec 2018


      The gang needs to tell McFadden she’s wrong or McFadden needs to tell them they are.

    6. Jules describes perfectly what the gang are doing.
      They seem to be able to promote totally contradictory theories,
      Normally, it creates mental discomfort but there’s no sign of this expected response from the gang.
      Jules shouldn’t lecture people on a subject she has no training in, apart from googling the term.

    7. Clearly it does matter to Jules what Tex says otherwise she wouldn't be debating them, or challenging their posts and links. So it DOES matter what they say - and the expletive at the end is her way of expressing her frustration that they are right lol

    8. From NotTextusa's blog:

      "Jules..28 June 2019 at 00:11

      My comment came out wrong on its It gave him the giggles.. Bless him..
      I'll leave him to his mansplaining..
      It makes him feel hard the little Petal..
      I hope I don't bump into him over the next couple of weeks.. Imagine how awkward that would be..
      For him.."


      Do readers remember when someone came over to the blog to defend Jules and say she was such a nice lady?

  20. Those were 2 separate comments dickhead..
    Also it should say 'isn't' ..

  21. I bet when you bake a cake, it comes out as a steak & kidney trifle..

    1. Jules,

      You really are wearing cricket gear to a football match...

    SafariSara 🌎 🇪🇺 #FBPE‏ @SafariSara
    Anti #McCann claim “Cadaver Dog” Eddie ONLY alert to cadaver smell – he does NOT – it’s another LIE …
    7:40 PM - 27 Sep 2012
    Cerb32‏ @Cerb32
    Replying to @paultessterry @BourgeoisViews
    Eddie and Keela alert to dried blood. You cut yourself and spill blood on the floor. Eddie alerts to that bloodspot. Keela then alerts to the same bloodspot. Trolls then claim two indications of DEATH in your apartment. Wake up, birdbrain. #McCann
    11:09 AM - 25 Jan 2018

    1. Let’s update the list of pros who support that Eddie is also a blood dog:

      Mr Thompson

    Crimes Unsolved‏ @factsonly10x
    Does anyone on #mccann know the significance of these names? Is it a firm of obscure Lawyers?
    1:21 AM - 30 Jun 2019

    Picture attached is a screengrab of a private convo between an unknown and Factsonly10x:

    Ben Hadj, Shanahan and Hnederson?
    May 25

    Oh no. No idea about those names. Lone wolf this one.
    May 25”

    00The Jules... 🕵️‍♀️ 🐌 🌸 🐌 🌸 🐌 🌸‏ @Jules1602xx
    Replying to @factsonly10x
    Duper Mario & the Koopalings need to get out more..
    7:17 AM - 30 Jun 2019

    Crimes Unsolved‏ @factsonly10x
    Replying to @Jules1602xx
    Don’t get that Miss.
    7:49 AM - 30 Jun 2019

    00The Jules... 🕵️‍♀️ 🐌 🌸 🐌 🌸 🐌 🌸‏ @Jules1602xx
    Replying to @factsonly10x
    The usual.. Mario & Co thinking they've stumbled across something major, so does a word salad on it, thinking he's got all the pieces in place..
    He hasn't.. and never will..
    10:09 AM - 30 Jun 2019


    Do continue to draw attention to this 😊

    Hopefully someone will be doing a McDonalds: “I’m loving it!”.

    1. Can you tell me how the three names ended up first being aired on your blog But were also sent to Walker on the 25th May?

      Seems your nasty informer just proved to us all that she is in regular contact with the most disgusting pros. Would you care to come it on that?

    2. Anonymous 30 Jun 2019, 13:01:00,

      Interesting. On May 25 someone was asking Killa about these 3 names and it seems he didn’t know what was being talked about.

      In all fairness, NotTextusa at 27 Jun 2019, 16:08:00 appears not to know what we were talking about and even asked for a lawyer.

      So we now know that on May 25 we were not the only ones thinking we had “stumbled across something major” thinking we’d got all the pieces in place.. when we hadn’t.. and never will.., according to Jules, that is.

      Please be aware that we have never said that the “nasty informer” was nasty or was a she. Or even an informer.

      Only thing we wanted was to establish the link between said person and NotTextusa and we were able to achieve that.

    3. Anonymous 30 Jun 2019, 13:01:00,

      Obviously we meant translator and not lawyer. So in the above it should read "In all fairness, NotTextusa at 27 Jun 2019, 16:08:00 appears not to know what we were talking about and even asked for a translator."

    Whispering‏ @Anvil161Anvil16
    @factsonly10x You tweeted this; can you tell me why you deleted it? #mccann
    12:02 PM - 30 Jun 2019

    [Picture attached is a screengrab of a tweet (deleted) from Factsonly10x:

    “Crimes Unsolved @factsonly10x – 49m
    Look at these prices to Lisbon. I said we should have done more Reccies. Plan. Reccie and execute WHEN ready. Coming soon.

    [Two pictures attached
    Dep 18:55
    Arr 21.40

    Dep 21.25
    Arr 00.10

  25. “Highly sophisticated forensic lab”

    That’s what NT said about the FSS.
    So all you antis who laud NT - please don’t criticise the FSS.
    If you’ve ever said they were incompetent (Ben T in the Nickell case) or altered their findings under pressure, please recant now.

    1. Dear Anonymous,

      I'll type this really slowly, as I want to make sure you can keep up.

      The FSS was an entire service, not a single laboratory and was highly sophisticated. As a company it was owned by the Home Office and was contracted to do work across the country for the police and the CPS.

      It is a matter of absolute record that it was ''highly sophisticated'', pioneering as it did the technique of LCN-DNA analysis and establishing the first DNA database in the UK. They were internationally respected and published numerous scientific papers which added greatly to the sum of knowledge in the field.

      Have I mentioned that it was ''highly sophisticated''?

      The closure of the FSS came about because of cost-cutting measures by the police who put more and more work out to private tender, causing a loss of income to the FSS which eventually became unsustainable.
      If you think the police blithely instruct their suppliers to perform whatever tests are needed, you are sadly mistaken. They have to pick from what is available in order to meet a budget. It's all about cost.

      And cost and competitive tendering was what led to the closure of the FSS.

      Now - a highly sophisticated lab is as capable as making mistakes as any other organisation, just as a highly respected hospital is, or architects, or builders. Mistakes happen. Sophistication neither encourages nor prevents errors. In fact it could be said that always being at the cutting edge exposes one to more risk of failure than the organisation who waits until someone else has ironed out the creases before they buy into a technique, methodology or equipment.

      Do you feel better now I have explained the difference?

    2. Thank you for the detailed reply which I managed to understand.
      I know about the structure of the FSS and its directors; one of whom is particularly interesting.
      What I’m more interested to know is your position on the FSS in the McCann case.
      They have been accused of being incompetent and making errors, of altering their original results under pressure or failing to test the samples as exhaustively as they could have done.
      Alternatively; they did their best with the material available to them.
      If you’re willing to do so, could you say which position you take?

    3. I see.

      So basically you are not interested in evidence, just in my position. How very predictable.

      Well, let's take a look at your position, shall we?

      ''They have been accused of being incompetent and making errors, of altering their original results under pressure or failing to test the samples as exhaustively as they could have done.
      Alternatively; they did their best with the material available to them.''

      The first thing to point out is that the plural of 'accusation' is not 'evidence'
      In the main the accusations have come from people with no clue what they are talking about - Mario, for example. So do feel free to cite a single piece of evidence to support those criticisms. I will save you the trouble - there isn't any.

      Nor is the suggestion that they ''did their best with the evidence available to them'' accurate, as it implies that they fell short in some way, which is also cobblers.

      So here is my position:

      From the detailed reports contained within the PJ files there is nothing to suggest that any of the accusations levelled at them was justified.

      They used gold-standard methodologies.
      They were thorough and meticulous, applying additional methods where indicated.
      The criticisms are mostly levelled by halfwits who haven't a clue what they are on about and who are merely regurgitating old, stale forum myths.

      At the end of the day it comes down to this - you cannot make an omelette if you've got no eggs. The results obtained are a reflection of the meagre samples recovered and no amount of banner waving or finger-pointing is going to alter that

    4. Exactly why Perlins' more advanced techniques should be utilised.

    5. He doesn't HAVE more advanced techniques. It is simply a mathematical analysis of the results obtained by the FSS.

      The problem is that all it can deliver, at best, is a probability value that Madeleine contributed to the result obtained from the swab taken in the car. Given that her belongings would have been transported in the car after she disappeared, even a mathematical probability would be rendered meaningless.

    6. In fact, if you want an analogy, all he offers is a better frying pan. That's no help if you've still got no eggs

    7. NT doesn’t support Perlin doing further tests but says probability may show it was M’s DNA in car because her clothes were in the boot. How did clothing in a bag contaminate the surface lining of the boot?
      K alerted to blood - so how did blood get onto the boot lining? How did blood - which was dried on clothing when it was put in the bag in the boot - flow out of a bag? Impossible if dried blood on clothing.

    8. Can’t you read?
      There is no suggestion that he could conduct further tests. What is proposed is a statistical analysis of the results obtained by the FSS in an attempt to put a figure on the likelihood of Madeleine being a contributor to the sample recovered from the car. The problem would remain that the transportation of her belongings creates a potential vector.

      Everything else you have written is pure fiction - what dried blood? What clothes?

    9. By tests, I meant statistical tests, not further DNA tests. A computer programme run.
      You said M’s “ belongings”. I said clothes, so I’ll now be more specific and say belongings - clothes, shoes, toys...
      Keela alerted to blood in the boot area, where said belongings were the most likely place to be carried.
      If Perlin (or STR mix) were to say there was a statistical probability that It was M’s DNA and the transportation of her belongings was a probable vector, are you are suggesting it wasn’t blood that Keela detected?
      If not, what was the cellular material that provided the DNA 15 alleles?

    10. It's a waste of time, isn't it?

      Come back when you understand what is being proposed, instead of trying to attach your agenda to it.

      Madeleine CaseTweets 🌐‏ @McCannCaseTweet
      Let’s look at JOHN LOWE from FSS forensics reports.
      It was Madeleine DNA in that report. All the language indicates just that.
      IN USA 15/19 alleles is enough to make a father pay child support
      “Of the identifiable markers on sample 3a, all matched those of Madeleine
      9:10 PM - 30 Dec 2018

    12. Presuming NT didn't like the question posed by anon 20.07?

    13. NT,
      It was a simple question.
      What was Keela alerting to in the boot? Whatever it was, it produced 15 alleles.
      Whatever it was from “belongings”, the belongings wouldn’t be thrown in the boot; they would be in a bag.
      Did Keela fail in the car boot alert?

      If Keela alerted to blood in the boot then the only alternative to it being an alert to M’s blood in the boot is the suggestion that belongings could be the vector: that something must have been on the belongings and somehow that something contaminated the boot lining, through a bag?
      How else could the belongings contaminate the boot? Were they unceremoniously thrown into the boot as single, unbagged items?
      Keela coincidentally happened to alert to blood in the same area, but the contaminating items didn’t contain blood? Just something else with 15 alleles?
      You said “Come back when you understand what is being proposed”
      I think I did understand, as I’ve stated in my simple question, using logical deduction.
      Why not state clearly what you are proposing?
      You can’t.

      It’s a waste of time, isn’t it?
      Come back when you can explain what is being proposed, instead of trying to attach your agenda to it.

    14. Jules has left comment on NT saying you don't understand what Perlin is offering and you don't want to ask yourself so you ask as Anon! (Jules, pearls of wisdom).

    15. Anonymous 3 Jul 2019, 16:54:00,

      Oh God! Got caught red-handed! What will we do now??

      Now NotTextusa has no excuse not to reply to Anon, sorry, us!

      He has now been given a heads-up by Jules on his blog and he can now answer Anon/us.

    16. Now that we know that Jules is reading this (as if she wasn’t) she can remind us all where and when she cautioned all how Mark Perlin’s offer was useless during the time Mark S was publishing his podcasts.

      Or even after that.

      Where and when she did she express an opinion that Mark Perlin’s offer was useless.

    17. Perhaps Jules, with all her scientific qualifications, can explain why Perlin’s offer is useless, without asking for advice from anyone.
      All of those on twitter who are asking why Perlin’s offer hasn’t been accepted, ask Jules why she’s saying this now.
      Jules is far better qualified that Perlin to decide on such matters.
      She wouldn’t know an algorithm from her elbow.

    18. @ "Anon"

      If that was all you actually wanted, you should have just cut to the chase and not bothered about all the other crap.

      Leaving aside your utterly obvious narrative, the fundamental question you have is this - what did Keela smell?

      And the answer is precisely the same as when I have given it many times before.

      Keela was trained to alert to blood. Independent, peer-reviewed studies on similar dogs have found them to be very reliable with positive predictive values over 90%.

      However, in the absence of confirmatory evidence, no-one can say for certain what Keela alerted to and anyone who claims otherwise is lying to you.

      LCN-DNA analysis uses tiny quantities of recovered material and amplifies the result by putting the DNA recovered through duplication processes. Although this results in a bigger sample to work with it can never determine the cellular origin so the question you ask is impossible to answer without simply making something up.

      The ''15 alleles'' argument is a false one - as has been commonly understood by anyone with half a brain who has actually read the reports. 15 markers which were found in Madeleines profile were found amongst the 37 markers recovered. That does not mean it was her DNA. From a pool of 37 markers, they could probably match 15 of yours or mine. A previous study found that if you took three unrelated donors, you could ''chance'' match at least 12 of 20 markers in any profile.

      You can wave your pants around all you want. If Keela did alert to blood - which is perfectly possible, but impossible to prove - there is no evidence that it belonged to Madeleine.

      Now I shall let you return to your wild imaginings about bloodstained clothing and bags. If you want a different answer, ask someone else

  26. Sent by a friend who when she saw it, thought of us:
    “Hari Panikker, Sri Karyam (Chief Administrative Officer)
    Answered May 21, 2017
    A term that exists only in movies; Rambo for example. Even in suicide missions they go in a team or at least in pairs. A one man Army need not necessarily mean a combat soldier. You can do a lot in the society as a one man Army fighting against social evils and fighting for humanitarian causes. Become one.”


    Thank you, friend. It really means a lot, your support is very much appreciated, you know that.



    Says it all, but who is doing this?

    1. Anonymous 1 Jul 2019, 11:29:00,

      Bringing it over to the blog:
      Babs1‏ @Babs108164110
      Babs1 Retweeted Babs1
      #mccann after dissing dogs we have now moved onto dissing the smiths sightings ! It won’t work because #weknowwhoyouare
      Babs1 added,
      12:16 PM - 30 Jun 2019


      Only Babs can say who she means, we have done our best to expose those who are trying to diss both the dogs and the Smith sighting: NotTextusa and his gang.

      But look who has liked this tweet: Mr Thompson.

  28. Never been Ben
    Aug 23

    Replying to @Crackerss74 @strackers74 and 2 others

    Well I couldn't possibly comment on that, but between me and you, and the whole of the cowards watching on, I may reveal a thing or 2 over the weekend myself. Some of these people here think they are untouchable. They are not.

    Carla Spade
    You still threatening people #Snake ?


    You threatened ME for a long time before doxxing me.

    But I won't back down when threatened, so you doxxed me, and then what?

    You lost all your power cos I didn't care.

    You very, very sad person.


    Never been Ben
    Replying to


    11:48 PM · Aug 24, 2019·Twitter for Android

    Ben Thompson answers violently to being the #Snake under his Not Ben @turaffetamer sock. Are Ben Thompson and Ponce of Dubai deluded enough to believe dropping capitals at the beginning sentences and not using commas will mask who they really are?

  29. Whispering
    Your poor friend got suspended.
    Quote Tweet

    Never been Ben
    · Aug 23
    Awww look, quick to respond to this but haven't responded to @Crackerss74 post 2 days ago. Wonder why that is hey. Hehehe
    Show this thread

    Never been Ben
    My friend? Wonder why none of the brady bunch never responded to whoever It was ��

    You seemed to know at the time?

    Never been Ben
    Not at all, just pointing out I too could reveal the 2 faced games around here.

    It’s late; you’re not making sense.

    Never been Ben
    You are trying to insinuate I know who crackers was are you not brainless man? I'm saying I didn't. Is English not your first language?

    Carla Spade
    Report me for what exactly?

    #ThreatsThreats that's all you have #snake

    Take your threats elsewhere.

    They have NEVER worked on me.

    Quote Tweet

    Never been Ben
    · 1h
    Replying to @CarlaSpade
    So who is it you think I am? Then I can report you falsely accusing me of doxxing when you are wrong.


    Carla Spade
    Your words #Threats ��

    "I may reveal a thing or 2 over the weekend myself. Some of these people here think they are untouchable. They are not."


    Quote Tweet

    Never been Ben
    · 1h
    Replying to @CarlaSpade
    That's not threatening anyone just marely pointing out 2 faced people could be called out. And no I have never DOXXED ANYONE, WHO IS IT YOU THINK I AM?

    Carla Spade
    Replying to
    Yes you have, and you're STILL threatening people ��




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