Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Scraping The Bottom

As you know, published both in Maria’s blog (in Portuguese) as in Joana Morais’s (in English), Gonçalo Amaral (GA) has recently given an interview to the "Nova Gente" Magazine about his current personal life.

Kate and Gerald McCann apparently didn't like what they read, and decided to respond, as they are entitled to do so.

Let’s first look at some of GA’s answers, as they’re later invoked in the McCanns’s written, and published, reply:

In Portuguese:

Questão #1: Ao fim de alguns anos decidiu separar-se da Sofia. Foi uma consequência dos problemas que ainda tem com os pais de Maddie, nomeadamente, ao facto de ter ficado sem bens, sem forma de se sustentar?

Ainda é cedo para fazer esse tipo de contabilidade. Os casamentos terminam por diversas razões, as quais normalmente devem ficar no foro pessoal do ex-matrimónio. Mas foi uma decisão ponderada entre mim e a mãe da minha filha Inês.

Questão #8: Como é que resolveram as coisas? Foi difícil, longo, complicado?

Não foi fácil, mas também não foi difícil. Ocorreu uma ponderação e uma avaliação conjunta da nossa relação, tendo-se chegado, calma e serenamente, à conclusão que já estava esgotada e que era necessário mudar de vida, nada de mais.

Questão #9: Alguma vez pensou que por causa de uma investigação, como a de Maddie, a sua vida iria ficar toda de pernas para o ar?

Nunca pensei, mas isso só é possível face ao servilismo com que no nosso país se vêem as relações com o Reino Unido, os nossos políticos e intelectuais esqueceram dos valores da justiça e da verdade. Se relativamente aos políticos é normal que optem por razões de Estado em detrimento de valores que enformam a democracia, relativamente aos intelectuais tal já não parece aceitável nem compreensível. Por outro lado, as famílias sentem-se desamparadas desconhecendo o que podem fazer na busca do seu ente querido, e o que esperar das autoridades policiais e judiciais.

Questão #10: O facto de agora, com 53 anos, ter regressado aos Olivais, à casa do seu pai, é um regressar às origens, ao inicio da sua vida?

É um facto. A minha mãe já morreu, os meus irmãos já não vivem cá, e agora sou só eu e o meu pai a reaprender a viver juntos. Tem sido interessante em todos os aspectos, mas principalmente no facto de ele me ver a mim e aos meus amigos como aqueles jovens de outros tempos retratados na dedicatória “moços do meu bairro”.

Now in English:

Question #1: After a few years you have decided to separate from Sofia. Did that happen as a consequence of the problems that you still have with Maddie's parents, namely, the fact that you were left without any assets, without means to provide for the family?

It is still to early to make that kind of accountability. Marriages end for various reasons, which should usually remain within the personal scope of the former matrimony. However, it was a considered decision between me and the mother of my daughter, Inês.

Question #8: How did you solve things? Was it difficult, lengthy, complicated?

It wasn't easy, but neither was it difficult. There was a consideration and a joint assessment of our relationship; the conclusion that it was exhausted, reached calmly and quietly, made us understand that it was necessary to change our lives, nothing more.
Question #9: Did you ever thought that because of an investigation, such as Maddie's, your life would be turned upside down?

I never thought that, but that was only possible due to the servilism seen in our country in its relations with the United Kingdom, where our politicians and our intellectuals have forgotten the values of justice and truth. If, relatively, to the politicians, it is normal that they choose reasons of State rather than values that shape democracy, it is not acceptable nor understandable for the intellectuals to do the same. On the other hand, families feel helpless not knowing what they can do in pursuit of their loved one, and what to expect of police and judicial authorities.

Question #10: The fact that you have now, with 53 years-old, returned to Olivais [area in Lisbon], to your father's home, is it a return to your origins, to the beginning of your life?

It is a fact. My mother has passed away, my brothers no longer live here, and now it is just me and my dad relearning to live together. It has been interesting in every aspect, mainly because he still sees me and my friends as the youngsters of other times portrayed in the book to the “moços do meu bairro” [boys from my neighbourhood].

Now let’s read the couple’s answer to this interview:

In Portuguese:

Kate e Gerald McCann respondem a Gonçalo Amaral
Jornal da Região- Oeiras
28 Fevereiro a 05 Março 2012
Pag 2

“Vêm Kate e Gerald Mc Cann, ao abrigo da Lei de Imprensa, exercer o direito de resposta e rectificação em relação ao extracto publicado na edição nº 300, na página 3, na rubrica “Olha quem fala”, originário de artigo da revista “Nova Gente”, edição de 13 de Fevereiro de 2012, a páginas 86 e 87, nos seguintes termos:

O título atribuído à peça, não corresponde ao conteúdo da mesma, destinando-se apenas a “vender” a leitura da peça. Tal facto é constatado logo na primeira pergunta feita e na resposta dada por Gonçalo Amaral.

No entanto, o fio condutor da entrevista, e as oitava a décima perguntas formuladas procuram inculcar no leitor a noção de que a vítima do irreparável assassinato de caráter sofrido pelos pais de Madeleine McCann às mãos de Gonçalo Amaral, é o próprio Gonçalo Amaral e não quem ele, organizada e impiedosamente, destruiu.

No entanto, a verdade passível de resposta quanto ao teor e intenção desta entrevista, assenta apenas nos seguintes factos:

Gonçalo Amaral enriqueceu à custa do desaparecimento de Madeleine McCann, sabendo- se hoje que os lucros obtidos com a difusão, por todas as vias mediáticas disponíveis e abertas àquele ex-inspetor coordenador da investigação do caso, foram, apenas no espaço de um ano, pelo menos e comprovadamente, da ordem dos € 342.111,86.

Da providência cautelar ordenada pela 1.ª Vara Cível de Lisboa, foi arrestada a meação de Gonçalo Amaral na quota única detida na sociedade unipessoal do referido, o que não impede a mesma de laborar nem impede o referido senhor de continuar a escrever livros ou desempenhar quaisquer outras tarefas que entenda, enquanto cidadão, ainda que com o cadastro criminal manchado. No entanto, nenhuma apreensão foi feita, de bens ou valores financeiros ou outros, que fossem detidos por aquela sociedade. Esta sociedade, em nenhum exercício desde que foi criada, em 2008, apresentou, sequer, contas públicas, ao contrário do que deveria ter feito.

Dos montantes recebidos a título de direitos autorais acima mencionados e relacionados com a publicação do livro “A Verdade da Mentira” e com o documentário exibido na TVI e DVD vendido com o jornal “Correio da Manhã”, e outras actividades exercidas pelo ex-inspector Gonçalo Amaral, assim como dos direitos das, pelo menos seis, edições em língua estrangeira do referido livro, não foi apreendida qualquer quantia.

No tocante à moradia que Gonçalo Amaral possuía na Urbanização Cerro Azul, em Quelfes, inexistem quaisquer prejuízos para o referido entrevistado, que sejam imputáveis aos pais de Madeleine Mc Cann. Na verdade, em 2009, impendiam sobre essa moradia várias hipotecas e um arresto averbado, decorrente de uma ação intentada por um dos irmãos de Gonçalo Amaral contra ele e a sua mulher, por, comprovadamente, como consta da sentença proferida pelo 2.º Juízo Cível do Tribunal de Família e Menores da Comarca do Seixal, estes terem vendido uma casa a terceiros, depois de terem recebido o valor que deveriam receber por ela, daquele mencionado irmão, que os ajudara a pagar dívidas anteriores. Os pais de Madeleine McCann conheceram tal ação por nela ter sido suscitada a sua intervenção pelo próprio agente de execução encarregue, pessoa que também parece ter alguma informação importante a referir sobre o que se deixa acima explanado. Sobre essa casa impendiam ainda penhoras desencadeadas pelo fisco, uma vez que o entrevistado em causa, apesar de ser funcionário público, tinha problemas com impostos, muito anteriores à própria publicação do livro e do documentário. Atualmente essa casa já é propriedade do Banco Espírito Santo, um dos credores, com problemas creditórios visíveis com o referido entrevistado, muito anteriores à publicação do livro, e portanto, das ações intentadas pelos respondentes.

Quanto ao veículo marca “Jaguar” com a matrícula 28-FB-58, que era à data do processo propriedade da Sociedade Unipessoal acima referida, o mesmo foi, em 21 de Janeiro de 2010 vendido a um terceiro, em nome de quem ainda se encontra registado, pelo que nem os pais de Madeleine McCann nem qualquer um dos outros vários credores, tiveram possibilidade de o usar para se pagarem das diversas dívidas contraídas pelo mencionado, repete-se, muito antes, da publicação do livro.

Quanto à pensão de reforma que o ex-inspector aufere, no montante de € 2.039,16, está a ser descontada da mesma uma percentagem de menos de 0,1% dos valores conhecidos, recebidos pelo ex-inspetor pelo livro e documentário, que entregou prontos aos seus editores ainda antes de o processo- crime, que se encontrava em segredo de justiça, ter sido arquivado, assim desrespeitando, nessa como noutras vertentes, aquele ex-inspetor, deveres que sobre ele impendem, mesmo na situação de aposentado. De resto, sobre essa pensão, fora já anteriormente executada uma penhora, originária de processo instaurado pelo Serviço de Finanças de Olhão, por dívidas fiscais.

Os pais de Madeleine Mc Cann não têm voz em Portugal. Tudo lhes foi tirado, a filha, a honra e a possibilidade de vida cívica, foram aniquilados como cidadãos, destituídos de direitos ou crédito social, o que não aconteceu, como se vê pela entrevista, com o senhor que os aniquilou.

Por tal razão, vêm Kate e Gerald McCann requerer que a sua resposta seja publicada na íntegra, propondo-se pagar o que for considerado como eventual excesso de texto.

Isabel Costa Pereira
Mandatária de Gerald e Kate McCann”

Now in English:

Kate e Gerald McCann answer Gonçalo Amaral
Jornal da Regiao- Oeiras
28 February to 5 March 2012
Pg 2

Kate and Gerald McCann, come, under the Press Law, to exercise the right of reply and rectification in relation to the extract published in issue No. 300, on page 3 under the column "Look who's talking," originated in the article in the "Nova Gente" magazine, edition of 13 February 2012, pages 86 and 87, as follows:

The title assigned to the piece, does not correspond to its content, and is intended only to "sell" its reading. This fact is evidenced right the on very first question asked and in the answer given by Gonçalo Amaral.

However, the thread of the interview, and the eighth to tenth questions seek to instill in the reader the notion that the victim of the irreparable character assassination suffered by the parents of Madeleine McCann at the hands of Gonçalo Amaral, is Gonçalo Amaral himself not whom he organized and ruthlessly destroyed.

However, the likely truth in response to the content and intent of this interview, bases itself only on the following facts:

Gonçalo Amaral got rich at the expense of the disappearance of Madeleine McCann, known today that the profits derived from spreading, via all open and available media to the ex-inspector coordinator of case’s investigation, were, within only one year, at least and demonstrably, in the order of € 342,111.86.

From the cautionary injunction ordered by the 1st Civil Court of Lisbon, Gonçalo Amaral’s moiety was frozen in the single share he held in his single-name society, not preventing it from continuing to work nor preventing the referred gentleman to continue to write or engage in other tasks that he sees fit, as a citizen, even with a tainted criminal record. However, no apprehension was made of goods or financial values, which were held by that society. This society, in any of its exercises since it was established in 2008, has ever presented, even, its public accounts, contrary to what should have done.

From the amounts received from copyright, above mentioned and related with the publication of the book "True Lies" and with the aired TVI documentary and the DVD sold with the newspaper "Correio da Manha", and other activities engaged by ex-inspector Gonçalo Amaral, as well as the rights of at least six editions in foreign language of the book, it wasn’t any seized.

With regards to the villa that Gonçalo Amaral had in Urbanizacao Cerro Azul, in Quelfes, there aren’t any losses to the referred interviewee that are to be attributable to the parents of Madeleine McCann. In fact, in 2009, were on this house several mortgages pending as well as a registered asset freezing originated from a lawsuit brought by a brother of Gonçalo Amaral against him and his wife, for, demonstrably, as stated in the sentence pronounced by the 2nd Civil Court of Family and Minors Court of the District of Seixal, having sold a house to a third party, after having received the amount they should receive for it, from the mentioned brother, who had helped them pay previous debts. The parents of Madeleine McCann got to know about such action after their intervention in this was by beeing brought into it by the enforcement agent in charge, a person who also seems to have some important information about what above is explained. About this house there were pending asset freezings originated by the tax authorities, as the interviewee in question, despite being a civil servant, had tax problems, long before the publication of the book and of the documentary. Currently this house is owned by Banco Espirito Santo, one of the creditors, with visible credit problems with the referred interviewee, long before the publication of the book, and, therefore, the actions brought by the respondents.

About the "Jaguar" vehicle with licence plate 28-FB-58, which at the date of the process was owned by the single-name society mentioned, was, on January 21, 2010 sold to a third party and on whose name is currently registered, so that neither the parents of Madeleine McCann nor any of the several other creditors had the possibility to use it to cover the various debts incurred by the referred, repeating, long before the book's publication.

As for the pension that the former inspector receives, in the amount of € 2,039.16, it’s being deducted from it a percentage of less than 0.1% of the known values received by the ex-inspector for the book and documentary, which he delivered finished to his publishers even before the criminal process, which was under judicial secrecy, had been archived, thus disrespecting the ex-inspector, in this as in other aspects, duties incumbent to him, even in the situation of retirement. Moreover, on this pension, there has previously been executed a seizure, originated in a process by the Finance Services of Olhao, for tax debts.

The parents of Madeleine McCann have no voice in Portugal. Everything was taken from them, the daughter, the honor and the possibility of a civic life, were annihilated as citizens, deprived of rights or social credit, which same did not happen, as can be seen in the interview with the gentleman who annihilated them.

For this reason, come Kate and Gerry McCann to claim that their response is published in its entirety, offering to pay what is considered as eventual excess text.

Isabel Costa Pereira
Mandated by Gerald and Kate McCann”

To finish, let’s just read excerpts from GA’s interview on March 1st to the "The Crime” newspaper, also published in Maria’s blog.

In Portuguese:

Entrevista a Gonçalo Amaral por Carlos Saraiva
Semanário "O Crime" quinta-feira, 1 de Março de 2012 ( pág.s 12 e 13)

"Suspeito que os meus livros foram destruídos"

P: Tem alguma expectativa em relação a este processo?

R: A única expectativa é que iremos ganhar a acção, pois não existem factos nem matéria de pedir. A acção dos McCann é inepta. E tudo isso causa um grande desespero na sua ilustre advogada, a qual sente necessidade de avançar com uma campanha de desinformação e de difamação contra a minha pessoa. Não deve esquecer o que tem dito, porque por tal irá responder em tribunal.

P: Como sabe , o Primeiro Ministro David Cameron, mandou reavaliar a investigação em Inglaterra acerca do desaparecimento de Maddie. Como é que avalia essa decisão, admitindo que os ingleses dificilmente terão acesso à investigação em Portugal?

R: A decisão desse Primeiro Ministro tem sido deturpada. O casal McCann tem falado numa reavaliação dos " avistamentos" da criança. Mas o que está a conhecer é que a Scotland Yard, nomeada para reavaliar toda a investigação, tem colocado de lado os pseudo-avistamentos centrando-se no processo que se encontra arquivado. Os elementos da Scotland Yard têm estado a trabalhar com uma equipa de investigação do Porto ( Porto porque o Algarve e Lisboa já tinham estado envolvidos) , e o que se sabe é que a "coisa" não está a correr muito bem para o lado dos McCann.

P: O caso Maddie, pode dizer-se ( não é segredo) comprometeu a sua carreira na PJ. Que mágoas sente em relação a isso ?

R: Não concordo! O caso "Maddie " aconteceu numa fase da minha vida em que já me encontrava cansado de dizer " sim". Apenas e só isso.

Foi ingénuo?

R: Nada disso. Saí da Polícia Judiciária por minha iniciativa e de cabeça erguida, trabalhei ali durante quase trinta anos e tive uma carreira de sucesso e impoluta. Os detractores que tentem denegrir tal carreira, porque, depois, logo falamos.

Now in English:

Interview to Gonçalo Amaral by Carlos Saraiva
Weekly Newspaper "The Crime" Thursday, March 1, 2012 (pages 0:13)

"I suspect that my books were destroyed"

Q: Do you have any expectation about this legal action?

A: The only expectation is that we will win the action, because there are no facts or matters of action. The legal action of the McCanns is inept. And all this causes great despair in their illustrious lawyer, who feels the need to move forward a campaign of disinformation and defamation against me. She should not forget what has been said, because she will respond for it in court.

Q: As you know, Prime Minister David Cameron has ordered a re-evaluation of the investigation in England about the disappearance of Maddie. How do you see that decision, admitting that the British will hardly have access to the research in Portugal?

A: The decision of the Prime Minister has been misrepresented. The McCanns have spoken of a reassessment of the "sightings" of the child. But what is known is that Scotland Yard, appointed to review all the investigation, has put aside the pseudo-sightings, focusing on the files that are shelved. The elements of the Scotland Yard have been working with an investigation team from Porto (Porto because the Algarve and Lisbon teams had already been involved), and what is known is that the "affair" is not going very well for the McCann side.

Q: The Maddie case, one can say (it’s not a secret) has marked your career in the PJ. What are your feelings about that?

A: I don’t agree! The "Maddie" case happened at a stage in my life when I was already tired of saying "yes." Only that.

Q: Were you naive?

A: Nothing like that. I left the Judicial Police on my initiative and head raised high, I worked there for almost thirty years and had a successful career and unpolluted. Let detractors try to denigrate such a career, because then we will talk.

When one scrapes the bottom of a barrel, there’s only the bottom to be scraped;

Once one scrapes that bottom off, one start’s to scrape the earth itself;

And if one scrapes the earth desperately hard, one will find itself with one’s hand on the other side of the planet, where there’s nothing there to scrape.

Post Sriptum: Sent by a reader, Isabel Duarte’s public blogger’s profile. Isabel Duarte is publicly known to have been the McCann’s legal representative during the Lisbon Trial against Goncalo Amaral, about the book "Truth of the Lie".

Favorite book:

A "Série Negra" de M.V. Montalbán, por causa da comida escolhida por cheiro côr e apalpação no Mercat de la Bóqueria e porque o investigador se chama Carvalho e não Amaral.”

(Translation: “The "Black Series" from M.V. Montalbán, because of the food chosen by color, smell and probing in the Mercat de la Boqueria and because the investigator is called Carvalho and not Amaral.”)



  1. Só Vos posso dar os parabéns por terem colocado tudo.

    Isabel Costa Pereira quem é?
    Outra mandatária?
    Ou ID não teve coragem de assinar e arranjou um pseudónimo?

    Aquilo no J.da R. é um anúncio?

    Parece, pois dão a entender que pagam mais se o texto exceder o limite.


    I can only congratulate you for having put everything.

    Isabel Costa Pereira who is?
    Another agent?
    ID or did not dare to sign and got a nickname?

    That in J.da R. is a commercial announcement ?

    It seems therefore suggest that pay more if the text exceeds the limit.

  2. Who is trying to assassinate who's character? How low can the McCanns still sink?

  3. Why publish this in a local newspaper (Jornal da Região, Oeiras edition)? How many people will read this?! Why not demand that it be published in the magazine NOVE GENTE where Mr. Amaral interview was done?
    This is so fishy...
    And who is this Isabel C.Pereira, part of the staff of Lift Consulting, the McCanns PR firm in Portugal?
    "the McCanns have no voice in Portugal" !!!ah,ah,ah! that's rich!
    Exactly the opposite, I would say, theirs are the only voices heard! What's their PR firm engaged for...?

    Bravo and a big thank you to Textusa, Sisters and their blog for all this hard work!

  4. This is published because in this in local paper it was published some exatrcats from Nova Gente. They don't want to stir up too much the sea. This paper is read only in Oeiras, nearby Lisbon... if they went for Nova Gente, they might get an unexpected general reaction.
    It's curious, but thier description of their situation in Portugal is almost correct (take them having no rights out), but by their own doing. Why? Why would a country treat so badly the parents of an abducted child? Because of a book written by a single man? That man must be really, really powerful!!!

  5. This is the saddest, most pathetic answer to an interview I've ever seen. I think they've lost any scrap of sympathy that they could have here in Portugal. There are personal limits that the McCanns have no respect for. They're desperate, like cornered rats tryimg to hiss away what's coming. Pathetic,

  6. The piece on behalf of the McCann's was also published in TV Mais, last week in February. I have a copy.

  7. tvmais is a diferent interview :

    http://mariacpois.blogspot.com/2012/02/verdade-da-mentira-livro-de-goncalo.html ( português)

    http://joana-morais.blogspot.com/2012/02/police-cases-truth-of-lie-is-on-its-way.html (english)

    And Hernâni Carvalho answer to the lawyer:

    http://mariacpois.blogspot.com/2012/02/esclarecimento-adequado.html ( portuguese )

    J.da R. (Sintra; Amadora;Almada; Cascais; Oeiras)probably free or paid?

    I think was free by expesso....

  8. The McCanns lawyer makes a very serious allegation by saying: “The parents of Madeleine McCann got to know about such action after their intervention in this was by beeing brought into it by the enforcement agent in charge, a person who also seems to have some important information about what above is explained.”
    This means that we have a Court Agent, very clearly identified, who seems to have “important information” about Amaral and is sharing it around! One thing is to call the McCanns in as “character witnesses” (that says loads by itself) about their relationship with Amaral, another, completely unethical, is for the McCanns’ lawyers come publicly saying that this Enforcement Agent knows a lot of dark secrets about Amaral.
    And then goes on to give moral lessons to Amaral “which he delivered finished to his publishers even before the criminal process, which was under judicial secrecy, had been archived, thus disrespecting the ex-inspector, in this as in other aspects, duties incumbent to him, even in the situation of retirement”
    What about her duties? Do as I say, but don’t do as I do?
    Talking about duties… when will Team McCann legal team return the books AS PER COURT ORDER?
    The TVI documentary was only aired long after the case was archive.

  9. Poor souls are those that are only capable to defend themselves with demeaning arguments. No self-respect whatsoever. Deserve absolutely no respect from anyone.

  10. I would like to express my FULL support and appreciation to Gonçalo Amaral and to resort to such vile tactics means thay have very little to defend themselves with. If this is the best "Portuguese law" that money can buy, then the McCanns have reasons to feel very worried.

  11. tvmais n.º 996 * de 17 a 23 Fevereiro 2012* PORTUGAL.

    artigo escrito por H. Carvalho( links já mencionados aqui, quer em português, quer em inglês.)

    Enquanto no J.da R. os desesperados escrevem, HC respondeu:

    Página 110 

    tvmais n.º998 

    A decisão favorável a Gonçalo Amaral está no acórdão do Tribunal da Relação de Lisboa, 14/10/2010 e transitou em julgado a 22/11/2010.

    O Supremo Tribunal de Justiça rejeitou o recurso dos McCann e a mandatária do casal  foi notificada por ofício dessa decisão a 17/3/2011.

    A decisão do Supremo ( ficou definitiva ) transitou em julgado em 19/7/2011. "

    O Tribunal da Relação de Lisboa declarou procedente a apelação do requerido (n.r Gonçalo Amaral) revogando a sentença do tribunal a quo , cujo dispositivo vai substituído pelo seguinte: julgam a presente providência improcedente por não provada, mais deliberam não tomar conhecimento das restantes apelações ", lê-se na decisão do Supremo Tribunal de Lisboa que diz rejeitar o recurso dos McCann por não existir sequer o fundamento legal invocado na interposição do recurso.

    Esta decisão do Supremo transitou em julgado em 13/9/2011, conforme certidão emitida pela 7ª Secção do Supremo  a que a tvmais teve acesso.

    Será errado concluir que após a decisão dos tribunais o fiel depositário de um bem deve entregá-lo?

    Como se prova, este jornalista apenas reportou as decisões dos tribunais. Quanto às considerações profissionais e de carácter invocados , por não serem notícia, serão alvo de procedimento próprio, no tempo e modo considerados adequados.

    Como se prova, não foi o autor quem deixou os filhos sozinhos em causa para ir jantar fora, nem foi este jornalista que mentiu.

  12. googlês:

    tvmais n. º 996 * from 17 to 23 February 2012 * PORTUGAL.

    Article written by H. Carvalho (links mentioned here, either in Portuguese or in English.)

    While in J.da R. write the desperate,

    HC replied:

    Page 110
    tvmais n. 998

    The decision in favor of Gonçalo Amaral is the judgment of the Court of Appeal of Lisbon, 14/10/2010 and 22/11/2010 to become final.

    The Supreme Court rejected the appeal and the McCann couple's agent was notified by letter of this decision to 17/03/2011.

    The decision of the Supreme (was definitive) final on 07/19/2011.

    "The Lisbon Court of Appeal granted the appeal of the defendant (nr Gonçalo Amaral) revoking the decision of the court a quo, which device will be replaced with: judge dismissed this action for unproven, more deliberate not aware of other appeals , "reads the decision of the Supreme Court of Lisbon says the McCanns dismiss the appeal for lack of even the legal basis relied on in filing an appeal.

    This decision of the Supreme final on 09/13/2011 as a certificate issued by the 7th Chamber of the Supreme that the tvmais had access.

    Is it wrong to conclude that after the court decision of a trustee's right to deliver it?

    As proof, this reporter only reported court decisions.

    As for the professional and character considerations invoked for not being news, will be subject to its own procedures, the time and manner deemed appropriate.

    As proof, was not the author who left the children alone in question to go out to dinner, nor was this journalist who lied.

  13. Somebody explain something to me as if I’m really stupid.
    Amaral gives an interview, I think at the end of September 2007 saying that there was British pressure in Maddie’s case.
    A week or so, he’s sacked.
    His book is published at the end of July 2008, the same time that the case was archived.
    When GA’s was written it was after the process was given to the Portuguese Public Prosecutor for decision, because in GA’s book includes conclusions reached by the PJ’s operatives. The PJ field work was finished by then.
    Where, and in what way does GA’s book be prejudicial in finding the truth?
    Who was looking for the truth and didn’t find it because it thought that any further diligences were useless, between October 2007 and July 2008?
    If the PJ thought useless any further diligences and the Portuguese Legal System thought best to archive the process, GA’s book was only prejudicial to “new possible evidence”.
    If the parent’s thought that there still was strong possibility of this “new evidence” the best way to fight the harm done by GA’s book would have been to quickly reopen the case.
    If GA is in any way responsible, which I don’t think he is as nobody else does, then the McCanns are his accomplices by the lack of enthusiasm shown by the parents.
    For example, if I was someone who had important information, watching on the news that the process had been archived, the detective in charge said, in a book that the child was dead, and WATCHED THE PARENT’S COMPLETE PASSIVENESS, would I come forward with that information? Of course I wouldn’t. The McCanns are much more responsible than GA for not having been any “new information”
    And there wasn’t new information because: the process was archived, the detective in charge said, in a book that the child was died in the apartment, and the watched the parent’s completely passive in searching for their child. All added up, all assumed PUBLICLY that Maddie was indeed dead, so there wasn’t, there isn’t and there will never be “new evidence” because all the evidence is, like GA says, in the files!

  14. TV Mais is NOT a different interview, it is a formal rebuttal of the earlier piece about Dr Amaral. It is over 2 pages, 12 and 13, and is signed by Duarte, 17 february. I have it in my hands. It is a horrible piece, with Dr Amaral's private details. She justifies this by saying the details are inthe public domain. They are playing dirty.

  15. Sorry, I did not express that well. There is a similar piece in TV Mais with the same financial details but this one is from Duarte.
    Can they not see how pathetic this looks?

  16. So ha 3 palavras para exprimir o que esta resposta me inspira: CHOQUE E NOJO!!!
    Aqui esta a prova que os publicos portugues e ingles esperavam sobre onde anda a ser gasto o dinheiro do Fundo que roubaram a gente honesta como eu que muito estupidamente contribuiu julgando que a crianca estava viva e os pais iam ajudar a policia oficial a encontra-la, nao mentindo e seguindo tintin por tintin as instrucoes da policia. Nao so mentiram como se recusaram a reconstruir o ultimo dia da filha e ainda vem cinicamente dizer que querem a resposta publicada integralmente, nem que para isso tenham de pagar o excesso de texto. Claro, nao e com dinheiro que tenham suado a trabalhar. E com o dinheiro dos idiotas que enganaram quer nos peditorios do Fundo, quer na publicacao do livro que foi mais uma fraude, pois o livro nao corresponde a publicidade que foi feita. Nao e um contar da verdade, e uma promocao da autoimagem de Kate.
    Se e este o tipo de cartas e textos que ID costuma esccrever, nao sei que universidade lhe ofereceu o canudo de Direito. O texto e nojento, vergonhoso e demonstra duas coisas- o desespero dos clientes e a falta de caracter da advogada.
    A entrevista de GA foi uma peca jornalistica cordial que nao insultou ninguem nem se imiscuiu na vida privada dos Mccann. O que a resposta dos Mccann e, e um lavar de roupa suja, de quem tem a celha cheia de porcaria.
    Que nos interessa a nos, as hipotecas de GA, ou os problemas com o fisco ou com o irmao? E que autoridade tem os Mccann para pensarem que por estas idiotices virem da boca deles temos de acreditar? Entao, acusam-no de ter ganho tanto dinheiro e ao mesmo tempo dizem que ele deve este mundo e o outro? Entao, em que ficamos? enriqueceu ou pelintrou? decididamente este trio de gambiarras nao acende uma certa. Mas tambem, a nos publico, nao nos interessa nada a vida privada e os problemas financeiros de GA. Se os tem, so gera mais simpatia em nos. E igual a nos que todos os dias fazemos contas para pagarmos a educacao dos nossos filhos e as despesas diarias e nem por um momento nos passaria pela cabeca pagar centenas ou milhares de Euros a hora, em honorarios a advogados de diferentes nacionalidades para perseguir um policia so porque ele sabe verdades que nos incomodam.
    E triste que este casal tenha reduzido a vida da filha a um conjunto de cifroes. Ja repararam que em toda a carta nao lamentaram o facto da filha ainda nao ter aparecido nem a dor que essa ausencia representa? Para mim, no lugar deles, seria de facto isto, o mar da minha destruicao, nao o policia ou o dinheiro que ele ganhou ou deixou de ganhar. Muitos escreveram livros sobre Maddie que foram bestsellers. Alguns sem autoridade nenhuma para o fazerem. Nenhum foi perseguido. Muitos dao entrevistas e viraram vedetas de TV como o ex Rogerio Alves. Cont

  17. Cont:
    Ja que falam tanto em hipotecas... como esta a de Rothley? Quase paga com o dinheiro do Fundo nao e? E quantas entrevistas venderam para queimar a imagem de GA em particular e de Portugal em geral? Ate foram bem longe, a um programa de larga audiencia, o da Oprah. E o que e o site de vendas onde ate as tshirts, os panfletos e os tags das malas de viagem que sao publicidade a crianca desaparecida, tem de ser pagos por quem decide publicita-los? Deviam ser gratuitos porque ja foram pagos pelo dinheiro dos contribuintes do Fundo.E o Fundo paga impostos e presta contas? E a ilustre advogada, quanto do Fundo arrecada mensalmente e arrecadou com esta carta? Declara tudo ao fisco, ou por conveniencia as duas partes, circula muito dinheiro por baixo da mesa? Eu ca nao acredito que quem escreve uma carta destas seja bafejado pela virtude da honestidade.
    O jornal onde publicaram isto tambem e um bom indicador. Devem ter tentado outra imprensa de referencia mas deram com editores que disseram NAO a esta porcaria.
    Acaba a ilustre advogada, a dizer que os Mccann em Portugal nao tem voz que os defenda. Entao o que e que ela e? Uma oportunista que se enterra a cada cavadela. Nao e nos jornais que os seus clientes tem de se defender... E nos tribunais a responderem as perguntas dos juizes e a fazerem a reconstrucao que a PJ requereu, a semelhanca de todas as policias evoluidas, no mundo.
    Desculpe Textusa, mas nao podia deixar passar esta nojice. Agora se percebe, o tipo de gente com que os Mccann se envolvem em desespero de causa- M3, Marinho Pinto e Aragao Correia. Tudo farinha do mesmo saco, oportunistas que degradam a justica e desrespeitam as criancas.
    Espero que o advogado de GA leve esta carta ao tribunal, que tem aqui muito molho para alimentar a sessao.
    Destruiram os livros e agora andam a ver se nao pagam e se o policia se cala. Coitados, ainda ha gente que tem honra, e essa e a desgraca deles.

  18. May God have pity on the souls of all those that have defended the McCanns, their friends and their lesser-friends, legally or otherwise in all this cover-up, but before they go, please let them have the justice they really deserve here. The best of successes to Amaral in the following part of all this, when they'll have to answer to him all the evil they've done him.

  19. How the Mccann's come to know such private information regarding GA?It is only me, or there is a crime behind that?
    After all, in Portugal unless you are directly relatedd with subject, you cannot ask information about the private situation of a third person. You can ask, but nobody will give you. That meant ID had abused her power and break some codes. This is a crime... one more on Mccann's bouquet.
    I think, GA lawyer read that piece of sh.... enjoying a wonderful glass of chilli white wine.
    The Mccann's will be destroyed in court. Who said, ID was a good lawyer? RA of course, because he wanted to jump out of the mud.

  20. this letter is a pathetic revenge from ID because GA said on the interview, if the Mccann's insist with story of the book, is because their lawyer didn't inform them, and they are paying her.
    I never saw a letter so poor. This remind me the Joao Cipriano confession written by Aragao Correia with a spelling error on 'sipriano'

  21. Isabel Oliveira e o pseudonimo de Isabel Duarte? So pode ser, ou o casalinho que se diz inocente tem duas mandatarias em Portugal? O dinheiro ganho a sombra da desgraca da filha, da para alimentar muitos 'Maddioxicodependentes'. Os advogados, porta- vozes e liftconsultings do casalinho, ja nao sobrevivem sem esta dose de Madaina. Nao ha metadona que lhes valha. Estao todos, literalmente na 'fossa', rezando para que o policia nao esprema muito o limao, porque agora ja se alargou em muito o leque de criminosos. Eram Tapas 9 e mais uns cumplices. A esses juntaram-se oportunistas sem escrupulos que ganharam milhoes a sombra da desgraca da crianca. E o policia nao e nenhum deles. E talvez o unico que tinha legitimidade para escrever um livro e ser remunerado por isso. Afinal, foi chamado a PDL no exercicio da sua profissao e quando descobriu verdades incomodas comecou a ser um alvo a abater. O Estado que o chamou para o exercicio da sua funcao, demitiu-se do seu papel e nao foi capaz de defender um dos seus funcionarios, um dos seus cidadaos, como era seu dever.Portanto, restou ao policia auto-defender-se com a arma que tem e e legitima- A investigacao que competente e honestamente conduziu.
    Socrates, Alipio Ribeiro e o Ministro da justica, devem cobrir a cara de vegonha, se e que tem cara.

  22. 8:03:00 PM

    ID must have gone to the same law school as Carter Ruck lawyers. Their letters are just as pathetic. The word BULLY comes to mind. Bullies lash out because they have no real words to fight with.

  23. What kind of right to reply and rectification is exercised here?!?

    It doesn’t reply because only very vaguely, and subjectively speaks just of the title and four of the many questions of the interview. Then just attacks Goncalo Amaral and his family in very personal and unethical terms that have nothing to do with the interview.

    And does it ask to be rectified? Nothing.

    Only vitriolic attack.

    It reveals much more the fragilities of the attacker than those of the attacked.

  24. Very unprofessional for any lawyer to make personal remarks about any client or person they prosecute.
    I think it would result in a complaint to the Legal Complaints body if it happened in the UK.
    They seem desperate to discredit GA.

  25. Anon Mar 6, 2012 7:28:00 PM, you're right. It seems to have been overlooked that Rebelo picked up where GA left off, and was responsible for the process much longer than GA.

  26. In one word ... pathetic!

  27. “The parents of Madeleine McCann have no voice in Portugal. Everything was taken from them, the daughter, the honor and the possibility of a civic life, were annihilated as citizens, deprived of rights or social credit, which same did not happen, as can be seen in the interview with the gentleman who annihilated them”

    According to this, the McCanns, admit that in the country, Portugal, where they say they had their daughter abducted, they:
    - have no honor
    - have no possibility of a civic life
    - are annihilated as citizens
    - are deprived of rights
    - and are deprived of social credit.

    The McCanns, in the same sentence, also admit that Gonçalo Amaral (who according to them was so incompetent that he blundered completely the investigation to find their daughter) in the same country, Portugal, where they say they had their daughter abducted, he:
    - has honor
    - has the possibility of a civic life
    - isn’t annihilated as citizen
    - isn’t deprived of rights
    - and isn’t deprived of social credit.

    This means that the Portuguese are either cruel, stupid and unable to see the most obvious reasons, but at the same time are understanding, intelligent and supportive of an ncompetent.

    To whoever wrote this, as we Portuguese say “fugiu-te a boca para a verdade”/”your words unwittingly are true” because the Portuguese are understanding and supportive of of who they know is right and do not tolerate people who lie, profit from their daughter’s death and use money to persecute those that know they’re lying whenever they speak about their daughter’s fate.
    As also the Portuguese like to say, an enormous "Luck to You McCanns!", with the biggest “F” there is!!!

  28. Looking at that letter, we can see Mccann's methodes.
    No surprise, the Tapas 7 and the Bhs who help them with cover up, are all tide up with their private lives under the Mccann's hands. How many more letters similar to that one have they sent to other individuals to force them to keep their mouths closed?
    This is a behaviour Typical from a Mafia gang. Bullying who they know, they cannot overtake in an honest way.
    I hope GA remain calm and don't react to that provocation.
    This is what they are looking for- A Reaction.
    The best way, is ignoring them and expose the threat in court. I believe, this letter is criminal. You cannot persecute a person and expose private issues in public without getting permission from the person involved. THAT LETTER IS A HUGE DEFAMATION.
    Today,I'm very happy, because I always had the idea that this parents have a bad character, but I tried to refrain my feelings because they lost their child. Now, I have the confirmation... they are really bad characters and they cannot go more low.
    This makes me think about the poor life of the twins in the future. Which will be the methodes used by this parents in the future, to frame their childs and try to control the questions they obviously are going to pose, regarding the disapearence of their sister? Like us, they will read all information and arrive to some conclusions. Questions, hard questions will fill up their brains. What a nightmare.
    Much easy to assume the crime and tell the truth, but of course when they lied in 2007, to save their skins, they had no premonotion that the case will assume such proportion, 5 years later. They were counting with a third world Portugal and a stupid misinformed public. Internet made history and kill their plan. They are the big fraud of the Century.
    Looking at the History, I just find few really bad guys, who deserve to share with them the same shelf.

  29. Anon Mar 7, 2012 8:34:00 AM

    Please be aware that explicit foul language is NOT allowed in this blog. Any further attempt of such evident word play will not be tolerated.

  30. Isabel Duarte's personal comment about Amaral on her blogger profile shows she's despicable human being that cannot separate her personal from her professional life, which is a sign of unacceptable unprofessionalism. The Lawyers Order should be looking into cases like this because this is about professionalism ethics of the profession!

  31. Ai os golpes baixos destes 2.
    Lembram-se daquele artigo, estrategicamente manipulado e publicado por um jornal ingles aquando da audiencia em Lisboa a proposito do livro, em que o jornalista dizia que GA tinha se referido aos Mccann com a frase 'F..ck to the Mccann's'? Esta cartita e do mesmo genero. Um golpe baixo tipico de quem esta desesperado. Nao e so o conteudo do texto que e pauperrimo, e a estrutura do texto, o objectivo, TUDO.
    Ate o mais iletrado dos portugueses pensaria duas vezes se valia a pena escrever esta carta, porque ela revela muito mais podridao da parte de quem a escreve do que do objecto sobre o qual escrevem. Sinceramente, nao vejo nenhum medico portugues a escrever e pactuar com estas coisas. So mesmo um bastonario dos advogados, cujos movimentos sao ainda um misterio para os portugueses.

  32. I think ID shoule be allowed freedom od speech, she is making the noose for her own neck. She no longer has any credibility and is now appearing more than a little unhinged.

  33. Anyone knows who is this ISABEL COSTA PEREIRA? Is it Isabel Duarte under an "alias"? An alter ego, perhaps? Or yet another portuguese lawyer for the McCanns? They seem to collect them!

  34. Isabel Duarte has a FB page titled “Isabel Duarte candidate list to the Superior Council of the Lawyer’s Order (Isabel Duarte lista candidata ao Conselho Superior da Ordem dos Advogados)

    It seems that she’s the Head of this list and not a part of it.

    In the FB page, there’s a public presentation of her, made by herself.

    I’ll skip the first few paragraphs, as its personal. Anyone interested in reading it, it’s public and easily accessible. I’ll just quote what I think to be interesting within the context of the present post:

    “I planted potatoes, harvest and stepped on grapes, planted trees and flowers, but apart from constructing collective dreams of happiness and the cultivation of a fierce aversion to mistrust, to envy, to standardization and to fear, important, in my curriculum, is really my three sons and some joys I have given to those who seek me as a professional.
    I like the people because they are bobbin lace [rendas de bilros]. It is for them that, after all, I have been Attorney.
    I don’t understand moralisms and even less corporationisms, hence I don’t defend "the attorneys." But I also know that our profession is priceless. There isn’t a pay for almost complete deliverance it implies.
    I conclude by saying that I belong to a generation warned various times that the world soon, soon, will end. We are, yes, controlled just enough [q.b. – quanto baste = just enough, sufficiently enough], but sometimes there are surprises.”

    She speaks also about her mother, modest in material things but seemingly a very wise person. Pity such a great teacher had such a weak student, because in the aphorism referred in your pretentious self-portrait, there’s a great lesson to be learned, which is that there are much greater things than those which are palpable and valuable, such as pride, honor and honesty of belief, independent of possession of the first.
    That, Isabel Duarte, was the lesson I think you mother wanted you to learn.

  35. Foi candidata mas ganhou o amigo , MP.

    Dá para perceber a " formação de carácter" e a razão por que se entende com a K. Não tem pudor?

    Escreve na apresentação como foi incipiente a iniciação ou lá o que ela quer dizer.

    Para mim tem complexos de inferioridade , portanto deve achar que está a subir na escala social à conta do casal. Sente-se deslumbrada. Deslumbrada e submissa à mau português: quem fala outra língua é superior. Alguém aqui se lembra como isto era?

    Os complexos são tantos que à frente deles os fez entrar no Tribunal por uma porta apenas reservada aos Juízes. Assim, julga que se torna vip . Poderia discorrer mais sobre o que li ou sobre a apreciação que faço do percurso dela mas é melhor abster-me. Há pessoas que passaram pelo mesmo percurso e têm melhor carácter .

    (vip de viperina)

    O natal dela ( com a sic a filmar)



    E o Natal de GA e da Sua Família?

  36. This is really so sad. The McCanns decided not to go down alone, they have to take a few people with them. It must have been the worst day of GA's life to have been drawn into the net of the McCanns on 3 May 2007. What would his life have been like today, if it never crossed paths with this couple?

  37. I've always suspected that these two would stoop to any level to save their necks including destroying anyone who crossed them. This confirms it. But I'm sure Mrs Mccann is still praying for that 'abductor'.

  38. How much money has Isabel Duarte made from this missing child?
    And how much money have the parents raked in over the last five years? Millions - all on the back of a child whom they'd (supposedly) left alone in an unlocked building on a street corner whilst they themselves dined within the safety of a walled & gated complex (some 50 metres away from the apartment as the crow flies) which they disingenuously likened to their 'garden'. They then allowed others to contaminate the crime scene, brought in the media to create havoc and publicised the eye defect against police advice. And, to top it all, after vowing to leave no stone unturned, they subsequently refused to cooperate with police, answer questions or return for a reconstruction. They've hired one bunch of dodgy private tecs after another to find their daughter but when it comes to crushing anyone who questions their ludicrous story, resources, in terms of money and top lawyers, are no object.

  39. Isabel oliveira ou e um pseudonimo de ID ou uma freelancer baratucha do escritorio da dita advogada. Alguem, a espera da sua oportunidade, que se presta a dar o nome num jogo que e a todos os niveis- muito sujo.
    O estilo da carta e o metodo, parece ter a maozinha de Marinho Pinto ou de Marcos A Correia. Como estas duas personagens se meteram no caso Maddie e no caso Joana, sem aparentemente terem nada a haver com nenhum, esta possibilidade nao me surpreende.
    Ja que vao testemunhar, espero que um juiz faca a pergunta que se impoe : como/ porque aparecem nos dois casos? Que eu saiba, nao estavam de ferias no OC no dia 3 de Maio de 2007.
    O advogado vidente ate andou a gastar dinheiro do Fundo para procurar um cadaver na barragem do Arade, enquanto os pais que financiaram tal operacao, se desdobravam em viagens e entrevistas , a apregoarem uma crianca viva e com isso justificarem os peditorios.
    Passados Estes anos, ficou claro porque so lhes interessava Maddie viva. Porque se alvitrassem a possibilidade de morte, ja nao podiam alimentar o Fundo, e sem Fundo nao havia advogados. O salario de Gerry, nao chegava para pagar todos os Carter-rucks.
    O Casal e Tao " salafrario" que ate quis por um processo contra GA, por este ter solicitado apoio da seguranca social para ter um advogado, quando os sues bens e reforma sofreram arresto a proposito do livro. O tribunal considerou nao haver nenhum crime neste pedido.
    Este Casal julga que Vive num Mundo magicamente criado para eles, onde nao tem de se submeter as leis dos paises, e onde Podem criar leis que aplicam a outros cidadaos.
    Nao sei se resisto a tentacao de enviar esta carta com alguns comentarios meus, a actual ministra da justica e a um ex bastonario dos advogados que credibilizava a justica, o Dr. Pires de Lima.

  40. Anon Mar 7, 2012 12:25:00 PM

    I've translated the whole ID's presentation in FB. After all it's public as you say, and says much about who was written it:

    "In here could be a version of my curriculum in a corseted version, but with age I have and the little patience I have left for bowing, I no longer recognize the value or usefulness of corsets.
    I was born in Lisbon on March 28, 1954.
    I’m from the time of pre-A.O. (Ortografic Treaty) Portuguese and of trams with straw seats. I went to Primary School in the “Voz do Operário”, in the old Villa Candida, by Sapadores. I remember well the smell of the fruit from those times..
    I learned sexuality incipiently but very fairy-like due to lived prohibitions in gender contact in D. Filipa de Lencastre, a girl only High School. I found myself by lucks’ mistake as all seemed that my future would be cooked in low heat next to my mother, a seamstress then out of need. But my mother reserved us a magnificent gift. She used to say: If we have to wash stairs, our relatives won’t fall in mud!
    We both adapted the aphorism and learned to climb up the ladder that we had just gone down washing.
    In wonderment, I consumed the writings of Antonio Vieira, when, in High School , I was forced to read the “Maias”, but only at 30 did I read Camilo [Camilo Castelo Branco] with pleasure. I know personally one of the greatest Portuguese living poets, one essential fact that not everyone can boast about.
    For me, I could have been an Architect. I mean, I think that what I am is an Architect. But I graduated in Law, working as a typist and already a mother of a family. The Portuguese life to match.
    I planted potatoes, harvest and stepped on grapes, planted trees and flowers, but apart from constructing collective dreams of happiness and the cultivation of a fierce aversion to mistrust, to envy, to standardization and to fear, important, in my curriculum, really are my three sons and some joys I have given to those who seek me as a professional.
    I like the people because they are bobbin lace [rendas de bilros]. It is for them that, after all, I’ve been an Attorney.
    I don’t understand moralisms and even less corporationisms, hence I don’t defend "the attorneys". But I also know that our profession ispriceless. There isn’t a pay for the almost complete deliverance it implies.
    I conclude by saying that I belong to a generation warned various times that the world soon, soon, will end. We are, yes, controlled just enough [q.b. – quanto baste = just enough, sufficiently enough], but sometimes there are surprises."

  41. Tudo o que este Casal toca, fica arruinado: 2 jornalistas do The Sun hospitalizados com suspeitas de suicidio. Depois do escandalo da obtencao ilegal de noticias, o jornal e muitos jornalistas estao em maus lencois,
    Noticiam varios jornais portugueses hoje.

  42. Anon Mar 7, 2012 12:25:00 PM

    I forgot to say that I used your text. Here is the original for the Portuguese readers:

    "Neste lugar podia estar o meu curriculum numa versão espartilhada, mas com a idade que tenho e a pouca paciência que me resta para vénias, já não reconheço a valia ou utilidade de espartilhos.
    Nasci em Lisboa, no dia 28 de Março de 1954.
    Sou do tempo da língua portuguesa pré-A.O. e dos eléctricos com bancos de palhinha. Frequentei a escola primária da Voz do Operário, na velha Villa Cândida, junto a Sapadores. Lembro-me bem do cheiro da fruta desses tempos.
    Aprendi uma sexualidade incipiente mas feérica à custa das proibições de contacto de género vividas no Liceu estritamente feminino, D. Filipa de Lencastre. Aí fui parar por um engano da sorte, quando tudo indicava que o meu futuro seria consumido em lume brando ao lado da minha mãe, então costureira por necessidade. Mas a minha mãe reservava-nos um presente magnífico. Dizia: Se tivermos que lavar escadas, não nos caem os parentes na lama!
    Adaptámos o aforismo e aprendemos ambas a subir as escadas que laváramos ao descer.
    Em estado de emaravilhamento, consumi os escritos de António Vieira, quando, no Liceu, me obrigavam a ler os Maias, mas só aos 30 anos li Camilo com gosto. Conheço pessoalmente um dos maiores poetas portugueses vivos, facto essencial de que nem todos se podem gabar.
    Por mim, poderia ter sido Arquitecta. Quer dizer, acho que o que eu sou é Arquitecta. Mas licenciei-me em Direito, a trabalhar como dactilógrafa e já mãe de família. A vida portuguesa a condizer.
    Semeei batatas, fiz vindima e pisei uvas, plantei árvores e flores, mas à parte a construção de sonhos de felicidade colectiva e o cultivo de uma feroz aversão à desconfiança, à inveja, à normalização e ao medo, importantes, no meu curriculum, são mesmo os meus 3 filhos e algumas alegrias que tenho dado a quem me procura como profissional.
    Gosto das pessoas porque são rendas de bilros. É por elas que, afinal, tenho sido Advogada.
    Não compreendo os moralismos e menos ainda os corporativismos, daí que não defenda “os advogados”. Mas também sei que a nossa profissão não tem paga. Nenhuma paga existe para a entrega quase total que ela implica.
    Termino dizendo que pertenço a uma geração várias vezes avisada de que o mundo, em breve, em breve, irá acabar. Somos, sim, controlados q.b., mas às vezes há surpresas."

  43. Carissíma MC, Mar 7, 2012 1:21:00 PM

    Obrigad apelo video, mas eu, pelo menos, não consigo visualizar, aparece uma mensagem de "video privado".
    No entanto, pelos fotogramas dá para ver come ID envelheceu! A "maldição dos McCann" não perdoa!
    Assim algo como "O retrato de Dorian Grey"...

    (almocinho de Natal fora de casa, he, he, pois claro, o "fundo sem fundo" dá para isso e muito mais...)

  44. To say a man is rich because he's earned £285,782.62, is calling Portugal less than a third world country.
    Even in those countries, that figure is far from making anyone be considered rich.
    Ridiculous accusation.

  45. Que vergonha... A dita advogada tem isto no seu Blog:


    Livros favoritosu: "A serie negra.......porque o investigator se chama Carvalho e nao Amaral"

    Devia estar a tentar fazer humor. Que patetica baixesa. Eu nunca vi nenhum advogado referir em publico comentarios a proposito das pessoas envolvidas nos processos.
    E outra que se julga acima da lei e que pensa que por defender o casalinho ja Pode dizer o que quer.

  46. Isabel Duarte... speaking about books, how about returning those books that some court in your country ordered to be returned to it's rightful owners so that they could be sold.

    In a country where attorneys seem to behave above what the courts decisions, who can expect any justice to be done?

  47. In the TV Mais statement she covers their asses by saying all the financial problems of Dr Amaral and his family are in the public domain and available to all.So they can legally publish these details but what about the moral aspect?

  48. how can isabel duarte get away with this.what sort of law do they have in portugal when it seems this person can dictate what and what she is not going to do with someone else's property when she has lost the battle

  49. Now is public:


    By Sic.....of course.

    Good day to All!

  50. Mar 7, 2012 11:58:00 PM Anon:

    A nice day to You but, of course His life is public because she spreads all about GA. Any place:

    Semanário Sol like AADVOGADA ; foruns; J. da R. more of course; papers....... magazines

    Have You your´s financial life in public?

    Have you a lawyer who puts the links in public ( must do the login) to Finanças?

    she does. She is not a nice person.

    About the vídeo my question was: And GA´s Family how is their Christmas? Money to eat in a restaurant?

    Thank You.

  51. Anon Mar 8, 2012 7:13:00 AM

    Portugal lived for half a century afraid of a political police who applied justice in a diferentiated and discrectional way how they saw fit. It was called dictatorship.
    In practical terms, people were afraid to speak up.
    Since then Portugal lives for almost half another century afraid of a judicial system who applies justice in a diferentiated and discrectional way how they see fit.they see fit.
    They haven't invented a term for it. Judiciocracy?
    In practical terms, people are afraid to speak up.

  52. Isabel Duarte’s animosity against GA is not natural. It’s not professional (I’m not saying unprofessional, although I think it is), it’s personal.
    I’ve never seen a lawyer go after with such will for the throat of a prosecuted person.
    I’ve heard of people hating and loathing that lawyer that has prosecuted them, but that is a defect of human nature, and the person is not a legal professional.
    Isabel Duarte’s strange sense of humour in her blogger profile is an indication that there’s a personal issue between the two.
    Could ID have offered a deal to GA and was told off in improper terms? I don’t think so, because the relationship between GA and the McCs at the time wouldn’t advise any sort of deal setting.
    My opinion is this. The Lisbon Trial was supposed to be about the published book being sold or not and just that, nothing about the contents of the case.
    But things went wrong for the McCann camp. The contents were discussed. ID, herself, had at a certain point, to come out saying that there were sightings the PJ hadn’t looked adequately at them.
    This resulted in the embarrassing questions that Gerry and Kate had to face outside the Court where they were repeatedly asked if they were to ask for the case to be reopened.
    Not even the F-word episode distracted the main attention from this. The couple was very uncomfortable outside the Court.
    In the legal battle ID didn’t suffer a defeat at Amaral’s hands. She was humiliated.
    I’m talking on legal terms only. The discussion should have been about what the archival of the process (not the reasons for its archivation) meant about the presumed innocence of the couple, and if they were only presumed innocent and not pronounced not guilty would be sufficient to allow the book’s consideration be made public.
    ID was unable to contain the debate within these boundaries, and was, in my opinion humiliated in the courtroom, when content was discussed.
    No one likes to lose. The Court did give her victory then, but the indignation and the end result is what we know to be.
    This is a personal issue between the two at this point, helped by the McCann’s despair.
    Just an opinion.

  53. This latest attack doesn't really surprise me. The McCann’s have done everything possible in their quest to discredit anyone who questions their version of events - attack is the best form of defence, so they say. Their story is absolute pants but they've been able to get away with it because 1) they've had very influential supporters and 2) because - though I hate to say it - there is still a terrible culture of xenophobia/racism in the UK which has played right into their hands. In addition, you only have to look at the Leveson Inquiry to see how it has exposed the rotten corruption in the UK. Every institution is infected. Politics, police and media are all in each other’s pockets - many of those involved have been the most avid supporters of the McCanns - and we’ve even had situations where the media has interfered with the most serious police investigations i.e. Milly Dowler and Daniel Morgan. In the case of Milly Dowler, the (NI) media not only hacked her phone but also actively tried to steer the investigation, and bully police, by claiming (falsely) they had evidence that she was still alive. The Daniel Morgan case is on another level altogether and is just about as rotten as it gets. Now, we have the latest news regarding the Stephen Lawrence investigation with the Independent newspaper claiming institutional police corruption. The Indy alleges that police and the gangster father of convicted murderer, David Norris, were in cahoots throughout the investigation and this info was withheld from the parents and their legal team: the police deny it, but the Macpherson Report found them to be institutionally racist which amounts to corruption anyway. Stephen Lawrence’s parents have battled on for nigh on 20 years & without their incredible determination to fight racism I doubt their son would ever have obtained any justice at all.
    Will the Scotland Yard review be free of all this rot or has SY already been quietly directed as to which road to take? I don’t know but I’m not hopeful - the kind of backers the McCann’s have are far more influential than David Norris’s dad.


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