In Portuguese:
“A Polícia Judiciária (PJ) do Porto e Scotland Yard reabrem caso Maddie, avança o "Jornal de Notícias."
"Polícias não desistem da procura de novas pistas", adianta o diário, na primeira página da edição desta sexta-feira.
À Renascença, Rogério Alves, advogado dos pais de Madeleine McCann, diz que o assunto não está encerrado. Perante novas pistas o processo pode ser reaberto, afirma.
"O assunto não está encerrado. O processo criminal foi encerrado com o arquivamento, mas o assunto não está encerrado, porque continua a não se saber o que aconteceu à Madeleine, quem é que a terá raptado, o que terá efectivamente ocorrido. Enquanto isso não for descoberto, a polícia pode sempre retomar uma investigação e essa investigação é que poderá reabrir o processo no Ministério Público."
Segundo Rogério Alves, "o que aconteceu agora é que algumas das informações que foram veiculadas às polícias estão a ser tomadas com maior credibilidade, está a ser verificada a sua consistência e estão a ser motivo para desencadear um novo conjunto de investigações".
O advogado mostra-se, no entanto, cauteloso em relação a uma possível reabertura do caso Maddie.
"Caso a polícia, no quadro das investigações que faça, chegue à conclusão de que há pistas, indícios, elementos que possam colocar a investigação na senda dos responsáveis pelo que aconteceu, então, poderá ser suscitado junto do Ministério Público, com base nesses elementos novos, um pedido de reabertura do processo. Porventura, será prematuro estar já a antever este cenário.”
Madeleine McCann desapareceu no dia 3 de Maio de 2007, do apartamento de férias da família, num complexo turístico na Praia da Luz, em Lagos, no Algarve.
A menina britânica de três anos dormia juntamente com os dois irmãos gémeos, enquanto os pais, os médicos Kate e Gerry McCann, jantavam com um grupo de amigos num restaurante do 'resort' a cerca de 50 metros do apartamento.”
In English:
“OPorto's PJ and Scotland Yard reopen the Maddie case, advances the "Jornal Notícias."
"The Polices won’t give up looking for new leads," says the diary, on it's first page of this Friday edition (March 9th, 2012)
In the Radio Renascenca, Rogério Alves, Madeleine McCann's parents' lawyer, says the issue isn’t closed. Faced with new evidence the process can be reopened, he said.
"The issue is not closed. The criminal processing was closed with the archiving, but the matter is not closed, because it’s still not known what happened to Madeleine, who is to have kidnapped her, what actually took place. While that is not discovered, the police can always resume an investigation and it's investigation that may reopen the process in the Public Prosecutor."
According to Rogerio Alves, "what happened now is that some of the information that were provided to the police is being taken with bigger credibility, is being checked for consistency and may be reason to unleash a new set of investigations."
The lawyer, however, shows caution in relation to a possible reopening of the case Maddie.
"In case the police, in the framework of their investigations, come to the conclusion that there are clues, evidence, elements that may put the investigation in pursuit of those responsible for what happened, then, it may be put before the public prosecutor, based on these elements, a new request for the reopening of the case. However it may be premature to already be anticipating this scenario. "
Madeleine McCann disappeared on May 3, 2007, from the family's holiday apartment in a resort in Praia da Luz, in Lagos in the Algarve.
The three year old British girl slept with her two twin brothers, while her parents, doctors Kate and Gerry McCann, were dining with a group of friends at the 'resort's' restaurant about 50 metres from the apartment."
In the online site of Jornal de Notícias, there was no such news, and in Correio da Manhã this is denied.
Let’s see how it develops in the next hours, if it develops at all.
Bom dia a todos!
ReplyDeleteOs medos são de tal modo que a consertação "social de um pequeno grupo:R.A. e I.D.) passa à acção.
Reavaliar é o que está na capa do J.N. a letras pequenas e a vermelho.
Não irei comprar o J.N. , embora até goste deste diário, pois sei que a verdade está aqui:
" R: A decisão desse Primeiro Ministro tem sido deturpada. O casal McCann tem falado numa reavaliação dos " avistamentos" da criança. Mas o que está a acontecer é que a Scotland Yard, nomeada para reavaliar toda a investigação, tem colocado de lado os pseudo-avistamentos centrando-se no processo que se encontra arquivado. Os elementos da Scotland Yard têm estado a trabalhar com uma equipa de investigação do Porto ( Porto porque o Algarve e Lisboa já tinham estado envolvidos) , e o que se sabe é que a "coisa" não está a correr muito bem para o lado dos McCann. "
When the letters written or signed by a woman, are not enough to convince the public, they use, the typical chauvinistic Latin societies , a man.
ReplyDeleteLook to this:
Can You remember another man with same gesture?
I do.
Have a nice day.
How many lawyers do these people have in Portugal?!?
ReplyDeleteIt looks like when the heat on the frying pan is low, it's Isabel Duarte that shows her face for the couple, but when the flame is raised higher, Rogerio Alves is the one that handles the serious business.
He says nothing new. He's shrewd, and his anticipating any possible new developments.
Because he speaks, maybe there are to be new developments (Textusa again right on the first line predicting this in January!!)
ReplyDeleteSomeone is playing games?!
According to the PUBLICO newspaper the Porto PJ has not reopened the case:
"O mesmo responsável da PJ do Porto sublinha que não se trata de uma reabertura do caso, porque isso "exige novos elementos", mas um novo olhar para os elementos do processo que estiveram nas mãos da PJ de Portimão, sob comando de Gonçalo Amaral, e depois sob a liderança do ex-director nacional adjunto, Paulo Rebelo."
Polícia Judiciária (PJ), Pedro Carmo, diz que o caso passou para a PJ do Porto porque esta terá "um olhar mais distante do caso" e porque "a direcção nacional da PJ optou por nomear uma equipa que nada teve a ver com o caso, tendo a escolha recaído sobre a secção regional de investigação e prevenção criminal da PJ do Porto, chefiada pela coordenadora superior Helena Monteiro."
"A equipa do Porto é experiente nestes casos. Investigou o caso de uma desaparecida em Lamego", salienta Pedro do Carmo, aludindo ao caso de Carina Ferreira, uma jovem de Lamego que desapareceu e cujo cadáver foi encontrado após um mês de buscas numa ravina de uma auto-estrada."
Estão a gozar, não?! Então a experiência da PJ do Porto resume-se ao caso da jovem de Lamego?! Um caso??? E olhem que este caso da Carina Ferreira tem muito que se lhe diga, não é nada abonatório da competência da polícia...belo exemplo para invocar! Foi preciso um mês para encontrarem o carro com a jovem morta lá dentro, caído numa ravina na A24, onde já haviam sido feitas buscas! A triangulação do sinal de telemóvel indicava que estaria numa área num raio de 1 km quadrado. Que bem que foram feitas as buscas nessa estrada e nesse km quadrado, não haja dúvidas...nem cães pisteiros usaram, desvalorizaram marcas de pneus na estrada, redes de vedação danificadas, etc.,...
fear causes to them big panic attacks.
ReplyDeleteIn no way are credible. But, the papers thus thought to increase the circulation. Maddie, unfortunately, is always a bargain for many.
Olá Maria, olá Textusa, bom dia!
ReplyDeleteMaria, então o JN mudou a capa, porque o que eu vi ontem à noite na SIC noticias era bem diferente... ( ver o video no endereço web que deixo em baixo), vá-se lá saber o que isto significa, precipitação, ou um puxão de orelhas ao JN vindo de "algum lado"...? Não é por acaso que o site do JN esteve inactivo, e agora, não mostra a capa da edição em papel, só a do dia 6!
So, the JN has changed its front cover, because in the SIC Noticias channel, last night (around 1, 1.30 am)they showed the front cover of the newspaper and it was major news: "PJ do Porto e SY REABREM o caso Maddie", in BIG black letters, not a small footnote news announcing the possible reopening.
JN had its website innactive during the night...and even now the link to the front cover of the paper edition is not available, we get directed to the one of the 6th march!(?)
You can see it here:
(With video)
It seems from where I stand, that this is two-in-one thing:
ReplyDeleteOn purpose confuse the Portuguese with terminology, because the way I read it, it's the turn for a Portuguese REVIEW and not REOPENING.
With that, test the waters in Portugal, to see if the thing will pass under the bridge.
The confusion with what is said, confirmed, denied, etc, shows them that the issue is far from being dead in Portugal.
Didn't they see the reaction about Rui Pedro? Já está on line.
ReplyDeleteAs palavras de GA na entrevista ao "Crime" é que dizem a verdade.
Agradeço aqui quem se dirige a mim! Muito bom dia e muito obrigada. Já abri o link e vou ver.
Estive a ouvir as palavras do entrevistado ao telefone e ele insinua que a PJ do Porto é melhor do que as outras PJs?
ReplyDeleteOs deuses estão loucos. E, pergunto, será que não lhes caiem os dentes?
A capa parece-me igual à de hoje.......... ai,ai, os screens shots são valiosos.
E realmente o caso de Carina Ferreira...... pobre e infeliz Carina. Encontrada tão tardiamente e dizem-se especializados em desaparecimentos.
ReplyDeleteFoi de tal modo ( a decomposição) que nem a autópsia pode ser feita.
(detesto estas letras para publicar. São feias)
Como o processo já tinha sido avaliado em Portimão e em Lisboa claro que foi para o Porto.
ReplyDeleteÉ assim que se costuma fazer. Outros olhos para reavaliar. Nada de mais; isto está nos procedimentos de qualquer empresa, instituição; trabalhos para cursos.
Que gente.
GA explica isso tudo muito bem na entrevista dada ao "Crime".
In Joana Morais blog:
"3 perguntas a Pedro do carmo" (3 questions to Pedro do Carmo)
(Pedro do Carmo is the National joint director of the Judiciary Police)
"2 Why the Oporto PJ?
We want a more distant look. The Oporto team is experienced in this kind of cases. They have investigated the case of a missing person in Lamego."
Is it just me, or is this a silly way to justify or exemplify the Porto team experience in disappearance cases??? They investigated the case of ONE missing person??? ONE?!
And why, oh why, no one, but absolutely NO ONE in the media or in an official position ever mentions that the McCanns have the power to reopen the case??? They only have to ask!
To finish, (sorry, off topic) I don't understand what's going on in Joana Morais blog regarding the posting of comments! It seems to allow the posting of comments by anonymous people without any security checks on one day (it was the case in the past few days, no special words asked to be typed before clicking enter)and on the other comments are only possible for those with google account, openID, URL, etc.! No "anonymous" allowed now! Not that I choose to post as anonymous for some obscure reasons, just because I have none of those other options and don't even know how to get them, I'm quite illeterate when it comes to computer "things", lol! It's a pity that maybe so many like me are being left out from comments...
Comeca a contra-informacao Tao tipica e Tao conveniente para o casalinho.
ReplyDeletePrimeiro uma carta vergonhosa, assinada por uma Pierrot do escritorio de um dos advogados, publicada num jornal de caserna que a maioria do publico nao le, mas deve ler um grupinho de habitantes da Linha de cascais a quem interessa queimar a imagem de um PJ e nela, a de todos os PJ. Os famosos da Casa Pia.
Depois o disse que disse nos jornais do costume, com uns a desdizerem o que outros disseram. Capas de jornais mudadas, sites inoperacionais por longo tempo, mas entretanto o Master Pierrot R A ja legitimou a sua presenca em orgaos de informacao para debitar a mensagem que Mais convem. Se nao houvesse a capa do JN, como e que ele arranjava maneira de ter umas entrevistas onde podesse falar do assunto? E convem falar do assunto e semear Mais contra-informacao ja que vem ai o final de Marco e o mes de Abril e vai haver em Portugal e no UK, casos em tribunal onde os McCann parecem nao vir a fazer boa figura. Adivinham-se complicacoes.
Isto parece conspiracao mas para mim, o caso e simples- basta uma olhadela ligeira sobre o curriculo de ID e as suas actividades. A fulana esta por detras do que se publica ou nao nos media, faz parte de uma comissao de control/ avaliacao dos media e da formacao a jornalistas, em pos graduacoes, na
universidade. Nao e dificil imaginar como e que estas coisas se fazem na sombra.
Depois enquanto se passa a mensagem de onde o caso esta a ser reavaliado( PJ do Porto) provavelmente uma informacao verdadeira, Mina-se a credibilidade desta policia ao apresentar um caso que foi uma vergonha, uma mancha no curriculo da policia. O de Carina Ferreira. Porque nao o caso Pida e o dos gangs da noite do Porto, ou do travesty assassinado por jovens colocados em abridges da seguranca social? Fantis casos de success, foram logo escolher o Mais polemico. E que nao ha so jornalistas e advogados a trabalhar em prol do Casal, tambem ha procuradores, sobretudo os " betinhos" de Pinto Monteiro que sabem que estao nestes cargos enquanto o chefe la estiver e portanto nada farao que possa prejudicar o chefe. E consensual, a asneira que foi o arquivamento precoce deste caso e a Liberdade de manobra que deram ao Casal. Portanto, ha Duas entidades a quem nao interessa a reabertura da investigacao- o casal e amigos, e o Procuradores Geral da Republica. No dia em que o caso for reaberto, Pinto Monteiro e o seu gang, fica debaixo de fogo. Por alguma razao, que nao deve ser o amor a camisola, ele nao deixa o cargo em Marco quando atinge o limite da idade( coisa que os precedentes fizeram) e so deixa em Outubro, quando for o fim do mandato. Tem a esperanca de fechar a porta deixando casos como este definitivamente arrumados na gaveta dos arquivamentos. Para isso, vao trabalhando os Pierrots ca em baixo.
So a astucia de GA e a imparcialidade de algum juiz com que se cruze, podera inverter esta vergonha.
à custa do casal; dos homens de ontem e de hoje nas notícias, das cartas da senhora as quais se manifestaram insuficientes, cometeu-se uma situação imoral: ressuscitaram uma jovem falecida em 2010.
ReplyDeleteNão há direito !
Está tudo em português visto que não domino a língua inglesa.
Passa a pente fino caso Maddie McCann ???? A sério? Como no caso de C.F. a ressuscitada em 2012?
Que pensará e sentirá a Família de C.F. sobre o mês e tal da procura?
I would have thought that the most obvious thing to do was to re-open this case considering the amount of internet interest and general misinformation the mccanns have been able to generate.
ReplyDeleteAt the start they used fund money to pay their mortgage and their relatives admitted to financially helping the mccann couple. The MW complex where they stayed is far from luxurious yet how is it possible the mccanns have reached the dizzy heights where they have their own PR team and lawyers, a worldwide fund dedicated to searching for only one child, and as for the searching by all accounts there has been none. Money has been spent on images, whitewashing and lawyers not to mention the numerous litigation cases, if ever a case needed re-opening this is it. Why wait for new evidence when everyday more unwitting people are taken in by the Mccann spin machine.
This case is a disgrace.
GA seems very confident recently so it makes me think SY is looking for a way to re-open that will steer it towards the conclusion they want.
ReplyDeleteThe other thing I thought of is, in the UK if a person is missing for 7 years then they are legally declared dead. If M comes under this rule then the Mcs will not be able to add to their fund as it stands. They only have 2 years left and all their focus has to be on ‘believing’ M is alive, so the case must be kept alive.
Yes, anon from Mar 9, 2012 3:23:00 PM i think you are right. Like GA says will be diplomatic and politic solution.....
ReplyDeleteJ.P. - a noticia que marca o dia de hoje , é uma reviravolta ….será ? No caso Maddie,é isso Hernâni?
HC: Vou falar no caso Maddie portanto vou ter mais um processo.Cada vez que falo no caso Maddie há um processo. É mais um.
O que eu percebi que se passa no caso Maddie é que :
1º- mudou o primeiro ministro em Portugal, aquele que uma vez reuniu com o Gordon Brown e, nós (Jornalistas) perguntamos-lhe " falou no caso Maddie com Gordon Brown?" E o homem disse: " não, não falamos"!
A seguir perguntamos a Gordon Brown : " falou no caso com Sócrates? E G.B. " sim, falamos! "
J.P. para H.C.: caso Madeleine McCann…..
H.C.- caso Madeleine McCann , tanto quanto sei a S.Y. continua a investigar na medida em que a Menina não aparece , coisa que os pais têm razão . Então onde é que está a Menina? E, agora pediram a colaboração da Polícia Judiciária para reverem todo o processo .
primeira nota: afinal disseram tão mal da Polícia Judiciária mas parece que os ingleses, pelo menos alguns não dizem tão mal assim da Polícia Judiciária tanto que vieram pedir a colaboração da Polícia Judiciária para reavaliar todo o caso McCann .
segunda questão : foi importante ter sido a Polícia Judiciária do Porto. Quer dizer que, para além de Portimão, Faro,Coimbra, e Lisboa, também há Polícia Judiciária no Porto. É a 2ª conclusão que se tira.
HC: vão reavaliar aquilo tudo; vão ver se tudo aquilo faz sentido . Por exemplo vão perceber ou tentar perceber por que nunca foi possível tentar fazer uma reconstituição porque como tu sabes, quem lê aquilo com atenção , percebe que é impossível fazer uma reconstituição com base nas declarações feitas . Se calhar vão descobrir isso….
HC- é um olhar mais fresco…..Mas há aqui várias conclusões.
primeiro : a Inglaterra já não tem o Gordon Brown como primeiro ministro ;
segundo: há Polícia Judiciária no Porto ;
terceiro: o primeiro ministro também não é o de antigamente e, pelos vistos as pessoas que dizem muito mal da P.J. em Inglaterra ou estão de férias ou….
J.P. mudaram de ideias…..e vamos ouvir falar no assunto…..
H.C. - vamos……. (3m:24s){77786AE4-E7D0-4889-B838-2C3D64FBEADB}
Não é notícia e não é reviravolta.
ReplyDeleteFears on Mccann's field. GA interview, already create consistent damages. They are worried about what he could know and present in court on the coming trial. He is out of PJ, but he didn't lost his contacts inside PJ and who knows if an important witness didn't contact Amaral to deliver very important information which is under investigation by PJ?
ReplyDeletePJ loves to do his work out of the spotlights, In a very smooth and quite way. They just come to the news when they reach the conclusions... Too late for the Mccann's to force a u- turn, unless this lawyers had some spy's inside PJ. I don't believe, this time they have any. They create too much antibodies inside the PJ. I believe, PJ will kept the case like it is until October, waiting for Pinto Monteiro to leave. After him, the police will retell the story, with all darknesses exposed. Kate, Gerry, Jane and O' Brien, you have reasons to lost your sleeps.
Não é notícia e não é reviravolta.
ReplyDelete09-03-2012 13:23
A direcção nacional da Polícia Judiciária (PJ) confirma à Renascença que está a reanalisar o processo do desaparecimento de Maddie há já um ano, em articulação com a Scotland Yard.
(texto e áudio )
Sao adoraveis os comentarios a noticia no site do JN.
ReplyDeleteJa imagino quem bateu com a cabeca na parede hoje... Roeu as unhas, praguejou e teve vontade de engolir GA. A "sweet ID".
Onde e que param as fotos chocantes que ela diz ter visto na PJ de Portimao, insinuando que uma podia ser de Maddie? Ao fim de um ano, nao foi capaz de fazer alguem olhar para elas? Ou nao existem, foram mais um bluff devido aos chatos dos jornalistas portugueses que fazem perguntas inconvenientes?
Eu estou fora de Portugal, por isso nao sei se li bem... O Rogerio Alves na Renascenca a 1:30 am? Mas isso nao e madrugada? Oi foi um erro ? Se ele esteve na Renascenca de madrugada, e porque o assunto e serio. Que cachet Tera cobrado aos McCann por este servico de urgencia? Esta tramado... E bom que se dedique aos comentarios nos media porque como advogado o caso Maddie vai ser um assassinato profissional. Ele, a ID e amigos como o Marinho Pinto, estao na lista negra dos portugueses. Ninguem quer os servicos de advogados vendidos a um grupo de beefs que insulta ingleses e portugueses numa onda de xenofobia que e muito mal vista em todo o Mundo.
O Mundo sabe que eles devem ter a contas a prestar a justica portuguesa, por isso recusam mostrar como foi o ultimo dia da filha.
Quem Sao os pais de uma crianca realmente raptada que se recusam a fazer reconstituicoes? E qual e a justica que arquiva um caso quando este passo fundamental nao foi feito? Conveniencias, sweet ID, nao e? Ja deve ter dormido muita noite, com remorsos na almofada por ter aceite este caso. Maddie, nao deixara que nenhum dinheiro sujo floresca. Ha uma especie de maldicao sobre os que se associaram aos McCann, provando que nem tudo vale a pena, por dinheiro.
What is Amaral's comment about this?
ReplyDeleteIt seems that the SY and the PJ's argument is: no new leads.
But it was a revision, not an investigation.
A bunch of people, terrible lot of money and this? Probably the PJ refuse to burn their fingers again, like they did in 2007.
Lots of work an money and at the last moment again archiving.
I hope this is a trap. If it isn't
I only can say it is looking very well to the McCanns.
Infelizmente é certo não reabrir o processo. Sofrer o que Portugal e a PJ sofreram com a Inglaterra,custos altíssimios da investigação, desempregos no Ocean Club, Padre Pacheco abandonando o trabalho, Murat suspeito e é inocente, Amaral casado com uma prostituta: prá quê mais sofrimento com o risco de o governo inglês mais uma vez porteger os McCanns?
ReplyDeletemas Deus castiga e os McCanns serão castigados!
Gosh, diplomatic and a politic solutiom? Again? This is becoming monotonous...
ReplyDeleteThis crime will inspire other people to get rid of their relatives abroad.
-"They have taken her!"
- "My great grandmother!"
-"Who took her?"
"-Gipsies, of course!"
ReplyDelete...Who took her?
-Paedophiles, of course!
Oh boy! That's it! The SY wants to wrap up its review but feared the fierce criticism of the public opinion, because the outcome is not what was expected, justice for Madeleine at last, with the reopening of the investigation both here and in the UK. Their review aws from the start destined to amount to nothing, zero results, but they do not dare to present that to the public only based on their work alone, no, they ahve to involve the PJ, they need the PJ to come with the same nule results, and then they can say with a straight face, "see..we reviewed the files, the portuguese police did the same too and sadly we, along with the portuguese police have to conclude that there are no evidences to conclude what happened to Madeleine and not nay evidences to charge anyone with her disappearance. The case remains archived."
ReplyDeleteThey need the PJ to cover their backs in this mother of all whitewashes!
the PJ are fed up of the McCanns, they know that the child is dead, we know that the child is dead and that is enough for them. But not for us.
ReplyDeleteOK, but at least the PJ can continue doing other work instead of concentrating themselves on the McCanns.
OK I accept their decision, no leads, ok.
It is good that the SY is not denying the death of the child.
They are talking about lack of new leads.
" Lie to me"
Se tinha duvidas, depois de ver a
ReplyDeleteSandra Felgueiras no "Sexta as 9" essas duvidas desapareceram. Esta montada uma operacao em cadeia para limpar de vez a imagem dos McCann e destruir GA.
A Sandra Felgueiras comeca o assunto a dizer que a PJ resolveu juntar-se a SY e que esta a reavaliar o processo, numa perspectiva em que os McCann ja nao Sao suspeitos.
Primeiro da uma imagem de subserviencia da PJ a SY, quando deveria ser a PJ a liderar todo o processo. Depois, nao sei onde ela foi buscar a ideia dos McCann ja nao serem suspeitos. So se foi a outra fonte que nao Pedro do Carmo. O que este disse, e que a PJ do Porto partia para o caso distanciada, ate no espaco, sem ideias pre-concebidas, sem emocoes e com todas as possibilidades em aberto. Nessas possibilidades, em meu entender, tambem entram os pais, os amigos e todos os que estavam no OC naquele dia. Se as regras da investigacao criminal Sao para ser seguidas, os pais foram os ultimos a ver a crianca, por isso nao Podem ser eliminados da investigacao, a nao ser que reconstruam a noite do crime e provem que as primeiras historias que contaram, eram possiveis. Estranhamente, nao ouvi ninguem falar no Mais basico- a reconstrucao.
Rogerio Alves Apareceu abatido, nervoso e pouco convincente. O que e isso do processo criminal estar encerrado mas o assunto nao? Entao quer dizer que o desaparecimento da crianca se resume a um assunto e nao e um processo criminal? E eu que pensavavque devido ao misterio e ao tempo que ja passou, o assunto devia estar dentro dos processos de alto crime. Se e so um assunto, porque e que a SY tem 37 policias alocados ao caso e ja gastou 2.2 milhoes de Euros?
RA quase engolia a SF quando esta comecou a questionar o interesse e o dinheiro alocado por Cameron a um unico caso.
Se isto e uma lavagem em Massa, da culpa dos McCann, e uma vergonha que a RTP paga pelos dinheiros publicos, se envolva ness a lavagem.
Mitchell tambem esta envelhecido e ja nao tem a arrogancia e a " spineria" de outros tempos. Parecia um toto a dizer que os McCann ja sabiam da reavaliacao da PJ do Porto ha uma semana. Eh! Eh! Deve ter Sido com a entrevista a GA. Ficaram furiosos e tiveram que por os seus servicais a trabalhar.
Eu quero acreditar que Portugal nao vai sujeitar-se ao enxovalho novamente. Quero acreditar que o objectivo de escolher a PJ do Porto, foi calar os McCann que arranjavam sempre maneira de por em causa a PJ de Portimao e investigar todas as hipoteses, incluindo os pais. Mas tenho serias duvidas. Isto parece Mais uma maquina enorme de lavar roupa, cheia de " Skip."
What worries me is that if SY are accessing the archived files does this include the "withheld documents" and if so, is this a risk. These are the documents the McCanns are desperate to get their hands on to see.
ReplyDeleteIt is not beyond the realms of possibility that the situation is being manipulated in order to gain access to the information they require. I fervently hope this is not the case - but it wouldn't be the first time underhand measures have been used to subvert the course of justice and to mask intent and allow a misapprehension of success to prevail.
Anon @ Mar 9, 2012 11:06:00 AM
You and me both regarding Joana's blog already very low comments.
No idea what to say about this.
ReplyDeleteInconsistencies don't happen only among the Tapas.
They also happen on Portuguese papers and internet.
What is happening, my god, no results after such a terrible work?
And what does Amaral mean with diplomatic and political?
And who got tired of all of this?
Tanto tempo a passarem um pente fino e não acharam um só piolho.
ReplyDeleteAnon Mar 10, 2012 12:13:00 AM
ReplyDeleteIf their objective is to drive people away from the issue, you're just another notch they've carved.
Lavagem? Isto simplesmente não pode ser verdade. Odor de cadáver, sangue e odor no carro, desaparecimento cobertor, saco de esporte, Smiths, odor roupa Maddie e Kate, desaparecimento total da criança...
ReplyDeleteA SF deve ter entendido mal.Não é possível que isto seja verdade.Parece pesadelo.
Em que acreditar?
ReplyDeleteA Inglaterra está dando que o caso está sendo aberto.(McCann Files)
Anonymous said...
ReplyDelete"Tanto tempo a passarem um pente fino e não acharam um só piolho."
Mar 10, 2012 12:20:00 AM
EH, eh, sabe, é que os piolhos, 2,precisamente, andam no UK, lá por Rothley...
In McCann FIles:
ReplyDelete"Maddie: Shock as cops re-open case Daily Star (paper edition)"
"THE family of missing Madeleine McCann were given fresh hope last night after police re-opened the case into her disappearance."
Well, it's the Daily Star, not the most respectable source (if indeed there are ANY respectable and trusted media sources...), but what I liked is the word "SHOCK"! Why is this such a SHOCK? To whom is this a shock...? Isn't this what everybody should wish for?
"Shock" and "fresh hope", those do not match, do they? The D Star is mocking the McCanns...?
A few days ago Amaral revealed that Oporto police are working with Scotland Yard and the next thing is we get the usual spin from Team McCann - obviously the McCanns have briefed Roger Alves.
ReplyDeleteApparently the McCanns are "overjoyed" by this latest development. Why are they overjoyed now when they could have had the case reopened at any time since 2008 but did nothing? In fact in July 2008 when the case was shelved they had until September of that year to oppose the shelving but, again, they did nothing. There was no need for a £3.5M Scotland Yard review, or Oporto review since, all along, they've had the legal right to request the reopening of the case. It's a shame that the media play along with this PR stuff and continue to hoodwink the public in this way.
From the Daily Star:
ReplyDelete"Madeleine’s parents Kate, 44, and Gerry, 43, are convinced their daughter, who would be nine in two months, is still alive and have long campaigned for the case to be re-opened."
Well, their long campaign might have been fruitful,so, why the SHOCK?!
It is incredible the distortion and misinformation of the british media! The McCanns have been struggling with a "long campaign" to get the case reopened, but the mean portuguese authorities won't listen! What the british media is not telling its readers is how easy the McCanns could get the case reopened, no need for long campaigns, they just had to request the reopening from the portuguese prosecutor and for example, finally volunteer to do the reconstruction!
I bet that to this day , most of the british people still don't know that the McCanns allowed(pressured) the case to be archived, ignored the deadline to ask for its reopening and that even today they are the ones who hold in their power the swift reopening of the case, they just have to ask for it!
People, do pay attention!
ReplyDeleteReavaliar, is to reevaluate, or to REVIEW.
Why Oporto? Because they couldn't find anyone else. What does the PJ of Oporto got to do with the case?
They've been doing it for over 9 months!!! Same time as SY.
Whitewash. How many times do you have to read whitewash?
But you know what will take them a LOT to whitewash? The blogs! The internet. That will take them millions of gallons
I'm very wary of this review because, judging from the Leveson inquiry, Scotland Yard have been leaking like sieves, accepting illegal payments in exchange for information and possibly far worse. So it is not unfair to suspect that, unless SY have suddenly cleaned up their act, the McCanns and/or their associates (in the media or otherwise) are probably being fed inside information.
ReplyDeleteIt's us (internet/people) against them (system). I'm not calling for any violent, anarchist action, just calling it as it is!
ReplyDeleteThe system is showing that they hold the bread and we go after the crumbs. The more importance we give to this issue the more important they'll become. look at the McCanns. they fell in disgrace, and now they are limited (until when?) to the Daily Star!
This is in the news because the system had to let us know that the Portuguese system is also 100% behind the whitewashing!
The only thing we can do, and should continue doing is to support the credible blogs! I'm proud to see the flag of my country come up multiple times in Textusa. I think all of us should feel that pride! Bless you Sisters!
I dont think the Mccanns are very happy with what is being said in the media about the re-opening and pj working with Met.
ReplyDeleteUsually they would hold a staged press conference but not this time in the news article it said the mccanns would not comment. This suggest that it has nothing to do with the PR spin machine operated by team mccann, but that the met and pj are doing their job irrespective of what the mccanns say, they never wanted this case investigated it was another publicity stunt of theirs but cameron took them at their word and now mccanns silence is deafening.
Thank you Textusa and sisters may we soon find out what really happened to poor little maddie.
The Tapas 7 must be very worried about time they were investigated, especially Payne.
ReplyDeleteHe wanted to add something to his statement, he stayed behind with the Mccanns when Yvonne the social worker spoke to them, and his statement about not being sure the amount of time spent with Kate on the final sighting of Madeleine, he also mentioned the blue tennis hold-all in his statement that mysteriously disappeared.
"As JN was able to find out, one of the aspects that is being newly worked over is the telephone traffic of the members of the group [Tapas 9] that were spending their holiday at the Ocean Club, in Lagos, in the Algarve, in May 2007. This is being done through the records of the area’s antennas."
ReplyDeletein Jornal de Notícias, page 2, March 10, 2012 | Online paid edition | Translation by Astro ( from Joana Morais blog)
This is keeping the Mccann's and their friends exactly at the center of the investigation and not eliminating them as suspects. Yesterday, RTP, Sandra and Rogerio Alves, doing their litte job to confuse the public and please the Mccann's.
Mais uma historieta, provavelmente "made in McCann" para tentar destruir um outro PJ, Ricardo Paiva.
ReplyDeleteSe o PJ, fosse outro, ate acreditava que podesse ter Sido seduzido por uma falsa Americana e podesse ter feito inconfidencias. Como e Ricardo Paiva....hum, hum...muitos hum, huns. Afinal, nao e ele que sempre esteve na berlinda dos McCann, em conjunto com GA? Mais um incomodo, cujo testemunho sera arrasador para os McCann, se for chamado a tribunal. Afinal pelas maos dele, passaram importantes relatorios, depoimentos, provas.
No entanto, nao me surpreende que o telefone dele tenha Sido atacado pelos hackers( jornalistas) ao servico dos McCann. Este caso ja teve tantos acontecimentos paralelos estranhos, que este e Mais um. Um cao de GA foi morto, a Casa do vizinho foi assaltada por engano, o carro de Malinka foi incendiado com a. Palavra "fala" no passeio, a Cipriano teve um advogado a cair-lhe na prisao, para a defender de um caso em que ja tinha Sido julgava e sentenciada.
Nao me admira que agora comecem a chegar os homenzinhos verdes, de cara bicuda, em ovos invisiveis, para explicarem um desaparecimento que so tem uma explicacao a luz terrena, e NAO PODE SER RAPTO.
From Joana Morais Blog:
ReplyDelete"The discovery of new indicia could lead to the formal reopening of the process. If this occurs, proceedings can be made in order to fill up the voids in the case. One of them has to do with the analysis of the hair samples, found in the trunk of a car, rented by the McCann couple 20 days after the disappearance of their daughter.
At that time, the hairs fibres were sent to a Laboratory in Birmingham, that admitted that they could belong to Maddie. However, since they had no roots, it was not possible to identify [and extract nuclear] the DNA. They were returned.
Today that problem seems to have been overcomed. There are now laboratories in Germany and in Holland with the technical capacity to identify the DNA using rootless hairs. They may even provide information on possible drug substances that have been ingested.
It should be recalled, that at the time, information was divulged that the children were given pharmaceuticals drugs in order to help them fall asleep.
Page two of Fiona Payne Statement given to DC 1485 MESSIAH of the Leicestershire Police Major Crime Team in 10 April 2008
00.53.22 1485 “Did the twins wake up at all?”
Reply “They didn’t. They didn’t”.
1485 “In the aftermath?”
Reply “No, and that was the other thing, she kept going into the twins, she kept putting her hands on the twins to check they were breathing, she was very much concerned in checking that they were okay. But they were okay, I mean, they were fine, they didn’t, they were asleep, but at the time it did seem weird, I remember thinking, you know, when the Police came they turned the lights on, there was loads of noise, obviously from the moment Kate discovered that Madeleine was gone, the screaming and the shouting and there was a lot of noise and they, they didn’t, you know, so much as blink”.
*ongoing translation
in Jornal de Notícias, page 3, March 10, 2012 | Online paid edition
Note: These are short articles and further details added to Jornal de Notícias 2 pages news article dedicated to the Madeleine McCann case. To be read along with «Maddie Case: PJ/Oporto has already been on the field in the Algarve» and with «Virtual reconstitution tests ..."
I read it well? THE HAIR FOUND ON THE ROOT OF THE Scenic WAS RETURNED AND NOW CAN BE TESTED IN Holland or Germany? That is good news.
Team McCann and their gang, has reasons to work on the darkness of the society, trying to manipulate once again, the media and the lawyers who could reach the tables of some politics. Pinto Monteiro is leaving. Bad waves everywhere.
..."Let me reiterate; I find no proof of abduction nor proof that Maddie is alive. I believe the evidence more likely supports the theory that Maddie died in the vacation apartment and her body was removed from there. If the cadaver dogs are accurate in their alerts that a body was in the apartment on May 3rd, 2007 and was moved in the hire car that the McCanns rented weeks later, then the body was hidden locally and moved to another location at a later date. If we follow this theory, the following scenario is the one I believe most likely, having now spent time in Portugal and Praia da Luz...." Pat brown, on her new post "find the body and prove we killed her" in Pat's Blog.
ReplyDeleteOn the last post of Pat Brown, she clearly point the finger to Kate and Gerry. Whatever was the scenery, Gerry deals with body.
ReplyDeleteNo good weather on Mccann's field. In fact searching Maddie on that locations will be like what the Portuguese call" procurar uma agulha num palheiro".
Is not impossible to find her... Pj find the cadaver of a French guy, who was transported in a truck and buried in a forest, near Pombal, 2 years ago. The guy, came buried in concrete in the truck.
If Gerry was the one who "dealt" with the body, then how come the dogs did not detect any odour on any of his clothes or other objects? They did on Kate's...was he more careful and "profissional" and took precautions, such has wearing gloves and a protective jumpsuit and shoe covers that were later disposed of?
ReplyDeleteNo police can start a revision already thinking: "we have a suspect".
ReplyDeleteThe Scotland Yard and the PJ have to start from the beginning, as they were starting from the first day. Impartial. The arguido status of the McCanns was lifted in 2008
that's why Sandra Felgueiras said the McCanns are not suspects. She can't say otherwise.
Rogerio Alves has no other choice than to say they are innocent: he is their lawyer.
And why is Alves back? Where is Isabel Duarte?
I suspect the American lady is Philomena. She wants to date Ricardo Paiva because he is charming.
ReplyDeleteGerry went back to England a couple of times, didn't he?
ReplyDeleteNo dogs there.
Maybe he left his kit back home. If it was him, of course. We all respect the presumption of innocence, don't we?
Gerry went back to England for some times and besides Tapas 7 went definitely back already in May. They could have transport Gerry's clothes with them.
ReplyDelete"And why is Alves back? Where is Isabel Duarte?"
ReplyDeleteIsabel Duarte cannot controll her temper well, she easily falls into an irate state and she shouts a lot, she's very agressive, not at all a good PR for the McCanns...Rogério Alves is much more soft spoken, diplomatic, well versed in how to behave in front of the cameras.
Tanta spinneria, quando e tao importante ler entre linhas. Agora, chegou a vez da PJ Porto olhar para a investigacao. Nao e a primeira, e a quarta equipa portuguesa e perco a conta se entrar com as equipas estrangeiras que tambem ja estiveram ou estao no processo. Ja olhou para a investigacao, uma equipa de Portimao, de Lisboa, Paulo Rebelo, a SY( com os cerebros de outros homens), a Leic police, etc. Algum deles mudou uma virgula sobre o que se concluiu inicialmente? Que se saiba NAO! Apareceram mais suspeitos ou suspeitos diferentes dos considerados inicialmente? NAO! Entao isto e o que temos de ler, independentemente da campanha de branqueamento que esta montada.
ReplyDeleteSe houvesse uma pontinha de possibilidade de ter havido um erro, ha muito tempo que diplomaticamente ou grotescamente, os UK ja tinham puxado as orelhas a Portugal e mostrado que ainda bem que estiveram na investigacao porque assim poderam ver como e fraco o trabalho dos Tugas. Nao faltariam oportunidades para queimar um policia reformado e vender uns servicos da SY a treinar a PJ para ser mais eficaz. Passaram quase 5 anos, alguma vez a SY criticou o trabalho da PJ ou o Home Office o fez? NAO... eles sabem que nao podem. A PJ estava na pista certa. Os caes so precipitaram a situacao. A SY sabe que os caes sao infaliveis. Antes de virem para o Algarve, participaram em 200 casos com sucesso( sao casos a mais para ignorarmos a lei das probabilidades). Os caes sao tao infaliveis e tao preciosos que tem direito a condicoes e cachets especiais, que nenhum outro membro da SY tem. Era preciso que todos os governantes e todo o sistema policial ingles fosse muito burro para sustentar caes ordinarios assim.
Ridiculo e Gerry, a falar dos caes. Mais ridiculo ainda, por sabermos qual e o seu background. Um homem das ciencias, ligado a medicina, a menosprezar as capacidades dos caes que tiveram treino para apurarem ainda mais os sentidos que ja tem inatamente apurados. Sera que ele nunca estudou Pavlov e o reflexo condicionado, que tem no centro de toda a experiencia, o comportamento dos caes?
Tudo isto para dizer que a nova Sy e a PJ do Porto, nao vao concluir nada novo, nada diferente do que outros ja concluiram. O mundo so esta a espera de ver se algum vai ter txxxxxx para levar a justica os que resolveram esconder o que aconteceu a crianca, em vez de assumirem e a dignificarem.
Toda esta estrategia e para perder tempo e gastar algum dinheiro, que eu nao acredito tenha os zeros de que se fala. Este e um caso que vive de cifroes, de numeros e de bluffs. No entretanto, pode ser que aconteca uma de 3 coisas: que os Mccann confessem, que um dos amigos denuncie ou que o publico se renda e deixe cair no esquecimento este caso, como mais um daqueles que nao foi possivel resolver.
Por parte do publico, nao vai haver rendicao, portanto alguem na justica ou na politica vai ter de arranjar txxxxx para levar os culpados a confissao. Nao ha outros suspeitos. O caso esta, judicialmente, como em Set de 2007.
To the anon who questioned why Gerry clothes were not picked by the dogs for cadaver scent.
ReplyDeleteI think the answer is in the book 'the mannual to conceal a body'. That book, which is not available in the market, but is an important study piece for Uk polices, was found by PJ in the villa rented by the Mccann's. Was on Gerry side table showing the reading interests of that father in such delicate situation.
The first questions are WHO/HOW/WHY such book came to the hands of that father after his first trip to UK? 'Gambleservices', my feeling. Next question, but very important: WHY A FATHER WHO ALWAYS CLAIMS HIS DAUGHTER IS ALIVE, NEED TO READ THE MANNUAL TO CONCEAL A CADAVER, FEW DAYS AFTER HIS DAUGHTER WENT MISSING? The trip to UK was around 20 May, if I'm not in error. I think PJ needs to read that book, maybe inside there is some clues. A guy, who read such kind of mannual, is prepared to not commit errors and to clean up evidences.
(Thanks MC, I see it on your Blog)
After the sniffer dogs had detected cadaver in the mccanns apartment, they should have gone over their home in Rothley Gerry was always flying to and fro to UK and back to Portugal, if they had detected cadaver at Rothley that would have been enough to charge the Mccanns. Perhaps they can still go over Rothley with the dogs.
ReplyDeleteThings are moving at a fast pace now the mccanns went to mass yesterday shows they are worried and why so quiet?
Time to start investigating the Tapas crew and get a reconstruction underway.
Well done Tex fantastic blog x
Anon Mar 12, 2012 8:06:00 AM
ReplyDeleteAbout the scent question the answer is very simple. The dogs dectected scents from two (at least) different times (not locations):
- the night Maddie died, and that was on the floor, closet and backyard
- other occasions, and that was Kate's clothes, car, cuddle cat, etc.
Gerry's clothes worn on the night he disposed of Maddie's body were never smelled by the dogs. Those clothes, together with Tanner's clothes are stashed away in the tennis blue bag, in a very safe place.
anon @ 12, 8:29,
ReplyDeletePicking up Pat Brown Theory, the body was moved to different loccations but not many times.
on the first night, to a temporary place, for a very short time. Means, before the sun raising they moved it to a car or to a house. The car was rented 20 days after. That means, if was to a car, one car is missing, if was to a house, that house still missing, unless it was the villa they rented after. Who knows, when they really got the first access to that villa?
Pat Brown, said, moving the body around was very risky and storing it in a freeze in the house, needs a big freezer and is also too risky. Where was the body from 3 to 20 May and who dealt with it?From Pat theory, I imply after May 20, the body was stored in the boot of the Scenic with ice, until they fund a final destination. In fact, if we look back, we see them almost everyday around the OC doing interviews, checking the police and the journalists, doing jogging, but no much use of the car. Later, in July and August, yes, they use the car, but at the time the body must be already disposed. When the body was in the car, if was there, they don't need to expose themselves to any kind of contamination and if one has to be exposed, must be Kate ( they are drs, they know that the mithocondrial DNA passes trough a maternal lign and if for a very unlucky decision, the police decide to go for deep investigations in the DNA, they will go to the mithocondrial DNA and will be not strange to find a DNA related with Kate).
Under that theory, Gerry just play on the major moments and at that time he was sure, he disposed everything and clean up the evidences. He is a Dr and he had the mannual, where I believe, all the possibilities and his consequences, were well explained. No reason to fail.
Scent on :
ReplyDelete"on the floor, closet and back yard...Kate's clothes, car, Cuddle Cat"
It seems to me that all of those can be considered LOCATIONS...
Anon Mar 12, 2012 10:41:00 AM
ReplyDeleteWhy are distorting my words?!?
Obviously they are locations. The timings are different. How can the scent from the car be from the same time as the scent from the closet??!
The clothes both Gerry and Kate wore when the cadeverine was passed on the car, were obviously different than they what they wore on May 3rd.
Anon Mar 12, 2012 10:07:00 AM
Why the boot of a car? Why not a freezer? The risk would only be if someone ratted. If it was the boot of the car, wouldn't there be obvious vestiges of melted ice?
A 4 year old child is not much bigger, or is smealler than some animal meat that is kept in house freezers.
I think Madeleine remained hidden on the beach till the McCanns went to the Pope because they invited the media to come long with them. Praia da Luz was empty of reporters. How could they transport Maaddie's body on the late night, beginning of the morning and where to? There were police around already, tourists were searching for her too. The parents could have been seen by them. Maybe a grave under a stone, on the beach, digged by Gerry, Tanner and O'Brian.But the body was not immediately hidden somewhere else. They needed Tapas 10, 11 and 12, to do it for them, when they went to the Vatican.
ReplyDeleteCould the cadaver in the boot have gotten there by transference of whatever maddie was wrapped in on the night she was disposed of by gerry.
ReplyDeleteAmaral suggested the body was weighted down disposed of at sea, this could have been done very early on and the body was not moved from different locations at all.
It would have been very difficult once the media arrived for the mccanns to have disposed of the body themselves.
Whatever maddie was originally wrapped in could have been placed in the vehicle alongside other clothes and would have looked inconspicuous, the mccanns would have unwittingly handled the clothes and thus transferring the cadaver onto the key fob.
Their jogging along the beach just to see if any searches were being carried out near where the body was disposed of.
Lone visits to church setting up meetings, they used the church as an office they knew it would not be bugged, perhaps the place where the body was disposed of was visible from the church and again they were keeping an eye on things.
The mccanns are a scheming couple and about time this media circus was finished once and for all.
I believe they disposed of the body the night gerry was seen by smith, he was missing from the table long enough.
Anon 10:56,
ReplyDeleteWe are talking about rented houses, used for holidays. On that houses you have normal fridges with a very small incorporated freezer. No space to store a body, no matter how small it is, in such freezers. If they had to buy a freezer, this will raise many suspicions on the place from where they brought it and on the neighbors, when the freezer was delivered.
Looking to statistics ( in criminology, statistics plays a big roll ) we see that is much more frequent to have bodies stored in a boot, when the crime was accidental or unplanned, then in freezers. A freezer require something previous planned and a permanent house. Who dealt with body was not stupid enough to store it in a freezer belonging to a temporary house. He/she knows that freezers preserve evidences, no matter how well cleaned they were, after .
Of course all the locations pointed by the dogs, could have been body locations. A prove that the body have been there, but not for long time. Probably all the evidences in the 5a were delivered at same time, on the way to move the body out of the flat, when the conditions to get out were more convenient( no witnesses). The same happen later with villa.
I always found odd ,the refuse of the Mccann's to go to the place, PJ proposed to them, when they moved from the 5a. Any parent of a real abducted child, will accept it without questioning . I find it odd as well, the location of the villa. In a very quite place, at the end of the road where only few people under circumstantial situations could go. Few neighbors, few witnesses.
Uma liçãozinha para todos nós: jamais encher o saco de governo algum. O resultado poderá sempre ser a polícia aparecer.Vejam lá o que aconteceu aos McCanns: encheram o saco até a Scotland Yard surgir. Imagino o susto e horror em que estão vivendo. BEM FEITO!
ReplyDeleteThe beach was too risky for a long store. There is abandoned dogs around, who could discover the place and PDL looks a good place to do Surf. The sea was too agitate, a lot of waves. The waves also could have exposed the body. Unless it was dropped in the deep sea, by boat. That was impossible to happen after raising the alarm, because PJ controlled all the movements. If was disposed before the alarm, how can we explain what was found in the car rented 20 days after?
The smell from the car, could only have been spotted if the car was in public locations. If was stored on their Villa, no strangers will spot it and their relatives could have spotted something but due to the circumstances and the twins, they kept the secret . They could have the suspicion but not the confirmation because I believe the keys of the car were never left around the house to be accessible to guests. For a strong and special reason, their relatives, who were very supportive at the beginning, fade. Left the Mccann's abandoned to their fate. Over the time, less and less spin was attributed by the media, to a close friend or a close relative. The source becomes an unnamed source, a source related with Mccann's, but not saying how close is to the Mccann's, contrary to the beginning, when aunt phill and the grannies came to the stage. The sources become FOAF or British tourists, looking for their 5 minutes of fame. Something obliged the family to change the behavior. Whatever happen, could not be the unfortunate fate of having one of your child's abducted by a stranger.
Anon Mar 12, 2012 1:25:00 PM
ReplyDeleteDisagree with you totally. The fisrt house to where Maddie was moved, is not an "holiday" house.
After that, there was plenty of time to think to where the body would be moved to another ex-pat's house, so not holidaying.
But what you say doesn't make sense for another reason, and that is from time of death, until the 22, in which boot of which car was the body kept? The car was only rented then. Wouldn't keeping a body in a boot of a car, on ice, be much more riskier thatn inside a houe in a horizontal freezer? What if a dog happened to pass by the boot, and wouldn't stop sniffing it?
..."They are also working on a "computerised reconstruction" of the night she disappeared by putting thousands of pieces of information into the police Holmes computer." J Murray, express.
ReplyDeleteThat is a joke. A computerized reconstruction? Why, if the characters involved are alive? Because the characters don't want to be bothered with a step that could help the search of their daughter? Because is too risk, to have the characters playing the lies they delivered, there is a big chance to end the perform with them having the stamp of main suspects again? Because the events are impossible to be played by humans and the computer could do it, leaving the human nature out?
That is the biggest joke, a whitewash went trough.
There is any other investigation in the world, where the reconstruction was played by a computer, while the characters are there available to be requested to perform it? Who is going to manipulate the software of the computer? SY, I presume, since I believe that ???? Brilliant??? Idea came with British, who also supplied the computer and the software. A new version of the FSS Lab. And the stupid of the Portuguese( against my people I talk) are accepting that and bending their knees again. WHAT A SHAME.....
Anon Mar 12, 2:13,
ReplyDeleteHow do you know, the first house was not an holiday house? Is a permanent house? That means, somebody was living in his/her own house, storing the body of the most wanted child in the planet, a child that did not belongs to him/ her, in medium/ big freezer, in a horizontal position, while the parents of the child are living in other house and spending the time in TVs claiming that somebody else( not they or they known friends) abducted their child for the fearest reasons- paedophilia. Who is that stupid altruistic person, who accepted to play that roll with this absolute uncertainty- the behavior of the police? What, if for an unfortunate reason, a neighbor spotted something, the police has a suspicion and decide to search his/ her house? He/ she will be trashed by the Mccann's on their way to save their skin. They trashed Murat and I believe Murat know them before May 3.
Like Pat Brown, I too, believe the Mccann's were not "promenading" the body around many locations. They don't know the decisions of the police regarding the
searches, and they don't left the body under the care of a third person, even if they had the help of a third person, for some logistic. That is something they cannot trust others, even if they payed. Because of that, they feel they need to justify why they were staying longer in Portugal... Because Kate don't want to leave without Madeleine . Because they came 5. Because Kate feels closer to Maddie there. Bla, bla, bla. In fact, I think, something forced them to stay. The body. The body that couldn't be left under the care of a third person. To deal with that situation, they know they had to divert the police and journalists from the place where the body was. For some reason at certain point, Gerry was upset with journalists and claimed that they wanted privacy for the twins. Means, they don't want journalists following them, but they don't fade. They keep feeding the news but was like that " come to me when I call you and live my street empty on all other circumstances". It works, because the stupid of the journalists were more interested in controlling the steps of the police and the police work, then in following the Mccann's.
I hope Pat Brown has more posts to share with public.
ReplyDeleteThis seems to be a dialogue between you and me.
I'm not parading the body anywhere. About Murat's house there's enough evidence that it wasn't a holiday house.
The body from 5A to Murat, from Murat to a trusted ex-pats house, from the trusted ex-pats house to where it was disposed of. The traces in the car, proves that it was transported there, not that it was deposited there.
Abou Pat Brown, sorry to disappoint you, but I haven't read a single thing she has said that Textusa hasn't said before, and there are many things Textusa has said that Pat has still to say.
She has greater visibility than Textusa, so she might bring more attention into the case, but she's a newcomer, and I frown with the closeness she had with Johanna. That for me works against her. But let's see what she has to say, and not judge her by her companies.
Anon at Mar 12, 11:18,
ReplyDeleteThat is very unlike. Imagine the practical way. Why, they should store or transport in the car, the material used to wrap Maddie, if they had concealled well the body? Much easier, concealing everything with body or in the same way, they concealed the body. They disposed the body and carried evidences related with it? Very unlike.
Gerry is a pragmatic guy.
No doubts, Textusa was absolutely brilliant on her analyse of that case. I agree with you anon 3:29. I just find it hard to believe that somebody stored the body in his/her house to help the Mccann's. One think is helping them to deal with situation because they all shared some type of adult hobbies inside the OC. Living inside a house with a body that didn't belong to them and is at the center of a major investigation? For me looks very unlike. If was stored in a house, was in the Mccann's house or in an empty property.
ReplyDeleteThe behaviour of Murat, is very strange, specially since his arguido status was lifted. Why he didn't sue the Mccann's and some of the Tapas 7? Maybe, because he can't. Maybe because he, or somebody provided by him, gave the logistic help to the Mccann's. And the logistic help could be a rented car, an empty property where the police was not searching. Not their own house. Why they should put themselves at risk, to help the Mccann's? Because of that, I'm not surprised the dogs find nothing inside Murats house. If the body was inside of a sports bag, who was inside a rented car ( not the scenic) and this car was parked for few hours in one place and then moved to a different location. No evidences were left on the parking area. Only in the bag and inside the car. If that car was rented and returnned by somebody not apparently related with Mccann's, perfect. Only, if somebody dennounces the situation, the story reach the police desks. The police was so busy, dealing with pressures coming from different ways and trying to find an alive girl, that only with calm and serenity they will suspect the situation. That calm never happened and the Mccann's were in a comfortable position because they were informed daily, about the developments in the investigation. For some reason, the Mccann's spend their time in the church. For me, was not to pray. The church looks at my eyes, like an office, from where they could contact people without suspicion and without being controlled. The solution could had being working well until PJ started enlarging the perimeter and the subject of the search. That's why, at certain point they wanted the body to be found, but had no opportunnity to dispose it in a situation that totally eliminate them or who help them from any suspicion. They were left without choices- had to rent a car, an isolated villa and deal with body more close. From my point of view, there is a car missing and an empty property.
Pat Brown, in fact didn't reveal anything that was not revealed before. But because she is a criminal profiler and is from USA, the Mccann's have to be careful and go soft if they want to criticize and discredit her. Because she went to PDL, I believe she talked with some people there, like the owners of some restaurants, the workers of the OC and people from Baptista supermarket, who deliver to her some important information. She will never reach the places she pictured if she didn't had the help from people who delivered that information. UP to now, Pat conclusions are more or less the same as Textusa. Nothing new.
For me, is not a surprise to see Johanna posting on Pats Blog. She went also to Joana blog and tried her time here. Some of this people go around checking where they need to work most hardly. Seems to be Pat blog at moment, because she could make some real damages if the portuguese media starts inviting her to madse some comments on the next trials.
Murat is suing Jane Tanner and I think Rachel Oldfield and Fiona Payne.I'm not sure about O'Brian.
ReplyDeleteBut everything in Portugal takes centuries.
A computorized reconstrution? How the computer can reproduce the sound of Jane flip-flops, or the abductor hiding behind the door, inside the 5A? Small details, but very important to clarify what happen.
ReplyDeleteWhat is the difference between that reconstruction and the animated reconstruction made by Paulo Sargento, long ago?
Apart the rumour in the Internet, I never saw nothing printed or reported in the news, regarding Murat sueing any of the Tapas 7.
ReplyDeleteI know that not all judicial cases need to be in the news, but the way he was dragged into the case was so soundly and so world wild spreaded, that any reaction against who put him in that situation deserves the same publicity. Better... need the same publicity. Without that, he will leave always a shadow of doubts around him.
Portugal is known for his slow judicial system, but that case, if exists, goes really, really slow and Murat could make some effort to accelerate it, if he wants. No reports of Jane Tanner being in Portugal to testify. Will be hard for her to go there unnoticed and I believe, no paper will miss the oportunnity of having a GOOD FRONT PAGE with Tanner in Portugal.
That case, look like another myth created by Internet but I leave my mind open to accept I could be completely wrong.
Until I see something that looks genuine in the news, I keep suspecting Murat was part of the bunch who directly helped Gerry and Kate on May 3 and worked hardly to ensure a good cover up of the case. The panic that dropped inside the Tapas 9, ruinned the first plan and end up with him having to pay the bill.
when panic reaches a certain degree, no matter how old you are, how adult you feel, you behave like a child... blaming who gets more close to you, but not close enough to absorb you. And of course, you should blame somebody or something that makes some logic, oterwise your effort will be in vain and who listen your message didn't believe it. If they had blamed a guy living far from the OC, maybe the effect in the police and the media, will be not the same, because the spacial distance will be by itself, an obstacle to accomplish the abduction with success. To do that, They had to add other 'ressources' to the equation. A car parked near by. The sound of a car leaving. Voices, etc.
Blaming Murat was easy and not a nonsense, even if he helps them. When they blamed him, they know nothing could be found in his property. They were controlling the situation and they know where was the body. Probably in an empty holiday house, not very close to the OC.
The timeline they wrote on Maddie book, shows they had no time to be physically together and think well on what they are going to write. Probably, because they were busy dealing with body, each one in a strategical position to be sure that the all plan went well and no bad surprises (witnesses spotting the real Maddie being moved). Why SMS where exchanged and deleted? Even doing that, a detail went wrong and the Smiths recognised Gerry. Why Murat contacted Malinka on that night and both gave a very weak explanation for this phone call(s)?
Just my doubts, at the beginning. And 5 years later, this doubts persist and I add one more... why Lori Campbell got so involved in helping the Mccann's and framing Murat? What she knows from the phone hackers, which now we know, her husband was involved. The top story in the world,Maddie, will be not out of the phone hackers interest. In fact, I believe was one of the most wanted and most hacked.
'Maddie case: With an estimated total of over £8 million, paid by UK & Portuguese taxpayers, the Reopening of the Investigation is obligatory!
ReplyDelete'Remember that this is not an ordinary petition, each time someone signs it it, a direct message will be sent to the Portuguese authorities and to Politicians, thus creating public pressure for the Reopening.' Joana Morais, from JM Blog
We need our voice to be heard. Sign the Petition.
Why the Mccann's didn't accept to move from the 5A into a hotel free of charges, proposed by PJ? Why they didn't accept the laptop gave by PJ? Instead, Gerry accepted one from the OC.
ReplyDeleteFears to have a camera or microphones installed by the police, inside their new accommodation. Fears to have the laptop under police control.
I don't believe, innocent parents refuse such offers.
I'm tired of the persistent negativisme in some blogs. No way to convince people that every meddal has two sides. When nothing was happening about the case, we had negative news and we have again negative suppositions even when things are going much better.
ReplyDeleteLet us be positive and keep this blog an agreable place where we can post our hopeful comments.
ReplyDeleteLet us believe things are going well and justice will be done in the near future.
Ja que alguem pede pensamentos positivos, serao estas boas noticias?
ReplyDelete'Rebekah Brooks,
Ex-directora do 'News of the World' detida'
'As autoridades britânicas anunciaram esta terça-feira a detenção de cinco homens e uma mulher em Londres, Oxfordshire, Hampshire e Hertfordshire, no âmbito da investigação sobre escutas ilegais efectuadas por órgãos de comunicação social. Rebekah Brooks, ex-directora do extinto ‘News of the World’ e o marido estão entre os detidos, anuncia o jornal Daily Telegraph.
Segundo o comunicado da polícia, os seis detidos têm entre os 39 e os 49 anos e os motivos que levaram à sua detenção não tiveram origem em informações passadas às autoridades pelos responsáveis da News Corporation, que estão a analisar e-mails e relatórios internos com o objectivo de serem apresentados à equipa de investigação policial. Todos os implicados foram detidos nas suas casas entre as 5 e as 7 da manhã de hoje, sob a acusação de conspirarem para obstruir o curso da justiça.
Rebekah Brooks foi directora do ‘News of the World’, o tablóide que fechou na sequência do escândalo, e do ‘The Sun’, antes de se tornar directora executiva da News em 2009. Como a principal responsável do império de Robert Murdoch no Reino Unido, Brooks já tinha sido ouvida numa comissão parlamentar sobre as escutas e sempre negou ter qualquer conhecimento dessa prática.' in Correio da Manha
Exclusive Footage of "Eddie" Cadaver Dog at HDLG.
ReplyDeleteSource: Mccannfiles
Analysis: Brooks Arrest Embarrasses Cameron-
ReplyDeleteGlen Oglaza, political correspondent- Sky News
The arrest of Charlie Brooks is hugely embarrassing for David Cameron and calls into question, once again, his judgment and his choice of friends.
The Prime Minister says he has been friends with Mr Brooks "for years and years" - the two were at Eton together.
Although Downing Street has tried to laugh off the matter, it emerged that Mr Cameron did ride a retired Met Police horse lent to Mr Brooks' wife Rebekah, former chief executive of News International, who was also arrested this morning.
That admission led the Opposition to query, once again, Mr Cameron's friendships and the activities of the so-called "Chipping Norton set".
Mr Cameron survived the resignation of Andy Coulson, his director of communications in opposition and in Government, without too much damage.
A former editor of the News Of The World, Mr Coulson stepped down in January 2011, explaining continued coverage of phone-hacking at the now-defunct tabloid was becoming a distraction.
But these latest arrests give the impression of the waters of the phone-hacking scandal lapping ever closer to the door of No 10.
The news is bound to impact on this week's visit by Mr Cameron to Washington DC, where he will discuss Afghanistan, Syria, Iran, the economy and other global issues with the US President.
....Both Rebekah and Charlie Brooks are close Oxfordshire neighbours of David Cameron. Their friendship with the prime minister came under fresh scrutiny recently after Cameron admitted he did ride a retired police horse lent to Rebekah Brooks by Scotland Yard in 2008. Cameron described his fellow Old Etonian Charlie Brooks as "a friend of mine of 30 years' standing", but attempted to draw a line under the so-called "Horsegate" saga when he said he had not been riding with Brooks since the 2010 election.
ReplyDeleteCharlie Brooks had been hoping to attend the Cheltenham festival today, writing in his column for the Daily Telegraph that "the happiest moment of my year" is about three hours before the first race "queuing behind Alan Brazil for my, but not his, first pint of Guinness of the meeting."- The Guardian
ReplyDeletePedro do Carmo in an interview to Antena 1 ( radio) saying PJ will not reopen the case because there is no new clues.
The journalist ask him if that fine comb from Oporto PJ is to check if something went bad with investigation in 2007 or if there was diligences which were not made. Pedro do Carmo refuses to give further comments.
Aparently for me, looks like a whitewash with more money from the public taxes, wasted, when the crime in Portugal was increased a lot and PSP has no money for the computers ink or to do the maintenance on their cars. While all citizens are left unprotected due to the financial struggle on the polices departments, here the country gos with more money wasted in a review. Then, what have done Paulo Rebelo when he replaced GA? Was it not a review? At the time he was also presented
As new eyes with a fresh look into what have been done and what needs to be done. The reconstruction was a most but we still not seeing any step to do a proper reconstruction. A computerized reconstruction is a joke and from my point of view, has only one objective, trying to match millimetrical the times delivered by the Tapas 9 on their statements. Of course, if you eliminate the variations created by the
human nature and the environmental obstacles, you could eventually match the time that in real life was not possible to match.
From the interview....
ReplyDeletePC - “The constitution of this task team came from the National Directorate of the Judiciary Police, independently and actually preceding the creation of the Metropolitan Police team.”
VO - On this fresh look to the McCann case and to the PJ itself, questioned if mistakes or if anything remained to be done, the National Directorate declined to make further comments.
Could this be the reason for the Mcs and Cameron exchanging open letters in the press? Their request was granted with what seemed like haste. They found out the case was being reviewed in Portugal and they wanted to get on the inside to try to steer it or just to know the direction the review was going?
I do believe there will be a whitewash but maybe not what is expected. A solution is being sought that will not expose a group/s of people.
If this is a whitewash, will be a scandalous whitewash because all the released files were already fine combed by many people in the Internet, in many languages.
ReplyDeleteSee how many blogs, sites, videos, articles, were published in the Internet. Almost all coming from high educated people, no matter if most don't hold a degree in criminology. I see journalists, lawyers, Biologists, Psychologists, Drs, also criminologists and trillions of people around the world,who discuss Madeleine issues knowing the PJ files, having read all articles in the news and following the case from the beginning. They all arrive to the same point, to the same conclusion: Whatever happened, was inside the 5A, done by who had easy access to the child and to the flat. No matter if some believe in the negligence and some not, if some enlarge the group to Tapas 10, 11, 12, or restrict it to Tapas 9, in common they all have one certainty: The Tapas 9 delivered lies to the police during all the investigation. The Tapas 9 have done everything they could to difficult the work of the police- the frenetic media was called by them, the phone calls were not delivered to the police, the credit cards were not delivered, the medical records were refused and so on. If we look at this requests, they are very normal, very simple and very easy to be handed over, if they are innocent. In fact, most of this requests should have been handed to the police voluntarely. How can they refuse handing them, when asked?
On top of that, the prosecutors involved in the investigation, various top team of official investigators and the experts who help with forensic evidences, arrive all to the same conclusion: the girl died in the 5A, somebody removed the body and further diligences need to be done to help the police understanding how the things happen and where is the body. A mandatory deligence is the reconstruction done in loccus with people involved in the case. Not a fake reconstruction optimized by a computer.
Finnally, 3 judges reanalyzed the investigation( I believe the all files, not only what was released) and release the book of Amaral claiming what is in the book, is in the files. No defamation, no damages for the search of Madeleine.
Are now this bunch of illuminated from Oporto and SY who are going to discover the rabbit under the hat? with a fake reconstruction? Well... Portugal need a better way to be insulted and people much intelligent to do it. Is a shame to see a top representative of PJ, going to a radio to explain nothing apart leaving in the air the idea that this will be a whitewash. Unless the most important message of his interview, is what he left without answers. What he refused to comment.
Unless the country see the Tapas 9 in PDL to do the reconstruction, we don't believe in a serious review or in any justice for that little girl.
Sandra Felgueiras said in RTP, she invited the Mccann's to joint the programa but they declinned the invitation saying that SY advised them to not talk at moment. Why they follow now the advise of SY and didn't follow any advise from PJ or SY at the beginning? What is different now and why SY advised them now? Or are they lying again on that issue? If not, this shows Promiscuity, corruption, manipulation, again. They could say, their lawyers advised them... never SY. That is perverting again the course of justice.
Anon @ 9.52 excellent post you sum it up perfectly. I do not believe SY advised the Mccanns not to speak they are lying again, if they wanted to speak nothing would stop them it never has considering all their litigation cases.They are worried at the moment not sure of what is going on.
ReplyDeleteIMO SY cannot make this another whitewash, so much money has been spent on this case already that SY have a duty to the public to do a thorough job, also with all this phone hacking and Rebecca Brookes being arrested and talk of corruption within the met, they cannot afford another cover up being exposed eventually the truth will come out, it always does. so it is best for SY to do their job properly.
All the evidence points to Madeleine dying in 5a, and lets face it, if Madeleine was anywhere in this world alive with all the publicity generated she would surely have been found by now. The Mccanns know full well what happened to their daughter and it is a crime that they have taken money from the public for their fraudulent fund which has a sole purpose of funding litigation cases.
anon Mar 14, 8:32
ReplyDeleteGood point. If PJ started that review one year ago and due to that the Mccann's and Cameron exchanged letters in the media, means PJ licked that information to the Mccann's and this is grave and serious because the police should not pass information to an interested/involved side. If that was the case, more serious is having the Attornney General denieing it while questionned by journalists. Less then one year ago, he dennies any review or the coming of SY to Portugal. Means, he lied to the portuguese public who are paying also that review.
If the review start after the letters and the setting of a team from Mpolice, then Pedro do Carmo is lying now. They cannot have it both ways. One more indication that the review is fake. Everything is fake on that case, since the infalible dogs were brought to the crime scene. This left people who should be respectable due to the power and the postion they have in justice, acting like clowns and discrediting everything. A whitewash is on the way and this people in Portugal who are commanding PJ, together with the Attornney General, must be all fired. The incompetent Alipio Ribeiro was replaced by clay guys, easy to be shaped.
I know who is clapping the hands, Marinho Pinto. The guy who thinks the prisons are full of people who should be out and the criminals are always ill people who were not aware of the complications and the results of their attitude, then must be not accountable to be incrimated.
..."and lets face it, if Madeleine was anywhere in this world alive with all the publicity generated she would surely have been found by now."
ReplyDelete"Mar 14, 2012 10:16:00 AM"
I would rather say:
...she would surelly have been killed by now...the abductor(s) would not take the risk of having in their hands the most recognizable child in the world!
The McCanns signed their daughter's fate when they decided to launch the huge media campaign, despite police recommendations not to. This, of course, if one is to believe there was an abduction...
I would rather say:
ReplyDelete...she would surelly have been killed by now...the abductor(s) would not take the risk of having in their hands the most recognizable child in the world!
The McCanns signed their daughter's fate when they decided to launch the huge media campaign, despite police recommendations not to. This, of course, if one is to believe there was an abduction...
Mar 14, 2012 2:29:00 PM
If the agenda was to purport an "abduction" then this would be paramount to aiding one's agenda. The object would be to smother any other scenario to death. So they did - the bigger the better. That is the only way to gain credence for a false premise. Look where it has taken them - it worked!