Tuesday, 26 May 2009

Even Geographically, the Abduction Theory is ABSURD.

Let’s all make one effort into ABSURDITY and, for a moment, just pretend to look the other way, assuming that there was an infamous abductor and that he was even able to do everything the McCanns have given him credit for.

Let's freeze time at the moment he has just jumped through the 5A window with Maddie peacefully in his arms.

Now, there are only 2 possibilities: this was an opportunistic kidnapping, or a planned one.

Even the McCanns have put aside the first as it would be so cumulatively absurd that we would have to resurrect Einstein himself so we could get a faint grasp on how illogical that would be.

It's quite consensual amongst those that "believe" in the abduction theory that it was a planned one.

That fact means that the abductor had only ONE of the following options:

Option 1. Take the child, on foot, to a nearby house, and from there, on an opportunistic timing, take her to whatever destination intended.

Option 2. Take the child, the quickest way possible out of PRAIA DA LUZ, to whatever destination intended. This is only achieved through one of the following 5 sub-options:

Sub-Option 2A – By car, either out of the country, to SPAIN, or to an intermediate location for on an opportunistic timing, take her to whatever destination intended. This option could be accomplished by a single abductor, or by an organization (more than 1 person).

Sub-Option 2B – By car, toward the nearest marina, which would be in LAGOS; there embark her, and take her, by boat, to whatever destination intended. This option could be accomplished by a single abductor, or by an organization.

Sub-Option 2C – By car, towards the nearest airfield, or FARO Airport, and from there embark her, and take her, by plane, to whatever destination intended. This option could be accomplished by a single abductor, or by an organization. Very, very unlikely. Only stated for academic reasons.

Sub-Option 2D – On foot, take her to the PRAIA DA LUZ beach, embark her on a waiting small boat, which would take her to a bigger vessel and take her, by boat, to whatever destination intended. This option could only accomplished by an organization.

Sub-Option 2E – By car, take her to one of the nearest beaches to PRAIA DA LUZ, PORTO DE MÓS (E) or BURGAU (W) and act as per option 2D. This option could only accomplished by an organization.

Option 1 can be immediately put aside because PRAIA DA LUZ is such a small place and was combed with such a fine comb for the past 2 years that only if the local community had a secret pact to protect the abductor, would it be possible for Maddie to be the smiling 6-year old girl that Oprah had the pleasure to present us with.

This connection between “local community” and “secret pact” with the “abductor” is very important when later I’ll talk about option 2D, the taking of Maddie, on foot, to the PRAIA DA LUZ beach.

In all sub-options, except 2D, it’s MANDATORY to leave PRAIA DA LUZ, by car, and THE QUICKEST WAY POSSIBLE.

Let’s, for argument’s sake assume that our abductor WANTS to leave PRAIA DA LUZ as quickly as he can, so let’s leave option 2D for later.

Figure 1

Figure 2

By looking at Figures 1 and 2, “leaving PRAIA DA LUZ, by car” means, geographically, the taking one of the following routes:

- Go WEST toward VILA DO BISPO, and there NORTH to ALJEZUR;

- Go EAST towards Lagos Marina, located in LAGOS;

- Go EAST towards the Highway A22, and from there either to ALJEZUR or to SPAIN by highway.

Figure 3

Figure 3 shows that in any of the above referred options it’s MANDATORY to take EN125 Road, either if towards WEST, in the direction of VILA DO BISPO or it to EAST towards LAGOS.

This is also valid if the intended destinations are the PORTO DE MÓS (E) or BURGAU (W) beaches. In conclusion, Figure 3 proves that to get out of PRAIA THE LUZ, by car, you HAVE to take the EN125 Road.

Figure 4

Figure 4 shows that if one is located at the Ocean Club (in red) and one wants to go to EN125, as the "abductor" HAD to, one has only one of two options:

- Route BLUE (by Rua Primeiro de Maio)

- Route GREEN (by Rua Direita).

NO OTHER WAY. Just looking at Figure 4, it’s logical to opt for Route BLUE, independent of any reason other than it’s the quickest you can get to EN125 Road.

Figure 5

Now, let’s look at Figure 5 in detail.

Ocean Club and Apartment 5A are in red. That is where our abductor is and he is looking at the Options he has:

- go right on Rua Dr. Agostinho da Silva, turn right towards Rua Dr. Francisco Gentil Martins (where, by the way, are Gerry, Jeremy and Jane, as is the entrance to the Ocean Club that accesses the Tapas Restaurant), and then take Rua Direita towards EN125 Road; or

- go left on the ill-lit Rua Dr. Agostinho da Silva, turn right towards Rua Primeiro de Maio towards EN125 Road.

You figure in which of the options you can best park your car, or have an accomplice waiting for you, so that you’re able to better achieve your intent.

Looking at the Route TANNER, in yellow, is as stupid is its author.

It means going the long way around to a destination that you have a shorter, quicker and safer way.

See how totally ABSURD is the abductor theory just by looking at the terrain?

But there is only ONE option left: 2D.

Totally invalid if you have a conscious child.

Remember that the abductor went first on the TANNER Route, and then was later seen by the Smiths (blue circle), according with that so enlightening documentary “Cutting Edge”.

This gentleman walks around PRAIA DA LUZ, with a 4-year old that doesn’t know him from Santa Claus and doesn’t wake up or react.

Is just taken away peacefully, put in a dinghy and way she goes to happy land where all kidnapped children go and live happy ever after with pedophiles who just want someone to love.

Now, do smile like Gerry does whenever he says something similar.

No please, don’t even go the way of her being drugged.

Don’t even try to tell me that an abductor who planned a kidnapping to the detail of bringing a syringe and drugs with him, forgets to bring a car, or forgets that he has to turn left and instead turns right and walks, as already said, and as is perfectly normal, all around PRAIA DA LUZ, with a child in his arms in the middle of the night…

But, option 2D is totally valid if you have a dead child.

And not taken to a boat but to a safe place.

A church perhaps?

Just add the referred connection between “local community” and “secret pact” with the “abductor”. Replace “abductor” with “body-concealer” (or “father” if you prefer) and you might not be so far from the truth of what happened on that May night.


  1. ter tido "conversas informais" com investigadores da

    angústia,depressão,segredo de confissão

    Mãe de Madeleine agradece apoio da comunidade da Praia da Luz
    Público.pt - 11 Ago 2007
    Quero agradecer a todos, especialmente à comunidade da Praia da Luz, por nos apoiarem", ... porque o padre português, ...... está de férias. ...

    Tudo num só lugar., O CRIME EO SEGREDO DO SACERDOTE. ... O importante é que o senhor agora tem de silenciar por causa do segredo da confissão. ...

    Contou como este, no momento do crime, encontrava-se numa aldeia vizinha, ... Até o fim da vida, guardara o duplo segredo da caridade e da confissão! ...

    Sucede que este crime é de prova quase impossível, salvo confissão ou ... com o processo podem ser ounidas por crime de violação do segredo de justiça", ...

    Padre da Aldeia da Luz quer distância do casal Mc Cann ... criança na Praia da Luz (Lagos) a 3 de Maio de 2007, o padre católico ....nem pode ouvir ...

    exerce na Praia da Luz, Padre .........., o qual nada adiantou para os autos de relevante para a investigação. A fls. 3928 e s.s., foi junta mais uma ...

    12 Set 2007 ... estar enterrada na região da Praia da Luz, que estava em obras em maio. ... que receberam do padre da igreja, ..............

    3 Mai 2008 ... A missa vai ser celebrada pelo pároco da Luz, José Pacheco, com a colaboração do padre anglicano Haynes Hubbard, também da vila. ... Na Praia da Luz, parte da população mostra-se já 'cansada' do caso Madeleine e da ...
    o site ecclesia da altura dá 404.
    colagens.colagens velhas.

  2. http://www.fatima.tv/ sobre o "novo" suspeito,por Paulo Sargento e Rita Rebelo.

  3. Dos 3A para este Blogue,"pallettes de g....os" de Uk em visita. "Pallettes"

  4. Os raios ultra violetas,hoje,estão,perigosos.

    M.P. fala de "tortura" e compara -pobres vítimas- com as torturas durante o fascismo em PT.

    A nô quer + 1 julg. e 1 indemnização.

    RUVA(raios ultra violetas)

    vou "sestar"= fazer a sesta (vivi muitos anos com a dita dura)ditadura,enganei-me.

  5. Textusa -

    What an exceedingly well thought out version of likely and unlikely scenarios regarding Madeleine's disappearance.

    By all I have read and seen so far,I'll definitely go for 2D!

    Thanks for that illuminating post.

  6. Textusa, not trying to P*** on your parade but you have obviously no intimate knowledge of the area of Lagos as follows;

    Sub-Option 2B-
    There are many private jettys between Praia de Luz and Lagos Marina, in addition there are many "launch" sites out of Lagos Marina, take a walk along the side of the railway tracks up to the main beach and you will see.

    Sub-Option 2C-
    There is an aerodrome (eastwards just past Pingo Doce) on the outskirts of Lagos. Therefore Sub-Option 2C is now defunct and has to be reintroduced as a probable / possible means of escape for an abductor.

  7. Anon,

    Not to try to p*** on your comment, but, you didn't mention also the UFO base there is just North of Praia D. ANA, nor that MEIA-PRAIA has that name, because at midnight it divides itself in half, and out of that gap comes Maddie and her abductor to admire the moonlight. Common LAGOS knowledge...

    Please do read, somewhere, I do believe in the "Ça Suffit" post, the difference between a twig and a forest.

    None of your proposed changes, change the essential of the post. You have to get on EN125, if you want to get out of PRAIA DA LUZ by car. Be it to go to the UFO base, or to see Maddie-at-midnight.

    And by the way, on that night, nobody (linked to Maddie, that is) got out of PRAIA DA LUZ, either by car, plane, boat, or on foot.

  8. This is a thoroughly well written and accurate description of the geography of the environs of PDL. This series of posts demonstrates without a doubt that the Mccann version of events bears little or no serious scrutiny. Tanners ramblings are now seen to be just that. Ramblings along the byeways of her confused and chaotic mind.

    The routes east from PDL are well documented. Geraghtys house, or houses, lie to the east. The routes from PDl to Burgau, which is a small distance to the west, might offer more mileage in the search for the truth concerning the movements the friends of the Mccanns made on the night of the 3rd of May 2007.

  9. http://joana-morais.blogspot.com/2009/12/mr-and-mrs-mccann-give-madeleine-chance.html#comment-form

    A very emotive video.

  10. I am impressed with this article. It is a great post.
    Thanks for sharing.


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