Saturday 27 June 2020

José Manuel Anes - CMTV, June 27 2020, 15:20

Our translation:

João Ferreira: In the studio I have José Manuel Anes, former president of the Criminalized Security and Terrorism Observatory [OSCOT] and also a university professor, good afternoon Professor for your presence...

José Manuel Anes: Good afternoon, João, thank you.

JF: Well, at a first moment the Professor was critical of the PJ's performance, in fact you were present in court in the process which Maddie's moved against Gonçalo Amaral and in court you even said that, that at first the PJ failed. Why?

JMA: That is, I think that ... if ... I was inside the investigations but from what I saw from the outside, it seems that they have narrowed down to one hypothesis, but I am sure that my friend...

JF: They bet all clues all on the thesis...

JMA: There it is.

JF: …abduction?

JMA: There is a very good theory of information analysis that has to do with the criminal investigation that is the ... the hypotheses in competition, and that there were 3 already, according to Gonçalo Amaral himself said, the homicide, it was abduction and it was the accident, right. Now, I think that ... this was not the only thing I said either. I said that the investigator in relation to a situation has several suspects and, as a historic of the Judiciary Police said, Chief Viegas, from the Algarve, “my son, in principle everyone is a suspect, then we will eliminate, and no one can be feel offended”…

JF: And was that the capital sin of the PJ at the beginning of the investigations for not putting the parents as suspects...

JMA: That is...

JF: …at a first moment?

JMA: Hey man, they have to be! It is a question... this is not an offense. It is a question of cold, rational methodology.

JF: Now, José Manuel Anes, here is a revelation... it is the first exclusive revelation of this special operation of Maddie... after being present in court...

JMA: That's right ...

JF:  ...the defense of Maddie's parents invited you...

JMA: That’s right.

JF: be an advisor to the McCann.

JMA: I received a very nice letter from the lawyer, but I was rude. I didn't even reply. Because I already…

JF: What did that letter say? Did it invite you to be an advisor?

JMA: Yes, to be an advisor ... in short, for the McCann defense, and I in fact...

JF: Is this the first time you say that?

JMA: It is. It is. This is a... a first-time revelation ...

JF: This is a… a worldwide exclusive…

JMA: …that I’m doing…

JF: …it’s… it's a worldwide exclusive.

JMA: I have kept that letter but, in fact, I didn't reply to it, firstly, because the house to where I was linked and worked for 20 years...

JF: In the… in the… PJ

JMA: In the PJ, in the Scientific Police Laboratory, deserves all respect. Secondly, inspector Gonçalo Amaral himself, regardless of one thing or another, who does not sometimes commit, sometimes, flaws in their professional life? And I have the greatest respect. Therefore, I did not reply. And in the middle...

JF: What was that invitation made for, in your opinion? To weaken Gonçalo Amaral?

JMA: Exactly, because they asked me “ah, but do you think he should have written the book?” I said, "look, I wouldn't do it, but those who know that he was harassed ..." Inspector Gonçalo Amaral is a martyr of the investigation, I should say. I even think it was in one of the “Prós and Contras” that I said, I was with Francisco Moita Flores and I said “look, the criminal investigation in this case was the victim of the leak… of a bad… of the press”. Bad, what do I mean by that? The press has every right to report, to question…

JF: To investigate as well, right?

JMA: To investigate as well. However, the criminal investigation should read few newspapers, especially in case so mediatic as this one.

JF: Now, Professor, tell me something, also based on your ... well, on your experience, you have just... stressed that you spent 20 years at PJ, in relation to this new suspect of the German lead, the... the... this man's profile fits as someone who was responsible for Maddie's abduction and murder?

JMA: He fits. In fact, he has the worst record and a profile in relation to this type of crime. Now, I think it is essential to have evidence, and inspector Gonçalo Amaral I believe that ... he observed him but there was nothing concrete about him. Even the Irish say that the person they saw passing with the child in his arms, who was not this...

JF: That is... it is an information extremely...

JMA: …and therefore is not true...

JF: …relevant and very recent.

JMA: …and deserves now, it may be but there is nothing concrete, right.

JF: Professor, a very good afternoon and thank you for your participation in this special CMTV operation. Maddie, the Enigma, a worldwide exclusive revelation, Manuel Anes was invited by the McCanns' defense to be an advisor to Maddie's parents.

About this interview, Joana Morais tweeted this afternoon:
Joana (A of Antifa) Morais@JoanaAMorais
#BreakingNews #McCanns tried to enlist Dr. José Manuel Anes, the head of OSCOT, Observatory on Security, Organized Crime and Terrorism, as their adviser (consultant), allegedly after the STJ trial. He never replied to their invitation, categorically refusing to cooperate w/them.
5:11 PM · Jun 27, 2020·
Joana (A of Antifa) Morais@JoanaAMorais
This raises several questions, namely, are the #McCanns attempting to enlist Portuguese public figures, to get some heavyweight witnesses in the case they are trying to take against the Portugal at the #ECtHR, after exhausting all legal the recourses in Portugal, in a vain
5:11 PM · Jun 27, 2020·
Joana (A of Antifa) Morais@JoanaAMorais
* errata "all the legal recourses"
6:23 PM · Jun 27, 2020
Joana (A of Antifa) Morais@JoanaAMorais
attempt to ban a book and a documentary. The #McCann's lawyers should advise their clients that this country suffered 48 years of dictatorship, we don't like people mimicking fascists banning books. Also, their claims against Portugal have no legs to stand on, they initiated the
5:11 PM · Jun 27, 2020
Joana (A of Antifa) Morais@JoanaAMorais proceedings, spending the money that was donated by the public to search for Madeleine #McCann in a pointless over 10 year legal battle, resources that could have been used for what they were meant in the first place. #McCann
5:12 PM · Jun 27, 2020
Joana (A of Antifa) Morais@JoanaAMorais
Read for context… and… #McCann
6:18 PM · Jun 27, 2020·


The original:

João Ferreira: No estúdio tenho José Manuel Anes, ex-presidente do Observatório de Segurança Criminalizada e Terrorismo e também professor universitário, boa tarde Professor pela sua presença…

José Manuel Anes: Boa tarde, João, obrigado.

JF: Bom, o Professor foi crítico da actuação da PJ num primiero momento, aliás esteve presente em tribunal no processo em que os pais de Maddie accionaram contra Gonçalo Amaral e e em tribunal disse mesmo isso, que num primeiro momento a PJ falhou. Porquê?

JMA: Isto é, eu penso que… se… eu não estive por dentro das investigações mas por aquilo que eu vi de fora, parece que afunilaram em relaçaõ a uma hipótese apenas, mas tenho a certeza que o meu amigo…

JF: Apostaram as pistas todas só na tese…

JMA: Aí está.

JF: … do rapto?

JMA: Há uma teroria muito boa de análise de informações que tem a ver com a investigação criminal que é o… as hipóteses em competição, e que havia para já 3 segundo o próprio Gonçalo Amaral disse, o homicídio, era o rapto e era o acidente, pronto. Ora bem, eu penso que… também não foi a única coisa que eu disse. Eu disse que o investigador em relação a uma situação tem vários suspeitos e, como dizia um histórico da Polícia Judiciária, o Chefe Viegas , algarvio, “meu filho, em princípio todo são suspeitos, depois é que vamos eliminar, e ninguém se pode sentir ofendido”…

JF: E esse foi o pecado capital da PJ no início das investigações ao não colocar os pais como suspeitos…

JMA: Isso é…

JF: …num primeiro momento?

JMA: Eh pá, têm que ser! É uma questão… isto não tem nada de ofensivo. É uma questão de metodologia fria, racional.

JF: Agora, José Manuel Anes, vamos aqui a uma revelação… é a primeira revelação exclusiva desta operação especial da Maddie… depois de ter estado presente em tribunal…

JMA: Exacto…

JF: …a defesa dos pais de Maddie convidou-o…


JF: …para ser assessor dos McCann.

JMA: Eu recebi uma carta muito simpática da advogada, mas fui mal-criado. Nem sequer respondi. Porque eu já…

JF: O que é que essa carta dizia? Convidava-o para ser assessor?

JMA: É, para ser assessor… enfim, da defesa dos McCann, e eu de facto…

JF: É a primeira vez que diz isso?

JMA: É. É. Isto é a… a primeira revelação…

JF: Isto é uma… um exclusivo mundial…

JMA: …que eu faço…

JF: …é… é um exclusivo mundial.

JMA: Eu tenho essa carta guardada mas de facto não respondi, primeiro, porque a casa onde eu estive ligado e trabalhei 20 anos…

JF: Na… na… PJ

JMA: Na PJ, no Laboratório de Polícia Científica, merece todo o respeito. Segundo, o próprio inspector Gonçalo Amaral, independentemente de uma ou outra coisa, quem é que não comete, por vezes falhas na sua vida profissional? E tenho o maior respeito. Portanto, eu não respondi. E, a meio…

JF: Esse convite foi feito para quê, na sua opinião? Para fragilizar Gonçalo Amaral?

JMA: Exactamente, porque elas perguntaram-me “ah, mas acha que ele devia ter escrito o livro?” Eu disse, “olha eu não o faria, mas quem sabe que ele foi acossado…” Oinspector Gonçalo Amaral é um mártir da investigação, devo-vos dizer. Eu até penso que foi num dos “Prós e Contras” que eu disse, estava eu com o Francisco Moita Flores e eu disse “olha, a investigação criminal deste caso foi vítima da fuga… de má… migo (?) da imprensa”. Mau, o que é que eu quero dizer com isto? A imprensa tem todo o direito de noticiar, de questionar…

JF: De investigar também, não é?

JMA: De investigar também. Mas, convém que a investigação criminal leia poucos jornais, sobretudo num caso tão mediático como aquele.

JF: Agora, Professor, diga uma coisa, baseando também na sua… enfim, na sua experîencia, acabou de… de… de sublinhar que esteve 20 anos na PJ, em relação a este novo suspeito da pista alemã, o… a… o perfil deste homem encaixa em alguém poderia ter sido responsável pelo rapto e homicídio de Maddie?

JMA: Encaixa. De facto, ele tem um cadastro e um perfil do pior que há em relação a este tipo de crimes. Agora, eu penso que é fundamental haver provas, e o inspector Gonçalo Amaral creio que… o observou mas não havia nada de concreto relativamente a ele. Até os irlandeses dizem que a pessoa que eles viram passar com a criança ao colo, que não era este...

JF: Essa é… é uma informação extremamente…

JMA: …e portanto não é verdade...

JF: …relevante e muito recente.

JMA: …e merece agora, pode ser mas não há nada de concreto, pronto.

JF: Professor, muito boa tarde e obrigado pela sua participação nesta operação especial da CMTV. Maddie, o Enigma, uma revelação com exclusivo mundial, Manuel Anes foi convidado pela defesa dos McCann para ser assessor dos pais de Maddie.


  1. Tonight, Gonçalo Amaral appeared on CMTV, on primetime (20:00 news) for 1 hour and 10 minutes uninterrupted.

    This is the third time he has significant time in the media for the last week.

    The first, last Sunday on TVI primetime news, for 30 minutes (Part I – 10 minutes; Part II – 20 minutes).

    The second was Tuesday on Jornal do Centro (the only interview Gonçalo Amaral intended to do, as he explained tonight on CMTV), a regional newscast, so he could honour his hometown Torredeita. His interview lasted also 1 hour and 10 minutes uninterrupted.

    That totals almost 3 hours of presence in the Portuguese media, 2 (TVI and CMTV) with a significant national viewership.

    About his appearance on CMTV, all we can say is that it was a gloves-off appearance.

    In fact, we would say that he has been in a crescendo. On TVI he revealed the pictures of the van. On the Jornal do Centro he revealed Brueckner’s 2006 photos as well a photoshopped version of what he would have looked like in 2007 (Rastaman??? 😂😂😂😂).

    But in this second interview, he already took his gloves off.

    Tonight, we think he went full UFC on the official theory and wiped the floor with the “almost perfect suspect” of this latest circus.

    Joana Morais has summarised it very nicely in this tweet:
    Joana (A of Antifa) Morais@JoanaAMorais
    Muito bom, grande Gonçalo Amaral. Excelente entrevista. Se isto não leva a @PJudiciaria, a PGR, @justica_pta agir, nada o fará.Já basta de 13 anos de subserviência política, reconstituição já!. O caso têm que ser resolvido e os responsáveis identificados. #McCann
    JoanaAMorais retweeted:
    9:20 PM · Jun 27, 2020

    Very good, great Gonçalo Amaral. Excellent interview. If this does not lead the @PJudicaria, the PGR, @justica_pta to act, nothing will do. It is enough of 13 years of political subservience, reconstruction now!. The case must be resolved and those responsible identified. #McCann

  2. As readers will understand, the transcription of a hour long interview will take some time.

    Thank you for understanding.

  3. No need to publish!

    Debbie. Was. Not. Wrong.

  4. Apparently, Goncalo Amaral received many offers to do TV interviews over the past few days, he's only accepting Portuguese opportunities for telling his and the investigations side of the story though. That can only be a good thing because anything related to British or American TV would probably be slanted to meet the latest chapter and verse in a longer running theatrical performance than The Mousetrap.

    Even if, for some strange reason, GA got some of it wrong, Portuguese television is certainly the best option in terms of exposing the dirty tricks and corruption at the root of this tragic, made for TV, package deal of a folk devils and moral panic type of affair.

    1. Written in the singular for sensible reasons.

      Thanks for your understanding!


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