Let’s look, attentively, at what I call the BIGGEST "McCann Urban Myth" AKA “The Neglected Crying Maddie”, or as is known: the “Mummy, why didn't you come when we were crying last night?” episode.
Although Maddie is, unfortunately, dead, we still can obtain information from other characters from this silly charade: Mrs Fenn and Mr. and Mrs McCann. Let’s start with a Mrs Fenn, on Aug 20th, 2007:
"She also refers to the day of the 1st May 2007, when she was at home alone, at approximately 22.30 she heard a child cry, and that due the tone of the crying seemed to be a young child and not a baby of two years of age or younger.
Apart from the crying that continued for approximately one hour and fifteen minutes, and which got louder and more expressive, the child shouted ?Daddy, Daddy?, the witness had no doubt that the noise came from the floor below.
At about 23.45, an hour and fifteen minutes after the crying began, she heard the parents arrive, she did not see them, but she heard the patio doors open, she was quite worried as the crying had gone on for more than an hour and had gradually got worse."
Continue with Mr. McCann on May 4th, 2007:
"Between the 28th April, the day they arrived and the time the disappearance was discovered, he says that nothing unusual happened, only referring to an episode on the morning of the 3rd May, when Madeleine asked the witness the reason why they had not gone to her room when the twins were crying. As he did not hear anything, the witness did not go to the bedroom, however he finds his daughter’s comment to be strange, maybe because it was the first time that she had made it."
And end, in terms of PJ statements, with Mrs. McCann also on May 4th, 2007:
"Between the day of the arrival, April 28th, and the time that Madeleine's disappearance was discovered, the interviewee says that she noticed nothing unusual. She reports only one episode where, on the morning of Thursday May 3rd, Madeleine asked the interviewee why she had not come to look in the bedroom when the twins were crying. The interviewee states that she had heard nothing and had therefore not gone into the bedroom. She thought her daughter's comment strange because it was the first time she had talked about it."
What the McCanns say, as we’ll see contradict TOTALLY what Mrs Fenn had to say. A procedure, now known to us, as the McCann habit of getting you to lie for them, and once they have what they want from you, leave you high and dry and on your own. The Sun, that reliable source of information, on April 19th, 2008, corroborate, almost, the couple’s wording:
"LITTLE Madeleine McCann asked why Kate and Gerry had not gone to comfort her as she cried the night before she vanished, according to reports. The four-year-old is said to have asked why mum Kate, 39, had left her and her twin siblings, Sean and Amelie, to sob alone in their room the previous night.
The Spanish TV station Telecinco made the claim as it broadcast translated copies of documents it said were the McCanns' police statements. Crime reporter Nacho Abad, read out in Spanish an excerpt of the statement he said Kate had given Portuguese police.
He said: "While we were having breakfast, Maddie said, 'Mummy, why didn't you come when we were crying last night?' "Gerry and I spoke for a couple of minutes and agreed to keep a closer watch over the children."
The only contradiction between what the paper says and what the parent’s had to say is that while both state that Maddie “rats” on her siblings, the newspaper has Maddie confessing being part of the “Crying gang”. Relevant? No. But relevant is what both, Mr and Mrs. McCann do have to say, or to more precise... how they say it:
When one says
“Between the 28th April, the day they arrived and the time the disappearance was discovered, he says that nothing unusual happened”
the other goes and says
“Between the day of the arrival, April 28th, and the time that Madeleine's disappearance was discovered, the interviewee says that she noticed nothing unusual.”
When one says
“only referring to an episode on the morning of the 3rd May”
the other goes and says
“She reports only one episode where, on the morning of Thursday May 3rd”
When one says
“when Madeleine asked the witness the reason why they had not gone to her room when the twins were crying”
the other goes and says
“Madeleine asked the interviewee why she had not come to look in the bedroom when the twins were crying.”
When one says
“As he did not hear anything, the witness did not go to the bedroom”
the other goes and says
“The interviewee states that she had heard nothing and had therefore not gone into the bedroom”
When one says
“however he finds his daughter’s comment to be strange, maybe because it was the first time that she had made it”
the other goes and says
“She thought her daughter's comment strange because it was the first time she had talked about it.”
When one says
“the rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain”
the other goes and says
“in Spain, the rain stays mainly in the plain”.
No, just joking, obviously they didn’t say THAT last bit… It's from my Fair Lady, as we all know, otherwise it would be TOO MUCH of a coincidence wouldn’t it? Completely preposterous, even to the point of being ludicrous.
But much more relevant than what or how they say what they do say, is what they don’t say, but that is for later.
For now, we can now confirm that it’s a Mr. Nacho Abad, a CRIME REPORTER, that says that Kate stated that Maddie said “Mummy, why didn't you come when we were crying last night?”.
There’s no other proof that Maddie did effectively say what is said she said, but that somebody, if nobody else, Mr. Abad, said she said, that is a fact.
When Mr Abad, the reporter, reports, in theory, Mrs Fenn’s statements to the PJ are unknown to this mother, described by the reporter as distraught, when says what she's said to have said, as the PJ files would only be released three and a half months later.
So this is, apparently, a volunteered self-condemning statement that can only be justified by a guilt-ridden conscience, and this can only be commendable.
But is it logic? No, unless she warranted public pardon or if she wanted people to think that she was a neglectful b*tch.
If it was to pursue public pardon, it could only be to somehow compensate what WE may even forgive but that SHE’ll never be able to forget.
Oh, poor cursed wench. “Mummy, why didn't you come when we were crying last night?” is unquestionably a touching, sentimental and even heart-wrenching question.
Those skeptical about the grammar capability of a four year old child can only be evil, for this woman is emptying selflessly her soul, and they are being needlessly picky and judgmental.
If the woman says the child said what she said it was because she did say what she said.
However what the woman, Kate McCann, doesn’t say is why the said child, Maddie McCann, doesn't ask any question of the same nature (and with the same eloquence of the night before) to the same said woman, Kate McCann, on the night she cried, but only on the next day.
You see, from Mrs Fenn’s statement, we are told that the parents arrive while she was crying, or just finishing crying, probably their arrival was the very same reason she stopped, so, when these caring parents, picked certainly this sobbing, terrified, child into their arms and comforted her, wouldn’t THEN be opportune moment for her to ask “Mummy, why didn't you come when we cried tonight?”, or the expectable “Mummy, I’m scared, where were you?” instead of waiting for the next day’s breakfast to satisfy her curiosity?
But as I said, this report offers little credibility, and proves absolutely nothing but the intent of the said newspaper to mislead. But that we already know and has been said too many a time.
Let’s stick to the PJ Files. Can it be that the McCanns are proving, by their statements on the May 4th. that Mrs Fenn would later lie, on Aug 20th? But why?
Well, first there is the date mix-up. One says it was May 1st, better known as the “Najoua Night”, while the other two say it was the night before the night of May 3rd, which makes it May 2nd.
Mrs Fenn contradicted the first time.
And then there is the fact that Mrs Fenn hears the child crying from 22:30, for 1 hour and fifteen minutes, that makes it until 23.45, the exact time she hears the parents arriving, but the parents say, quite clearly, that they didn’t hear anything.
We’ve that had to, sometime or another, handle an hysterical toddler late at night, desperately looking for that on/off switch that we all know that they don’t come equipped with, know that for a fact that the yelling does NOT suddenly subside. Not even when they cry themselves to sleep. There’s the reduction of volume and intensity until it goes down to a slobbering sobbing, and then, only then, there’s that golden silence, if one is lucky and does not get a repeat session.
And that is with a cranky child, not a terrified, lonely one as Maddie is supposed to be one then.
So when Mrs Fenn links the parents’ arrival with having stopped hearing the child crying, she can only be maliciously lying, for as per the couple's written words, the apartment was peaceful and silent.
Mrs Fenn, that’s twice.
Lastly, Mrs Fenn, according with the McCanns, lies with as many teeth as she has in her mouth, when she says she hears ONE child crying, when the parents are quite clear that Maddie points the finger to the twins. (later Gerry would say it was her and a twin, which, anyway you count it, it makes two children).
Could she be mistaken? You be the judge, as in her own words “seemed to be a young child and not a baby of two years of age or younger”, so that rules the twins out… leaving only… Maddie.
Mrs Fenn, that’s thrice.
Mrs Fenn, you evil, evil woman, according to the McCanns, that is.
At this point, and this is what is beautiful is that I have on one side, the Black Hats, who would love to jump on the opportunity for seeing me slandering Mrs Fenn's testimony, but, knowing me, are wondering why on earth am I doing it, saying that she is a liar.
Does that mean that I’m recognizing that the McCanns are telling the truth, and that the “Mummy, why didn't you come when we were crying last night?” episode was just something blown completely out of proportion by the White Hats?
And then I have the White Hats, that know me as well, and are thinking, that up to now we all White Hats have believed that Mrs Fenn had no reason to say nothing but the truth, so the fact that she contradicts the McCanns, not only is natural, but is expected, as they are the ones that are always lying… yet you’ve heard me already say that not one word Mrs Fenn has said is to be believed, so are the McCanns telling the truth here?
No, both Mrs Fenn and the McCanns are lying. You've got used to whatever you read against the McCanns to be true, and what you read in their support to be a lie.
As I said, I don’t believe one word that Mrs Fenn says. She’s nothing but clutter to reinforce the idea of neglect, to implant in your brain that the McCanns were negligent, drunkard slops... and they weren’t and aren’t.
Why don’t I believe Mrs Fenn?
Well, for starters, getting the May date wrong is quite telling, and then, would you, withholding such pertinent information, go to the police after 109 days had gone by?
When that same police had been RIGHT on your doorstep on the night it happened and on the immediate days that followed it? Didn’t Mrs Fenn think it important to speak then?
Ok, so what made you change your mind more than 100 days afterwards? But on Mrs Fenn, Headlines Today says it all much better than I do.
Now, is her statement to be discarded completely? Of course not. Below all those layers of lies, from her and the couple, lies a layer of very significant truth, from what she and the couple DON'T say, or have forgotten the implications of what they say... Can you see it?
Although Maddie is, unfortunately, dead, we still can obtain information from other characters from this silly charade: Mrs Fenn and Mr. and Mrs McCann. Let’s start with a Mrs Fenn, on Aug 20th, 2007:
"She also refers to the day of the 1st May 2007, when she was at home alone, at approximately 22.30 she heard a child cry, and that due the tone of the crying seemed to be a young child and not a baby of two years of age or younger.
Apart from the crying that continued for approximately one hour and fifteen minutes, and which got louder and more expressive, the child shouted ?Daddy, Daddy?, the witness had no doubt that the noise came from the floor below.
At about 23.45, an hour and fifteen minutes after the crying began, she heard the parents arrive, she did not see them, but she heard the patio doors open, she was quite worried as the crying had gone on for more than an hour and had gradually got worse."
Continue with Mr. McCann on May 4th, 2007:
"Between the 28th April, the day they arrived and the time the disappearance was discovered, he says that nothing unusual happened, only referring to an episode on the morning of the 3rd May, when Madeleine asked the witness the reason why they had not gone to her room when the twins were crying. As he did not hear anything, the witness did not go to the bedroom, however he finds his daughter’s comment to be strange, maybe because it was the first time that she had made it."
And end, in terms of PJ statements, with Mrs. McCann also on May 4th, 2007:
"Between the day of the arrival, April 28th, and the time that Madeleine's disappearance was discovered, the interviewee says that she noticed nothing unusual. She reports only one episode where, on the morning of Thursday May 3rd, Madeleine asked the interviewee why she had not come to look in the bedroom when the twins were crying. The interviewee states that she had heard nothing and had therefore not gone into the bedroom. She thought her daughter's comment strange because it was the first time she had talked about it."
What the McCanns say, as we’ll see contradict TOTALLY what Mrs Fenn had to say. A procedure, now known to us, as the McCann habit of getting you to lie for them, and once they have what they want from you, leave you high and dry and on your own. The Sun, that reliable source of information, on April 19th, 2008, corroborate, almost, the couple’s wording:
"LITTLE Madeleine McCann asked why Kate and Gerry had not gone to comfort her as she cried the night before she vanished, according to reports. The four-year-old is said to have asked why mum Kate, 39, had left her and her twin siblings, Sean and Amelie, to sob alone in their room the previous night.
The Spanish TV station Telecinco made the claim as it broadcast translated copies of documents it said were the McCanns' police statements. Crime reporter Nacho Abad, read out in Spanish an excerpt of the statement he said Kate had given Portuguese police.
He said: "While we were having breakfast, Maddie said, 'Mummy, why didn't you come when we were crying last night?' "Gerry and I spoke for a couple of minutes and agreed to keep a closer watch over the children."
The only contradiction between what the paper says and what the parent’s had to say is that while both state that Maddie “rats” on her siblings, the newspaper has Maddie confessing being part of the “Crying gang”. Relevant? No. But relevant is what both, Mr and Mrs. McCann do have to say, or to more precise... how they say it:
When one says
“Between the 28th April, the day they arrived and the time the disappearance was discovered, he says that nothing unusual happened”
the other goes and says
“Between the day of the arrival, April 28th, and the time that Madeleine's disappearance was discovered, the interviewee says that she noticed nothing unusual.”
When one says
“only referring to an episode on the morning of the 3rd May”
the other goes and says
“She reports only one episode where, on the morning of Thursday May 3rd”
When one says
“when Madeleine asked the witness the reason why they had not gone to her room when the twins were crying”
the other goes and says
“Madeleine asked the interviewee why she had not come to look in the bedroom when the twins were crying.”
When one says
“As he did not hear anything, the witness did not go to the bedroom”
the other goes and says
“The interviewee states that she had heard nothing and had therefore not gone into the bedroom”
When one says
“however he finds his daughter’s comment to be strange, maybe because it was the first time that she had made it”
the other goes and says
“She thought her daughter's comment strange because it was the first time she had talked about it.”
When one says
“the rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain”
the other goes and says
“in Spain, the rain stays mainly in the plain”.
No, just joking, obviously they didn’t say THAT last bit… It's from my Fair Lady, as we all know, otherwise it would be TOO MUCH of a coincidence wouldn’t it? Completely preposterous, even to the point of being ludicrous.
For now, we can now confirm that it’s a Mr. Nacho Abad, a CRIME REPORTER, that says that Kate stated that Maddie said “Mummy, why didn't you come when we were crying last night?”.
There’s no other proof that Maddie did effectively say what is said she said, but that somebody, if nobody else, Mr. Abad, said she said, that is a fact.
When Mr Abad, the reporter, reports, in theory, Mrs Fenn’s statements to the PJ are unknown to this mother, described by the reporter as distraught, when says what she's said to have said, as the PJ files would only be released three and a half months later.
So this is, apparently, a volunteered self-condemning statement that can only be justified by a guilt-ridden conscience, and this can only be commendable.
But is it logic? No, unless she warranted public pardon or if she wanted people to think that she was a neglectful b*tch.
If it was to pursue public pardon, it could only be to somehow compensate what WE may even forgive but that SHE’ll never be able to forget.
Oh, poor cursed wench. “Mummy, why didn't you come when we were crying last night?” is unquestionably a touching, sentimental and even heart-wrenching question.
Those skeptical about the grammar capability of a four year old child can only be evil, for this woman is emptying selflessly her soul, and they are being needlessly picky and judgmental.
If the woman says the child said what she said it was because she did say what she said.
However what the woman, Kate McCann, doesn’t say is why the said child, Maddie McCann, doesn't ask any question of the same nature (and with the same eloquence of the night before) to the same said woman, Kate McCann, on the night she cried, but only on the next day.
You see, from Mrs Fenn’s statement, we are told that the parents arrive while she was crying, or just finishing crying, probably their arrival was the very same reason she stopped, so, when these caring parents, picked certainly this sobbing, terrified, child into their arms and comforted her, wouldn’t THEN be opportune moment for her to ask “Mummy, why didn't you come when we cried tonight?”, or the expectable “Mummy, I’m scared, where were you?” instead of waiting for the next day’s breakfast to satisfy her curiosity?
But as I said, this report offers little credibility, and proves absolutely nothing but the intent of the said newspaper to mislead. But that we already know and has been said too many a time.
Let’s stick to the PJ Files. Can it be that the McCanns are proving, by their statements on the May 4th. that Mrs Fenn would later lie, on Aug 20th? But why?
Well, first there is the date mix-up. One says it was May 1st, better known as the “Najoua Night”, while the other two say it was the night before the night of May 3rd, which makes it May 2nd.
Mrs Fenn contradicted the first time.
And then there is the fact that Mrs Fenn hears the child crying from 22:30, for 1 hour and fifteen minutes, that makes it until 23.45, the exact time she hears the parents arriving, but the parents say, quite clearly, that they didn’t hear anything.
We’ve that had to, sometime or another, handle an hysterical toddler late at night, desperately looking for that on/off switch that we all know that they don’t come equipped with, know that for a fact that the yelling does NOT suddenly subside. Not even when they cry themselves to sleep. There’s the reduction of volume and intensity until it goes down to a slobbering sobbing, and then, only then, there’s that golden silence, if one is lucky and does not get a repeat session.
And that is with a cranky child, not a terrified, lonely one as Maddie is supposed to be one then.
So when Mrs Fenn links the parents’ arrival with having stopped hearing the child crying, she can only be maliciously lying, for as per the couple's written words, the apartment was peaceful and silent.
Mrs Fenn, that’s twice.
Lastly, Mrs Fenn, according with the McCanns, lies with as many teeth as she has in her mouth, when she says she hears ONE child crying, when the parents are quite clear that Maddie points the finger to the twins. (later Gerry would say it was her and a twin, which, anyway you count it, it makes two children).
Could she be mistaken? You be the judge, as in her own words “seemed to be a young child and not a baby of two years of age or younger”, so that rules the twins out… leaving only… Maddie.
Mrs Fenn, that’s thrice.
Mrs Fenn, you evil, evil woman, according to the McCanns, that is.
At this point, and this is what is beautiful is that I have on one side, the Black Hats, who would love to jump on the opportunity for seeing me slandering Mrs Fenn's testimony, but, knowing me, are wondering why on earth am I doing it, saying that she is a liar.
Does that mean that I’m recognizing that the McCanns are telling the truth, and that the “Mummy, why didn't you come when we were crying last night?” episode was just something blown completely out of proportion by the White Hats?
And then I have the White Hats, that know me as well, and are thinking, that up to now we all White Hats have believed that Mrs Fenn had no reason to say nothing but the truth, so the fact that she contradicts the McCanns, not only is natural, but is expected, as they are the ones that are always lying… yet you’ve heard me already say that not one word Mrs Fenn has said is to be believed, so are the McCanns telling the truth here?
No, both Mrs Fenn and the McCanns are lying. You've got used to whatever you read against the McCanns to be true, and what you read in their support to be a lie.
As I said, I don’t believe one word that Mrs Fenn says. She’s nothing but clutter to reinforce the idea of neglect, to implant in your brain that the McCanns were negligent, drunkard slops... and they weren’t and aren’t.
Why don’t I believe Mrs Fenn?
Well, for starters, getting the May date wrong is quite telling, and then, would you, withholding such pertinent information, go to the police after 109 days had gone by?
When that same police had been RIGHT on your doorstep on the night it happened and on the immediate days that followed it? Didn’t Mrs Fenn think it important to speak then?
Ok, so what made you change your mind more than 100 days afterwards? But on Mrs Fenn, Headlines Today says it all much better than I do.
Now, is her statement to be discarded completely? Of course not. Below all those layers of lies, from her and the couple, lies a layer of very significant truth, from what she and the couple DON'T say, or have forgotten the implications of what they say... Can you see it?
so who got mrs fenn to lie,was it the mccanns
ReplyDeleteTheir statments are almost a copy 'ipsis verbis' of each other. Without a pinch of doubt, I can told you Mccann's that you planned that statment and trained it well before going to the police offices. Why? Yow know very well the answer.
ReplyDeleteLike from your daughter's mouth never came the sentence that you stick on her( due to her age-just logic and some aknowledge of the Piaget study about the childs development), your statment was not a expontaneous retell of something that you really experienced. Your fairy tale sink on many details that you did not pay attention thinking that on the other side, the police and the public were lack in intelligence.
Stop the lies. Stop the game. Stop the circus. Soon your remain childs will search the Net to got answers, to find the Truth.
They all lie. The statments were all planned, even with Mrs Fenn. This why there is a discrepance on the dates and this is why Mrs. Fenn just officially joint the Circus in August. As usual, the Mccann's always got the help of crap people: Their desperation leave them without time to train Mrs Fenn perfectly. A old lady could have lack memory ( you know Gerry?). They minimize that detail(1 or 2 May and the twins or Maddie crying) and this is in fact something very important to understand the reason of that lie- the negligence. Why two parents who claim that their child was abducted, claim also they were negligent and create the conditions to allow that abduction ( an apparent incrimination)? I have many answers including that of the negligence to hide a more serious crime, but I think the real reason was that they soon realised that GNR and police did not buy their story, then they have to bring as many clowns as they can to credibilize the circus and try to convince the police.
ReplyDeleteThe reporter was for me a mix of two things, somebody who wanted his minutes of glory in a story that openned the news of many news stations in the world, includind the most reputable CNN and somebody who don't care about the way to got it. Mitchell quickly picked the reporter and everything was planned to pass the idea of negligence, of a sweet and sentimental Madeleine and a painful and regretful parents. Will be perfect for 'The Sun readers'. Again, their PR machine, with their arrogance, forgot that on the other side, the public has an health brain.
from chaos and elsewhere
ReplyDeletehelp to move things forward,” explained Kate.
The couple say they don’t know how much sensitive information made its way into the published files and accepted some material was probably missing.
“The question is why aren’t the authorities doing anything? We want the case solved. No one is looking at the data afresh. I don’t personally think that the UK authorities have done enough. We wouldn’t be calling for a petition to review the case if we felt that the authorities had done all in their power,” said Gerry.
The Online Madeleine McCann Petition, in both Portuguese and English, can be found at http://www.PetitionOnline.com
We call on the UK and Portuguese authorities to conduct an independent and transparent review of all information in relation to the disappearance of Madeleine McCann.
* Please only sign the petition once. Duplicate signatures from the same person/Email address will be deleted from the petition before it is finalised. Thank you!
** After signing the petition, the donation window is for iPetitions and NOT the Find Madeleine Campaign. If you would like to make a donation to the Find Madeleine Campaign, you can do so by going to our Website.
Sign petition
looks like the mccanns missed out on a few bob!!!
So Madeleine was already dead when we were told she was meant to be crying.
ReplyDeleteAnon 4:55
ReplyDeleteSo, do tell me, where does your "so" come from? Because, having written the whole thing, I might have forgotten to read it, so please do enlighten me.
Anon 11:08,
I have a pretty good idea about who asked who, and I don't believe it was the McCanns.
about the iFraudPetition:
Bad,bad behavior... so a lot of liftings:
I want to understand this but I am struggling. If I remember correctly Mrs Fenn said she was so concerned about the intensity and length of the crying incident she telephoned a friend to ask advice what to do...was this ever verified? Was Madeleine moved to Mrs Fenns apartment after death and before the crying incident? Did Eddie and Keela inspect her apartment? Please Textusa can you help me understand what you are explaining?
ReplyDelete"Não há qualquer história para alterar" . Por enquanto....
How did they get the Creche schedule signed days after Madeleine death?
ReplyDeleteDoes PJ files includes Creche statements that Madeleine was there on May 3rd? Or not?
I have a guess that Mrs Jenny and Mrs Fenn are friends. Then, not dificult to understand who ask what. Mitchell came early to PDL. He did not join the physical search of the little girl, then what was he doing? Guess... a rat is always and everywhere, a rat.
ReplyDeleteBritish Claire (BC),
ReplyDeleteDo NOT attenpt to understand because they've made pretty sure that if you go down that road, it leads to where they want you to go, to nowhere.
try to take babysteps, and let you gut do the understanding, but you have to let yourself have an open mind about it.
To say that Mrs Fenn didn't lie because she had no reason to lie is as valid/ridiculous as saying the McCanns didn't kill Maddie because they didn't have a reason to. Choice of the word in the sentence depends only if you're a Black or White Hat.And neither sentence make sense (by the way, as you know, I don't think Kate or Gerry McCann killed Maddie, either intentionally or by accident).
When I first said that there was swingin involved, I was scorned (I still am by those who're so hard trying to detract me, just to reinforce my perversity, just as they did with the McCann neglect). Now it's looked upon as possible and plausible. As I'm still on my way to proving it, I'm in synch here.
When I said that the McStroller was Gerry, I was scorned again. Today, the McStroller makes sense and is the only explanation for that person to have been there. By the way, i have to write a last episode about this McStroller. There was one lose end, and some friends of mine (the other Bronte-Cohen Sisters) have been a really great help.
BC, please just go with the flow. I like to go nice and easy, but always purposefully.
To help you out, I've kept, at least, one other reason why I think Mrs Fenn is lying, but that would spoil the surprise for a future post in the very near future.
I have to post about a little thing called "fact" first, then I have my Sisters who are complaining that I haven't even bothered to present them to society, and of course their posts, because, believe me (many say they don't, but believe me again, they are the one that believe me the most) they've found a LOT of surprises.
When you get help from friends, things are so much easier to understand.
Oh and I do have he weekend, to which I've been very neglectful lately. Do have a good one, too.
And BC...
ReplyDeletePlease don't take my "evasive" response as arrogant. I don't think that I'm more clever than than any mere mortal, however I'm clever enough to understand that I'm up against very clever people, and at the first chance they'll get, they'll attack the credibility of this blog, instead of the person writing it. That is what they wish they could do.
This makes me MANY times mistake perfectly innocent comments, from malicious one's. To those I apologise, but I cannot afford to let my guard down.
So, If I was vague, apologise, but I must be at this time. I do hopr you understand.
Another thing that I hope you and others understand, is that this is NOT my life and time spent here is time I don't spend elsewhere.
I'm not the owner of the truth, I just intend to leave written somewhere what is the way I see this particular truth, and its implications to other truths that affect us, the little people.
.If the child really cried as Mrs. Fenn stated, the child will be heard by other guests in OC. Nobody came forward to say "yes, I heard too".
ReplyDelete.If the cryng of the child changed over the time and became more intense, that is a strong suggestion that the child was not alone and was under some kind of violence or pain( excluding the pain due to illness). We, as parents already experienced the cry of a child, even due to ear pain (one of the most difficult to tolerate by a child). Over the time the child tend to slow down and sleep, due to tiredness. sometime will wake up again and restart giving an intermitent crying.
. If a child cry like what was described, any adult will knock on the door, specially knowing that it is a holyday flat, to offer some help and will contact the reception to report the concerns about the child if nobody answer at the door. And next day will ask the parents if everything was Ok with child. Mrs. Fenn did not take any of this actions.
. If Mrs. Fenn really experienced that episode, such episode will be so perturbant, specially if the child disappeared, that will not take a couple of months to be reported to the police. Will report it immediately, since according to Amaral book(PJ files), all the neighbours (OC and other houses) were checked and inquired on the first hours and days. She had a suddenly amnesia and a very convennient flashlight on her memory, in August. Wonder how much of that flashlight was delivered by Mccann's PR team.
Her statment was obviously, a lie. But for me there is more characters lying convenniently, for the Media, and for the police. Mrs wilkin's with her laughable description of GNR knocking on her door to show a wrong picture of Madeleine. That only fit the brain of a xenophobe British lady under the toxic misinformation of the British tabloids.
If mrs Fenn's account is another tissue of lies to add to the others, and I can see some logic in this, I wonder why they would have Madeleine cry for "daddy", as was reported, instead of "mummy", as it is more usual for children when they are in need, pain or discomfort to call after their mother. Especially with the similarity of sound between Maddie/daddy which led to some speculation as to who was actually crying and why.
ReplyDeleteAnother head-scratching moment with the mccanns...
Hey textusa How are you? well I hope,just thought I would tell you that there are videos about you on youtube, claiming you are an internet predator who stole her daughters identity and prowls the forums for young boys, they say you are welsh!! I think its a case of mistaken identity because are you not portuguese and male? Anyway great blog. keep it up.
ReplyDeleteYou're brilliant Textusa! In my opinion, you are one of the best bloggers of the group.
ReplyDeleteHey anon from Nov 13, 2010 5:43:00 PM
ReplyDeleteHow are you? Well I hope,just thought I would tell you,anon from 5:43 P.M. that there are videos about you on youtube, claiming you are an internet predator who stole her daughters identity and prowls the forums for young boys, they say you are welsh!!
I think,ANON from 5:43 P.M. that you are a case of mistaken identity because you are a mentally ill and full of wickedness, very curious by curious or strange practices schemes?
Pervers Anon from 5:43 PM, this is not the place to come and seek the deviations of which anon likes so much.
Anon from 5:43 PM If you wish we can give indications of psychiatric institutions and rehabilitation of deviant personality.
Good morning, Text.
Good day to all, nice people.
Anon from Nov 13,2010 5:43:00 PM:
Anon from Nov 13,2010 5:43:00 PM when you write like this is not stuttering.
For if Anon from Nov 13,2010 5:43:00 PM say these things about someone, it means that anon really want diversions or accomplish these same deviations.
You, Anon from Nov 13,2010 5:43:00 PM, really need a psychiatric help very urgent.
anon Nov 13, 2010 5:43:00 PM
ReplyDeleteto you(use the google translator)
Essa música eu tava cantando ali na cidade grande aí e um soldado gostou tanto que me levou pra cantá na cadeia, Florentina é o nome dela.
Florentina, Florentina, Florentina de Jesus Não sei se tu me amas, Pra que tu me seduz?
Eu tava cantando e o soldado disse: "Rapaz, tu canta muito, bora cantá na cadeia?" Chego lá me empurrou, aí tinha um loirão muito doido lá dentro, o loiro olhô pra mim efalou: "Qual é? Qual foi? Porque que é que tu tá nessa?" Eu disse não só porque eu tava cantando:
Florentina, Florentina Florentina de Jesus Não sei se tu me amas, Pra que tu me seduz
Ele falou: "Pode crê meu caro, cala tua boca senão eu boto seus dente pra dentro!" Fiquei bem caladinho quando foi no outro dia, o dregolado falôu: "Quem é o cantor?" Eu disse pronto... "Rapaz, você tá solto! Mas nunca mais cante esse negócio de:
Florentina, Florentina Florentina de Jesus Não sei se tu me amas, Pra que tu me seduz
Graças a Deus, desde este dia pra cá nunca mais eu cantei esse negócio de
Florentina, Florentina Florentina de Jesus Não sei se tu me amas, Pra que tu me seduz
Chega de tanta...
Florentina, Florentina Florentina de Jesus Não sei se tu me amas, Pra que tu me seduz
Isso é uma coisa que todo mundo abusa esse negócio de:
Florentina, Florentina Florentina de Jesus Não sei se tu me amas, Pra que tu me seduz
Eu num canto mais esse negócio de:
Florentina, Florentina Florentina de Jesus Não sei se tu me amas, Pra que tu me seduz
Agora eu já parei com esse negócio de:
Florentina, Florentina Florentina de Jesus Não sei se tu me amas, Pra que tu me seduz
Eu quero é cegá do sovaco se eu cantá esse negócio de:
Florentina, Florentina Florentina de Jesus Não sei se tu me amas, Pra que tu me seduz
Agora eu vou cantá prá vocês uma música de Roberto Carlos que chama:
Florentina, Florentina Florentina de Jesus Não sei se tu me amas, Pra que tu me seduz.
ReplyDeleteto anon deviant anon 5:43PM
Take no notice of bonkers videos. The truth hurts and there is more truth to come.
ReplyDelete"The truth hurts and there is more truth to come."
ReplyDeleteA real truth. Must know what " truth" or the real truth.
And this blog has all the quality. Hence the level must be of absolute quality.
Hello anon 5:43,
ReplyDeleteHI Gerry!!!!
The truth hurt's. So many videos about you and no any was a mistaken identity.
Anon 5:43,
ReplyDeleteAs the VERY COMMON practice in all this affair, that you so well know, this of telling others to tell others, namely the Police, something, Fred has told me to tell you that you can tell your “YouTube pals” that beside my obesity, incontinence and flatulence disorder, they’ve got me nailed right down to the spot.
Can you give me a link so I can make a DVD to show the family on Christmas Night?
All the best to you too!
A McBook month April. LOL
ReplyDeleteAgora os que não querem saber o que aconteceu , irão ficar curiosos e ler o LIVRO de Gonçalo Amaral.
COMPARAR! Agora é que é.
Querem ver que a I$a só dá depois?
Para o ano o Carnaval calha em Outubro ?
ReplyDeletea editora transa o mundo.
Coitados. O que lhes vai sair pela culatra: um tiro no pé. Já deram poucos.
Isabel Duarte lost the plot: less then a week after accusing Amaral of making money with his book, the British tabloids saying that Mccann's book about the search (of money surely) will be launched in April 2011. Which search are they going to talk about? the search of the girl which they fail in many ways and admited already in some interviews that they never pysically have done it, or the search of the money? we have seen with our eyes, the effort, the strategies and the amount of time they spent searching money and fooling people. They won a master degree on that subject.
ReplyDeleteIn a book full of ERRRR!!! UMMM!!! ERRRR, are they going to deserve a significant amount of pages to talk about M3, Halligen, the fabricated sights, the cellar 10 miles away of PDL and the convennient Hewlet son? Wonder if they will deserve a single sentence telling that truth that we know- THE GERMAIN PROSECUTOR DID NOT ALLOW THEIR ILLEGAL DETECTIVES TO DISTURB THE LAST DAYS OF A MAN WITH A TERMINAL DISEASE. Their attempt to do such step show us the way they deal with the pain of others and the desrespect they gave to the death. Was it different with their daughter when on the other side what they were trying to save was their own skin? Their behaviour during more then 3 years, give me the answer and speak by itself.
A conclusion I can achieve with no doubts- The fake Petition with many fake signatures to achieve a huge number in a blink, was a monetary disaster. The fake signatures did not press the Pay Pal button to give money. Even this ones, take the oportunity to fool the Mccann's and joke with them ( Thanks to Gerry and Kate and their PR machine that gave that window of oportunity to the public). NOW TO GRAB MONEY, THEY HAVE TO WORK. Writing a "Fiction Book" will be the end of that pair. They are again, giving wood to the fire that will burn their image and credibility. All trough their hands and their desperate 'In Need' of money to still paying their 'DIVERT PR MACHINE'.
Something we can read beside the fresh tabloid articles about the book- MCCANN'S ARE TELLING THE PUBLIC THAT MADELEINE WILL BE NOT FOUND BY APRIL 2011. Wonder how they know. Wonder why they were always able to plan events, many months ahead, absolutely sure that nothing imprevisible could destroy their plans.
If they really search the girl... if she is alive and able to be found, why not leaving the book for her? A story that she can tell on her own voice with help of somebody to write her biography and own money to compensate the deep pain that she went trough during this 3 years. SORRY... HOW STUPID I AM. Her parents don't believe she is in pain. nothing show them any hurt or pain, not even her mysterious disappearence. BECAUSE THE MYSTERY WAS ONLY FOR US. THEY KNOW VERY WELL THE TRUTH AND THE TRUTH WAS SO LINEAR THAT NOT A PINCH OF MYSTERY SHINE ON THEIR MINDS.
Para o ano o Carnaval calha em Abril?
ReplyDeleteEra o que queria dizer. Enganei-me.
Foi um lapso na medida em que Outubro, além de ser mês de aniversário de GA, foi a maximização das afrontas, provocações e maldades constantes para come ste Homem, com H, e para a Sua Família!