We feel this issue is VERY important so we are importing all the comments about these three photos that have been submitted/published so far into this post. Putting all the information together and give it the visibility we think it deserves.
The making news fake.
A Christmas bonus for our real truth-seeking readers.
From our post “Scare-tactics”:
Comment #01:
Anonymous 12 Dec 2018, 10:42:00
Not even sure it's relevant but there's an aerial picture that looks as though it was taken around a similar time as Frogs picture given the amount of vehicles and people at the top of that street. The flat bed van looks to be further down the street past the entrance in this moment though. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/3429820/portugal-madeleine-mccann-ocean-club-praia-da-luz/
Comment #02:
Anonymous 12 Dec 2018, 10:57:00
Further to my last comment, there appears to be a high resolution image from an alternative angle here on Google Images. http://portugalresident.com/exclusive-%E2%80%9Cmark-warner-pulls-out-of-praia-da-luz%E2%80%9D-the-real-story
Reply #01:
Textusa 12 Dec 2018, 13:07:00
Anonymous 12 Dec 2018, 10:57:00,
I hope you do understand the importance of both your photos!
We will get back to them as soon as we can!
Reply #02:
Anonymous 12 Dec 2018, 18:35:00
Look forward to reading about them.
Regards, Chinese reader number 3, or is it 4? :)
From our post “Scare-tactics – comments continue”:
Comment #01:
Textusa 13 Dec 2018, 14:54:00
Shall we start to get the ball rolling on the importance of the 3 pictures?
They are these:
#1 – Frog’s Cristaluz picture:
#2 – The Sun aerial picture:
#3 – The PR aerial picture:
They contain loads of very important information. Let’s start at what time they were taken.
Picture #1 has already been established that it was in the morning.
We think we can all agree that that pictures #2 and #3 were taken by the same aerial means, probably a drone, doing a run over Praia da Luz, so basically at the same time.
What time was this and why is this important?
Over to the readers who would like to participate.
Reply #01:
Anonymous 13 Dec 2018, 16:40:00
Later pics look to be much later on in the afternoon, maybe going into early evening looking at shade, shadows etc.
Reply #02:
Anonymous 13 Dec 2018, 16:54:00
Going on the photos: #2 seems to be late in the evening, looking at the long shadows, certainly after the 'disappearance' happened. Following evening. You can see TV vans on the streets, etc. The VAN/TRUCK (delivering or taking away the BRT tops) is now parked up the street from Tapas. So if you match this with Frog's photo, the table tops haven't been removed - because the van is still on the street, just a few feet up. The table tops are still inside?
#3 shows TABLES with TABLE CLOTHES by the pool. Again, the same truck/van is parked on the street. Again, evening time.
Reply #03:
Anonymous 13 Dec 2018, 19:02:00
In the Esplanade picture of covered tables etc there are 3 people wearing yellow tops whom I assume to be OC staff. In the hi-res version of the Portugal Resident photo there are 2 people wearing similar yellow tops on the top of the street opposite the McCann's apartment. Are they staff? Possible shift change indicating time of day maybe?
Reply #04:
Textusa 13 Dec 2018, 20:48:00
Anonymous 13 Dec 2018, 16:40:00,
Doing a very rudimentary calculation, the shadows make an approximate 12 degree angle with the East/West line, and as May 4 lasted 14 hours, that means that the sun at about 1 hour before sunset.
Taking into account that on May 4 2007 the sunrise was at 20H33 we estimate that the photos were taken at around 19H30.
This hour is important that it is agreed upon. Not with total precision but with enough of it to say that it wasn’t at 17H00 or even at 18H00.
Anonymous13 Dec 2018, 16:54:00
If this was a TV series, you would have jumped to episode 5! We’re still in episode 1.
The movement of the truck probably has a very simple explanation. We would say the most logical would be to not present an obstacle to the entrance. Things linked to catering, for example, would be unloaded at the entrance, so it would be asked to move the truck a few metres down the road.
Another simple explanation, is that the driver went somewhere to lunch and then when s/he came back, parked a little further down the road.
What is relevant to retain is that the truck was there the whole day. It has been filmed and photographed in the morning and is still there at 19H30.
Anonymous 13 Dec 2018, 19:02:00,
Well picked up! Didn’t pick that up and although it could be just a coincidence, how likely would it be for 2 people to be wearing bright yellow tops? We would say very unlikely, so we would agree that they are indeed Tapas staff, at 19H30 outside the McCann apartment.
A hint as to one of the reasons (not the only one) why the time the photos were taken is important, is that this happened less than 2 hours later:
The McCann’s first press conference. Do count how many TV trucks were there at 19H30. Take into account that at least 2 TV Stations had collected images in the morning. The Portuguese SIC and the British Channel 4.
The Channel 4 video:
At 02:07, one of the mysteries solved, by the shadows it can be seen that the dogs were there in the morning.
Reply #05:
Anonymous 14 Dec 2018, 11:07:00
On the PR picture, someone with a red top is seen walking up Rua Francisco Gentil Martins seemingly carrying two shopping bags, so probably coming from Baptista supermarket, so photo taken before Baptista closing time. Don't know what it was on May 4 2007 though.
On the Sun picture, there are two people on the pavement opposite to OC Block 5 who seem to be walking down Rua FG Martins: one with black top, and one who seems to be a kid wearing pink trousers. They can be seen further down the street in the PR picture, about 50 meters away, so PR picture possibly taken 1-2 minutes after Sun picture.
This is corroborated by the red car seen in the Sun picture near the Police roadblock at the intersection of Rua Dr Agostinho da Silva and Rua FG Martins that appears to be stopped while front passenger(s) speak with someone with a white top. Could be the same car as the one seen in the cul-de-sac behind Tapas in the PR picture, where four other cars are already parked.
Quite clearly, journalists are preparing for an "event" and keep on arriving.
Reply #06:
Textusa 14 Dec 2018, 12:26:00
Agree with analysis, except on one point of important disagreement.
In agreement, thank you for spotting man and child and that tells us that the Sun (S) picture was taken before the PR one. The detail of man-child will be important further on as you’ll see.
About the photo taking, we believe that a helicopter was used as in 2007 drones were not widely spread and were not used by the media.
About the time, the fact that Baptista was open is consistent with photo taken at 19H30. Supermarkets with the size of Baptista are open for business at least up until dinner time in Portugal, which is 20H00 but we would say it wouldn’t close doors before 21H00 or even 22H00.
Where we disagree strongly is when you say “Quite clearly, journalists are preparing for an "event" and keep on arriving.”
Before we argue our case, it’s important that it’s established between us what we agree on what we see:
How many TV cars are there?
We can clearly see 3.
We are uncertain about the white vehicle that is on the bottom left of the S picture parked in the Rua Agostinho da Silva. It has 2 doors open but has no satellite dish, so we don’t consider it to be a TV vehicle. But would like your opinion about that.
Do you agree that photos taken from a helicopter?
Could you please expand as to the reasons that make you say that it’s clear that journos are preparing for an event?
Apologise, not meant to put you in any spot, we’re only, because it’s important, to try to understand if we are missing something which may make us change our mind.
Obviously, all readers are invited to give their opinions on this as well.
Thank you.
Reply #07:
Anonymous 14 Dec 2018, 15:06:00
Not sure I agree with my own wording :) I was just referring to the many cars parked in the street at this late time of day, many of which I assumed to be from media reporters including press agency, radio, freelance... Also, the red car mentioned in my previous comment, which seems to come from Rua Dr FG Matins to go parking behind the Tapas (if my interpretation is correct) suggests that people keep on arriving. So what are all those people here for? Of course, there is the 8 o'clock journal and what not but I thought they were waiting specifically for the McCanns to appear.
I do agree that an helicopter is more likely than a drone in 2007, it was actually my first thought when I saw those pictures. Could it simply be the Protecção Civil helicopter used to help searches (mentioned by GA in Chapter 3)?
Not sure at all about the white car with open doors. Looks like it has some device on top of it, a roof antenna maybe? Also wondering about the two red cars parked in Rua 1º de Maio. Radio channel cars? Ambulances?
Can't wait to see why you strongly disagree on my interpretation. The truth is, I can't make much of these photos, so will be most happy to see some important facts come out.
Reply #08:
Textusa 14 Dec 2018, 16:09:00
Thank you. Will reply in detail later but for now it was important to establish that the white car was not a TV van.
It can have been for other media but fact is that at 19H30 on May 4 2007 there were only 3 TV vans in Praia da Luz.
Anyone who says there may have been more is being ridiculous as there are still a lot of locations where to park near 5A still available.
Reply #9:
Textusa 14 Dec 2018, 16:11:00
Unpublished Anonymous at 14 Dec 2018, 14:18:00,
…and you have hit the jackpot!
There are many jackpots in the pictures (currently discussing one with NotFrog) but that one is, basically, the adding up of all of them.
Once it hits, it is quite astounding isn’t it? It practically, if not in fact, breaks the entire case!
We will publish your comment when we get to that episode. 😊
Reply #10:
Textusa 14 Dec 2018, 19:20:00
DO NOT PUBLISH DO NOT PUBLISH identified reader at 14 Dec 2018, 17:00:00.
Yes, it's your comment and yes all your observations and questions are pertinent but the conclusion that you have come to is incorrect. As you understand we cannot say more at this stage.
Reply #11:
Textusa 14 Dec 2018, 19:25:00
Unpublished Anonymous to Textusa at 14 Dec 2018, 18:55:00,
You are on the right track as well!
If we get more comments like yours and other unpublished comment, we will have to publish them sooner than expected.
Reply #12:
Anonymous 14 Dec 2018, 19:46:00
Does anyone know what the square tent-like/marquee type construction is, please? It seems to be an add-on to the Tapas bar..it may be irrelevant but I haven't noticed it before. Thank you.
Reply #13:
Textusa 14 Dec 2018, 22:31:00
José Rodrigues dos Santos is very successful Portuguese TV anchor and author. Many years ago, when he started to write, I remember watching an interview about his most recent work then which focused on that tangible/intangible thing that is information.
He said that his book was born because having one afternoon filmed a demonstration of a military tank, later when he saw the piece he put together he was fascinated by the fact that what he saw on the screen did not match with what he had seen with his own eyes on the ground.
There had been no intended manipulation but the fact that his cameraman made the effort to get the best angles, resulted in the news piece being more spectacular than in reality all had been.
One thing he gave as an example, was that in the news piece there seemed to be more people present than there really were. This was owed to the simple fact that the cameraman had just framed all those present and by doing that, hadn’t shown the majority of empty seats that were in the stands. Who hadn’t been in the demonstration but saw it only on TV, wouldn’t be able to know that only a few people did attend the event.
This distortion of reality fascinated him and he decided to write about it. Again, note, no intended manipulation, simply the cameraman doing his job to get the best images possible. Just doing his job properly.
From the interview (I haven’t read the book, nor can say what book it was as he has since dedicated himself to historical romances) the book took things in a different path than the one the photos of Praia da Luz show.
Rodrigues dos Santos it seems, in his book went on to investigate how the presence of cameras do alter the reality continuum because people do start to act differently when they become aware that they are being filmed. He tried to show how reality is different according to the presence of cameras.
In this tank demonstration there was no manipulation but there was distortion. Now imagine the distortion that can be achieved if manipulation is really intended. And that’s one of the many things that these Praia da Luz photos show: a news manipulation of the news itself.
Where is the media circus that we were all induced into believing that there had been the day after Maddie disappeared?
Nowhere to be seen because there wasn’t one. That simple and the pictures show it very clearly.
Portugal is in the same time-zone as the UK. Everyone knows that primetime news hour is 20H00. The photo was taken half an hour before TV Stations would be opening live. And there are only 3 TV vans.
And of these 3, 2 were in Luz since morning, SIC and CH4.
Their videos prove it. And one, SIC, very early in the morning as they captured the Tapas lot going to Portimão.
That leaves 1 TV van for: RTP, TVI, Sky News, BBC and ITV. Just to name the Portuguese and the British ones.
The Portuguese TVI, put up a very piece about it at 09:35 that morning on its TVI24 site but as far as we know, they didn’t say anything on TV at 13H00 nor at 20H00.
Nor did RTP. In fact, we all have in our memory that Gerry with his torch and notebook with Kate beside him were the first images of the case. That was filmed when it was dark, so well after 20H00. A couple of hours, at most after the pictures were taken.
And we only saw them on May 5 because they were not aired live.
Reply #14:
Textusa 14 Dec 2018, 22:32:00
Wasn’t the media supposed to be blaring about it since early morning of May 4? If we are to believe the statements of Yvonne Martin, Stephen Carpenter and the Murats that was what was supposedly happening… but where was all that media in Luz? Nowhere to be seen.
Do note that in Frog’s picture, the one taken in the morning, the TV van #3 (the one by the Block 2 pool in Rua Agostinho da Silva) is not present. It hadn’t arrived yet. But Yvonne Martin had come rushing from the other said of Lagos and Stephen Carpenter had done laps around Luz because of the news they heard, when at best, there were only 2 TV crews there.
On the T-crossing by Block 5, by the white car, one can see about a dozen people standing there. Were they the reporters, or just curious people? It they were reporters, were all of them reporters? And if all of them were reporters, can it be considered a media-storm? It can’t and it clearly wasn’t. 30 minutes before prime-time.
And yet, when one watches the videos of that first press conference, just filmed a couple of hours at most after these pictures were taken, one feels that the parking lot of Block 5 was filled with press:
Just keep cameras flashing and the feeling that there were reporters piling up on each other is created. Is what we see at 19H30 consistent with the video conference? It isn’t.
But the pictures give us another media related detail: the helicopter.
Although there was clearly no major media footprint on the ground, there was a helicopter flying around taking pictures clearly related to Maddie’s disappearance.
There is clearly a disconnect between what one can see on the ground with what was deployed in the air.
It was like someone was determined to make the case a media-storm when it was far from being one. And for that to be can be because someone knew at 19H30 of May 4 2007 that Maddie would never be found.
Reply #15:
Textusa 15 Dec 2018, 11:02:00
DO NOT PUBLISH DO NOT PUBLISH at 15 Dec 2018, 09:35:00
Please allow us to publish the contents of your comments with or without your “internet ID” as you wish.
This last one is media related and we think it’s pertinent to the analysis. Thank you.
Reply #16:
Textusa 15 Dec 2018, 11:08:00
We now ask readers to go back and look at the videos of May 4 2007.
Please see how many volunteers, locals or guests, are seen in the background or together with the police, seen searching for Maddie.
We will give a hint. Locals, one, Robert Murat. Guests, one, Raj Balu.
Now understand that the importance of the photos. It's not what they show but what they don't show. What they don't show and HAD to have shown.
HAD to show according to all the stories we were told but don't. And the case just cracks wide open.
Reply #17:
Textusa 15 Dec 2018, 11:16:00
For example, where are the search parties, where is the looking at bins, yards, fields, wells, etc? Shouldn't Luz be really filled with people on the streets and everywhere?
Another example, with so many guests there, why not a SINGLE one at the Tapas area?
Reply #18:
Textusa 15 Dec 2018, 12:31:00
We think we should now publish the comments that we have withheld:
“Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Scare tactics - comments continue":
What strikes me is the complete absence of any holiday makers in the OC complex. Correct me if I am wrong but I literally can't see anyone. Possibly too cold to swim or sunbathe but no tennis, no kids in the playground, no-one going anywhere, no-one just going for a stroll in the early evening.
Posted by Anonymous to Textusa at 14 Dec 2018, 14:18:00”
“Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Scare tactics - comments continue":
Hi - do you think it's odd that the photos don't show any holiday-makers around the pool area? I know T9 wouldn't be expected to be there but those guest not associated in any way might. Just a thought. Thank you.
Posted by Anonymous to Textusa at 14 Dec 2018, 18:55:00”
And we’re waiting for the “do not publish” reader to allow us to transcribe here the content of his comments that is pertinent to this debate.
Post Scripum #1: Do not publish comments
We have now been authorised, via a DO NOT PUBLISH DO NOT PUBLISH comment at at 15 Dec 2018, 16:56:00. The poster in question has asked that his/her internet ID be censored:
“Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Scare tactics - comments continue":
Hi Textusa - are you referring to the comment about lack of people in the OC Complex? I think I said maybe to cold for swmimming but no tennis, no stollers either etc.
If so it is also odd how there there doesn't seem to be any tourists on the beach headland either - if a pleasant early evening I would expect to see some tourists out for a stroll, some on the church square etc. Where on earth is everybody? Were they never really there?
Was the OC dinner at this time - sorry don't have time to look this up..
But I really do look forward to the next episode :)
More than anything though glad you ok!
Posted by Anonymous to Textusa at 14 Dec 2018, 17:00:00”
“Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Scare tactics - comments continue":
Also if the 'press conference' was some two hours later - where is the set-up. If fairly major TV companies involved then they would be there well beforehand to set up and run-throughs. There would be evidence of staff, equipment, vehicles. Nothing. Just Nothing.
It is as if everything is on lockdown.
Posted by Anonymous to Textusa at 15 Dec 2018, 09:35:00”
We have taken the liberty to publish this bit from the comment submitted that authorised us to publish:
“Have just realised that apart from no guests or no media setting up of course there is no sign of any significant searching or any sign of co-ordination to search. Wow.”
Post Scriptum #2: Tableskirts.
A detail from the immense information these 3 pictures are able to tell us:
If we zoom in, we can see that the tables at Tapas are still with bed-skirts. Also the truck is still there, circled in yellow.
This means that at 19H30 no one has told the Tapas staff to dismantle things that were set up for the event. Things remained set as they were in the morning.
By this time, it would be more than evident for everyone that the event wasn’t going to take place but apparently everyone was concentrated on doing other things for them to be able to remember warn the Tapas personnel to put it all away. We wonder when was this order given.
This also shows that no one dined at Tapas that night, much less queued up to book that morning. The missing queue that we showed why it didn’t exist in our post of Sept 28 2011 “Tapas Quiz Night, Question #11/?”
The fact that there isn’t a single person inside the Tapas area, confirms that the premises were closed down just for this event, no one else allowed. Well, with the exception of the Neil Berry and the SIC TV crew:
What made Neil Berry so special?
Post Scriptum #3: Tapas Staff
It’s 19H30. Supposedly the Tapas is about to be bustling with activity, dinner is coming but of the few rubberneckers present, 2 of them are apparently from the Tapas bar (detail picked up by Anonymous 13 Dec 2018, 19:02:00)
Doesn’t this show that the Tapas was without any activity and the staff simply didn’t have anything to do even though it’s smack-down dinner time?
A dinner night that Tapas would say that this much beverages were consumed:
And all consumed only by 3 people, the Hynds, who, supposedly, were starting to have dinner when the photo was taken, and they would be the only ones for the rest of the night:
No wonder the rest of the staff could go watch the circus up the road. They really had nothing to do. There are clients eating at Tapas, supposedly again, and some staff are outside watching what seems to cause little interest in anyone else!
Post Scriptum #4: GNR Officers
Comment received from NotFrog:
“Anonymous 15 Dec 2018, 14:50:00
Another question: do you rule out that the helicopter was the one from Proteção Civil we know was used on May 4?
It could be. Could be any chopper. That is only a question of money, as there are many ways to hire helicopters, and if one has enough money to pay then one gets to fly.
But I think the point you want to make is made through this photo:
![]() |
(pic from here) |
There were an exaggerated number of GNR officers present. Why so many? Crowd control? What crowd?
This was a missing child case and we’re not seeing the reason for so many officers. Some are dressed to help the searches but there are many who, it seems, were just used as extras for a poorly scripted movie.
They are just standing there, not knowing what to do.
Someone, it seems, from the Portuguese side, someone capable of - or capable of influencing such a decision - deploying this police force there, was helping stoke up the flames so things could be transformed into a desired bonfire when only a match was on fire. Or possibly fooled into thinking that a huge popular uprising would be generated. Or possibly understood very quickly that the British higher powers were jumping on this and decided not to spare resources...
Fact is, the GNR was there in exaggerated numbers as the pictures show. But in the images that ran the world, the GNR helped convey the idea that it was a media worthy crime from the start.
Fact is, the GNR was there in exaggerated numbers as the pictures show. But in the images that ran the world, the GNR helped convey the idea that it was a media worthy crime from the start.
Post Scriptum #5: Lurking Raj Balu
This has already been debated but we would like to give it visibility, Raj Balu photographed lurking over 5A on the morning after Maddie disappeared:
We have said that there’s no reason for this picture not to have been in the PJ Files. We said the only reason we said that it isn’t was because whoever took the photo, from the top of a building that is not part of the Ocean Club, knew that this man, who happened to be staying in Block 6, was not involved in Maddie’s disappearance. Or, in other words, the photographer knew who Raj Balu was.
Some people believe that lurking is not a criminal offence:
“Green Leaper @FragrantFrog
Replying to @CarlaSpade @ditsy_chick and 3 others
Lurking is not a criminal offence. Being in Block 5 at 6pm was not a criminal offence. Balu & Berry were on a balcony in Block 6 when they saw Gerry searching (not swinging). Carpenter framed no-one.
3:35 pm - 10 Dec 2018”
True. But then we ask, what was the 2009 Mockumentary other than about a lurking man, the Pimpleman, who no one has bothered to look for since then?
Basically, if it’s an imaginary person, it’s important for
the case, but when it’s real, when the lurker has been photographed, it’s not.
Post Scriptum #6: People
We have been told that guests, staff and locals all decided to help, launching themselves in searches.
Well, according to the OC Booking sheets, the consolidated number of guests at the end of May 3 was 355. And at the end of May 4, 368.
There were 112 Ocean Club employees and 33 Mark Warner ones.
So, just and staff and guests we have 500 people for May 3 and 513 people for May 4. To these one must add people like the Hills who don’t appear on the lists but we know they were there.
But let’s just keep things at 500 for staff and guests.
Now, one has do add up the locals. We don’t know the numbers but looking at the pictures, not that many were there. We see people leafleting (who were they leafleting to?) and very few rubberneckers. But we are told that everyone was turning bins, looking into yards, scouring the fields, looking into well, combing the beach… so shall we say 200, 250 people?
750 people in a small town like Luz.
One can’t invent a crowd. One can’t say it was a terrorist assault and they were all huddled in a large hall under armed guard.
No guests were curious to see what was happening in 5A? None? Why?
Plus, do note that the Ocean Club is not the only resort in Praia da Luz. So add to the population present the guests of other resorts. If the Ocean Club was that booked, so would be all others.
Readers have commented they were possibly hiding. Why? We go back to the BRT scenario of May 4. They certainly didn’t want to be photographed but, as it can be easily seen, whoever and whatever was photographed was being controlled.
If the PJ and GNR saw someone of relevance from the UK, would they be able to recognise who it was? Of course not. So why hide?
Please don’t include the locals because pictures show that on May 4, practically no one was interested. Probably only the few we see standing near 5A. The rest of Luz was just going on with their lives.
We suggest that at this point in time there were 2 major activities going on among guests and staff and ex-pats: running as fast as possible from there and concocting as fast as possible whatever was needed to be concocted.
That’s why no one is seen. Everyone is fighting for their interests behind closed doors. Some demanding, other pleading and others just praying for their names not to appear in the documents.
Those whose fate was sealed because their names did appear, were being indoctrinated, together with the relevant staff on what to say.
So, just and staff and guests we have 500 people for May 3 and 513 people for May 4. To these one must add people like the Hills who don’t appear on the lists but we know they were there.
But let’s just keep things at 500 for staff and guests.
Now, one has do add up the locals. We don’t know the numbers but looking at the pictures, not that many were there. We see people leafleting (who were they leafleting to?) and very few rubberneckers. But we are told that everyone was turning bins, looking into yards, scouring the fields, looking into well, combing the beach… so shall we say 200, 250 people?
750 people in a small town like Luz.
One can’t invent a crowd. One can’t say it was a terrorist assault and they were all huddled in a large hall under armed guard.
No guests were curious to see what was happening in 5A? None? Why?
Plus, do note that the Ocean Club is not the only resort in Praia da Luz. So add to the population present the guests of other resorts. If the Ocean Club was that booked, so would be all others.
Readers have commented they were possibly hiding. Why? We go back to the BRT scenario of May 4. They certainly didn’t want to be photographed but, as it can be easily seen, whoever and whatever was photographed was being controlled.
If the PJ and GNR saw someone of relevance from the UK, would they be able to recognise who it was? Of course not. So why hide?
Please don’t include the locals because pictures show that on May 4, practically no one was interested. Probably only the few we see standing near 5A. The rest of Luz was just going on with their lives.
We suggest that at this point in time there were 2 major activities going on among guests and staff and ex-pats: running as fast as possible from there and concocting as fast as possible whatever was needed to be concocted.
That’s why no one is seen. Everyone is fighting for their interests behind closed doors. Some demanding, other pleading and others just praying for their names not to appear in the documents.
Those whose fate was sealed because their names did appear, were being indoctrinated, together with the relevant staff on what to say.
Post Scriptum #7: Pulling the strings
We have been told that the McCanns are the all powerful. What they don’t control, Clarence Mitchell does. That’s what we’ve been told.
Our readers know we don’t believe in that. And these pictures prove it.
Quoting ourselves from our post “The Saint of Salem II”
“4. Time
Kate McCann in her book:
“It was about 10am by the time a couple of PJ officers turned up. (One of them, in his thirties, tall and well built, I thought of for ages simply as John. I’m not sure he ever gave us his name, but later – much later – we found out that it was João Carlos.) They told us they had to take us and our friends to the police station in Portimão. We couldn’t all go at once as somebody needed to look after the children. After some discussion, it was agreed that Gerry and I, Jane, David and Matt would be interviewed first and the PJ would come back for the others later in the day. Fiona and Dianne took Sean and Amelie to their club along with the other children. While our world was falling apart, the best way of trying to keep theirs together seemed to be to stick with what they were used to.
Gerry and I travelled in one police car with the others following in a second vehicle. It was an awful journey. It took twenty, twenty-five minutes, but it felt much longer. (…)
Our first impressions of the police station were not encouraging. Basic and shabby, it didn’t seem conducive to efficiency and order. We were shown to a small waiting area separated from the control room – where calls and faxes came in – only by windows and a glass door, which was left ajar. In the control room, officers in jeans and T-shirts smoked and engaged in what sounded more like light-hearted banter than serious discussion.
I know as well as anybody that one shouldn’t judge people – or perhaps places, either – on appearances, but it all made me immensely nervous. I was appalled by the treatment we received at the police station that day. Officers walked past us as if we weren’t there. Nobody asked how we were doing, whether we were OK or needed anything to eat or drink or to use the bathroom. Our child had been stolen and I felt as if I didn’t exist. I’ve tried to rationalize it since: maybe they just couldn’t imagine how it felt to be a parent in such circumstances, or maybe they couldn’t speak English and it seemed better or easier simply to avoid us. Whatever the case, it was a horribly isolating experience.
At some point that morning we’d become aware that friends and family were appearing on television expressing our concern about the lack of police activity overnight. I think I’d registered Trisha and a good friend in Glasgow popping up on the TV in the apartment. Gerry has a memory of seeing some familiar faces on the set in the police control room. (…)
After an hour or so, Gerry, Matt and Jane were taken off for questioning. I remember constantly looking at the clock, counting the hours since we’d last seen Madeleine, my terror mounting with every five minutes that passed.”
As a side note, if ever there was a day childcare needed, Friday May 4 in Praia da Luz would be it.
Kate does speak of sticking “with what they were used to” and wasn’t leaving the kids at childcare something they were used to do? There was the lunch time period but we’re sure that under the circumstances Mark Warner would make sure they were taken care of during the period.
If there was a time for keeping the kids out of the way this was it so if there was a structure to leave kids well-tended to, why did Russ, Rachael, Fiona and Dianne stay behind to take care of the kids?
Gerry McCann was heard in Portimão at 11:15.
Just going by Kate’s words, they arrived at the station at 10:15. For that then they left Luz at 09:50/09:55. Which would mean the PJ officers arrived in Luz after the same PJ officers took them to Portimão to be questioned.
Google maps says it takes 28 minutes. But this is in 2015. That is in theory and in 2007 the roads weren’t as good so let’s say, to be realistic and say it took 30/40 minutes, which means the convoy would have left around 09:35/09:45.
Kate is clear in showing that this trip was done with no hurry whatsoever.
In fact she complains that PJ police seemed to show no sense of urgency about the case or about them.
So it’s very unlikely for PJ to have arrived in Luz, quickly rounding up who they wanted to question, push them into the cars and bolt towards Portimão so that they could put them in some obscure room and then forget about all of them for an hour.
We are being generous with the time. In fact it seems the PJ came even earlier than we have estimated above, they came at 08:30.
From McCannfiles:
“This news item was broadcast at 14:00 on May 4th. The following news item (below) confirms that the man in the brown jacket is an officer of the Policia Judiciaria, who had come to collect them at 08:30am that morning. That makes this footage being recorded just 10/11hours after Madeleine had been reported missing.
The PJ officer appears to be looking round for David Payne, who we see at the end of the clip sitting in the front passenger seat of the car. Presumably, Kate and Gerry went in one car, driven by the PJ officer, whilst Jane Tanner, Matthew Oldfield and David Payne went in a second car.
Presumably, their partners Russell O'Brien, Rachael Oldfield and Fiona Payne stayed behind to mind their children.
At the start of the clip Gerry says "Where are we going?"”
The McCannfiles, the website from where the quote above is from opens its 04 May 2007 page with this picture:
It has the following caption: “Picture above, 04 May 2007, about 11 hours after Madeleine had been reported missing: The McCanns, officers of the PJ and some members of the Tapas Group gather at 08:30am outside the holiday apartments, prior to their departure to the police station in Portimão.”
We think the 08:30 time of departure from Luz to be realistic. Not because we think there was any sense of urgency but we are sure was one of priority.
It’s expectable for the PJ to have gone go and picked up for questioning the missing child’s parents and their friends first thing in the morning.”
We have from the PJFiles that the statements started at the following hours:
Gerry McCann 11H15
Jane Tanner 11H30
Matt Oldfield 11H30
Kate McCann 14H20
David Payne 14H45
Fiona Payne 19H20
Rachael Manpilly 19H20
Dianne Webster 20H50
Russell O’Brien 21H45
They were in Portimão basically all of May 4. So, it wasn’t them who were pulling the strings. Nor was Clarence Mitchell who was nowhere near.
If it wasn’t them… then who was pulling them? Because someone was...
It could only have been someone outside the T9. Or, Most likely, many people outside the T9.
Lastly, how credible is this passage from Kate’s book, pg 92, after one sees the pictures taken at 19H30:
“We were completely unprepared for what we found when we drove back into Praia da Luz some time after 8.30pm. The road outside our apartment block was lined with what seemed like hundreds of press and TV crews, five or six deep all the way”
Post Scriptum #8: May 5 table-skirts
Comment that we have received:
“Anonymous 17 Dec 2018, 11:27:00
Zooming in on the May 5 aerial video it looks like the tables are still with skirts. Do you agree?”
To which we replied:
“Textusa 17 Dec 2018, 12:51:00
Anonymous 17 Dec 2018, 11:27:00,
Agree. We will write about that in a Post Scriptum.”
Here is that Post Scriptum.
We must say that at first, we disagreed with Anonymous.
We have to be consistent, and if we can’t be certain about something then we can’t state as fact, but can only leave it as a hypothesis.
Having zoomed in, the definition of the original image wasn’t sufficient allow us to reach a conclusion as to whether the tables in the Tapas esplanade had table-skirts.
Using the car as an example, one can see that unless objects are clearly in the open, one cannot come to any definite conclusions about them.
So, just by zooming in we couldn’t agree that the image showed that there were table-skirts. It could have been the case but it could only have been tablecloths. So, in principle we disagreed but that didn’t mean Anonymous wasn’t right.
Fortunately, we have a picture that clears all up. The Sky News picture of May 5 tweeted by the Frog:
And because we were looking for this clarification, we saw something we had missed before: it doesn’t show tablecloths at all as we previously thought but rough wood round tops and table-skirts:
The tablecloths had been removed between the night of the 4th and the day afterwards.
As our readers know, we did a comparison between this photo and Frog’s posh esplanade photo and saw that many of the tables were missing.
It’s like a path to the pool was cleared. That, together with the fact that on May 5 there were still table-skirts are, for us, a clear indication that putting the esplanade back to what it was, had, understandably, a very low priority. As we have said, so much other had to be concocted, so many to protect, so many wanting protection, so many tell what to say, so many documents to create while pretending nothing was happening within the “walls” of the resort, reason why the dismantling of the unimportant esplanade took more than one day.
To those who will try and ask if the PJ didn’t see it all this activity, please don’t. The PJ saw it but didn’t take notice. The tables with table-skirts being brought in and taken out was for any outsider an activity unrelated with Maddie’s disappearance and perfectly normal for a restaurant to have.
Post Scriptum #9: Shadows and GNRs
We have to make a correction to what we said in the post about aerial photos having been taken at about 19H30 on May 4.
A fact is what is not subjective and because it’s objective, cannot be argued against.
Shadows are factual. For example, as Portugal is in the Northern Hemisphere, all shadows from the Sun must be projected the North of the East-West line. Dawn defines East, sunset West. At noon, shadow is perpendicular to that line, projecting itself on the North of it.
We based our estimation that the aerial photos were taken at around 19H30 based on the shadow projection. We found that we were wrong. The shadows weren’t wrong (evidently), it was we who weren’t sufficiently precise.
We discovered our mistake because we had to revisit the issue after seeing the Getty video of the T9 being taken to Portimão for questioning. The minute we saw that shadows on that video, we knew that they would be important.
Before we go to that video, let’s first correct ourselves on the time we think the aerial photos were taken. We have then to determine as precisely as we can where the East-West line is in the Portugal Resident (PR) photo.
Via Google Maps, one can see that one of the cul-de-sacs of Rua Professor Dr Gentil Martins makes a 25° angle with that line
One can transpose that to the photo and see that the shadows run along that line:
Sunset was at 20H33 that day, so photos were not taken at 19H30 but definitely between 20H00 and 20H30.
That is full-on prime time TV news.
The day after what would become the world’s missing person crime of the century, the world’s first truly live global crime, the lack of media present in situ is absurdly minimal.
If the apartment 5A had caught fire the night before, there would have been more media present and certainly a lot more curious people.
Maddie was not a media phenomenon. Media was made to be a media phenomenon. Through hard work, it was shoved down our throats. The public did not pick it up as we were told had been the case. The public was made to pick it up.
And we attribute that to:
- Maddie’s imagery, by which we mean leaflets and posters immediately available;
- the high number of GNR officers present;
- to the masterful creation and staging of that 1st press conference.
The aerial photos show there was no one to give the leaflets to but the images we saw on TV was that of people distributing them, of people gluing the posters to their store windows and of people really interested in looking at them. Propaganda 101.
These 3 things together, created the illusion of something that wasn’t. Together they worked as an effective bait because and the world snapped its mouth on it ferociously.
All a production but what an effective production.
Our apologies to our readers for having softened the hoax. The fact the photos were taken an hour later than we initially said, only reinforces what we said.
It was the Getty video and its shadows that made us revisit the aerial photo times. Why? Because the shadows in that video answer one important question in the case even if not with the precision the aerial photos do, that is at what time were the T9 taken to Portimão.
In this post, in our “Post Scriptum #7: Pulling the strings” we quoted ourselves saying “We think the 08:30 time of departure from Luz to be realistic. Not because we think there was any sense of urgency but we are sure was one of priority” but that was based solely on agreeing with a caption of a photo.
For example, the Frog tries to push this to have happened much later:
“Green Leaper @FragrantFrog
Replying to @Anvil161Anvil16 @CarlaSpade
It was cooler first thing (K&G had fleeces on when they left with PJ around 11pm [11am, clearly a typo]. RM wanted to appear official imo. Maybe he was sweating a lot......
4:12 pm - 6 Dec 2018”
We see only one reason for the Frog to try and push forward the hour they left for the PJ: Yvonne Martin.
Note, that by doing so, the Frog contradicts Kate McCann who in her book says they were ignored for over an hour at the PJ. If they left at 11H00, then Gerry could not have been heard at 11H15 and much less wait for over that hour.
The Frog protects a person who brings paedophilia – pointing directly to one of the group and not some random stranger – into the case of Kate McCann’s missing daughter, Maddie.
We have established that the photo was taken between 07H30 – 08H30. We will explain how we did that.
One has to understand the orientation of Ria Dr Agostinho da Silva in relation with the East-West line and the hourly progression of shadows in a day with 14 hours of daylight as was May 4 2007.
For the first one just has to use Google Maps:
The other, as Earth rotates at a steady rhythm, then if it takes 14 hours from sunrise to sunset (as it did on May 4), that means that all has to be done is to divide 180° (East-West) in 14 intervals and that tells us that a shadow rotates with a circling speed of 13° each hour:
Please note that the dashed arrows do no represent the length of the shadows, they simply indicate the direction in which a shadow is projected for every hour after sunrise.
The same but now with Rua Dr Agostinho da Silva projected vertically:
That is in what directions one would see the shadows being projected if one stood at the bottom of the road, where the cameraman is standing.
We have obtained this still from the video but the reader can see that others could be obtained, we chose this one as the shadows from PJ Officer and Jane Tanner are “workable” for the intended purposes:
With this still, the precision is less than with the aerial photos because we the image is too close to the subject but the reader can intuitively immediately deduce at what time the picture was taken.
We used the focal point of the camera and ran it by the feet of Jane Tanner and the PJ Officer to determine the axis of the street. We then drew lines over the shadows and with that obtained the angles they made with the axis.
Then we superimposed this in the East-West line over the Rua Dr Agostinho da Silva and came to the conclusion that it was about 1 hour after sunrise which was at 06H33. So, according to this, this photo was taken at 07H30, when it’s indeed chilly that a fleece is welcomed.
We remind readers that this method is not precise but it certainly gives another meaning to the words “We think the 08:30 time of departure from Luz to be realistic”.
Now we would say that the departure definitely happened before 08H30, and would point 08H00 as the most likely time.
Why is this important?
Let’s start with Yvonne Martin. On June 12, she said this:
“In the past 04 MAY 2007, at 07H00 took knowledge, via a English TV station, Sky News or BBC, of the disappearance of a minor of that nationality in Praia da Luz – Lagos.
At 09H00, she met the McCann couple by the apartment from where a girl had disappeared, accompanied by a third element, of the male gender, who seemed to her quite familiar;…”
On June 13, just 24 hours later, she said this:
“As she works directly in situations of children at risk, and in being so very near Praia da Luz, she went there with the intent of providing all possible support to the couple, having arrived there at 09H30.
Clarifies that she didn’t go immediately to Praia da Luz, as she still had personal things to do at her house, having left at 09H00.
Initially she couldn’t locate the exact place where the family was on holidays. On seeing a patrol car that was passing near her, she approached those elements asking that they indicate the location in question. So, she was accompanied by the patrol car up to the apartment from where the child had disappeared and where the parents were.
On the site there was a group of 3 people, being 2 of the male gender and the third was of the female gender.
She approached the couple and identified herself.
Two of the elements of that group, one of the male gender and the other of the female gender, identified themselves as the parents of the missing child, or in other terms, the McCann couple.”
We have dealt with Yvonne Martin’s participation in the events in 2 posts so far, even though we still have to finish dealing with this subject:
- “The Saint of Salem I”
- “The Saint of Salem II”
Immediately, this video is proof that Yvonne Martin is not telling the truth. At 09H00 (as per Jun12) or at 09H30 (as per Jun13) the McCanns were long gone. No longer an estimation, a certainty.
And talking about being certain, Yvonne Martin on her Jun13 statement, makes it quite clear that she’s very certain at what time she left the house: at 09H00. And that she took half an hour to get to Praia da Luz.
This video alone dismantles her statement(s).
In our post “The Saint of Salem I” in its heading “#07. Yvonne Martin’s and her interactions” we mentioned that she had interacted with the authorities 9 times. The first one we mentioned was:
“i – When she arrived in Luz and says she approaches a GNR officer to ask directions and is escorted by that GNR officer to near apartment 5A”
It must be said that the very first time I read this GNR escort from her statements back in 2008, it was what made me think immediately that this person was not being truthful. A bit too fantasist to be real.
Indeed, there is not one but 2 GNR patrol cars in the video but anyone familiar with the Portuguese reality and the Portuguese authorities know that any Portuguese officer refuses to serve as guide (and will show how unpleased they are when they realise one approaches them with that intent) and when is such a situation will only provide verbal indications as to where one should head.
To have passed by car “near her” as she says, it would have meant they were travelling in the opposite direction. It would mean they would have to have stopped, listened to her query and then instead of directing her verbally, the GNRs do an U-turn on their unicorn, sorry, patrol-car and escort this stranger to where Maddie had disappeared. As if.
A place where there wasn’t exactly a crowd. As if.
Is this credible? No, it isn’t.
But is it Yvonne Martin only contradicted by the video? No, Mr Len Port contradicts her as well and quite significantly:
“Chapter Twenty-four
The peaceful seaside village of Praia da Luz was the unlikely setting for what turned out to be the most reported and discussed missing person case in human history. The disappearance has also been one of the most mystifying, controversial and bitter cases of its kind in modern times. For me as a reporter it all started so quietly.
On arrival in the village before 8.30am on Friday 4th May 2007, I expected to see some urgent activity. A young British girl, Madeleine McCann, had gone missing the previous night. At first I saw no movement at all. The village was silent and still. While driving around, I came across a single police vehicle parked on the roadside at a junction of minor roads towards the back of the village. I parked directly behind it. A few uniformed police officers were standing outside a block of holiday apartments. The only other people in sight were two women in conversation close to a corner ground floor apartment, 5A. As I approached, I noticed that one of them was clearly distressed, so much so I guessed she must be the missing girl's mother, Kate McCann. Later I learned that the other woman was a senior social worker on holiday from England. I overheard Mrs McCann tell her the police were "doing nothing" to find her daughter. She complained that they had not even questioned people staying in the same block of apartments. I understood the social worker to suggest that a description of the missing child should be circulated more widely. That prompted me to introduce myself as an Algarve-based reporter and say that I could use contacts to arrange alerts to be broadcast on an Algarve bilingual radio station. It had flashed through my mind that such alerts had been broadcast when Rachel Charles was reported missing in the Algarve 17 years earlier. The social worker then mentioned the British Consulate. I said I could help there too as I knew the staff at the Consulate and had just spoken to one of them on the phone. Perhaps my offer sounded disingenuous coming from a total stranger and a reporter to boot. Anyway, it was ignored.”
Mr Len Port speaks of two women. Two women and not two women (Yvonne Martin and Kate McCann) and two men (Gerry McCann and David Payne).
By the way, when he says “on arrival in the village before 8.30am on Friday 4th May 2007” we cannot say that he’s being untruthful as 07H30/08H00 is indeed before that hour. But “before 08.30” contradicts clearly Yvonne Martin.
Another important thing that this video shows is the absence of the GNR foot-print that early in the morning. We can see the 2 patrol cars but nowhere can be seen the number of GNRs we would see, later at the end of the day.
Mr Len Port speaks only of a “few uniformed police officers were standing outside a block of holiday apartments.”
Note that when the Frog’s Cristaluz photo is taken the GNR presence is still not significant:
As far as all photos we have seen show, there was no reason for the GNR present to be reinforced. Not speaking about the dog-tracking teams but about those we would later see around 5A not knowing what to do.
The McCanns are not present (and they are totally unknown at this time) and there is no crowd. The media presence is minimal. The only reason we see the GNR being needed is to safeguard the perimeter around 5A so that the forensics can be performed properly. But for that, the officers present were more than enough.
It was like the GNR was used in the same way as the “ping-machine” in Monty Python’s meaning of life: just for show off.
Post-Scriptum #10: Sky News
Our friend “FB Anon” has provided another Getty video link:
As the first part is about the GNR tracking dogs, they arrived after they were taken for their first statements, the footages are switched around.
The first part that goes up to 2:00, has been filmed after the part that appears at the end.
It’s easy to see that is so as the last 1:23 (from 2:00 to 2:23) of footage is the one that precedes this video, the one filming the taking of the T9 to Portimão.
This video confirms that no locals or guests were helping out the dog tracking teams:
It confirms that Praia da Luz did not even notice Maddie has disappeared that day, as everyone appears to go on with their lives not aware that anything had happened the night before (we were told that there had been a “search-wave” on the night of May 3:
Please watch the Channel 4 video and listen to John Hill describe this search.
There were 4 GNR officers which is consistent with 2 patrol-cars:
The image above shows that the shadow projected by the man crossing the entrance of 5A’s parking lot hits the half way the pavement.
This would be the direction of the projection of his shadow:
It confirms that 07H30 was the hour the T9 were taken to the PJ. Possibly, and stretching it, up to 07H45/08H00. Not later than that:
The determination of this time of the footage has the implication that it clearly contradicts Yvonne Martin’s statements as we showed in our Post Scriptum #9. Impossible for her to have been in Luz at that time if she only left her house at 09H00.
But this video, by confirming this hour, raises a very serious question with very serious implications and that is that it shows that the presence of the media in Praia da Luz on that day, really, really strange. We have realised that it was nowhere near in numbers than that we were told but it gets even stranger.
If Yvonne Martin is a minor player, Sky News isn’t.
The Portugal Resident picture, shows that at 20H00 there were only 3 TV Vans. We know from footage we have seen that SIC, Channel 4 and SIC had filmed in the morning, so we’re assuming that the TV Vans we see belong to these TV networks, and that means no other media came to Praia Luz on May 4.
This is very important in itself. Why no other media?
But the 2 Getty videos tell us something that is very revealing specifically about Sky News and that they were there very early that morning.
This immediately begs the question… why was Sky News so early there? As it was proven by the pictures of this post, this certainly was not an event that made media rush towards Luz.
Maddie had just disappeared the night before and at 07H30 Sky News is in Praia da Luz.
Who gave them the warning and who immediately “knew” that this story would grow legs? After all the missing girl could have been found that morning alive and well behind some bush lost and scared and that wouldn’t be news that would justify dispatching a TV crew with urgency to a remote village in the Portuguese Algarve.
The fact that Sky News is that early in the morning there seems to indicate that someone was certain that Maddie was not going to be found.
And if the Maddie news were so important as to dispatch at once and immediately a crew, then why was it not important enough not to deserve live coverage?
Because we know that the first time the news hit the media was at 07H48 on Sky News and now we know that Sky News was already in Luz at this time, so why didn’t they go live? Seriously, why not?
Maybe because that early the only thing that was known was that there was going to be a story but no one was sure what the story was really going to be, so best just leave things at the girl just being missing and nothing else?
By the way, if Yvonne Martin got to hear the first news at 07H48, it would be physically impossible for her to have been in Praia da Luz at 08H00.
Of course, no one on tennis courts, around swimming pools...
ReplyDeleteIt is strange because I noted that right away but somehow the conclusions to be drawn got stuck in my mind. I might have been once again the victim of another fascinating social phenomenon, which I believe was triggered intentionally in the Maddie case and was incredibly effective: the "compassion call" — basically, forcing people into refusing thoughts that would expose their selfishness and indifference. Tragic events happen everywhere all the time and we just go on with our lives. But when someone presses the compassion key, we suddenly feel ashamed. After 11 years, the trick is still working on me!
Of course, it would make sense to cancel the tennis dinner under the circumstances. But to cancel the tennis games too? Where are all those people who went all the way down from Britain to enjoy a week of tennis in the sun? Why is no one playing one hour before sunset on their last day? Was it too cold or too windy? It does not appear so. Were they afraid of being filmed by TV? Afraid of what?
The obvious explanation is that all these people were acting out of pure compassion because they are much more decent human beings than the pathetic selfish me.
Or, maybe, they were not here for tennis after all...
Going back to the discussion on media presence, it did not surprise me to see relatively few TV vans on May 4. Why sending TV reporters in a case of child disappearance at such early stage? I totally agree that someone wanted to create a media storm, and we have plenty of evidence of that.
Another question: do you rule out that the helicopter was the one from Proteção Civil we know was used on May 4?
Makes me imagine lots of insects hiding underneath a boulder running for cover when someone opens up their world for inspection...interesting!!
DeleteWe will answer your question in one of the Post Scriptums we are preparing.
Thank you for your patience.
Everything is an illusion...everything about this case appears to have been manipulated to create an illusion...amazing
ReplyDeleteNeeded heat seeking cameras to find warm bodies hiding down there...
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteFrom "FB Anon":
ReplyDelete"Wow, what a revelation about the lack of media present on May 4th. I too thought it was odd that the Ocean Club looked so empty, but it didn't occur to me that the alleged media scrum was just another manufactured aspect of this case, and that the media were complicit in the hoax. What DID occur to me, as others have pointed out, that there was no-one playing tennis or going to and from the Tapas bar. Given that tennis seemed to be the main occupation of all the guests that week, it's very odd to see that no-one was out playing, making the most of a sunny evening. The same with Tapas - wasn't it SO popular that it was fully booked every night and people had to queue to get a reservation? Yet there was absolutely no-one around. no-one leaving or arriving at the restaurant. Well done Textusa - I bet Frog is regretting putting the photos on Twitter now!"
"FB Anon",
DeleteWe have to thank Anonymous 12 Dec 2018, 10:42:00/10:57:00 who found the S and the PR pics!
Frog's picture, in this context, just shows that the situation between the morning and 19H30 of May 4, didn't change much.
Praia ds Luz was definitely not "up in arms" as they have tried to make us believe that it was.
From "FB Anon":
Delete"The other things that the photos show is how small PdL is and also how shabby the surroundings are- not really the off season destination you’d expect for upper middle class professionals..."
FB Anon:
Hi, it was I that sent you those two respective links/pics and also noted the presumed tapas staff in yellow tops.
DeleteA long time reader trying to make sense of it all and failing miserably :)
Very interesting to say the least, all these recent developments.
We have just added the following Post Scriptum:
ReplyDeletePost Scripum #1:
We have now been authorised, via a DO NOT PUBLISH DO NOT PUBLISH comment at at 15 Dec 2018, 16:56:00. The poster in question has asked that his/her internet ID be censored:
“Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Scare tactics - comments continue":
Hi Textusa - are you referring to the comment about lack of people in the OC Complex? I think I said maybe to cold for swmimming but no tennis, no stollers either etc.
If so it is also odd how there there doesn't seem to be any tourists on the beach headland either - if a pleasant early evening I would expect to see some tourists out for a stroll, some on the church square etc. Where on earth is everybody? Were they never really there?
Was the OC dinner at this time - sorry don't have time to look this up..
But I really do look forward to the next episode :)
More than anything though glad you ok!
Posted by Anonymous to Textusa at 14 Dec 2018, 17:00:00”
“Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Scare tactics - comments continue":
Also if the 'press conference' was some two hours later - where is the set-up. If fairly major TV companies involved then they would be there well beforehand to set up and run-throughs. There would be evidence of staff, equipment, vehicles. Nothing. Just Nothing.
It is as if everything is on lockdown.
Posted by Anonymous to Textusa at 15 Dec 2018, 09:35:00”
We have taken the liberty to publish this bit from the comment submitted that authorised us to publish:
“Have just realised that apart from no guests or no media setting up of course there is no sign of any significant searching or any sign of co-ordination to search. Wow.”
Unpublished Anonymous at 15 Dec 2018, 19:23:00
ReplyDeleteWe were wondering when you were going to pop your head out of your hole.
Yes, you are thick. Thicker than thick. No, thicker than that. And then a little bit thicker. Then do top that with a little more thickness and you have about a tenth of how thick you are.
We thought we you didn’t comment in our blog. Don’t you have Kate’s book to write about? Summers & Swan one as well? And sedation? All you are involved has apparently has become tumbleweed, hasn’t it? What a huge disappointment you must be for all your fans.
Photo number three,can anyone see if the bougainvillea is in flower re: the last photo of Madeleine.
ReplyDeleteDefinition not good enough to make a proper comparison, but when blown up there is a purple/pink hue to the wall. There is also flowering evidence just to the right of the Tapas, in the courtyards of the villas just below the carpark and in the very bottom right hand side of the picture. Also in the video 'Exterior shots....' @16/12, 21.29, flowering evident on the front wall by the shutters.
DeleteDoug D
There is a higher resolution one here, unless this is the one you are referring to?
Thanks anon. I think they are as good as it gets. Not sure if it will work, as I don't think I can post pictures, but I’ve tried to screen grab the two relevant bits, but if not the two photos can be found here:
The funny looking green tubery plants just above GM’s right shoulder can be seen on the edge of the paved area at the bottom of the wall. This should put the orange & yellow flowers just to the right of it, but the image is just not good enough to be certain either way.
Doug D
We inform readers that we have now added Post-Scriptums #2 to #7.
ReplyDeletethe picture besides Madeleines face first down the page looks to be from the same batch...
DeleteIt's not as in the parking lot opposite the Tapas entrance there are no TV vans:
However, it is interesting to see that the media foot-print is quite small. One TV van in front of Block 2 pool and another in front of Cristaluz. A third one if we consider the grey vehicle between them.
Comment that we have received and censored as per request:
ReplyDelete“Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "The three VERY IMPORTANT photos.":
"We suggest that at this point in time there were 2 major activities going on among guests and staff and ex-pats: running as fast as possible from there and concocting as fast as possible whatever was needed to be concocted.
That’s why no one is seen. Everyone is fighting for their interests behind closed doors. Some demanding, other pleading and others just praying for their names not to appear in the documents."
If the above is indeed the case then it would be interesting to look at the mobile phone records that exist for this specific conjectured time period. And the computer records/search engine records etc.
I am sure I have seen detailed records for both in PJ files - sorry don't have time to look.
Posted by Anonymous to Textusa at 16 Dec 2018, 09:16:00”
Even if it could be shown that guest a rang guests b and c after the event, without knowing the content of calls, it wouldn’t prove anything. It could be that they were in contact to share their dismay about what had happened.
DeleteAnonymous 16 Dec 2018, 11:16:00,
DeleteBut why would guest A know the numbers of guests B and C, if that had happened? And, if it was the case, know the numbers of management or staff or that of ex-pats in the area?
We agree with censored ID poster, it would have been interesting to have cross-checked the phone traffic of the people staying in the Ocean Club at the time.
"Do not publish;" Anonymous at 16 Dec 2018, 11:27:00,
ReplyDeletePlease allow us to use the link you have provided!
Thank you.
Dear Textusa Team
DeleteIf this concerns video 495124626. It was found on a google search. You can use this information as you like. Additionally interesting are also other Videos from the same source like 487715646, 487715118.
Anonymous 16 Dec 2018, 20:42:00,
Delete- Aerial video on May 5:
- Forensics on 5A window:
- The Tapas 9 being taken to Portimão for questioning on May 3:
We asked Anonymous 16 Dec 2018, 20:42:00 to publish the link (the only link then provided) to the 1st video because on May 5 (we believe around 20H00 if not later):
- Still no significant media foot-print in Luz;
- Tapas area now used - tennis and pool;
- Still no sign of number of guests supposedly in Luz;
- Still no significant searching activity in Luz, making it quite clear that the town didn't react immediately to the events but rather were convinced by the media storm that would hit the world.
But we call the attention of our readers to video 3. This video, if not mistaken, has already been shown by the Frog when proving that Mr Len Port's polo shirt had long short sleeves.
Then, we didn't see how important it was for the case. It shows a detail that is very, very important to the case. Can the reader pick up what it is?
DeleteHi Textusa had a busy weekend but have just managed to to squeeze in your latest instalment. Looking at those pictures really blows the cover up out of the water, all the collusion for the hoax was kept to a limited amount of people to make it work. The pro’s have always dissed how you would get the whole resort and holiday makers to go along with it but the pictures show in truth the majority will have known nothing about it. All they needed were a few well placed reinforcers and it helped the story grow legs and run. The problem is when you create a story instead of truth there’s always a tend to go overboard and this is what they did in order to sell the story by too many coincidences and people just been in the right place at the right time. To me they really overplayed their hand with the Gaspar statements which were a brutal mistake. No half decent parent would sit there, sit and do nothing including letting a ponce bathe your child and then still do nothing until a child you heard being discussed abused goes missing. It smells like bullshit so therefore it is bullshit and even if it was true they should be prosecuted for been guilty of association and failing to report a crime as doctors. Anytime you bring this up the pretend anti’s go into meltdown and protection mode making excuse after excuse and it’s all nonsense as normal parents just do not behave in this way portrayed, I have wondered if these people are even real or just another set of characters to fit the story theme. Going back and watching the videos of the first press conferences shows up the shadows behind the McCann’s when the flashes go off, yet there’s no overshadows cast over theirs which would happen if there was a crowd of reporters there but there’s nothing not even one overshadow been cast as flashes repeatedly go off, the Mac’s were playing to an empty crowd.
ReplyDeleteTextusa, I tested out a theory today and the response I received confirmed my suspicions I’ve had for a while. Today I posted on the make up picture on Madeleine McCann Abduction or Scam, about a comment I’d read elsewhere from someone who said they’d stripped the picture back and underneath the dodgy photo fit that it was actually Kate. I’m no expert in photography and I stated that but two admin were on my back like bitches on heat. It’s not the first time I’ve been attacked and others also if you dare to deviate from the neglect, drugged kids and child abuse. I have crossed swords with them over the Gaspar statements which I’ve always struggled with as they make no sense. They insist it’s all to do with high level paedophilia even though I’ve pointed out if that was true then the public wouldn’t have got a sniff of it and the McCanns would not be blurting about it all over the place. Interestingly the picture was shared by Ben Salmon a while ago but after sitting back and watching recent events I had to know for sure and now I do. Sonia Poulton stepped up to the front for someone who says she has been black balled to suddenly turn up on prime time morning tv slating Kirsty Allsopp when she cracked her kids IPads as punishment, the way they are playing the game couldn’t be more obvious if they tried.
ReplyDeleteNone of them will let members deviate from the kids being drugged and abused, anyone saying anything else is pounced on and put them in their place. Once you say something they don’t like they call in other admin for back up. As for the brt looking at where it’s positioned in the photo and the space between the roof supports then there’s no way it would fit in. I’ve sat at a table that seat both ten+twelve people and once you increase the size of the table there’s not enough space to fit the table and chairs inbetween those supports.
I don’t like games I prefer blunt honesty. I haven’t really been on there much as well as Justice for Madeleine for months now apart from a quick dip. One thing which stands out is how the herd folk into the same direction and shut down any change in direction. They picked on wrong one with me because I will not be told what to think I have my own brain for that but it annoys me they pretend to want justice but it’s the last thing they want.
I notice there’s been a wall of silence over the recent photos of an empty Pdl from the rampant rabid camp lol
ReplyDeleteCanine Truth @K9Truth
Replying to @strackers74 @JillWillybach and
Sorry, are you suggesting that Jon Corner, or someone purporting to be JC, released this photo to the media? If not, I'm not sure why K&G would strategically incriminate themselves as paedophiles, pimps or sellers of CP in order to distract from sedation and/or swinging. #McCann
12:59 AM - 16 Dec 2018
This individual forgets that he has tweeted this:
Canine Truth @K9Truth
TextUSA has replied to these tweets without answering the fundamental question. I'm busy this afternoon, but will try to reply over the weekend. In the meantime, have a look at the Jon Corner video that was released by K&G #McCann in May 2010. Pic @ 1.14.
4:40 am - 9 Mar 2018
Why is he asking others about something he has stated himself?
It’s him, and those who like him defend the paedo theory who have to answer the question why “why K&G would strategically incriminate themselves as paedophiles, pimps or sellers of CP” if paedophilia was the BIG secret to be hidden.
Because it’s a fact that it was their camp who made that photo public. One just has to see the video and see how long the picture lasts in it. Really long, So that all could REALLY see it.
Some more aerial photos from May 4 can be found (in low resolution) at:
I have doubts regarding the following one, which shows a higher view that includes the beach (difficult to say if the parking adjacent to Rua 1º de Maio has the same configuration as in the Sun picture, but looks similar):
This one shows the highest view on PdL but was probably taken sometime later, if on May 4, as the OC area is completely in shadow:
Not that I want to advertise google images once more :)
Censored as requested:
ReplyDelete“Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "The three VERY IMPORTANT photos.":
What strikes me about this video is that all the totally inappropriate pictures are interlaced and overlaid by the suggestion that they have information/data about something/somebody i.e. 'information/data', 'web-pages', 'names and addresses' or 'computer information'.
To me this is very clear suggestion that they hold 'sensitive' information about 'certain' things - but obviously only my opinion. It is a very odd video by any standards.
Posted by Anonymous to Textusa at 17 Dec 2018, 09:28:00”
I’m wondering if you could say a little more about your intriguing comment on “all the inappropriate pictures” - “interlaced” and suggesting other connections, please? Thank you.
DeleteZooming in on the May 5 aerial video it looks like the tables are still with skirts. Do you agree?
ReplyDeleteAnonymous 17 Dec 2018, 11:27:00,
DeleteAgree. We will write about that in a Post Scriptum.
ReplyDeleteBlacksmith’s opinions on the case are as redundant as the fax machine when his good friend has her finger on the pulse with her extensive contacts.
She is the high speed internet connection to facts on the case.
He can’t compete with only his U.K. newspaper editor contacts for information.
I presume he believes that she’s spoken to all the people she claims, including former SY officer involved in the case, Jose de Freitas.
If that’s the case, maybe he could give his endorsement of her claims?
Or subject them to his usual excoriating analysis.
From "FB Anon":
ReplyDelete"Have just watched video 3 several times trying to find the very important detail! Not sure if I'm close but the details I've picked up on are
1) Len Port is the only photographer there
2) Dianne Webster isn't looking after the children or taking them to he creche. She's on her phone but who is she calling when her daughter is there
Have also just looked at Dianne Webster's 11th May statement - she says that "in all the dinners during the holidays only members of the group had participated, never having any strangers with them at the table that they usually occupied." So what happened to the night that Bridget O'Donell & Jez Wilkins joined them? Either they are lying or she is!"
For whatever value, this photo of Murat on the 3rd was taken no earlier than 05:05AM, and no later than 01:06PM (obviously the 'created' time is wrong, but it couldn't have been taken after it was submitted):
Have you written anything making clear the identification of Raj Balu as the bald man? Can't seem to find his passport photo in the files.
It shows a good idea of what someone would have seen if they had been looking at the alleged 'Tannerman' sighting. It shows that Kate Gerry and Jane were looking visibly upset and as if they had been crying a lot. It shows that JT was possibly wearing nail varnish. It shows few people were about other than the tapas group.
ReplyDeletePayne visibly trying to hide from camera, walks headlong in Block 4 parking before realizing that the others are in the street (00:09). When joining the group, he is invited by Olfield to seat in same car as McCanns (00:34). From 00:43, man with a camera appears in the middle of the street and stays about 5 meters behind the group. Tanner seems worried by his presence as she glances twice in his direction between 00:53 and 1:01. At 1:12, Payne opens car window apparently at the request of Olfied (whose reflection can be seen on the car body). Shortly after, Payne grabs something that looks like a thin book handed to him by someone not filmed.
ReplyDeletePayne travelled in the SAME car as the McCanns.
The people in yellow tops look to be Portuguese Rangers not OC staff, though the run of photos they appear in is dated the 8th of May?
Anonymous 17 Dec 2018, 15:57:00 who we are supposing is Anonymous 17 Dec 2018, 13:43:00 and who we are supposing is who we are supposing it is.
DeleteWe will answer your questions in detail but please don't think what you are attempting is going unnoticed.
Of course it's Raj Balu and of course they aren't Forest Rangers.
Stop trying to plant seeds of doubts. It's been many years, you should know better by now. But you do have to try, don't you?
Not sure who female is in white T shirt, jeans and white belt...
ReplyDeleteKate is holding a mobile phone
From 0.09 = 0.10 see how Gerry looks towards DP and then away, mutters something. DP watches them but doesn't really acknowledge them. I could be reading too much into this but it seems to reflect intense hostility between them...
We remind readers that it is Christmas. That means the blog is not our main priority at the moment. We’re making this reminder to explain why we’re falling behind in putting out information. And falling behind in answering to published and unpublished comments.
ReplyDeleteFor 11 years we have put out information at our own rhythm by deciding what to post and when. As expected, we will not change.
We ask for the patience of our readers. Thank you.
We have just added Post Scriptum #8 - May 5 table-skirts, in reply to Anonymous 17 Dec 2018, 11:27:00 comment.
ReplyDeleteHoping to publish about the importance of the video, and do the necessary catching up tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteThank you for understanding.
Another thing is that the whole party, especially the Mc Canns have the appearance / behaviour of people to whom something devastating has occurred - something that they can not do anything about. This is natural given that their daughter has died. It is not natural, however, if their daughter had have disappeared or been abducted. If that had been the case then I would have expected them to look frustrated as if they had a lot to be doing, a lot of searching etc..
ReplyDeleteDo you have a rough estimate as to how many people were involved in the cover-up? Apparently there was about sixty of them in Praia da Luz, but how many more sold the abduction story and all the while knowing the poor child was dead?
ReplyDeleteFrom "FB Anon":
Delete"Interesting comment from Anon 14.08......many on Twitter have said that the Tapas dinners/ neglect must have happened otherwise the Tapas staff/ nannies would have spoken out. Also that there would be too many people involved for the Tapas dinners to be a hoax and for the swinging to be covered up. But we have the whole of the UK MSM, the Met & Leicester police forces and the UK government colluding with the McCanns to sell the abduction story. Why is it that not one of them has spoken out to say they didn’t believe the McCann’s claims?"
Not one of them has spoken out, probably because on some level they were all involved in the original blatant cover-up.
DeleteOr they're normal people who just want to get on with their lives? Remember the reactions of the men shamelessly put on camera by Panorama last year?
DeleteStory from the media, but as early as Saturday the PJ were well aware things weren’t right:
Delete"This is a very badly told story" Diário de Notícias
by: José Manuel Oliveira and Paula Martinheira
05 May 2007
Thanks to 'Astro' for translation
The disappearance of Madeleine McCann, the English three-year-old child that was on holidays in Lagos, "is a very badly told story", a source from the Polícia Judiciária in Portimão has confided to DN. The statement reflects the authorities' doubts concerning the "confused" depositions that were given by the witnesses yesterday, throughout the day.
After one day of searches, the authorities have widened their action into Spain. Despite the contradictions in this case, the scenario of the child’s abduction is gaining strength. The little girl went missing on Thursday night, from the room where she was sleeping with her twin siblings that are one year younger than her, at the Ocean Club tourist resort, in Praia da Luz.
At this edition's closing time, the searches were ongoing, carried out by approximately fifty elements of the GNR, aided by sniffer dogs that are specialised in the detection and rescue of humans, which were offered the pink blanket that covered the little girl in the bed where she was sleeping. Since 4 p.m., the means had been reinforced by a helicopter from the National Civil Protection Service, the firemen from Lagos and divers from the Maritime Police………..
Doug D
Carla Spade is now saying on Twitter that "cuddle cat" was a prop after noticing on the May 4 morning video that Kate McCann holds a different soft toy:
"Her child just died and K #McCann held her child's favourite toy to her face as she went off to the police station.
But THEREAFTER in public she used a different toy, and pretended that was Maddie's favourite."
This is brilliantly spotted. However, I am wondering about the conclusion. The PJ files are clear that Eddie detected cadaver scent on cuddle cat.
GA also stated in his book, which includes a photo of cuddle cat that leaves no ambiguity as to which soft toy he is talking about, that the only explanation for Eddie's marking is that Maddie was holding cuddle cat when she died.
Wouldn't it make more sense to conclude that Kate took a prop to the PJ in the morning of May 4? This would also be more in tune IMO with her lie about David Payne not traveling in the same car to the PJ. Waiting to know your take on this.
DeleteThe fact that Cuddle Cat was marked, as it was, with cadaver scent, does not invalidate the possibility of it not having been in touch with Maddie’s body on May 3. The cadaver scent markings on the Scenic prove that point. The Cuddle Cat was in touch with Maddie’s body, not necessarily the day she died.
In fact, we don’t believe any toy was in contact with her dead body on May 3. In the scenario we believe happened, Maddie suffered an impact (we believe that it was an adult falling accidentally on her) that projected her into the wall, followed by an impromptu tracheotomy without success.
In this scenario (only those present can say how close to the truth we are), Maddie has no contact with any toy after death. So, according to what we believe, Cuddle Cat, irrelevant of being or not her favourite toy, only came in contact with her body at a later date.
One detail that must be pointed out is that the image of the “bunny” (we are uncertain what the toy is) in the Getty video, things were still too emotional while when the Cuddle Cat enters the scene, on the 1st press conference, the staging was well under way, so possibly a toy that wasn’t as close to Maddie as the “bunny”, was chosen.
We have addressed the toy question back in February 2010, “The Mystery of Rag Doll, by IRONSIDE” as this toy disappeared from public sight.
Agree, no evidence that CC was contaminated at time of death. But difficult to understand why it would come later in contact with Maddie's body if it was no special toy to her.
DeleteCarla Spade has actually replied to my comment on Twitter, suggesting that CC could have been contaminated through indirect contact:
"There is no question that Eddie detected cadaver odour on Cuddle Cat.
But that doesn't mean Maddie was holding CC when she died.
K #McCann STANK of cadaver odour, and in public CC was held by her CONSTANTLY."
DeleteWe believe Cuddle Cat was in contact with Maddie’s body. Like Kate’s pants. Not because it was Maddie’s favourite toy but because it was with Kate in one (or more than one) of the visits in which she was with Maddie after May 3 and just happened to make contact with the body sometime during the visit.
DP clearly in the same car as the Mc's, contrary to the book, but I think CC is hanging out of KM's right pocket.
ReplyDeleteDoug D
Doug D,
DeleteNot certain if you are on Twitter or not, so we thought best to bring a reply to your comment over to the blog:
Carla Spade @CarlaSpade
That is NOT Cuddle Cat
4:06 pm - 18 Dec 2018
We agree with CarlaSpade.
The eyes and ears of the toy in video do not match with those of the CC. It looks more like a bunny.
In this image, during the 1st press conference, the way the CC is held, the ears would have fallen down like they do with the toy in the video and that doesn't happen.
Thanks. Still a definite maybe in my book, oh for Len Port's photos of them getting in to the car, anybody in contact with him? I think whatever it is, is stuffed into KM's pocket head first and the 'ears' could be the back feet, which in the slightly earlier frames do appear to have the white pads of CC. Could the black 'nose' be a shadow caused by the CC label?
DeleteDoug D
Cuddlecat (@1.58) showing dark label by the tail which I think is taken as a ‘nose’ in the above photo:
Doug D
We inform readers that we have now published Post Scriptum #9
ReplyDeleteWe all do catching up tomorrow. Thank you for understanding.
As time goes by it's looking more and more like there never were any independent witnesses in this case. Robert Murat said he thought it was "an inside job", I think so too. They were all involved in covering up the death of the child, therefore, I believe it must have been an accident, a terrible tragedy as Kate's Auntie Janet said.
ReplyDelete00Bugsy @TheBunnyReturns
Replying to @PaulaHutch1975
The staff at the millennium restaurant saw Madeleine. Their statements are in the PJ files. The reason we haven't seen much from the UK police (photographs etc) is because the UK laws on released evidence are very different to those in Portugal.
3:17 am - 19 Dec 2018
So, Mr Thompson, according to YOU (please don’t let anyone influence your words) what was the reason for the T9 to have been given by the Ocean Club a reservation for the entire rest of the week at Tapas – unlike all other guests who had to queue up every single morning without knowing if they would get a reservation – when they continued to use the Millenium?
Are you saying the T9 lied about not really being able to take the kids to and from the Millenium and that the Ocean Club staff on realising they had been fooled continued to uphold the reservation obtained on deceiving terms and disserving other guests who got up early and weren’t able to get one or are you saying that all, T9 and Ocean Club, were lying about the motives of that alleged weekly reservation?
One of them has to be. Which is it?
Delete00Bugsy @TheBunnyReturns
Replying to @PaulaHutch1975
They weren't concluded to be, not in the files anyway. Again, some people who comment on the case think they were, some don't. I like to keep an open mind on the date, rather than rule days out.
10:11 am - 19 Dec 2018
Note, on the SAME day he has said “The staff at the millennium restaurant saw Madeleine” he says he keeps an open mind on the date!
After the vicious attacks on CMOMM and this year on Lizzy!
Even Blacksmith must be saying he doesn’t change his mind that often!
Are they lying under oath ? They were not in the Millenium as both kate and gerry McCann stated they had breakfast in their apartment every morning.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous 19 Dec 2018, 12:40:00,
DeleteCould you please let Mr Thompson for once in his life speak for himself?
No, we believe they are not lying when they said they saw Maddie and taking Kate and Gerry McCann's words as gospel is something that Tony Bennett, Blacksmith and Silverdoe do, we don't.
Standing on my head with one leg wrapped around my neck is much easier than the stories by mccanns.
DeleteBoth the McCann parents stated they had breakfast in their apartment after their 'schlepp' on Sunday morning (I don't know if they speak jargon) this to the police so the family couldn't possibly have been in the millennium for breakfast the morning of 3 May 2007 ?!
Textusa, I’ve just read the Saint of Salem post and thought you might like to know this. My nephew worked for the government around ten years ago, not high up just in general and he could access information directly on the database from d.o.b to where your favourite place to shop. He could log in to find any information from home so I’ve no doubt Yvonne Martin could have logged in herself to find out the answer instead of writing anonymous letters. I’ve always found her involvement as absurd and abstract plus completely only necessary to point the finger at the only male member of the tapas with an alibi. Another charade on top of a charade to fit a purpose.
ReplyDeleteSocial workers don’t have access to extensive databases, as described in the comment. However, for an experienced social work manager to write an anonymous letter to express concerns about a potential paedophile is highly unprofessional.
DeleteShe should have referred the matter to her line managers in the U.K. and asked them to make a referral through the correct channels.
Flashing her warrant card in Portugal was meaningless. She had no authority to act and had no known expertise in missing children.
I don't believe a word spoken by Yvonne Martin, I believe her involvement was all part of the massive abduction hoax. This is a case of pointing the finger, yet again, to the wrong suspect, therefore wasting valuable resources and wasting time. It is truly debatable as to whether there were any independent witnesses in this case. I don't believe there ever were.
DeleteAbout the bald man being or not Raj Balu. From Mr Amaral’s book, pgs 88-89:
ReplyDeleteIn Portuguese:
“Localizaram fotos da manhã do dia 4 de Maio, onde é visível Robert Murat ao lado de elementos da GNR ec acompanhado de outros dois indivíduos de nacionalidade inglesa, um deles de origem asiátia. Tais pessoas seriam turistas, alojados no Ocean Club, Tínhamos na nossa posse fotografias das férias dos McCann e decidimos verificá-las. Numa delas, tirada no parque infantil junto ao «Tapas», era visível Gerald McCann a brincar com os filhos, Madeleine, Sean e Amelie, e um pouco atrás o indivíduo de origem asiática, visto no dia 4 de Maio na companhia de Robert Murat, numa postura em que parecia estar a vigiar. Achou-se estranha toda aquela atitude e a relação que parecia existir com Robert Murat, tendo-se procedido à identificação de tal indivíduo e de outros dois que igualmente se encontram hospedados naquela unidade hoteleira, com quem se tinha relacionado nas férias. Com esses dados foram pedidas informações à polícia inglesa, a qual contactou os identificados no Reino Unido, recolheu os seus depoimentos, concluindo-se que os mesmos não estariam relacionados com o desaparecimento de Madeleine. No momento da foto do parque infantil, o indivíduo de origem asiática encontrava-se acompanhado da filha, e a sua postura seria inofensiva. O seu conhecimento com Robert Murat, naquele dia 4 de Maio, resultou da iniciativa de tais indivíduos em participarem nas buscas que decorriam.
Estranhamente, dias depois, um jornal inglês publicou a foto em causa. Desconhecemos a forma como tal fotografia chegou àquele jornal e qual a intenção em a publicar.
Um dos turistas que passavam férias com a família naquele resort, a dada altura da noite, ouviu Gerald McCann a falar ao telemóvel dizendo que existiam redes de pedofilia em Portugal e que tinham sido essas redes as responsáveis pelo rapto de Madeleine. É de pasmar! Poucas horas após o desaparecimento de Madeleine e o seu pai já tem quase certezas quanto aos responsáveis pelo rapto.”
Our translation:
“They located photos of the morning of May 4, where Robert Murat is visible next to elements of the GNR and accompanied by two other Englishmen, one of them of Asian origin. Such people would be tourists, lodged at the Ocean Club, We had in our possession photos of the McCanns' vacations and we decided to check them out. In one of them, taken in the playground next to the Tapas, Gerald McCann was visible playing with his children, Madeleine, Sean and Amelie, and a little behind the individual of Asian origin, seen on May 4 in the company of Robert Murat, in a posture in which he seemed to be watching. It was thought strange all this attitude and the relationship that seemed to exist with Robert Murat, having proceeded to the identification of such an individual and of two others who were also staying in that hotel unit, with whom he had related himself with during his vacation. With this data, information from the English police was requested, who contacted in the United Kingdom those identified, collected their statements, and concluded that they were not related to the Madeleine’s disappearance. At the time of the photo of the playground, the individual of Asian origin was accompanied by his daughter, and his posture would be harmless. His acquaintance with Robert Murat on that 4th of May resulted from the initiative of such individuals in participating in the searches that were happening.
Strangely, days later, an English newspaper published the photo in question. We do not know how this photograph came to that newspaper and what was the intent to publish it.
One of the tourists on holiday with the family at that resort, at a certain point in time of the night, heard Gerald McCann talking on the cell phone saying that there were paedophile networks in Portugal and that these networks were responsible for the kidnapping of Madeleine. It is amazing! A few hours after the disappearance of Madeleine and her father already has almost certainties about the responsible ones for the kidnapping.”
The Balu question was raised by “Anonymous 17 Dec 2018, 15:57:00 who we are supposing is Anonymous 17 Dec 2018, 13:43:00 and who we are supposing is who we are supposing it is”,
DeleteAs Anonymous 17 Dec 2018, 13:43:00, he questioned if we were correct to say if it was Raj Balu and as Anonymous 17 Dec 2018, 15:57:00 he ridiculously brought up the forest rangers to try and convince people that the Tapas staff seen standing at the corner of 5A at dinner time, weren’t Tapas staff.
About Raj Balu, from Mr Amaral’s words it must be noted that just from the playground photo the police decided to further investigate him, Neil Berry and Stephen Carpenter.
Now, one can only imagine how much Raj Balu would have been investigated by the PJ if Frog’s Cristaluz’s photo where he appears lurking on May 4, had been handed over.
This also answers the question about where are the original statements of Stephen Carpenter, Neil Berry and Raj Balu: they are in the UK. The British police decided that they weren’t relevant to the case, so they just withheld them.
Unpublished Anonymous at 19 Dec 2018, 16:59:00,
ReplyDeleteCan you please list the “more than one person of Indian descent in the resort” so that we can publish your comment?
Thank you.
This was your initial question: “Have you written anything making clear the identification of Raj Balu as the bald man? Can't seem to find his passport photo in the files.”
DeleteIn nothing in your words is there anything about your doubts on whether it was or not Raj Balu to do with him being Asian or not.
AFTER we showed Mr Amaral’s words you suddenly seemed concerned if he’s been confused with another person of Indian descent, no longer if it was or not Raj Balu, as per your comment that we now publish:
“Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "The three VERY IMPORTANT photos.":
The reason for the question was that there had been more than one person of Indian descent in the resort, in that same area. I think the Amaral quote clears it up. A genuine question which you have ably answered. Not sure who you imagine me to be, but thanks for the info. No idea about the rangers. I imagine many people have been scanning the archive sites due to the links in this blog/comment section.
Posted by Anonymous to Textusa at 19 Dec 2018, 16:59:00”
When we asked what other people of Indian descent were there, this was your answer:
“Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "The three VERY IMPORTANT photos.":
Patel family, G29. Same holiday dates, though Balu/Cox's flight isn't listed so can't tell if same schedule. There was also a Neema Patel with a booking for 2 listed in the Club area, though sheets say she was to leave on either the 2nd or 3rd (date changes but she doesnt appear after). So was mainly making sure it wasn't Tushar Patel. Their flight was listed as 1040 so it would be unlikely they'd still be in the resort (6-7am departure from Luz at least if sensible) unless, like Balu, they had some involvement. Quite a few guests extended their stays, but Patel isn't listed as doing so.
Again, thanks for clarifying.
Posted by Anonymous to Textusa at 19 Dec 2018, 18:21:00”
So, we’ve gone from doubting if it was Raj Balu, to if it was possibly another person of Indian descent to going to the Patel family who you go and say it wasn’t. So what was your doubt about whether it was Raj Balu in the first place?
You didn’t push this family because you know it can’t be them and it was quite amusing to see you backing off on your “Indian quest” by saying they weren’t there at relevant times, when, in fact, they were!
Dates indicate when the family were there but we don’t believe the family had anything to do with the man Mr Amaral speaks about, who was clearly Balu, who was swabbed for DNA.
By the way, there are many witnesses who don’t have their passport photos in the files.
You do realise you could have saved a lot of time just giving the info and saving the snark? I understand you're battling with personalities on twitter but you don't have to apply the same paranoia to simple requests for clarification. I had never seen the reason he was Balu, his outward flight time isn't listed, Patel's is (as I said in my comment, you then gave link to the same page I got the flight time from, notice on the Balu sheet no time is given hence ambiguity).
DeleteI understand the attitude with the battles going on but it really isn't necessary here. Being rude makes it look like you're more interested in 'looking right' than anything else, that's a bad look and you are intelligent enough not to wear it.
Comment that we have censored:
Delete“Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "The three VERY IMPORTANT photos.":
21:07's comment and all the previous ones from anon have (censored) written all over it...
Posted by Anonymous to Textusa at 20 Dec 2018, 11:15:00”
We agree with you. It’s more than evident that it is that intentionally 'non-committed' individual who likes to muddy up waters to promote and perpetuate confusion, but we prefer to censor your comment. At least for now.
Putting up pictures of forest rangers who clearly wear yellow trousers and then ask if it was possible that the 2 men standing outside the 5A clearly with dark trousers could be rangers, is typical from this person.
Even Silverdoe cannot believe that there were 300+ guests in the Ocean Club on May 4:
Shellxx @xxSiLverdoexx
Replying to @DaveHallCoLtd
It took me a moment to work that one out! 😂😂😂
I'd be in just for the Bacon Sarnie's with HP sauce, how dare anyone use tom sauce on a bacon sarnie? Never understood that! I'm still trying to fit where 300 people came from let alone where the press weren't!
3:04 am - 17 Dec 2018
Shellxx @xxSiLverdoexx
Replying to @DaveHallCoLtd
How many months are we going to have this one do you reckon? Bacon sarnie and braaarrrrrn sauce bet? I'm gonna say 3? Being kind too! If we ate at the tapas bar though, be prepared for the tummy ache! So odd 300 guests when even flat head said it was incredibly quiet!😏
3:13 am - 17 Dec 2018
Shellxx @xxSiLverdoexx
Replying to @DaveHallCoLtd
LOL a never ending size? Depends on the van, if it's got crackling, I'm in, if it's crackling, I'm out! Right so they're New Zealand white wine head balancing, we have the never ending bacon sarnie, still trying to find the 300, and an invisible abductor, and a place big enough!
3:26 am - 17 Dec 2018
Interesting that the person who thinks she was the ONLY person able to find the BRT in the PJFiles (for her any round table seats 9) is, apparently, incapable to read the Ocean Club booking sheets.
It’s not us saying that there were 300+ guests there, it was the Ocean Club.
You were looking for it? Here it is:
And this schoolboy agrees with us for the second time:
DaveHall @DaveHallCoLtd
Replying to @xxSiLverdoexx
Sorry about the Beaver one. Ahem (raccoon emoticon) Yes, the terms we are looking for with the 3 photos are: prosaic, anodyne, normal, innocuous, who gives a monkey's, bland, commonplace - much ado about nothing. I am always up for an aardvark pun, so to speak! (raccoon emoticon)
3:50 am - 17 Dec 2018
We agree with all the adjectives above. The point is exactly that. It was supposed to be bustling with action. It is the blandness that is seen that is totally misplaced. It shouldn’t be bland and calm.
The other time this schoolboy agreed with us was to say that the fact the BRT didn’t exist meant that the T9 weren’t at Tapas:
DaveHall @DaveHallCoLtd
Replying to @EricaCantona7
That is the problem with WALLS OF TEXT. Immediately intimidating. And every blog was the same. All could have been said in one paragraph. The BRT theory could only ever be just be one indicator that the Tapas 9 where somewhere else bewteen 9-10pm. That is it!! #mccann
4:45 am - 23 Nov 2018
But then he doesn’t explain why the Tapas staff say they saw the T9 there every night.
DeleteDaveHall @DaveHallCoLtd
Replying to @CarlaSpade @Anvil161Anvil16
I'll say this again, in case you missed it: Satirists, we are not targeting the victim rather the obverse; we are are exposing the transgressions of the perpetrators. Now what I DON'T do is flood this tag with baseless accusations against fellow antis which is ALL you do 24/7.
8:57 pm - 14 Dec 2018
Interesting. Please see this schoolboy’s timeline with regards to this blog.
We would like to see where he has his theory exposed. The one he keeps saying that all theories have something missing in regards to his. We would all love to see what his theory is.
And we ask him not to do a Silverdoe of “I defend what Amaral defends”. Instead he has to put his money where his mouth is and say, “I defend that what happened was…” and then at the end of it all, of what HIS theory is, if that is the case, say “…as is what Amaral defends”.
ReplyDelete00The Jules... 🕵️♀️ 🐌 🌸 🐌 🌸 🐌 🌸 @jules1602x
I don't think the truck was delivering/picking up table tops.. Surely if there was a 'cover up' the truck (even if not a cover up) would use one of the 2 service entrances, round the back, with it's own parking area, leading straight to the table area.. #McCann
1:00 pm - 18 Dec 2018
Isn’t this the person who holds THE SECRET that will show the world that the BRT exists? The person who says she spoke to 3 photographers and obtained that exact secret?
Isn’t this person now admitting that the table-tops are temporary? Made out of rough-wood? That blows to smithereens the theory that Frog’s posh esplanade picture is showing the BRT, as Jules has tweeted it did!
By the way, one of the 2 service entrances pointed out by Jules, one can only be a storage room as is located where the restrooms are and having been there, there is no passageway there to the outside.
The other entrance implies stairs. Probably narrow. And as everyone knows, people carrying large objects prefer to carry them up narrow stairs (entrance service) than up a ramp (main entrance). NOT.
As said, stupidity is limitless.
ReplyDeleteMadeleine CaseTweets 🌐 @McCannCaseTweet
Replying to @MrSelfdestructU @AndyFish19 @PaulaHutch1975
Cecilia on Thursday morning is the last credible IMO witness to see Madeleine. We spoke on phone a few months back #mccann
2:18 pm - 19 Dec 2018
Please add Cecília Carmo to the list of people Isabelle McFadden has spoken to.
A year ago she was talking to David S Jones:
Madeleine CaseTweets 🌐 @McCannCaseTweet
Madeleine CaseTweets 🌐Retweeted Fireman Dave
I've spoken on phone with author David Jones
This is a fake account impersonating him
Mr Jones would not put his personal opinion on McCanns in public
These games are just embarrassing in the name of Madeleine
Madeleine CaseTweets 🌐added,
9:30 am - 7 Dec 2017
Updated direct contact list:
Brian Kennedy
Sergey Malinka
Martin and Mary Smith
Mark Draycott of Operation Grange
Pedro do Carmo
Sonia Poulton
Colin Sutton
Gemma O'Doherty
Inspector Simões
Jose de Freitas
Arul Gaspar
David S Jones
Cecília Carmo
And Mark Souster, Aoife Smith, Mark Saunokonoko, Nick van der Leek to name another four for your list.
DeleteI believe she calls Tony Bennett a meddling menace - what does she call herself I wonder?
Could Isabelle McFadden contact Cressida Dick as she’s willing to speak to the press? Ask her some questions about OG?
DeleteI think she may help Blacksmith with information as I read his blog and he seems to know what’s happening with OG.
Maybe we should accept what she says as she seems to have influential contacts and Blacksmith rates her.
DeleteAs if the Met Police Commissioner would speak to a housewife from California who isn't even a member of the Press. It's one thing to have an alleged hotline to DC Mark Draycott, but the Commissioner? Seriously?
Whatever next? A hotline to Theresa May?
By the way, the same question we asked Mr Thompson we would like to also ask Isabelle McFadden, for the exact same reason we asked him:
DeleteIf the McCanns continued to use the Millenium for breakfast during the rest of the week, then what was the reason for weekly reservation at Tapas?
Anonymous 20 Dec 2018, 12:23:00,
DeleteWe would be extremely disappointed if she didn't have that hotline already.
Why do people keep believing in her?
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
DeletePaula Hutchinson
Delete @PaulaHutch1975
19h19 hours ago
Also trying to find out similar..WHY does Amaral think it was that night? If it on basis of info were not privvy to, then how r people 100% certain he is correct..
1 reply 0 retweets 1 like
Madeleine CaseTweets
18h18 hours ago
Because, I have PJGA direct contact. In fact we were just in touch today
2 replies 0 retweets 8 likes
Andy Fish
17h17 hours ago
Hello & fair enough! So the PGJA don't believe the original thesis of Goncalo? And have since come up with something different? Is that what you're implying?
Any chance of saying what the PJGA said today? Thanks #McCann
4 replies 0 retweets 3 likes
Replying to @AndyFish19 @McCannCaseTweet @PaulaHutch1975
The PJGA does not exist anymore. It was set up to support Gonçalo Amaral in his defense against the court cases brought by the McCanns against him. Whoever says that PJGA doesn't believe the original thesis is making up stories.
Anonymous 20 Dec 2018, 13:40:00,
DeleteAfter consideration, we have decided to delete your comment because we don't want to advertise that site in our blog.
Thank you for understanding.
Anonymous 20 Dec 2018, 12:33:00,
DeleteDo people believe in her? Do you? From your question, one can deduce you don’t. You must then, assessing what made you disbelieve in her, allow for all other reasonable people to come to the same conclusions as you.
Please don’t confuse the occupying of the “airwaves” with following.
Vocal bullies dominate and id they surround themselves with a few enablers, then supremacy is almost achieved. But the supremacy of what? Only of words, not that of opinions.
The Lick-Spittle gang are now in a closed circuit. Speaking between themselves, between characters and socks. If you see, it’s the always the same few. Pretending knowing all that al who matter know they are pretending.
They are now actors on a stage pretending to be putting on a drama knowing the public is laughing behind their backs.
As everyone knows, what happens on the stage is only meaningful if the number of people in the audience is relevant, so if the actors perform to an empty house, whatever they do, means nothing but if they play to a full house who is just watching them shake their heads, roll over their eyes and slap own foreheads, then not only the same nothing is achieved but the humiliation is bigger.
They may pat the back of each other on stage, throw the most encouraging reviews between them, but the ultimate test is the public and they know they have failed miserably. So many dreams of glory on the back of poor Maddie have now been shattered, they fool no one anymore.
Those who seemed fooled, are not. They only pretend to believe. So, to your question about why do people keep believing, the answer is simple: no one does. Not even those who pretend they do. Not even themselves. It’s all a sick act.
DeleteIf that’s true, why are Cecilia and Silvia telling McF rather than police?
If they have told police, why are they sharing their opinions with her?
Anonymous 20 Dec 2018, 22:03:00,
DeleteThank you!
Bringing it over to the blog:
Madeleine CaseTweets🌐 @McCannCaseTweet
Replying to @nikki_plummer @AndyFish19 @PaulaHutch1975
Yes, Cecilia turns out is BFF’s with Silvia Batista 😂😂😂I got a ear full. These ladies do NOT believe McCanns at all. #mccann
1:58 PM - 19 Dec 2018
And bringing this one too:
Madeleine CaseTweets🌐 @McCannCaseTweet
Replying to @nikki_plummer @AndyFish19 @PaulaHutch1975
I agree, the Millenium hostess told me there were logs, that PJ took from breakfast that day. Amaral strongly believes it was the 3rd
1:21 PM - 19 Dec 2018
So allegedly the PJ took the alleged breakfast logs where the names of the McCanns appear and these logs don’t appear in the files….
Interesting take, Textusa. I hope you're right about that because I hate to think so many intelligent people have been taken in. Her Twitter bio says "HERE TO RT MADELEINE NEWS" It should just say "HERE TO RT ALL MY OWN TWEETS AD NAUSEAM" She's not even subtle about it. It's not a "data base" it's a one woman self promotion vehicle. She's been going crazy retweeting her "interview" to ensure she is always top of the tweets on the McCann hashtag. She goes mad with the self RTs if ever she isn't top of the pile. Utterly repulsive.
ReplyDeleteRemember us trying to help Silverdoe and her quest to find the 300 guests?
ReplyDeleteWell, it seems there’s a person who disagrees with us and with the PJ Files. That person is Robin Crosland. He says there were 600 hundred guests:
“Prior to the interview Robin had prepared a written statement to The Portugal News, voicing his view on the world-involving incident.
“It was of course a terrible tragedy and all our hearts went out to the family, the whole village as well as our staff were deeply upset and the out-pouring of grief was enormous”, he says.
He carries on explaining how, with much difficulty, he had to continue his role as Managing Director, to ensure The Ocean Club carried out all its responsibilities to their other guests.
“We still had another 600 guests to look after who had paid to stay with us and who had nothing to do with this event and wanted to enjoy their holiday”.”
He should know. This what the same article says about him:
“There are probably very few resort managing directors who know their venue and surrounding areas like Robin knows his. He was responsible for the birth and successful growth of The Ocean Club, and, as a direct result, of Praia da Luz, where he has spent the past 26 years.
Robin moved to the region in 1982 after having worked as an architect in Nigeria.
“I came here to help my partners, John Garveigh and David Symington, set up The Ocean Club. I was an architect, not an hotelier, and there was nothing here but fields, orchids, orange groves, olive tress - and a snake and a bull”, he jokes, looking out of his office window that frames the now significantly developed village.”
As we said in our post “Missing people”, once there’s a discrepancy between the number of people listed and the totals said on the computer sheets, then one cannot know how many people were really there. Now we have a number: 600.
We do hope this helps clarify Silverdoe.
ReplyDeleteJaaskelainen @sa_madc
Replying to @AguiaV @McCannCaseTweet @TheBunnyReturns
what I can't work out is how did they get the body in the hire car and move and conceal her without being seen? (if indeed that is what happened)
4:56 PM - 19 Dec 2018
Madeleine CaseTweets🌐 @McCannCaseTweet
Replying to @sa_madc @AguiaV @TheBunnyReturns
Have you seen the properties in Luz? Huge secluded homes. So many possibilities
5:05 PM - 19 Dec 2018
Madeleine CaseTweets🌐 @McCannCaseTweet
Replying to @sa_madc @AguiaV @TheBunnyReturns
Have you seen the properties in Luz? Huge secluded homes. So many possibilities
5:05 PM - 19 Dec 2018
Jaaskelainen @sa_madc
Replying to @McCannCaseTweet @AguiaV @TheBunnyReturns
are you saying that they moved and concealed the body that night? The cops were called weren't they?
2:49 AM - 20 Dec 2018
Madeleine CaseTweets🌐 @McCannCaseTweet
Replying to @sa_madc @AguiaV @TheBunnyReturns
Yes, body was moved that night before police was called, we know this because of the Smith Family Have your read @gemmaod1 article on what Smith Family saw? #mccann
9:56 AM - 20 Dec 2018
Jaaskelainen @sa_madc
Replying to @McCannCaseTweet @AguiaV and 2 others
No. Are you saying they moved the body long before they reported her missing? This is the bit in can't work out
10:08 AM - 20 Dec 2018
Interesting questions. And we would like to know how did a British man did all the above without any local help or did he choose a huge secluded villa by chance? He bet all the body was not going to be found?
Then, when he went back to the Ocean Club, did he drop pebbles so that he could retrieve his steps and know where he left the body?
And up to when was the body there in that huge secluded villa? And how and to where was it moved and was still there no help?
ReplyDeleteJ B Littlemore @JBLittlemore
Let me correct a misinterpretation - JBL wants no easy ride. JBL is probably the last person here you should suggest would even have reason to consider changing sides. Won't be happening ; ) #mccann
2:37 pm - 20 Dec 2018
Oh, there’s no misinterpretation. We all know you’ll never change sides. No one is accusing you of that. Your side was always one. Your act isn’t fooling anyone.
DeleteJ B Littlemore @JBLittlemore
I gather some-blogger-one-else is also trying to create mistrust & seemingly suggest my statement relating to not changing sides refers to my 'act' fooling no-one & me being pro #Mccann ? Oh dear. What a ridiculous & unfounded allegation to make.
4:24 pm - 20 Dec 2018
Let’s be very clear. We believe you to be a crucial element in this farce. And so that you know, we are not the only ones who have come to the conclusion we have, so we would say your onion layers are wearing very thin.
You are not pro-McCann, nor have we said you were. You are pro-Hoax.
Many who are anti McCanns are very much pro-Hoax as we have seen lately.
Note, we did not say “pretendy” anti-McCann. These people are viciously anti-McCann (and that’s how they fool others into giving then credibility) but behaving like that has only has the objective to protect the hoax because they do all it takes to draw attention away from those who are responsible for the hoax.
Those who imposed the hoax because they needed it to protect themselves. You are pro these. And, naturally, pro yourself.
We will analyse at a later date the very interesting tweets of Ponce of Dubai about swinging.
ReplyDeleteFor now, let’s just answer one of his questions from this tweet:
The Ponce of Dubai @The_Truth_II
Replying to @CarlaSpade @mccannscamexpos and 3 others
So how did this event work? Where did the sex take place. Was it pairs ? groups? Did it included same sex pairings.are you telling me that they attended in the awful clothes they took on holiday? Have you ever been to a swinging club ? Are you in fact talking out of you’re arse?
9:36 am - 10 Dec 2018
The question to answer is: Where did the sex take place?
And we will let Isabelle McFadden answer that for us:
Madeleine CaseTweets🌐 @McCannCaseTweet
Replying to @sa_madc @AguiaV @TheBunnyReturns
Have you seen the properties in Luz? Huge secluded homes. So many possibilities
5:05 PM - 19 Dec 2018
ReplyDeleteNikki Plummer @nikki_plummer
Replying to @McCannFacts @DesireeLWiggin1 and 2 others
No, we the people of the UK, Portugal & beyond are the victims of K&G #mccann IMO!
The people in PdL who lost tourism & jobs
The people who donated to K&Gs filthy fund world wide
The ppl who have been threatened and hated in the UK mainstream media for daring to be a sceptic.
12:32 pm - 19 Dec 2018
Shellxx @xxSiLverdoexx
Replying to @nikki_plummer @McCannFacts and 3 others
👏👏👏Which is one thing that annoys me Nikki - Others calling the staff etc liars, they've lost enough IMO to #mccann now they have to lose their integrities too? IMO 9 people lied, they're the 9 IMO who matter. THEY are the ones who need to tell the truth, sadly they won't.
8:32 pm - 19 Dec 2018
People lose their integrity when they lie and not when their lies are exposed.
Not all who lie lose their integrity. Only those who lie when they had the option to not lie lose theirs.
Those who lie because they were ordered to lie when on the weak side of an extreme power imbalanced relation, don’t lose theirs.
Millions of people go away every year and hook up for sex whether they're male, female, single, married, straight, gay it doesn't really matter as it happens. 18-30 holidays were notorious for their parties yet we're supposed to believe swingers holidays don't happen? Get real Mark Warner has marketed itself as the adults holiday place to go so why is it so far fetched for some to believe it's not within their vast experience to manage a swingers family holiday. Before we get no it wouldn't happen it's not right then can I kindly remind folk swinging goes on in suburbia as that's where most folk live, yes they're clubs some visit but many a wife swapping session has gone on up and down the country where kids are around. As for the correct sex clothing not being worn,well really I don't know many parents who would be okay with walking around in latex and their best fetish gear.
ReplyDeleteOver the years I've found parents with the highest sex drive refuse to speak or mentioned anything to do with sex with their kids,it's like some dirty little secret and school has to give them any answers they need and yet some of these people are in the medical profession but have hangs ups about loving sex. So would I say swinging is too far fetched to be hidden? No from personal experience I'd say it was bang on the money on why this has been hushed and covered up with pedo innuendo to full on finger pointing. If they do really exists the Gaspars then personally I'd be full on pissed at being dragged into this as a ponce sympathiser who didn't report or act on a child I knew was been abused until something happened. As for the motley crew who have being working hard to keep the swinging under wraps for nearly 12 yrs now, well I don't know how you sleep at night and hope your masters pay you well to keep hidden their dirty little secrets they're ashamed of.
From "FB Anon":
Bringing article over to the blog:
Nottingham swingers club members need childcare help
15 June 2018
A swingers club that said some members struggled to find babysitters at weekends and evenings has won approval for extended opening hours.
Purple Mamba, a "private club for liberated adults", in West Bridgford, Nottinghamshire, wanted to make it easier for parents to attend.
Some neighbours opposed the move, claiming it had led to noise and disturbances in the area at night.
Rushcliffe Borough Council approved the application.
The club, which says it has more than 400 members, initially opened between 20:00 to 02:00 on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, as well as from 16:00 to 22:00 on Sundays.
In documents submitted to the council it applied to extend its hours so it can open every day of the week, and the decision was granted by the council up to 30 June 2019.
Amanda Carroll, who runs the club with Christopher Mould, said family commitments of customers had led to them seeking extended hours.
"People are asking us 'can you open midweek because we can't get babysitters for a Friday?', or 'we can't get babysitters for a Saturday, but we can get such-and-such to look after our child on a Thursday', so it's a practical reason," she said.
Some residents had complained to the council of vomit and urine in the streets near the club, but the owners denied it was caused by their customers.
Mr Mould said the club had a good relationship with neighbouring businesses
He said there was "a vast demand for what we're doing".
"In the world that we have today, it provides a very nice, open environment in which people can meet," he said.
"Surely everybody deserves to relax and feel happy."
A Rushcliffe Borough Council spokesman said conditions of its permission included no use of outdoor areas, doors and windows must be kept shut if amplified music is played, and signage must be displayed advising customers to leave quietly.
Please note how the photos in these “swinger” articles never show swingers. It’s either the people who run the business, or like in this article, only the facilities:
ReplyDelete00The Jules... 🕵️♀️ 🐌 🌸 🐌 🌸 🐌 🌸 @jules1602x
Replying to @JBLittlemore
Absolutely.. Don't forget the truck.. The absent media from a split second pic, oh and the placemats.. :) Unless they have MAJOR Intel of course.. ;) #McCann
5:05 pm - 20 Dec 2018
Shellxx @xxSiLverdoexx
Replying to @jules1602x @JBLittlemore
😂😂😂perfection Jules, Perfection!
1:47 am - 21 Dec 2018
Oh, the media was all there! Just by coincidence, sheer amazing coincidence, the hundreds of journalists were there but had, smack on prime-time TV News hour, all gone en masse to the loo in that split second and they took their TV vans with them, but just for a minute, just for a minute, because they all returned for the 1st press conference… apparently.
ReplyDeleteCanine Truth @K9Truth
I see that TeXtUsA is now accusing Yvonne Martin of lying. As part of her argument, she asserts that Martin "does not speak of Mr Len Port". Maybe not by name, but she clearly recounts meeting him.
7:45 AM - 21 Dec 2018
[Picture #1, is a transcription from our blog:
“Mr Len Port speaks of two women. Two women and not two women (Yvonne Martin and Kate McCann) and two men (Gerry McCann and David Payne).
Yvonne Martin does not speak of Mr Len Port”]
[Picture #2 is a transcription of Yvonne Martin’s statement:
“The witness then asked whether anyone from the Medical Centre had been with Kate as she was very agitated and needed some support, she was told they hadn't.
At this point, Kate told her that her daughter had disappeared 13 hours ago. It was about 10 in the morning.
Meanwhile a fourth individual came towards the group and identified himself as a journalist. The witness alerted the couple to the type of statements they should give and that it would be better for them to keep silent.
At this moment, the third person, who was always near to the couple and the witness, moved the couple away from her and the three of them talked in whispers for some time.
After this, and leaving the couple behind him, he approached the witness and told her that the couple did not want to speak any more with her, nor with anyone else.]
You are correct and we are wrong, thank you for pointing it out to us. We have now deleted the phrase “Yvonne Martin does not speak of Mr Len Port” from the post.
However, in the transcription you made from the post it also says “Mr Len Port speaks of two women. Two women and not two women (Yvonne Martin and Kate McCann) and two men (Gerry McCann and David Payne)”. Yonne Martin speaks of both Gerry McCann and David Payne and at no moment does she say she was alone with Kate McCann.
That is a VERY SIGNIFICANT discrepancy between what Yvonne Martin said and Mr Len Port did. Do you have an explanation?
Also, now that you called to our attention that Yvonne Martin does speak of Mr Len Port, let’s see what both have said about this encounter.
Yvonne Martin (YM) says:
“Meanwhile, a fourth individual approached the group and identified himself as a journalist, the having the deponent alerted the couple to the kind of statements they would convey and whether it would be better to remain silent” [our translation from the Portuguese: .” Entretanto, um quarto indíviduo aproximou-se do grupo e identificou-se como sendo jornalista, tendo a depoente alertado o casal para o tipo de declaraçoes que estes iriam transmitir e se não seria melhor manterem-se em silêncio.”]
Mr Len Port (LP) says:
“I understood the social worker to suggest that a description of the missing child should be circulated more widely. That prompted me to introduce myself as an Algarve-based reporter and say that I could use contacts to arrange alerts to be broadcast on an Algarve bilingual radio station. It had flashed through my mind that such alerts had been broadcast when Rachel Charles was reported missing in the Algarve 17 years earlier. The social worker then mentioned the British Consulate. I said I could help there too as I knew the staff at the Consulate and had just spoken to one of them on the phone. Perhaps my offer sounded disingenuous coming from a total stranger and a reporter to boot. Anyway, it was ignored.”
ReplyDeleteComparing both statements:
YM speaks of a group when LP approaches. She and Kate do not constitute a group.
LP speaks directly to YM, YM never says she speaks to LP. In the dialogue between the 2, LP says YM mentions the British Consulate, and tries to help by offering his connections to the Consulate. A very noble thing to do and certainly would have been noted. YM does not mention any of it.
LP offers his services, is not seeking statements but trying to help out by offering his connections as a journalist to a radio station. A very noble thing to do and certainly would have been noted. YM speaks as if LP is a nosy journalist trying to get a scoop.
Do you have an explanation for these VERY SIGNIFICANT discrepancies?
Note, we have never said that YM has lied about having been there. In fact, LP places her clearly there. What we question, besides what we are questioning now, is the timing.
YM says she leaves her house at 09H00, after remembering that she did stuff around the house before leaving, and LP says he arrives BEFORE 08H30 and sees YM already there. Who, according to you, is lying?
Also, as we showed, the shadows show that the T9 left for the PJ between 08H00 and 08H30 if not before, so do you have an explanation on how was it possible for YM to have been there before they were taken?
In case you are wondering, we believe that YM left her house much earlier than she says she did because it was not from BBC or Sky News that she got the news that Maddie had disappeared. It’s our opinion that she was on site very, very early.
But that’s our opinion. We will be waiting for yours.
It's funny how none of The Gang reads this blog, but they are always up to date with what is said here: It's always "someone has sent me a screenshot", "it has been brought to my attention", "I am led to believe" etc. Who do they think they are kidding? :)
ReplyDeleteOver on #mccann, the Queen of Lies is busy convincing the gullible that if it says Twitter Web Client on your tweets you are using Tweetdeck. See the image attached to the following tweet.
Why are McCanns so desperate?
#McCann volunteers use TWEETDECK. Why would McCanns need their volunteers sharing accounts?
That’s EXACTLY what was exposed by Portuguese Courts, when McCann witness had to admit they had social media TROLLS obviously w/ FACELESS accounts
Jules has informed her that Twitter Web Client just means you are using a computer (as opposed to phone) to Tweet, although she didn't have the balls to correct the Queen on the hashtag. Meanwhile the usual drones have liked and retweeted the lie ... Silverdoe, Desiree, Phil etc.
The article she has cropped in her tweet is this one https://www.dmnews.com/channel-marketing/social/article/13036318/the-surprising-popularity-of-brands-using-twitter-web-client
ReplyDeletewhich merely states that if you use Tweetdeck you can see what platform people are using to Tweet, be it Twitter Web Client, Twitter for iPhone, Android, Tweetdeck, Hootsuite etc.
You have to ask yourself why people are so defensive of her given the constant lies? Are they really so desperate to have a "friend" with a swimming pool? Tragic if that's the reason.
Anonymous 21 Dec 2018, 21:13:00 / 21 Dec 2018, 22:01:00
DeleteSilverdoe, who says she doesn't come to the blog anymore, has replied to your comments:
Quite ungrateful of her part in not thanking us for pointing out to her where the 300 guests were on the files (or was it 600?).
As our readers know, we have done a post on the fact that the word “swing” was the only one searched by forensics on ALL computers.
On page 879 of the link below, searches for swing returned results linked with places in the UK:
Doncaster, Leeds, Bristol, Hove, W. Bromwich and Leicester.
Why were these UK places on the computer linked to swinging?
There is nothing illegal about these searches but the reason for them being there cannot be linked to anything specific to PDL or any named person.
To those who will ask why didn’t the PJ follow this up, two reasons for that are above (not linked to Luz or any named person) so it seems there was nothing more that could be done with this information, and there is no follow-up mentioned in the PJ files, confirming that.
And nothing to connect it to M’s disappearance.
But do see how interesting are the returns to searching swing on these computers.
Add Radlett to that list of places, rather more upmarket than W Bromwich, one of the most deprived towns in the U.K.
DeleteAnonymous21 Dec 2018, 23:38:00,
DeleteWe have published this article before:
Nothing to do with swinging references, but on page 939, Pocklington and Ryedale Business Centre appears.
DeletePocklington is a small country town, but why of interest to the computer user, who is in Portugal?
Really interesting reading the different pages of searches in http://www.mccannpjfiles.co.uk/PJ/OUSTROS_APENSOS_1_5.htm
DeleteFor example p 875 searches ''family swinging places in Algarve' and 'lifestyle conventions'
It’s interesting that some the computer files were created on 13/9/06 but accessed again on 16/5/07, the day after RM was made arguido.
DeleteSome of the search terms after swing house in Algarve were events/ lifestyles/ conventions.
DO NOT PUBLISH DO NOT PUBLISH identified reader at at 22 Dec 2018, 10:33:00
ReplyDeleteThank you!
Tony Bennett has just outed you as being a man, Textusa. So what was the point of the ''sisters'' thing?
ReplyDeleteI always find it interesting when anonymous questions legitimacy.
DeleteAnonymous 22 Dec 2018, 12:43:00,
DeleteYou only noticed that now? Do make an effort and do try to keep up with the rest of the class…
What next? You are going to inform us that Mr Thompson has also outed Textusa as a “nasty, little man”? Because, if you are, you will be a little too late there as well.
Besides making public private conversations, both Mr Bennett and Mr Thompson share this gender fixation which is quite worryingly misogynistic.
It is quite amusing to observe how low wannabe nobodies are willing to go in their struggle for attention. Very, very small people indeed. Like yourself.
We are who we are and answer only to our consciences. What is said about us is like water off a duck’s back, whether you want to believe it, disbelieve it, give it importance or ignore it, is up to you, there’s nothing we can do about it.
Man, men, woman, women, alien. Who cares. What is of far more interesting is that this blog bothers Bennett, and the organised anti truth activists. The question is why? The answer, i'm sure would be telling.
Deleteit is like true love really,isnt it? if you love someone it matters not their gender...
ReplyDeleteIt's been made clear that Textusa is a team so whether the author of the posts here is male or female, why does that matter?
ReplyDeleteIs it because this Ben & Bennett on Twitter have a reputation for "exposing" people's real identities? If so, this could be perceived ad a threat imo.
To put this “gender” concern in context, it seems to have started when CarlaSpade noted via these tweets, the absence of interest by CMOMM on the photos of May 4:
Carla Spade @CarlaSpade
It's a strange thing, but the #Cesspit had analysed to the fkn pixel every #McCann photo to the point of ridiculousness.
But the recently revealed photos of 4th May which are fascinating and show K #McCann lied in her book, the #Cesspit is silent.
4:00 pm - 21 Dec 2018
Carla Spade @CarlaSpade
Here's a thread about it on the #Cesspit >>
https://jillhavern.forumotion.net/t15746-textusa-the-three-very-important-photos#394590 …
And no-one is interested.
This is very revealing. Your forum has analyed to the nth degree every fkn photo relating to Maddie #McCann but no-one is interested in this thread?
4:07 pm - 21 Dec 2018
Carla Spade @CarlaSpade
When you get to endgame.
When you have NOTHING left, then you play your last hand.
Your desperate last hand.
So #TheSnake Thompson is exposed. JBL is exposed. McFadden is exposed.
But the #Cesspit went silent.
4:17 pm - 21 Dec 2018
The point made by CarlaSpade is valid. As far as we have been told, this is what has been discussed at CMOMM regarding these 3 photos:
Jill Havern has put our latest post on CMOMM and Verdi (the CMOMM new gatekeeper, it seems) commented suggesting one of photos was on CMOMM originally but that we didn’t acknowledge.
It seems that Verdi tried to implicate Jill for sending us the photo but later apologised to Jill for being facetious about the photos we used and accepted they were provided by the Frog. However the implied accusation remains there.
If Verdi is talking about the Cristaluz photo, then s/he is right that it came from the Frog but she did not give us anything, she tweeted it publicly.
The other 2 photos were submitted by an Anonymous as can be seen in the comments of the previous post.
Via a strange source we got to know that Verdi tried to claim credit for what we posted. The strange source was this tweet from schoolboy Hall:
The tweet has attached a picture attached saying the following from CMOMM (we are leaving out Hall’s words in it):
“Re: Textusa: The Three VERY IMPORTANT photos
Yesterday at 20:48 by Verdi
Well, how gratifying to know that CMoMM is not a cesspit afterall.
Indeed it is a vital reference source used extensively across social media and if I might be bold enough to say, the UK media”
What a pathetic attempt to take credit where credit is not due. If we had taken the pictures from CMOMM we would have obviously acknowledged it.
It seemed to worry more CMOMM to know where we had obtained the pictures than to discuss what they showed and that is the valid point CarlaSpade made in her tweets.
It seems that the reaction of Mr Bennett to CarlaSpade’s tweets was to say that Textusa was a man and that Textusa was CarlaSpade:
Carla Spade @CarlaSpade
And @zampos calls himself a researcher 🙄
6:48 am - 22 Dec 2018
[Picture attached says:
“CarlaSpade is Textusa”]
So it seems that to some, it’s more important to discuss from where the photos have come from, what gender people are and who may be who rather than to discuss the important inconsistencies that the photos clearly show that the official story-line has.
Interesting, isn’t it?
We inform readers that we have now published our Post Scriptum #10.
ReplyDeleteUnpublished Anonymous at at 22 Dec 2018, 15:06:00 and at 22 Dec 2018, 16:24:00 and at 22 Dec 2018, 19:56:00,
ReplyDeleteDon't you have a post to write about sedation? Or about Summers & Swan's book? Or about Kate's book?
So many blogs and so many Facebook pages and so much inactivity... worried, are you ok, Hun?
Tender, loving kisses.
SKY or channel 4 would have to have had a ‘stringer’ van in Portugal or Spain in other to get there so quickly. Otherwise it was the ferry to France and drive down. Not just a few miles. If they had satellite dishes on their vans they should have been able to broadcast live — if reporter was with them. But the speed in which they got there is rather suspect.
ReplyDeleteWhy no live coverage throughout the day?
DeleteThat's another pertinent question that should be asked as we now have proof that the media (even if only a strange little bit of it) was there early.
I have the same question as Anonymous 23 Dec 2018, 10:53:00. Are we sure that Sky News had a satellite dish on May 4?
DeleteOnly Anonymous 23 Dec 2018, 10:53:00 can clarify what s/he meant but we took it as him/her finding suspicious how quick Sky News got there and not questioning they got there with all the necessary means to do a live coverage.
What would be the purpose of sending a team with urgency to a remote location if not to be able to cover it live?
Independent of what Anonymous may say, it's our opinion (and it's only that as we have no proof) that Sky News and the other 2 TV Channels that were there, were there with satellite dishes.
... or maybe their roving reporter was already there??
DeleteAnonymous 23 Dec 2018, 18:30:00,
DeleteWhy would Sky News have a reporter there before Maddie disappeared?
Deletefrom the link...
Martin Brunt
Martin Brunt is the Chief Crime Correspondent for SKY News. As such, he gets to cover all the major crime stories. And they don’t come much bigger than the disappearance of Madeleine McCann.
One little known fact about Martin Brunt is that prior to Madeleine McCann’s disappearance in May 2007, he had for many years owned a villa in the village.
It’s a curious place, Praia da Luz.
10:53 here
DeleteMy input: there 'might' have been something on nearby that made it easier for OB units to get to PDL, in which case they would probably have a reporter. But it still doesn't answer why they didn't broadcast live (unless it was a developing situation held back to establish veracity). Main question is - how come OB units got there so quickly: how and why? Certainly strings were pulled.
But we know of at least 5 TV channels that were in PdL on May 4: Sky News, Channel 4, SIC, RTP and TVI - the latter two were there when British ambassador Buck spoke:
So, unless there were more than 3 TV vans during the day, not all of them came with satellite dishes. Or am I wrong in assuming that Buck spoke on May 4?
DeleteNigel Moore’s (now hosted by Pamalam) of May 4 doesn’t mention John Buck:
His May 5 page does mention Buck:
The article of the Times, of May 5 speaks of him travelling to the Algarve, but doesn’t say Praia da Luz:
“Parents checked sleeping child every half-hour - but still she was abducted David Brown in the Algarve and Rajeev Syal
May 5, 2007”
John Stephen Buck, the British Ambassador to Portugal, travelled to the Algarve yesterday, as did Craig Mayhew, Mark Warner UK operations director, and a counsellor. The McCanns remain at the police station in Portimão, helping police to piece together what has happened.”
The Daily Mail says that on the 5th he was with the McCanns (meaning in Luz as that’s where they were on that day):
'Maddy was abducted and we have a suspect in mind'
By Michael Seamark
Last updated at 20:19 05 May 2007
“British Ambassador John Buck was with Madeleine's family this afternoon. He confirmed that three family liaison officers from Leicestershire Police had now arrived and were with the family.”
Both the Portuguese Sábado and JN confirm that it was on May 5 that Buck was in Luz:
If Buck had been in Luz on May 4, the SIC news report would have mentioned that fact and they didn’t.
There was no live reporting and as far as we are aware, only SIC broadcasted the news Maddie had disappeared at 13H00 and 20H00 on that day.
The photo you linked, misleads because Len Port appears with a polo shirt with the same colour as the one he wore the previous day, possibly the same one.
Like Murat’s change of clothes on May 4, this photo also disproves the Frog’s arguments that same clothes in different photos proved photos were taken on the same day (an idea that the infantile “satirist” Hall so much loved to promote via his juvenile sense of humour that the Frog was right and we were wrong) were wrong as we then said they were.
I thought it was common knowledge about the case that it was on the 4th but, doing a quick search yesterday, realized it was not so clear. It seems that several "credible" sources have insisted that it was on May 4, for instance the BBC:
"British Ambassador to Portugal John Buck speaks to the media the day after Madeleine's disappearance"
If John Buck spoke on the 5th, then I would say that Len Port's polo is even more reliable than Britain's national broadcaster. Why am I not surprised?
I agree that everything makes much more sense if Buck spoke on May 5, including the fact that it took more than a couple of hours to sort out the official story.
Merry Xmas.
What is interesting is that he goes to the Algarve on the 4th (think Mr Amaral says in his book that he goes to speak with PJ's higher echelon of the area - not with Mr Amaral's book and we do not trust the online translation of it) but only visits, allegedly, the parents on the 5th.
DeleteThe question being, if the McCanns were the ones pulling the strings, wouldn't this visit have happened earlier?
For example, wouldn't the ambassador appear behind them instead of John Hill in that first press conference as he was already in the Algarve?
Merry Christmas to you too and thank you so for your support, always so critical and for that reason, so helpful.
As our readers know, Lesly Frances Finn is among the people we don’t allow to comment in our blog for having opted, which is her right, to support NT.
ReplyDeleteIn her latest post on her FB page, after saying that we claim swing/swinging is mentioned several times in the files, she says that is true and lists “in the interest of truth and justice, every one of those 'mentions'” (we have put in caps what she was put in bold and in red):
"... there were some SWINGS and stuff there and they played on that,"
www.mccannpifiles.co.uk/PJ/ASSORTED SIGHTINGS 13.htm
"about 12:30pm when I saw a little girl being pushed on a SWING by her "father".
'there is sort of SWINGS and, you know, a bit of a play area, ….
www.mccannpjfiles.c0.uk/PJ/ASSORTED SIGHTINGS 3.htm
.... closely resembled Madeleine. There are SWINGS and a roundabout in front ……..
www.mccannpjfiles.co.uk/PJ/GAlL COOPER.htm
All the children went towards a play area where there were some SWINGS.
…… there was a little access, you can either SWING your legs over a wall to get …
…. In front of the restaurant there was like a slide and SWINGS and ...
www.mccannpjfiles.co.uk/PJ/RUSSELL-OBRlEN ROGATORY.htm
...she wasn't kind of a kid on top of the SWING who'd just jump off and …..
585-B R-90 Adult SWINGING child in play area.
.....we're not a bunch of SWINGERS that went out there for a SWINGING holiday,”
Let’s disregarding the extremely tasteless humour regarding the death of a 4 yr old.
Let’s also disregarding that the mention of “sex parties” when referring to St Phunurius should have been on the list.
It’s to be noted that Lesly Frances Finn does not include the literally hundreds of times “swing/swinging/swingers” are mentioned in the documentation in the Files regarding the forensic analysis of the seized computers.
So, when she says it’s every single mention in the files, Lesly Frances Finn is lying.
It’s not possible to search PJ files by search terms and retrieve every mention of a particular word.
DeleteOutros Apensos, as an example, have to be searched individually for references.
Look up the word ‘Steven’- that won’t take you to the OA 3 which lists him as one of the search co-ordinators and gives his contact phone number.
Either people don’t know how to search the files, or they do and are not being honest about it.
ReplyDeleteNow she says she’s spoken to Leicester Police!
She gave somebody on twitter, accusing Gamble of emptying the CATS file some inaccurate legal advice about libel. Almost an encouragement for them to continue defying Gamble’s threat to sue for libel.
McF seemed to think it would be Gamble who had to prove his case, rather than the person making the accusation.
It seems to have caused some concern in the usual gang, although none of them have taken McF to task directly.
Bringing it over to the blog:
❌Isabelle The Heiress #1 @QueenDPortugal
Replying to @jules1602x @JimGamble_INEQE @kathypriestley5
I understand Jules, but why did Leicester call it a Child Abuse registry.
I believe this was unforgivable and misleading to Portuguese Investigation.
When I personally asked Leicester police if Kerry Needham would have a CATS file, officer was horrified at my question. #mccann
10:11 am - 22 Dec 2018
Always found it strange that no photos from the ocean club surfaced in the media which were taken by other holiday makers .Thinking on about this any photos from early May 2007 would have been like goldust to the media .Got me thinking that maybe it wasn't appropriate to take photos around the club at that time.Remeber how one of the tapas group produced a number of photos inside their appartment.Can you see what I'm thinking ?
ReplyDeletePlus read somewhere that journalists were given an appartment to the right of the mccann appartment building as a base in early May .
We would like to wish our readers a Merry Christmas!
ReplyDeleteUnpublished Anonymous at 24 Dec 2018, 16:49:00,
ReplyDeleteThank you for your comment.
We most likely agree with you that it will not be appropriate to publish your comment but that analysis will only be made after Christmas festivities as families are now our biggest priority, as we are certain you understand.
Why does Mcfadden keep promoting her interview with Roberta Glass (who?) as an interview for "True Crime New York"? I've searched the internet for "True Crime New York" + "podcast" or "Roberta Glass" & can find nothing of that name. She doesn't tag @RobertaGlassPod in these tweets. I conclude that Mcfadden has invented this name to make her obscure "interview" sound important. Desperately wants to be famous.
ReplyDeleteWe are not familiar with Roberta Glass.
DeleteThis is her Twitter account:
Joined Twitter April this year and does not have a significant number of followers - 103.
ReplyDelete00Bugsy @TheBunnyReturns
Replying to @FragrantFrog @nicktownsend12 and 23 others
Evening. So now it's wood. Funny, isn't it. You apologists (true to definition) will believe anything, as long as it discredits the dogs that were used in the McCann case.
11:58 am - 27 Dec 2018
Says the man who subscribes NT’s theory that as the cadaver leaves no physical residue, the only thing that the dog really alerts to is, LITERALLY, that ONLY there’s cadaver scent in the air.
According to NT, who this individual FULLY supports, that doesn’t mean the cadaver was anywhere near where the dog alerted or that that the cadaver was in the apartment. The scent could have simply wafted in.
They, him and NT – who he FULLY supports – still have to explain to what Eddie alerted in the backyard. NT, who this individual FULLY supports has ventured the idea that it could have been from a medieval graveyard. Maybe wondering airborne molecules, or VOCs, in transit in and out of the apartment that just happened to be there that day but could have been in another backyard altogether or even, who knows, down at Baptista buying themselves some New Zealand wine?
How shameless will this individual be? Going by the rest of the gang, he will continue to go low, very low.
Playing a double act, pretending to be debating in favour of the dogs on Twitter and FB with those who anyone paying attention know they wear the same jersey he does while dissing the dogs alongside NT and JBLittlemore…
And watching the "dialogues" between Mr Thompson and Nick Townsend is so amusing. It's literally to be watching a ventriloquist: a human being talking to a puppet and the puppet talking back to the human being.
ReplyDeleteMadeleine CaseTweets 🌐 @McCannCaseTweet
Replying to @TheBunnyReturns @nicktownsend12 and 23 others
They did not, serious mistakes were made and I have private messages from FSS employees saying the tests were a match and there was corruption..take that to the bank #mccann
11:09 am - 28 Dec 2018
Someone didn't get what they wanted for Christmas ......... > ATTENTION!
ReplyDeleteShe’s sent it to the PJ!
She’s making some very serious and public allegations against the FSS.
To say they were incompetent or didn’t test the materials to the fullest extent is one thing.
To say they deliberately corrupted the tests, then admitted this to a known prolific tweeter is something else.
What next from her? Is she in touch with Cressida Dick?
Anonymous 28 Dec 2018, 20:40:00,
DeleteThank you.
Bringing it over to the blog:
Madeleine CaseTweets 🌐 @McCannCaseTweet
Replying to @TheBunnyReturns @nicktownsend12 and 23 others
They did not, serious mistakes were made and I have private messages from FSS employees saying the tests were a match and there was corruption..take that to the bank #mccann
11:09 am - 28 Dec 2018
Lee Meadow @Meadowuk
Madeleine CaseTweets 🌐 @McCannCaseTweet
Replying to @McCannCaseTweet @Meadowuk and 25 others
Just today I sent Dr Luisa Proenca new info #mccann
Replying to @McCannCaseTweet @TheBunnyReturns and 24 others
.............. this information should, therefore, be handed over to the PJ, which I'm sure you would have done. Even if these people are not prepared to come forward. This just can't rest as being internet gossip. No smoke without fire.
12:14 pm - 28 Dec 2018
Madeleine CaseTweets 🌐 @McCannCaseTweet
Replying to @Meadowuk @TheBunnyReturns and 24 others
Everything I get goes straight to PJ #mccann
12:20 pm - 28 Dec 2018
Madeleine CaseTweets 🌐 @McCannCaseTweet
Replying to @McCannCaseTweet @Meadowuk and 25 others
Just today I sent Dr Luisa Proenca new info #mccann
12:36 pm - 28 Dec 2018
[Picture attached seems to be a screengrab from a mobile at 12:33 pm:
“From: Isabelle McFadden
To: Luisa Proenca
Maddie Case Resource / Genetics
Today at 09:17 AM
Dear Dra Proenca”]
Madeleine CaseTweets 🌐 @McCannCaseTweet
Replying to @Tealtraum @Meadowuk and 25 others
That was a great tip Ben
12:40 pm - 28 Dec 2018
1 – It’s Luísa Proença and not Luisa Proenca.
2 – Nice to know it’s all from a tip from Ben Salmon. Gang working nice and fine.
3 – The “FSS employees” needed McFadden to get their information to the police. It seems they couldn’t do that themselves.
Why address her as Dear, in English?
DeleteMcF speaks Portuguese and is writing to a Portuguese speaker.
Why not in Portuguese?
I was going to ask the same question. A Portuguese speaker is emailing another Portuguese speaker in English? Er ... Riiight.
DeleteOr is someone just bullsh*tting to the gullible mainly English speakers on #McCann ... ?
DeleteMadeleine CaseTweets 🌐 @McCannCaseTweet
Replying to @Tealtraum @Meadowuk and 25 others
Lol, dumb people don’t understand you need to install a Portuguese Keyboard in order to use Portuguese alphabet #mccann
1:30 pm - 28 Dec 2018
Madeleine CaseTweets 🌐 @McCannCaseTweet
Replying to @Tealtraum @Meadowuk and 25 others
In Portuguese cyber world and even modern media, “cedilhas” and “acentos” are no longer used on regular basis #mccann
1:37 pm - 28 Dec 2018
About the cedilhas and acentos, It seems I can manage well even though I’m Spanish.
Cedilhas and acentos are in use. What is not in use is the ª in the Exmª or Drª which CAN be written as Exma and Dra, respectively.
To use Portuguese characters, you have one of 2 solutions. One, is to google alt key shortcut to whatever character:
The other way is to go to settings and add Portuguese as language to the keyboard.
Has “Dear” replaced “Exma” in “cyber Portuguese”?
And are the PJ so submitted to the British that they call it the "Maddie case" as in "Maddie case Resource / Genetics"?
What is "PAID" in Portuguese?
Delete1h1 hour ago
Replying to @Tealtraum @Meadowuk and
In Portuguese cyber world and even modern media, “cedilhas” and “acentos” are no longer used on regular basis #mccann
1 reply 2 retweets 6 likes
Another big fat lie. The diacritics can totally change the meaning of a word. Of COURSE they're still used "on regular basis", including on social media. Even when people use abbreviations like "pq" and "vc", the "cedilhas and acentos" are still necessary and still used. Check any hashtag trending in Portugal for tweets in Portuguese only. The only person I've seen NOT using them is McF. Oh and Jules, who clearly gets McF to translate stuff for her. No-one else would feed her such sloppy Portuguese.
Anonymous 28 Dec 2018, 22:37:00,
DeleteWe had forgotten about how the Portuguese courts were willing to provide personal and private information about Mr Amaral’s costs to a person with no involvement whatsoever with the court case.
About the court costs:
Green Leaper @FragrantFrog
Replying to @jules1602x @McCannFacts and 23 others
Court costs are always paid up front by each party.
6:36 am - 28 Dec 2018
00Bugsy @TheBunnyReturns
Replying to @FragrantFrog @jules1602x and 23 others
So the McCanns owe Amaral. Why haven't they paid?
6:41 am - 28 Dec 2018
The sentence is what determines who pays the court costs. So, they are not paid upfront.
The McCanns owe NOTHING to Mr Amaral. Nada. Niente. Zilch. They owe money to the Portuguese Justice system and possibly to Mr Amaral’s legal team.
As far as we know, but stand corrected, the reimbursement of the legal fees to the winning legal team is done via the court, as the team has to submit the costs it incurred to the court. Not all costs are paid to the legal team in advance by the client, and it makes no sense to settle the costs and charge the client knowing beforehand that the bill will be paid by the losing party.
From what we understood, losers pay court, court reimburses winning legal team, winning legal team reimburses client in whatever the client paid in advance. Again, we repeat, we stand corrected as none of us has a legal background.
Certain is that the reimbursement of Mr Amaral’s legal expenses is between Mr Amaral and his lawyers, and only between them and it doesn’t involve the McCanns.
Strange that Mr Thompson does not trust Isabelle McFadden’s “PAID” document, otherwise his response to the Frog’s tweet would have been an immediate “why are you bringing this up? The McCanns have paid, Isabelle McFadden has shown that very clearly.”
Delete00The Jules... 🕵️♀️ 🐌 🌸 🐌 🌸 🐌 🌸 @jules1602x
Replying to @McCannFacts @ZaneZeleti and 23 others
The case against GA is over.. He won.. The. End.
Have the #McCann paid their and his court costs yet.. ?
5:50 am - 28 Dec 2018
Another one who doesn’t trust Isabelle McFadden, who, oddly enough, liked this tweet.
No-one with half a brain believes a word she says, not even The Gang. They can't admit it tbough. An awkward situation for some, I'm sure. Even Thompson her biggest fan blanked her tweet about her FSS contacts.
DeleteShe used to have a banner picture on her twitter, saying “Neglect is their alibi“
DeleteWhat happened to that?
Are her support team aware she ever promoted that?
ReplyDeleteOnly weirdos question such bold claims, it seems. It’s called scepticism: if something seems to good to be true, it probably is.
I think anyone who is proved to wrong about her claims would be delighted to apologise if it was proved to be true and resulted in the guilty being brought to justice.
Anybody with any basic research skills should have reason to be sceptical about her.
DeleteSent what to Luisa Proenca?
There are 2 possibilities
Isabelle McFadden has more contacts and important information than any journalist and she has sent it to the authorities as she claims.
Or it’s all complete fantasy.
Her friend Blacksmith hasn’t given his opinions of these claims so far.
If he was prepared to endorse her claims, maybe I’d believe the first possibility.
No-one will question her bold claims because they fear The Gang. And that is the very rotten state of affairs on #McCann.
ReplyDeleteHe's CUTE ������ wowwwww an actor??? https://t.co/76ltxOPlOC
ReplyDeleteEmbarrassingly desperate! McFadden DMs Shell a screenshot of an actor with protected tweets liking her tweet and gets her to tweet it for her. Be aware that if you have protected tweets she will think nothing of betraying your confidence if it gets her some fleeting attention.
ReplyDeleteGreen Leaper @FragrantFrog
Replying to @CarlaSpade
I'm more interested in the blue shirt. Tex thinks the pic of Murat with the GNR officers was taken on 4th. It wasn't - it was taken on 5th May.
3:43 pm - 28 Dec 2018
You do not set the agenda to the blog, we do. Well, at the moment our families do.
Out of curiosity only, is this the pic you mean? This one?
The Frog has replied:
Green Leaper @FragrantFrog
@Textusa. Yes, that pic. White shirt. Taken 5th May, not 4th as you said. #McCann
4:42 am - 29 Dec 2018
Thank you for confirming.
We disagree as we don’t see any reason for there to have been GNR in field uniform (dark blue uniform) near apartment 5A on May 5.
It makes sense for them to have been there on May 4 so they could search nearby the apartment with or without dogs. After that they would have been deployed to the outskirts and not be lounging about not knowing what to do near 5A.
As we have said, at this stage, we don’t give any importance to Murat’s change of clothing on May 4. We have given the possible scenarios, and all of them are far less important than the BRT, than the deserted Praia da Luz, than the ridiculously small media footprint, than the flying helicopter.
Replying to @FragrantFrog, @jules1602x and 12 others
There was NO neglect, so no need to check. This disgusting narrative is used to allow possibility of abduction. People using it are deranged. But they persist. #mccann
8:09 am · 13 Dec 2018 · Twitter Lite
Replying to @Anvil161Anvil16, @FragrantFrog and 13 others
Whispering calling Goncalo Amaral and those who concluded the PJ Files, deranged? That is very interesting.
10:22 am · 13 Dec 2018
Whispering @Anvil161Anvil16
Whispering Retweeted
Interesting how words get twisted. https://mobile.twitter.com/TheBunnyReturns/status/1073161211267702784 … #McCann
Whispering added,
4:25 pm - 23 Dec 2018
00Bugsy @TheBunnyReturns
FollowFollow @TheBunnyReturns
Replying to @Anvil161Anvil16
No twisting here, Whimpering. Unless you're selective with who's allowed to say there was neglect and who isn't? GA and PJ officers stated the kids were left alone, so by your logic, they're facilitating the #McCann abduction claims & are deranged. You can't have it both ways.
11:34 pm - 28 Dec 2018
[Picture attached is a screengrab of this tweet:
So now, anyone who questions neglect is against Mr Amaral and the PJ. That includes Isabelle McFadden who explicitly questioned it in the Roberta Glass podcast which Mr Thompson so much applauded and personally promoted.
By the same reasoning, anyone who says, or implies that the McCanns killed, say by sedation, Maddie are equally against Mr Amaral and the PJ. The Final report only speaks of concealment of body and obstruction of justice.
Also, anyone who comes to any other conclusion other than that the case HAS to be archived, is against not only Mr Amaral and the PJ but also against the Portuguese Public Ministry.
One either keeps to the PJ Files and can ONLY come to the same conclusion. If one sticks to the files one cannot come to a different conclusion, can one?
Can the reader see why people like Mr Thompson, Silverdoe and the rest of the gang fill their mouths with Mr Amaral and the PJ Files? That we have to follow them religiously? How anyone who dares question anything will immediately be branded a heretic? So transparent...
DeleteBourgeoisViews @BourgeoisViews
Replying to @barragirl49 @xxSiLverdoexx and 23 others
When you keep coming up with the same assertions, why do you expect different answers?
3:25 am - 29 Dec 2018
Good question to all those who demand that no one thinks outside the PJ Files and come to different assertions about what they contain.
@TheBunnyReturns has me (Whispering) blocked on Twitter, so unless I take a round-about route to see his tweets, it's difficult to know what he's saying. I do, of course, note the insult/taunt at the start of his tweet, and note that the 'man' expects a reply (I think) or is just playing to the gallery, or to his merry band of followers. To be clear: I don't care what anyone else has to say on this matter of 'neglect'. To my mind 'neglect' is there simply to enable an abduction scenario, otherwise the narrative fails. Those who are pushing neglect have their own agenda, or, at best, wish to lazily follow the herd. But @TheBunnyReturns knows this; his point isn't about 'anything'. It's just part of his dead zone...
ReplyDeleteGreen Leaper @FragrantFrog
Replying to @Joysetruth @nicktownsend12 and 23 others
We're discussing DNA analysis. If the USA & UK have faults in their forensic systems, what hope in Portugal?
4:53 am - 29 Dec 2018
Another xenophobic remark. The last time it was about the Portuguese courts. If it wasn’t for the 5 o’clock tea and the need for natives to serve it, would the world really need these lower races?
By the way, did you know it that it was a Portuguese, Catherine, wife of Charles II, who introduced the tea in Britain?
“Dona Catarina não foi uma rainha popular em Inglaterra por não ter descendência e por ser católica – o que a impediu de ser coroada -, mas uma infanta nascida e criada no seio de uma família real ilustrada, culta; educada nos costumes e hábitos tradicionais portugueses não podia deixar de ter uma influência indelével na nação que, apesar de tudo, a não acolhera. Assim, entre muitos hábitos e práticas que levou, ficará, para sempre, como a responsável pela introdução do chá em Inglaterra.
Natural da China, o chá foi introduzido na Europa pelos portugueses no século XVI. Assim, este foi um hábito que Dona Catarina levou de casa e que continuou a seguir em Inglaterra, organizando reuniões de senhoras a meio da tarde na qual se bebericava a famosa e reconfortante bebida.”
Someone please tell the Frog that scientific advances only depends on the brains of scientists, irrelevant of their nationality.
By the way, trying to distract from what “reasonable” really means in “reasonable doubt” is just a desperate attempt to discredit the forensic evidence by throwing sand in everyone’s eyes.
ReplyDeleteGreen Leaper @FragrantFrog
Proof of date photo was taken. Also pics GNR at Block 5 6th & 7th May. #mccann
3:42 pm - 29 Dec 2018
[Picture #1 attached is the already known photo of Robert Murat in the middle of GNR officers. On the right it says:
“Set 1959460
Image 1959460a
Keith Waldegrave/Mail On Sunday/REX/Shutterstock
Police On Horseback And With Sniffer Dogs Search A Campsite And The Surrounding Countryside Near Luz Algarve Portugal Whilst A Large Contingent Waits Outside The Mark Warner Complex From Where Madeleine Mccann Was Abducted. Pink Shirt Middle - Robert
Police On Horseback And With Sniffer Dogs Search A Campsite And The Surrounding Countryside Near Luz Algarve Portugal Whilst A Large Contingent Waits Outside The Mark Warner Complex From Where Madeleine Mccann Was Abducted. Pink Shirt Middle - Robert Murat. Pic:keith Waldegrave 5/5/07.
5 May 2007
Categories: Personality
Featured in
File size: 2000 x 1328, 7,6MB 15,S x 11.2
cm @300ppi
Pictures #2 and #3 are of GNR officers outside Block 5, undated.
It seems the picture was indeed taken on May 5. It only saddens us because what we see is GNR officers being used as props for a sick farce.
You are really trying to lead us down some garden path in regards to Murat’s shirt.
Let’s recap. With the Cristaluz photo you tried to show that Murat was wearing a light blue shirt, while talking to Mr Len Port. Later you published pics showing Murat on the same day with a dark-blue top. Apparently, this was supposed to be important.
By giving the links to this pics, we basically said we didn’t disagree with you about him having changed clothes but we said then that it was unimportant.
Now you insist that he had a pink shirt on the next day, and we still miss to see ANY importance in this.
We have come to the conclusion that you want to write a post about this. We will pamper you. Here it is:
“TITLE: Murat changed shirts on May 4.
1. Introduction
It seems Robert Murat changed shirts on May 4.
2. Shirt change
It seems Robert Murat changed shirts on May 4, from a light-blue one to a dark-blue one.
2. Conclusion
None, there’s nothing interesting about this fact.”
There. Now you have a post from us. Add 9,954 words of your own so you can reach the 10,000 word quota your people say all our posts have.
If you have something important about this, then say so explicitly, or better yet start a blog of your own and write about it.
As we said, you don’t set our agenda.
PPS You do realise that these pics DO SHOW something very interesting? Not what you may have wanted to show, but they do, so thank you. We will get back to them, don’t worry.
PS Loved to see you interact with TFH Thompson. Amusing.
ReplyDeleteGreen Leaper @FragrantFrog
Psssstttt. Aerial pic taken 4/5/07. What can you see on the beach? #mccann
3:32 pm - 29 Dec 2018
[Picture attached is a view of Praia da Luz. Says on the right hand side of it:
“Set: 8294236
Image: 8294236g
Photographer: Luis Forra/EPA/REX/Shutterstock
Portugal British Missing Girl Chronology - Sep 2007
A Picture Dated 04 May 2007 Shows a General View of Praia Da Luz Near Lagos Portugal From where Three-year-old British Girl Madeleine Mccann Vanished From Her Family's Holiday Apartment the Previous Night 03 May Both of Madeleine's Parents Kate and Gerry Mccann Have Been Formally Named As Suspects in the Disappearance of Their Daughter who Vanished Shortly Before Her Fourth Birthday by 08 September 2007 Portugal Praia Da Luz
8 Sep 2007
Categories: Personality
Featured in
File size: 2048 x 1440, 8.4MB 17.3 x 12.2 cm
Oh Frog!
You went and did it again!
Question is… What can you, Frog, see on the picture you attached?
Are you doing these things on purpose?
That isn't the famous billboard (looks blank) and a blue van behind the church is it? Or maybe I am looking at the wrong picture?
DeleteActually ignore that previous comment, I don't think it is judging by the objects in question also appearing on one of the photos above. My mistake.
DeleteMr Thompson, according to himself, insulting Mr Amaral and the PJ:
ReplyDelete“Pseudo Nym has left a new comment on your post "Section 9":
I have never said the children were definitely NOT left alone. I explored the possibility that they weren't, after Lizzy conned me - as a 'newbie', by saying that the children not being left alone was a theory of Paulo Rebelo's and the PJ's.
How I wish someone had pointed out that wasn't true at the time, so I didn't have to waste time finding out myself.
Still, now I know not to trust anyone at face value...and people wonder why I get annoyed by liars.
Posted by Pseudo Nym to Textusa at 22 Oct 2018, 17:25:00”
After he, allegedly, realized that he had been conned by Lizzy, he still writes this October “I have never said the children were definitely NOT left alone”. That is leaving the chance for Mr Amaral and the PJ being wrong, which contradicts this very clearly:
00Bugsy @TheBunnyReturns
Replying to @Anvil161Anvil16
No twisting here, Whimpering. Unless you're selective with who's allowed to say there was neglect and who isn't? GA and PJ officers stated the kids were left alone, so by your logic, they're facilitating the #McCann abduction claims & are deranged. You can't have it both ways.
11:34 pm - 28 Dec 2018
And guess who was being selective just last month:
00Bugsy @TheBunnyReturns
Replying to @DesireeLWiggin1
I can't say for sure whether there was neglect or not, there are valid arguments for both. It's my personal opinion that the kids were left, but that opinion in no way absolves the parents of knowing Madeleine #McCann died, or that they were both involved in concealing her body.
11:07 am - 26 Nov 2018
You can’t have it both ways, Mr Thompson. The problem liars like yourself have, however shameless they may be like you are, is that they get easily caught.
From “FB Anon”:
David Hudson
David Hudson
You don’t have to wonder; just realise it never happened #McCann #Alibi
Quote Tweet
Andrea maria preston
#McCann You have to wonder why a whole group of (mainly medical) people on holiday in PDL that week would willingly admit to wining & dining in a different building while leaving their sometimes sick babies alone.....
9:29 am · 31 Dec 2018 from Bromley, London · Twitter for iPhone
One of the likes for this tweet is from Silverdoe 🙄”
ReplyDeleteJules Chimes 🌐 @McCannFacts
Replying to @M47Jakeman @IanGordonCraig and 23 others
No Shit Sherlock. #mccann
12:29 pm - 30 Dec 2018
“Jules Chimes” is the latest alias that NotTextusa has on Twitter. “No Shit, Sherlock” is an expression he loves to use in his blog:
Friday, 11 April 2014:
< No shit, Sherlock
Monday, 25 August 2014:
No shit, Sherlock.
No Shit, Sherlock. It might also compromise the brake pipes of any witness you didn't like the sound of.
Thursday, 29 March 2018:
No shit, Sherlock
Saturday, 5 May 2018:
No shit, Sherlock
Saturday, 9 June 2018:
No shit, Sherlock
Friday, 31 October 2014:
No shit, Sherlock.
His blog has been dead for quite a long time. Back in 2015, when he went “underground” to plot with Blacksmith and his Lick-Spittle team, he also promised loads of things to come in his blog and like now, went silent with his NotTextusa character for a year and a half. History is repeating itself.
Hopefully, Mr Thompson who recently showed that according to him one simple phrase (in the case “The bunny always returns”) used in different comments/media was sufficient to prove they were from the one and the same person, will now, after looking at the above, come, humbly, forward to say that NT is indeed Walker.
Just kidding, we know he won’t. No need to be a Sherlock to know that.
DeleteNow 'Killa Dog'. Hard to keep up.
PLEASE DO NOT PUBLISH identified reader at 31 Dec 2018, 17:39:00.
ReplyDeleteThank you. We also noticed that!
Cannot say much more at this stage but however senseless it may seem to be, all we can ask – as this is the only way we can communicate – is that you trust us when we say that all has a reason even if one cannot see it at first.
We hope your 2019 is full of health and peace to you and all those you love and cherish and, again, thank you so much for your support, it means a lot to us.
Happy New Year to the team of Textusa
ReplyDeleteLong may you continue to do the great work that may help to expose the truth of the disappearance of Madeleine.
Cant tell you how much it is appreciated
Textusa decided straight away that swinging was the cause of this, because that's what he's into. Everything since is him trying to make the story fit. Only the most stupid take any notice.
DeleteI echo the above comments - the time and diligence Textusa gives in pursuit of the truth is commendable. Very best wishes for 2019 Textusa.
DeletePathetic comment from 13:55
DeleteTextusa is a swinger, therefore Textusa claims it’s swinging!
Would you draw attention to your own situation if you wanted it to be private!?
A childish response and hardly a devastating critique of a theory.
You say it’s swinging, so that means you’re a swinger, nah nah de nah nah.
Playground taunting. Junior school level of debate. Lolol
I said that was what he was into, not that he does it. Nobody would ask him lol. Definitely obsessed with it, tho.
Delete13.55 must be incredibly stupid as he/she tunes in regularly. Just like the rest of his/her buddies who falsely claim no interest in the blog. The ideal indicator that the blog is getting to them.
DeleteHappy new year and keep up the great insight.