Monday 22 June 2020

Rogério Alves, Sexta às 9, June 19 2007

While we are transcribing the Gonçalo Amaral's appearance on TVI yesterday, we thought it would be important to publish first Rogério Alves' interview with Sandra Felgueiras in the programme "Sexta às 9" last Friday.

The reason we are doing this is because Amaral refers to it in his interview.

Our translation:

Sandra Felgueiras: With me tonight is Rogério Alves, former lawyer of the McCann couple, still a friend of the couple. We have already talked a lot about this case ...

Rogério Alves: It's true.

SF:… over the past 13 years, Dr, in view of all the evidence that we have presented tonight, it makes sense, or did it make sense, that there had never been any cross-checking between the, the justice of the different European countries where this man passed and we now got to know that even in Portugal he came to confess to sexual abuses that he had in the past, that he had never been investigated as a single individual, and that he had only been punctually tried for disobedience, for theft and that never had been the realization that he was a sexual predator who was at that time at the crime scene?

RA: Good evening, effectively there is here what appears to be a failure of investigation, I must say Sandra to be completely fair, that it does not seem so much responsibility attributable to the court that judged him for the theft, because he made a vague, undocumented reference and eventually even false. Now it turns out that it would not be false, but it did not arouse much curiosity from the court, because the court will have understood that in order to judge that concrete case it was not necessary to inquire about the criminal background of the person in question...

SF: Nor should a court ask for a record when the individual's behaviour is at stake?

RA: Not in principle, not in principle ... We have to be fair on this subject.

SF: Not even today is it the practice of a (imperceptible) court...?

RA: Today is a little bit different. Let's see, not so much… let's imagine that we have here the biggest criminal in the world, who comes to Portugal for holidays and who suddenly has an altercation outside a disco and is accused or indicted for the offense to simple physical integrity. Well, he will eventually be judged for that matter, maybe even in a summary process, the next day, with complete peace of mind and then we are left to think… my God, we had this man here in our hand and he’s gone…

SF: Isn’t it Interpol to check if someone is wanted...

RA: Now, what, what has changed ...?

SF: …by the authorities?

RA: Ok, it can be in certain cases. That is to say… what seems to me that what has failed here, sincerely, is that since Madeleine’s abduction - it is increasingly clear that it was an abduction, eventually followed by murder, we hope not - but since that fact it’s been looking for an abductor, a sexual predator, taking out the time which has been wasted with fantasies ... with that famous fantasy in Portugal of that thesis that sought to justify the unjustifiable on the grounds ...

SF: Gonçalo Amaral's thesis.

RA: Exactly. So, in addition to this fantasy, let's say it was a legend that also involved a fable, as I usually say, that even dogs were involved in the noise, the truth is that one should have looked for someone with the characteristics of an abductor and a sex offender who had somehow been in the territory ...

SF: But in 2007 there was no database that would allow us to place the…

RA: That is the problem...

SF: …a sexual record.

RA: It's true ...

SF: But look, we look at this now...

RA: The sexual record was not even regulated in Portugal, the DNA database itself had not been legislated…

SF: So there was no list of suspects that the PJ could go looking for... let's now see if there are sexual predators in Praia da Luz and he was there ...

RA: It's true, it's true, it's true ... now it's easier...

SF: Whether it was him or not, he was there...

RA: Whether it was him or not, of course. We don't know if it was him or not, what we do know is that there are many vectors, many segments, many indicators, many markers that point in that possible direction. We cannot now create a second story without grounds, no! This one seems to have a basis in the sense that there are several segments that point to the possibility of having been him.

SF: The German himself would say what he said with this firmness in the interview he gave me, that she is dead and has concrete evidence, that he cannot disclose which ones under the risk of jeopardizing what he has already collected and of Brueckner getting to know as much as the investigation… would he say this if he weren't absolutely sure?

RA: As far as I know of what the German system is, obviously not. What we do understand...

SF: So you are also convinced that she is dead?

RA: Ok, but let's see, these are two separate things that must also be analysed differently. Sometimes, the German prosecutor's statements, with all due respect, seem like a kind of electrocardiogram, (imperceptible) up and down in a somewhat unpredictable way. In the first place, there seems to be a contrast very difficult to understand between being sure that the author, or at least being very close to the certainty that the author was that one, having a deep conviction that Madeleine is dead and not having enough to accuse. And this seems to me a difficult thing to compatibilize, that is ...

SF: But that's what he assumes ...

RA: That's what he assumes! But for me it seems difficult to compatibilize…

SF: Doesn't it convince you?

RA: No, it doesn't convince me, that is, one thing is reality, another thing is the transmission of reality, another thing is the apprehension of reality ...

SF: But do you detect flaws in Portuguese investigation, or is that what you started by saying...?

RA: The flaws in Portuguese investigation will be known when this process finally comes to an end with a conclusion and we can make that history. Now, there seems to have been, there seems to have been, if it is true that this individual was there, if it is true that this individual at the time would already have been referred to as a sex offender, sex aggressor in Germany, and notice that curiously, Germany was already bound, because Germany was one of the first countries to bind, together with a small group of other countries in a deci… in a treaty that later came to be incorporated in the European norms that today also bind Portugal, to make such a DNA profile database, let's , let's simplify… Today, if it were today, it would be easier to go to the database there, as Dr. Duarte Vieira said earlier, to take samples that we hope to have survived from those first moments of the investigation where things did not go well…

SF: Those survived.

RA: Those survived. If those match with the DNA profile database that exists in Germany in which the author of the crime is included, then we will have here a giant step in the investigation. Now we are again in that hesitation that has always characterized this process: but have the samples gone? It seems that in Germany it is said that they were not, from Portugal it is said that they were, that is, the…

SF: The usual.

RA: Exactly, the usual.

SF: Dr...

RA: A bad habit, a bad habit ...

SF: ... have you spoken to the McCanns? To finish, we are at the end of our time, how is it that Kate and Gerry McCann have digested this case? Are they more convinced that their daughter eventually is actually dead?

RA: No. This, because ...

SF: Even after the prosecutor repeated that he is convinced of this…

RA: Precisely because it was never communicated to them directly and personally ...

SF: They have never received a letter...?

RA: No. There was actually a communication made through the English police, which does not result in this content. Now, this is said publicly! The German prosecutor has said more than once ...

SF: But the German prosecutor never sent them a letter saying she is dead.

RA: No. No. Never did. And therefore, I confess that it also seems to me a little strange, although I have to accept the methodologies of the German prosecutor who has said what believes to be more appropriate, the truth is that there seems to be a certain asymmetry here, as I mentioned earlier, between the conviction of that individual's guilt, which can obviously be concluded from the investigation, the deep conviction that Madeleine will be dead and the lack of sufficient clues to accuse ...

SF: Those, the McCanns are not convinced and they feel ...

RA: Look, the McCanns are two people ...

SF: …concerned about that…

RA: It is necessary for people to realize that they are two ordinary people who have suffered for 13 years with, not only the abduction of their daughter and the ignorance, anguish and uncertainty of what could have happened. Evidently, it is a shock a prosecutor – who is not just anybody - to state this in such a peremptory manner. Now, what, as everyone else would, I believe, what they want is for the end of the investigation to be reached, to carry out the analysis by confronting the DNA profile, to conclude if there is a DNA profile, yes or no, that is compatible one that exists in Germany and that a conclusion is reached that is not just information a little unsupported.

SF: A full stop be put. Rogério Alves, thank you so much for being with us tonight.

RA: Thank you, good night.


The original:

Sandra Felgueiras: Comigo esta noite está Rogério Alves, ex-advogado do casal McCann, ainda amigo do casal. Já muito temos falado sobre este caso…

Rogério Alves: É verdade

SF: …ao longo dos últimos 13 anos, Sr. Dr., perante todas as evidências que apresentamos esta noite, faz sentido, ou fez sentido, que nunca tivesse havido cruzamento de dados entre a, as justiças dos diferentes países europeus por onde este homem passou e ficando nós agora a saber que até em Portugal ele chegou a confessar abusos sexuais que tinha no passado, que ele nunca tivesse sido investigado como um indivíduo só, e que tivesse só pontualmente sendo julgado por desobediência, por furto e que nunca se tivesse percebido que ele era um predador sexual que estava àquela hora no local do crime?

RA: Boa noite, efectivamente há aqui aquilo que parece ser uma falha de investigação, devo dizer Sandra para ser completamente justo, que não parece tanto responsabilidade imputável ao tribunal que o julgou pela matéria do furto, porque ele fez uma referência vaga, não documentada e eventualmente até falsa. Vem agora a ver-se que não seria falsa, mas que não suscitou grande curiosidade do tribunal, porque o tribunal terá entendido que para julgar aquele caso concreto não era necessário indagar sobre os antecedentes criminais da pessoa em causa…

SF: Nem deve um tribunal pedir um cadastro quando está em causa o comportamento do indivíduo?

RA: Em princípio não, em princípio não… Temos de ser justos nessa matéria.

SF: Nem hoje é prática dum tribunal (imperceptível)…?

RA: Hoje é um pouco diferente. Vamos lá ver, não tanto… vamos imaginar que temos aqui o maior criminoso do mundo, que vem passar férias a Portugal e que de repente tem uma altercação à porta duma discoteca e é acusado ou indiciado pela ofensa à integridade física simples. Bom, ele será eventualmente julgado por essa matéria, se calhar até em processo sumário, no dia seguinte, com toda a tranquilidade e depois ficamos a pensar… meu Deus, tivemo aqui este senhor na nossa mão e foi-se embora…

SF: Não será a Interpol a verificar se é alguém procurado…

RA: Ora bem, o que, o que é que mudou…?

SF: …pelas autoridades?

RA: Pronto, poder-se-á ir em certos casos. Quer-se dizer… o que me parece que o que aqui falhou, sinceramente, é que desde o rapto da Madeleine – cada vez é mais claro que foi um rapto, eventualmente seguido de homicídio, esperemos que não – mas desde esse facto que se anda à procura dum raptor, dum predador sexual, tirando o tempo que se andou a perder com fantasias… com aquela fantasia famosa em Portugal daquela tese que procurava justificar o injustificável com fundamentos…

SF: A tese de Gonçalo Amaral.

RA: Exactamente. Portanto, para além dessa fantasia, digamos que era uma lenda que também envolveu uma fábula, como costumo dizer, que até havia cães também envolvidos ao barulho, a verdade é que se deveria ter procurado alguém com características de raptor e de agressor sexual que tivesse de alguma forma estado no território...

SF: Mas em 2007 não havia nenhuma base de dados que nos permitisse colocar o…

RA: O problema é esse…

SF: …um cadastro sexual

RA: É verdade…

SF: Mas repare, nós agora olhamos para isto…

RA: O cadastro sexual nem sequer estava regulamentado em Portugal, não tinha sido legislada a própria base de dados de perfis ADN…

SF: Portanto, não houve nenhuma lista de suspeitos que a PJ pudesse ir à procura… vamos cá ver se na Praia da Luz há predadores sexuais e ele estava lá…

RA: É verdade, é verdade, é verdade… agora é mais fácil…

SF: Ter sido ele ou não, ele estava lá..

RA: Tendo sido ele ou não, evidentemente. Nós não sabemos se foi ele ou não, o que sabemos é que há muitos vectores, muitos segmentos, muitos indicadores, muitos marcadores que apontam nesse possível sentido. Não podemos agora criar uma segunda história também sem fundamento, não! Esta parece ter fundamento no sentido de que há vários segmentos que apontam para a possibilidade de ter sido ele.

SF: O próprio alemão diria o que disse com esta firmeza na entrevista que me deu, que ela está morta e que tem provas concretas, que não pode divulgar quais sob pena de fazer perigar o que já recolheu e de Brueckner ficar a saber tanto quanto a investigação… diria isto se não tivesse a certeza absoluta?

RA: Tanto quanto eu conheço aquilo que é o sistema alemão, evidentemente que não. O que é que nós percebemos…

SF: Então também está convencido que ela está morta?

RA: Pronto, mas vamos lá ver, são duas coisas separadas e que devem também ser analisadas de forma distinta. Ás vezes, as declarações do procurador alemão, com todo o respeito, parecem uma espécie de eletrocardiograma, (imperceptível) para baixo e para cima duma maneira um pouco imprevisível. Em primeiro lugar, parece haver um contraste muito difícil de entender entre ter a certeza que o autor, ou pelo menos estar muito próximo da certeza que o autor foi aquele, ter a convicção profunda de que a Madeleine está morta e não ter o suficiente para acusar. E isto parece-me uma coisa difícil de compatibilizar, isto é…

SF: Mas é o que ele assume…

RA: É o que ele assume! Mas para mim parece-me difícil de compatibilizar…

SF: Não o convence a si?

RA: Não, não me convence, isto é, uma coisa é a realidade, outra coisa é a transmissão da realidade, outra coisa é a apreensão da realidade…

SF: Mas detecta falhas na investigação portuguesa, ou é isso que começou por dizer…?

RA: As falhas da investigação portuguesa serão conhecidas quando este processo finalmente chegar ao fim com uma conclusão e nós podemos fazer essa história. Agora, parece ter havido, parece ter havido, se é verdade que este indivíduo estava lá, se é verdade que este indivíduo na altura já estaria referenciado como ofensor sexual, agressor sexual na Alemanha, e repare que curiosamente, a Alemanha já estava vinculada, porque a Alemanha foi um dos primeiros países que se vinculou com um pequeno grupo de outros países numa deci… num tratado que depois veio a ser incorporado nas normas europeias que hoje também vinculam Portugal, a fazer a tal base de dados de perfil ADN, vamos, vamos simplificar… Hoje, se fosse hoje seria mais fácil ir ali à base de dados como disse ali há pouco o Dr. Duarte Vieira, pegar nas amostras que esperemos que hajam sobrevivido daqueles primeiros momentos da investigação onde as coisas não correram bem…

SF: Essas sobreviveram.

RA: Essas sobreviveram. Se essas casarem com a base de perfil ADN que exista na Alemanha onde se inclua o autor do crime, então teremos aqui um passo gigantesco na investigação. Agora já estamos outra vez naquela hesitações que sempre caracterizaram este processo de: mas as amostras já foram?Foram ou não foram? Parece que na Alemanha se diz que não foram, de Portugal diz-se que foram, quer-se dizer, o…

SF: O costume.

RA: Exactamente, o costume.

SF: Sr Dr…

RA: Um mau costume, um mau costume…

SF: …tem falado com o casal McCann? Para terminarmos, estamos no limite do nosso tempo, como é que Kate e Gerry McCann têm digerido este caso? Já estão mais convencidos que a filha eventualmente está mesmo morta?

RA: Não. Isto é porque justamente…

SF: Mesmo depois do procurador voltar a repetir que está convencido disso…

RA: Justamente porque nunca lhes foi comunicado directa e pessoalmente…

SF: Nunca receberam qualquer carta...?

RA: Não. Houve efectivamente uma comunicação feita através através da polícia inglesa, donde não resulta este teor. Agora, isto está dito publicamente! O procurador alemão já disse mais do que uma vez…

SF: Mas o procurador alemão nunca lhes mandou uma carta a dizer ela está morta.

RA: Não. Não. Nunca mandou. E portanto, confesso que também me parece um, um pouco estranho, embora tenha de aceitar as metodologias do procurador alemão que disse que entende mais adequado, a verdade é que parece haver aqui uma certa assimetria, como há pouco referi, entre a convicção da culpa daquele indivíduo, que poderá, obviamente ser concluída a partir da investigação, a convicção profunda de que a Madeleine estará morta e a falta de indícios suficientes para acusar…

SF: Esses, os McCann não estão convencidos e sentem-se…

RA: Repare, os McCann são duas pessoas…

SF: …aponquentados por isso…

RA: É preciso que as pessoas percebam que são duas pessoas comuns que sofrem há 13 anos com, não só o rapto da filha e com o desconhecimento, a angústia e a incerteza do que terá acontecido. Evidentemente que é um choque um procurador – não é uma pessoa qualquer – a afirmar isto duma forma tão peremptória. Agora, o que, como toda a gente faria, creio eu, o que eles desejam é que se chegue ao fim da investigação, se façam as análises através da confrontação com o perfil de ADN, que se conclua se existe algum perfil de ADN que sim ou não, seja o compatível que exista na Alemanha e que se chegue a uma conclusão que não seja só informação um pouco não sustentada.

SF: Que se ponha um ponto final. Rogério Alves, muito obrigada por ter estado connosco esta noite.

RA: Obrigado, boa noite.


  1. Serious question if you don't mind? Grime and Harrison, genuine instruments of BRITISH truth? Or part of the abusive scam all along? After all, these two individuals were business partners and their true concrete documented history is discoverable.

    Sorry folks, but I ain't buying any of it.

    1. Anonymous 22 Jun 2020, 14:27:00,

      Our opinion: genuine.

      However, like many others, they have gone through the 2 stages of Maddie: the first in which they believed they could exercise their expertise and the second when “pressures” showed them that they could be as honest as they liked as long as they didn’t step out of line.

      Like may, many others, the second stage is usually silence. Or, in the very least, very defensive appearances.

    2. It's your absolute right to believe whatever you want, but I'm telling you this, Harrison and Grime are not all they're cracked up to be.

      Please don't be fooled. There's a great deal more that is known about these two saviours that has not been released yet.

  2. Cyberbullies, trolls and now haters of Madeleine's siblings - that's what the mercenary entities and Madeleine enemies are saying currently. They are dancing around the pole of outright libel. More material for the dossier. Such unworldly wise children are they, cause-and-effect darlings, cause-and-effect.

  3. 1: So, Rogério Alves thinks "It's increasingly clear it was an abduction.." but won't say why it's "increasingly clear"...

    2: "But we can't say it was him..." (CB)

    3: He insinuates that the Germans are obtuse, or scattered, whilst he himself is squirming and twisting on his own fishing line.

    1. Anonymous 22 Jun 2020, 14:56:00,

      What RA has done in this interview was to validate all that one feels like saying about the McCanns being guilty, as long as one feels “that there are many vectors, many segments, many indicators, many markers that point in” the direction of the parents.

      It has been said that at this point in time there is no evidence. In fact, RA STRESSES clearly this. But even without evidence but only “many vectors, many segments, many indicators, many markers”, they keep on hammering the message that it was CB was whodunnit.

      The message is very clear: there’s no proof that it was CB. Now, please set that aside and it was him.

      If that can be said about CB, then it can be said about the McCanns. Legally, CB and the McCanns are equal in rights concerning the Maddie case.

      We are not saying whether it was the McCanns or not, of course. We don't know if it was them or not, what we do know is that there are many vectors, many segments, many indicators, many markers that point in that possible direction. We cannot now create a second story without grounds, no! This one, the one of having been the parents, seems to have a basis in the sense that there are several segments that point to the possibility of having been them.

  4. All those high profile Brit cops involved in the blind leading the blind scam of the century, were all well aware of one another prior to the alleged "family holiday." My cousin knows them all, and Gambino knows exactly who my cousin is. Gambino also knows the results of their 2014 torrent of abuse by a commercial outfit with the REAL bullies pulling the trigger. One of whom, fell into the trap of thinking it knew anything worthwhile about psychology, history, geography, law, politics or the most rudimentary understanding of primary demographics etc.

    And on and on it goes..

    It's like one big karmic chain of interconnectivity. Lessons WILL be learned, have no doubt where that utmost fundamental reality is concerned.

    Delegating responsibility has never been their forte. Numbers do not equate to power, hence their tribal bullying is NOT going to work this time.

    They know exactly what they've done! And it's simply an action reaction kind of thing, no-one is superior to anyone else in this affair, a fact that will be systematically proven in due course.

    Come and knock on our doors and tell us to our faces what you naively think we are.


  5. The entire German narrative smells like a scam. And it's not like Rupert's yellow army are immune from pulling off badly scripted and poorly checked plots. Lazy, prosaic and lame...until proved otherwise.


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