Wednesday 20 November 2019

Blood and the EVR dog - Part 6 - comments continue II

In the tradition of our “comments continue” posts, and having the “comments continue” post almost reached 200 comments, this one has been put up to allow us and our readers to continue to comment on the case.


  1. In the previous post, we saw that the PJ’s opinion was that Eddie was a cadaver dog, and only that, and that Keela was the dog that signalled blood.

    They stated that twice, first time in the Interim Report, prior to Martin Grime’s rogatory and then after that in the Final Report.

    This Final Report was submitted for dispatch to a Magistrate of the Public Ministry. Let’s now see what this magistrate had to say about Eddie and Keela:

    D – Buscas Cinotécnicas e Constitução como arguidos de Gerald McCann e Kate Healy
    D - Cinotechnical Searches and Constitution as arguidos of Gerald McCann and Kate Healy

    Tendo em conta o poder avançar-se na descoberta do paradeiro da Madeleine foi elaborado um Relatório por Mark Harrison, Conselheiro nacional relativamente às buscas a nível de todas as agências de polícia do Reino Unido no respeitante a Pessoas Desaparecidas, Rapto e Homícidios, envolvendo o seu papel o aconselhamento relativamente a essas pessoas.
    Taking into account being able to move forward in discovery of Madeleine's whereabouts, a Report by Mark Harrison, National Counsellor on the search of all UK law enforcement agencies on Missing Persons, Abduction and Homicides, was prepared involving his role of counselling to these people.

    Assim, foi feito um pedido de auxílio para aconselhamento a nível de buscas, sendo parte desse auxílio a actuação dos cães treinados para detectar vítimas mortais (VRD) e dos cães com treino avançados para localizar amostras muito pequenas de restos humanos, fluidos corporais e sangue em qualquer terreno (EVRD).
    As such, a request for help for counselling for searches was made, and part of this assistance was the action of dogs trained to detect mortal victims (VRD) and dogs with advanced training to locate very small samples of human remains, body fluids and blood on any terrain (EVRD).

    Da pesquisa com os cães, cujas filmagens se encontram juntas aos autos, resultou:
    From the searching with the dogs, whose filming is in the file, it resulted:

    1 – O cão pisteiro de nome “Eddie” (cão que assinala odor a cadáver) “marcou” (deu sinal) no quarto do casal, no apartmento 5 A, num zona junto ao roupeiro (vide fls 2054 e/ou anexo 88):
    1 - The tracking dog named “Eddie” (dog that signals cadaver odour) “marked” (signalled) in the couple's room, in apartment 5 A, in an area next to the closet (see pages 2054 and / or annex 88) :

    2 – Esse mesmo cão “marcou” no apartmento em questão, uma zona junto à janela da sala, que tem acesso directo à rua, por detra´s do sofá (vide fls 2054 e/ou anexo 88);
    2 - That same dog "marked" in the apartment in question, an area near the living room window, which has direct access to the street, behind the couch (see pages 2054 and / or Annex 88);

    3 – Ainda no apartamento, o cão “marcou” uma zona de jardim, ao canto recto, na vertical do varandim (vide fls 2054 e/ou anexo 88);
    3 - Still in the apartment, the dog "marked" a garden area, in the perpendicular corner, at the vertical of the balcony (see pages 2054 and / or annex 88);

    4 – Na vivenda “Vista do Mar”, a habitação alugada pelos McCann após terem saído do Ocean’s Club, o cão “marcou” a zona de um armário que continha no seu interior o peluche que pertencia à Madeleine McCann (as per pg 2099 e/ou anexo 88);
    4 - In the villa “Vista do Mar”, the residence rented by the McCanns after leaving the Ocean's Club, the dog “marked” the area of a cabinet that contained the stuffed toy that belonged to Madeleine McCann (as per pg 2099 and / or Annex 88);


  2. (Cont)

    5 – No exame das roupas, que foi levado a cabo num pavilhão de Lagos, este canídeo assinalou “marcou” umas peças de roupa pertença da Kate Healy (vide fls 2101 e/ou anexo 88);
    5 - In the examination of the clothes, which was carried out in a gym of Lagos, this canid signalled "marked" some pieces of clothes belonging to Kate Healy (see pages 2101 and / or annex 88);

    6 – Este cão assinalou a parte exterior, inferior, junto à porta do condutor, do Renault – 59-DA-27 – alugado pelos McCann (cf fls 2187 e/ou anexo 88);
    6 - This dog marked the exterior, bottom, near the driver's door, of the Renault - 59-DA2-7 - rented by the McCanns (as per pg 2187 and / or Annex 88);

    7 – Por fim “marcou” a chave/cartão desse veículo quando foi escondida sob uma caixa de areia, de prevenção de incêndios (vide fls 2187 e/ou anexo 88);
    7 - Finally he "marked" the key / card of that vehicle when it was hidden under a fire prevention sandbox (see pages 2187 and / or annex 88);

    8 – O cão pisteiro, de nome “Keela” (cadela que detecta a presença de sangue humano), “marcou” uma zona da sala de estar, no apartamento 5 A, que tinha sido já “marcada” pelo cão “Eddie” (vide fls 2054 e/ou anexo 88);
    8 – The tracking dog, named "Keela" (she-dog that detects the presence of human blood), "marked" an area of the living room, in apartment 5 A, which had already been "marked" by the dog "Eddie" (see pages 2054 and / or Annex 88);

    9 – Já depois de terem sido recolhidos os mosaicos, que este cão assinalou numa primeira inspecção e mencionados na alínea anterior, voltou a assinalar essa zona (cf fls 2190 e/ou anexo 88);
    9 – After already having been removed the mosaics, which this dog signalled in a first inspection and mentioned in the previous paragraph, marked that area again (as per pg 2190 and / or annex 88);

    10 – Veio a fazer outra “marcação” na zona inferior da cortina esquerda da janela a que nos temos vindo a referir (vide fls 2190 e/ou anexo 88);
    10 - Se came to make another “mark” in the lower area of the left curtain of the window to which we have referred (see pages 2190 and / or annex 88);

    11 – “Marcou” a parte lateral inferior direita do interior do porta-bagagem da viatura 59-DA-27 (vide fls 2187 e/ou anexo 88);
    11 - "Marked" the lower right side of the interior of the boot of the vehicle 59-DA-27 (see pages 2187 and / or Annex 88);

    12 – Ainda no que concerne à viatura, a “Keela” “marcou o compartimento de arrumações, da porta do condutor, que continha a chave/cartão do veículo (vide fls 2187 e/ou anexo 88);
    12 – Still with regard to the vehicle, “Keela” “marked the driver's door's storage compartment which contained the vehicle's key / card (see pages 2187 and / or Annex 88);

    13 – Também esta cadela “marcou” a chave/cartão quando a mesma foi escondida sob a caixa de areia, de serviço a incêndios, no parque de estacionamento.
    13 - This she-dog also “marked” the key / card when it was hidden under a sandbox, for fire prevention, in the parking lot.


  3. (Cont)

    A visualizaçao de tais filmagens, cujo conteúdo é muito impressivo, torna-se essencial para compreender, mais do que qualquer outras palavras, a actuação e a sinalização dos cães.
    Viewing such footage, whose content is very impressive, is essential to understand, more than any other words, the performance and signalling of the dogs.

    Estes cães, que já haviam sido utilizados, em múltiplas ocasiões, pelas Scotland Yard e pelo FBI com resultados positivos, são meios de obtenção de provas e não servem como prova: qualquer vestígio, mesmo que invísivel a olho nu, recolhido com recurso a este tipo de cães, tem de que ser sujeito a prova pericial realizada em laboratório credenciado.
    These dogs, which had been used on many occasions by the Scotland Yard and the FBI with positive results, are means to obtain evidence and are not evidence: any vestige, even if invisible to the naked eye, collected by using these kinds of dogs, must be subject to expert testing in an accredited laboratory.

    O próprio instrutor dos cães Martin Grime refere no seu relatório: “Embora não possa constituir prova passível de ser apresentada em tribunal, pode auxiliar na recolha de intelligence para a investigação de Crimes Graves”; ou o cientista Dr. John Lowe que refere que o FSS não tem qualquer suporte científico sobre a utilização dos cães como fundamento de recolha de vestígios biológicos e que normalmente tomam como certificação a palavra do tratador, que assegura que os cães são mais sensíveis que qualquer técnica química ou outras normalmente utilizadas pelos técnicos do sector do local do crime.
    The dog instructor Martin Grime himself states in his report: “Although it cannot constitute evidence that can be presented in court, it can assist in gathering intelligence for the investigation of Serious Crimes”; or the scientist Dr. John Lowe who states that the FSS has no scientific support for the use of dogs as a basis for collecting biological vestiges and that they normally take the word of the handler as certification, who assures that dogs are more sensitive than any chemical or other technique normally used by technicians from the crime scene sector.

    Nesse sentido, nos locais e peças marcados e sinalizados pelo cão de sangue, foram realizados exames periciias, especialment num credenciado laboratório britâncio (Forensic Science Service – v- Apensos I e VII) Relatório final dos FSS) e também, alguns deles, no Instituto Nacional de Medicina Legal (v. Apenso I), cujos resulatdos finais não vieram a corroborar as marcações caninas, ou seja, foi recolhido material celular, que, todavia, não foi identificado como pertencente a alguém em concreto, não tendo sequer sido possível apurar a qualidade desse material (v.g. se poderia ser sangue ou outro tipo de fluído corporal).
    In this sense, at the locations and pieces marked and signalled by the blood dog, expert examinations were carried out, especially in an accredited British laboratory (Forensic Science Service - see Apensos I and VII - Final Report of the FSS) but, also, some of them at the Instituto Nacional de Medicina Legal (see Apenso I), whose final results did not corroborate the canine markings, that is, cellular material was collected, which, however, was not identified as belonging to someone in concrete, and it was not possible to ascertain the quality of that material. (e.g. if it could be blood or other body fluid).


  4. (Cont)

    De salientar que a opção por aquele Laboratório foi e continua a ser óbvia tendo em conta o seu prestígio, independência e reputação científica, não obstante numa primeira abordagem parecer afigurar-se a possibilidade de compatibilização do perfil de ADN da MADELEINE com alguns dos vestígios recolhidos (dos quais avultavam os existentes na viatura Renault Scenic alugada pelo casal McCann), tendo em conta o teor do fax que, a seguir, se incorpora no precisos termos constantes dos autos (fls 2620 e segs).
    It should be noted that the choice for that Laboratory was and continues to be obvious taking into account its prestige, independence and scientific reputation, although in a first scientific approach there appeared to be the possibility of a match between the DNA profile of MADELEINE with some of the collected vestiges (of which largely were from the Renault Scenic vehicle rented by the McCann couple), taking into account the fax, which is incorporated in the exact terms constant in the files (pgs 2620 et seq.).


    We were expecting for our critics to use this against us, as the Magistrate uses the words “locate”, “blood” and “EVRD” in the same sentence: “As such, a request for help for counselling for searches was made, and part of this assistance was the action of dogs trained to detect mortal victims (VRD) and dogs with advanced training to locate very small samples of human remains, body fluids and blood on any terrain (EVRD).”

    Our critics didn’t do such a thing because in the same sentence there are also the words “body fluids” which EVRD dogs are supposed to locate and that simply destroys all their arguments.

    These body fluids are not detailed anywhere, nor was there any testing done for other “body fluids” in the locations/objects alerted to by Eddie but not by Keela.

    It’s very clear that “human remains, body fluids and blood on any terrain” was said within the context of detecting “mortal victims”, or to be clear, in an EVR context: dead human remains, dead other body fluids and dead blood.

    But this shows very clear that the Magistrate read Martin Grime’s reference to Eddie and blood. And how does the rest of the text reflect this? It simply doesn’t. For him Eddie is just a cadaver dog and Keela is the one signalling blood: “The tracking dog named “Eddie” (dog that signals cadaver odour)” and “The tracking dog, named "Keela" (she-dog that detects the presence of human blood)”.

    Would he use those words if Eddie alerted to blood from the living? No, he wouldn’t and the distinction is clear.

    Nowhere does he say, or imply that Keela corroborates Eddie’s alerts. In fact he details the alerts of BOTH dogs to the key FOB:
    For Eddie: “Finally he "marked" the key / card of that vehicle when it was hidden under a fire prevention sandbox (see pages 2187 and / or annex 88)”
    For Keela: “This she-dog also “marked” the key / card when it was hidden under a sandbox, for fire prevention, in the parking lot.”

    If it was the case, which it isn’t, that Keela corroborated the alleged Eddie’s blood alerts, then wouldn’t this magistrate have mentioned that when referring to the exact same object being detected by both dogs? Of course, he would.

    If that was the case, he would have to have said that Eddie’s alert to the key FOB could be blood. He doesn’t because although the same object, Eddie alerted to human cadaver and in an absolutely independent alert, Keela signalled human blood.

    To sum up, we have the PJ twice and the Public Ministry once, stating very clearly that Eddie is not a cross-trained dog and is ONLY a cadaver dog.


    They were not cadaver dogs plural.
    Just as they were not blood dogs plural.
    Keela would alert to blood, not to cadaver odour. That could be blood from a living person.
    No mention in this tweet about alerts outside and in the car. Why not?

    1. Bringing the tweet over to the blog. Very interesting:
      Madeleine CaseTweets 🌐‏ @McCannCaseTweet
      Replying to @RoyalFamily
      SURELY...if the public can stand together and Bring Down a member of the ROYAL FAMILY.....
      We can keep pushing bring down the MCCANNS
      After all CADAVER DOGS ..did mark Madeleine’s DEATH inside #mccann wardrobe in apartment
      7:13 PM - 20 Nov 2019

      [Photo #1: The famous make-up photo of Maddie. Fortunately this time McFadden did not use a doctored picture where Maddie appears to look drugged. This time she used picture known publicly.

      Photo #2: The McCann couple.

      Photo #3: Prince Andrew]


      Anonymous 20 Nov 2019, 19:31:00,

      Do you mean that McFadden is STATING that Keela was also a cadaver dog?? We really would like to know if that is the case…

      If Isa can’t get her living-rooms right, why would anyone expect that she would get her dogs right?

    Green Leaper 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆‏ @FragrantFrog
    Replying to @turaffetamer @Angi80839247
    How many actual bodies did the ridiculously good Eddie find when on solo deployment with Grime over the years?
    8:29 PM - 20 Nov 2019

    Woger Wabbit‏ @turaffetamer
    Replying to @FragrantFrog @Angi80839247
    I think you are missing the point, Eddie alerted to cadavar odour also, and had never given a false positive.
    8:33 PM - 20 Nov 2019

    Green Leaper 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆‏ @FragrantFrog
    Replying to @turaffetamer @Angi80839247
    How can you prove a false positive on a live deployment when no tangible forensics are located at that place?
    (Are you a "dead blood dog" or "dried live blood" believer or both - just so Textusa can be clear on this discussion)
    8:37 PM - 20 Nov 2019

    Woger Wabbit‏ @turaffetamer
    Replying to @FragrantFrog @Angi80839247
    Hahahaha Eddie alerted to blood that was outside the body whether it came from a live human or a dead human, as blood outside the body dies. Does that answer?
    8:42 PM - 20 Nov 2019

    Green Leaper 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆‏ @FragrantFrog
    Replying to @turaffetamer @Angi80839247
    Yes, thanks. We are in agreement about that.
    8:44 PM - 20 Nov 2019


    Even though they are now trying to avoid speaking about the blog, they INSIST on putting their feet in their mouths…

    We must confess that to see that the last line of defense is these 2 speaking to each other, it gives us a real sense that we have achieved fully our objectives.

    1. Frog and Rabbit seem to be agreeing that Eddie’s alerts are not reliable as alerts to cadaver, as they agree he also alerts to live blood.
      Interesting dialogue - now more transparent tactics.

    2. Reading around forum land its very quiet,nothing new going on,it's likely to be the frog and rabbit are one and the same for something to do.Even cristobell is all things away from the McCann case.Strange how dogs from getting ontoward 13 yrs ago get such a bashing,what vexes they, one wonders.

    3. Anonymous 20 Nov 2019, 23:42:00,

      Really? They are?

      Do you mean to say that their words are filled with irony and so should be taken with a pinch of salt? Not to be read literally?

      Are you saying that they then believe that there is a difference ‘dead’ blood, or blood shed by a cadaver and ‘live’ blood which is the one shed by a living person? Is that it?

      Could you please clarify us all how we should read their words in a ‘pissless’ way?

      Thank you, ever so much.

      PS: Do you think whatever they are doing, they are doing it in favour or against the wind?

    4. Anon 21 Nov 2019, 07:21:00,

      Your comment must really hurt the Frog!


    Should they be ignored?

    Absolutely not.

    But if you’re a “Eddie is a blood dog“ who also alerts to blood shed by the living, then it can be written off as an innocent spillage.

    1. Bringing it over to the blog:
      SheLLxx ©Shellyphant 🎭 🦙 🐚E 🐘 😍 🐘 😍 ㊙ 👪 ❓ 🤔‏ @xxSiLverdoexx
      You hear a cadaver dog bark....
      This cadaver dog was classed, with Keela the blood dog were two of the BEST in the world...
      Cadaver dogs are tools used in cases where a death or homicide may have occurred.
      A 3 year old child's missing.
      Should this alert be ignored?
      🤔 #mccanns
      6:52 PM - 23 Nov 2019


      Why do members of the gang insist on calling Eddie a “cadaver” dog? If they TRULY believe that Eddie also alerts to the blood of a living human being, then TO THEM that would rule out that title!

      It’s like believing that a fish dog would also alert to poultry and even so keep on calling him a fish dog even though one cannot tell if would be alerting to sea bass or to a chicken!

      Either they believe Eddie ONLY alerts to cadaver and call him like we do, a cadaver dog; or they believe that Eddie alerts to cadaver AND living blood and should come up with a title that encompasses both and certainly isn’t cadaver as the word ‘living’ rules that out.

      Has the reader noted how Silver makes a clear distinction, just like as we have seen the PJ and the Portuguese Public Ministry, between Eddie (cadaver) and Keela (blood)?

    2. Those who believe Eddie was also a blood dog and that alerts by both dogs could be to blood shed by a living person should reduce the 13 alerts they are keen to highlight, to exclude any alerts by both dogs.

      Only alerts by Eddie on his own should be counted as significant.
      Counting 3 articles of clothing, the cat and 1 alert inside 5a, 2 alerts in the veranda/garden area, that reduces to 7 significant alerts.
      If NT’s explanation of contaminated soil is accepted, that can be reduced to 5.
      If the drifting odour is accepted, reduced to 4.
      That eliminates 5A as a location of a death.
      Leaving cuddle cat alert to be explained - he was just a toy Eddie picked up to play with as he was trained with a toy - according to many pros.
      And the clothing alerted to in the underground garage - why no alert when first investigated in the second apartment - pointed out by many pros.
      Note that the alerts behind the sofa and to the car/key fob have no relevance in the double blood dogs scenario.
      Only if it is accepted that Eddie alerted to cadaver odour and not blood can it be asserted that there were 13 alerts pointing to death.

  8. Any chance you could write part 10 please? Everyone I talk to thinks you're completely wrong and that Martin Grime told the truth.

    1. Anonymous 24 Nov 2019, 15:04:00,

      Awwwwww…. You miss us!! How heart-warming is that??

      If we’re so wrong, why not just ignore us instead of asking for more? Have to add masochism to all your other traits, have you?

      Or are you dying to know what we still have to say even though you already have typed “it’s wrong” before you even read it?

      By the way, could you please, do quote us where we have said that Martin Grime was a liar?

  9. This blog is about the death of Maddie McCann and the reasons for the secrecy around her death. As our readers know, we believe that the personal interests of the very powerful who were in Luz are the reasons behind what we know today to be the Maddie hoax.

    We are obviously aware of the current scandal involving Prince Andrew and his assumed links to Epstein.

    Irrelevant of his guilt or innocence which only a court of law can determine, it is a fact that the “popular court” has found him to be guilty of all charges. The blog will abstain giving an opinion publicly although each member of the team has evidently one, which, as we said, we will maintain privately.

    However, there are 2 aspects of what is happening in the “Andrew case” which we believe are pertinent to the Maddie case.

    The first aspect is that some people believe that the Royal Family are the powerful people behind the Maddie hoax. Recently some of those people who like royal conspiracies have even tried to revive the fact that a Royal yacht was in Vilamoura on May 3:
    Nick Bennett‏ @njbennett
    Replying to @McCannCaseTweet @RoyalFamily
    Why doesn't the media ever report the fact that the Queen's yacht was in nearby Vilamoura from May 2nd to the 4th?
    For those unfamiliar with the case, Madeleine #McCann was allegedly abducted on May 3rd.
    7:12 PM - 21 Nov 2019

    This is the Discoverer of Hornet, hardly likely the Queen or any member of the Royal Family would have been onboard in 2007.

    This suggests it’s a Royal Navy yacht originally, so the Queen was named as owner.
    In PJ files, all crew details are included, so we find it strange that anyone would suggests they were involved in some way. And if they were, and taking into account the power we have seen with our own eyes demonstrated by whoever is behind and protecting the hoax, then would any info about this yacht even be in the files?

    Even if it was a Queen’s yacht, it’s of no significance and one would have to wonder if it was in any way related to Maddie’s disappearance, why would it be in Vilamoura instead of Lagos or even Portimão.

    But saying that the Royal Family is behind the Maddie affair feeds on the myth of the power and influence they are supposed to have.

    And what we want to point out is if the Royal Family is so powerful that it was able to muster the British establishment to protect one of its members who was possibly in Luz, why then is it incapable of not doing the same to protect Prince Andrew at the moment?


  10. (Cont)

    The answer is simple, those protecting the Maddie hoax are much more powerful than the Royal Family, otherwise regardless of whatever possible incriminating evidence there is against the Prince, they would have all and any negative news silenced in the UK under a very serious threat of libel, one that would be really feared.

    The Royal Family would have been able to make the media ignore, distort and twist any reality adverse to the Prince and would shamelessly find reasons to praise and portray him as a saint to the British public, irrelevant of what the public thought of his links to Epstein.

    They would have the police and governmental agencies publicly support the making of this new saint.

    And no matter how much social media would condemn him, no matter how much the popular voice would be against him, the establishment would close its ranks and hold the front, regardless of whatever.

    In summary, the UK would simply just repeat with Prince Andrew what was done with the McCanns for the last decade and that it continues to this day.

    Yet, they haven’t. Why?
    Prince Andrew’s current experience is only proving that the McCanns are more powerful than the Royal Family. Or, as facts show, they deserve a greater protection. Food for thought.

    The second aspect to this case that one may also establish a parallel with the Maddie case is that one cannot but wonder if the Prince is not being used as a ‘fall guy’. Note, this is not a statement about his innocence or guilt, which we have made clear it clear we will not give an opinion, but just pointing out that by centring all the attention on just this one man, all the other powerful involved in the Epstein affair will avoid any attention to themselves. Food for thought.

    1. Completely agree. But in retrospect, the McCanns must regret making the choice they did – and probably wished they told the truth at the very beginning. But were they under threat if they did? A likely scenario with Prince Andrew. One has to wonder now if he will tell all – or will he be under threat if he tells all or will he be able to live for the next 12 years having wished he told the truth.

  11. "Prince Andrew’s current experience is only proving that the McCanns are more powerful than the Royal Family"
    Possibly the single most ridiculous thing ever written about this case.

    1. Anonymous 26 Nov 2019, 08:07:00,

      We fully agree that it is absolutely absurd!

      But where is the smearing campaign against anyone daring to speak against Prince Andrew?

      Where are the vicious tabloids shredding apart like rabid dogs anyone daring to suggest that Prince Andrew has done any wrong doing? Where are the Antonellas and Parsons in this case?

      Where are the justifications printed in the media and aired on the TV to “explain” away whatever behaviour Prince Andrew may have had?

      Where is the sympathy campaign for Prince Andrew?

      Where is Prince Andrew’s Clarence Mitchell? Before you say his PR team has resigned, we remind you that Clarence was not the McCann’s first PR. When is the UK Gov going to nominate a person who will have the exclusive job of being Prince Andrew’s spokesperson? To be the face known as the “source close to Prince Andrew” by the entire world?

    2. Interesting how some forums have been promoting the theory of the McCann's being more powerful than Andrew when actually they are just the paid lackeys. Sadly their vanity and self importance got them in far deeper than the original plan. As for Andrew he just proved himself to be a useful idiot, he would have got more respect for just admitting what he'd done rather than the ploy of not remembering. This case when the truth comes to light will be a real egg on the face no matter who is in power, the longer it goes on the worst the political embarrassment. Some day someone will have to face the music for the ultimate bad decisions made at the start of this case and the humiliating way this innocent country has been treated.

  12. Andrew has yet to step inside a courtroom let alone be charged. Its my opinion he never will be charged,perhaps he may stand as a witness who knows. I think it is more linked to Europe and Brexit with Andrew unwittingly being used to undermine the monarchy.... in the manner Parliament is, in the form of MPs,who are made to look like dithering fools with no ability to run a country. With Europe standing sagely in the corner. Just a thought.


    1. Bampots,

      Thank you for your comment but we would prefer to stay out of the Prince Andrew case, not because we don’t find it to be important or that the accusations are not very serious but because it would distort the purpose of the blog.

      We just wanted to highlight the fact that he’s not getting not even tiny portion of the protection – in fact, it seems he’s getting none and rightly so – that a couple of upper middle-class doctors got, involving the disappearance and highly likely death of a 3 yr old girl, and we wanted readers to notice that, especially taking into account that some people believe that it’s someone from the Royal Family who is being protected in the Maddie case.

    aleksandr orlov‏ @2for1Tickets
    It's official. Edward is now.... #McCann
    8:12 PM - 25 Nov 2019

    [Picture attached is a cartoon by Orlov saying “Eddie – The Fish Dog”]

    ✂️Snips ✂️‏ @Max_____xxx
    Replying to @2for1Tickets
    11:28 PM - 25 Nov 2019

    Woger Wabbit‏ @turaffetamer
    Replying to @Max_____xxx @2for1Tickets
    Read texsauce blog, or don't, it will hurt ya brain
    12:26 AM - 26 Nov 2019

    ✂️Snips ✂️‏ @Max_____xxx
    Replying to @turaffetamer @2for1Tickets
    From what I’ve been told it’s a load of gossipy old crap.
    12:32 AM - 26 Nov 2019

    Woger Wabbit‏ @turaffetamer
    Replying to @Max_____xxx @2for1Tickets
    Something like that, I get screen shots of the pathetic guff. Still doesn't understand why Eddie would alert to dried blood from a live human 😂😂
    12:34 AM - 26 Nov 2019

    ✂️Snips ✂️‏ @Max_____xxx
    Replying to @turaffetamer @2for1Tickets
    Because dried blood from a live human is decaying. If keela alerts in tandem it’s blood if Eddie alerts alone it’s cadaverine. (Not blood)
    12:57 AM - 26 Nov 2019

    Woger Wabbit‏ @turaffetamer
    Replying to @Max_____xxx @2for1Tickets
    Precisely. Hey @Anvil161Anvil16 aka not texsauce
    Snips gets it
    1:00 AM - 26 Nov 2019


    Interesting for someone who just follows the blog by getting “screen shots of the pathetic guff” knows that Eddie being a fish dog comes from the blog. If someone is supplying this individual with screenshots of every comment, then he should come here himself and save his friend from having to undergo the chore.

    But what matters is that we have one more person going down Frog’s Conundrum Lane: “Because dried blood from a live human is decaying. If keela alerts in tandem it’s blood if Eddie alerts alone it’s cadaverine. (Not blood)”.

    Can the reader see where this is heading for and why it’s so important?

    How this is so damning to the argument of those trying to discredit the cadaver alert in the Scenic?

    We’re not talking about the obvious, which is that by taking away the cadaver alert from the Scenic and focusing only in the apartment, the McCanns can be singled out because then it can be claimed they had no outside local help in their scheming. The cadaver alert on the Scenic is a serious obstacle in the purported objective which is the lynching of the T9, especially the of the McCanns and that of David Payne.

    But lynching is to be only of these and of no one else besides them. God forbid that happening.

    The Frog Conundrum is not about that. It’s about the debate around dead blood v live blood and we can even throw in this equation the variables of fresh blood v non-fresh blood.

    The Frog Conundrum is a very important equation which – and we are giving now a clue – muddles up the entire calculus of this case and makes our critics who are defending it look really, really silly.

    Our prolonged intervals between posts has proven to be very fruitful as our opponents are doing all the work for us. Brilliantly, it must be said, so why stop them?

    1. The big question is why, if the dogs worked “in tandem”, a phrase never used by Grime, did he not state that succinctly to the PJ?
      Why would he stand by and let the PJ make assumptions about cadaver odour being alerted to by Eddie at the location of the car door seal?
      Once Keela had alerted inside the car boot, and both dogs to the key fob, the PJ officers, including Paiva, present at some of the searches, would surely ask “What does this signify?”
      Is anyone seriously suggesting they watched and jumped to their own conclusions without consulting Grime?
      If the ‘tandem team’ is what the dogs were, the only honest answer would have been that both dogs were trained to alert to dried blood which could have been shed by living people, and no conclusion could be drawn that Eddie was alerting to cadaver odour when both dogs alerted in the same place.
      The apartment alerts could then be attributed to the blood of a living person and the cadaver odour in the closet as molecules drifting from the contaminated garden soil.
      It’s likely that this is the case being made to the ECHR by the McCanns.
      That the SCJ of Portugal made a ruling based on misinformation or misreading of Grime’s statements.

  14. Continuing with the debate about “Eddie, the blood & other fluids” dog and the Portuguese justice system, we have seen up to now how the PJ considered TWICE that Eddie was a cadaver dog. One of the times, in the final report after Martin Grime’s rogatory.

    We have also seen how the magistrate from the Public Ministry also considered Eddie to be solely a cadaver dog.

    Now it’s time to see how the Portuguese courts saw this question:

    2. Em 1ª instância, foi dada como provada a seguinte matéria factual:
    2. On 1st instance, it was given as proved the following factual matter:


    6. Os cães da policia britânica “Eddie” e “Keela” detectaram marca de odores de sangue humano e de cadáver no apartamento 5-A do Ocean Club (al AR).
    6. The dogs of the British police “Eddie” and “Keela” detected marks of odour of human blood and of cadaver in the apartment 5-A of the Ocean Club (al AR).

    7. Os cães da policia britânica “Eddie” e “Keela” detectaram marcas de odores de sangue humano e de cadáver num veículo automóvel alugado pelos AA. Kate MacCann e Gerald MacCann após o desaparecimento de Madeleine (al AS).
    7. The dogs of the British police “Eddie” and “Keela” detected marks of odour of human blood and of cadaver in the automotive vehicle rented by the AA. Kate MacCann and Gerald MacCann after the disappearance of Madeleine (al. AR).


    The Appeals Court, unlike the PJ and the Public Ministry, does not differentiate the 2 dogs. It says on both the vehicle and apartment that Eddie and Keela detected marks of odour of human blood and of cadaver.

    However, it clearly assumes in its statement regarding the vehicle that Eddie is solely a cadaver dog. If Eddie was also a blood dog, then marks of cadaver could not be given as proven. Plus, again considering Eddie to be also a blood dog, saying just “marks of odour of blood” would be incorrect as it couldn’t be ruled out that Eddie was doing a “cadaver” stint in his alerts at the Scenic.

    If the court considered that Eddie was also a blood dog, then only Keela’s alerts could be considered as proven facts BOTH in the apartment and vehicle.

    However, the court considered there to have been marks of cadaver odour and that can only be because it considered Eddie to be solely a cadaver dog.

    We have the PJ, the Portuguese Public Ministry and the Portuguese courts stating with clarity that Eddie is ONLY a cadaver dog.

    And the PJ, the Portuguese Public Ministry and the Portuguese courts have all stated that with the controversial phrase in Martin Grime’s rogatory IN THE FILES. This is very important because none of the entities above can state that they have overlooked or have been taken by surprise about the translated statement on alerts to dried blood attributed to Grime, in relation to Eddie, as it is IN THE PJ FILES.

    And now, some have decided that they know better than the PJ, the Portuguese Public Ministry and the Portuguese courts.

  15. Veering away from your apparently unsolvable blood conundrum, would you are to speculate on why a cadaver dog located this person?

    1. Frog,

      Again, you are pretending an ignorance that we all know not be true. This time it’s your apparent struggle with the English language.

      When we say Frog’s Conundrum, it’s yours, not ours. We do not have any blood conundrum whatsoever: we say Eddie alerts only to cadaver and that includes cadaveric blood (or as we have called it, dead blood) and to other cadaveric body fluids.

      That means, when Eddie alerts it can only mean one of 2 things: either a cadaver was at the location he has alerted to, or body fluids dripped from a dead body in that location. Both reasons mean a cadaver.

      Your conundrum is indeed unsolvable and because it’s unsolvable it is a conundrum.

      You don’t seem to have figured out yet the hole you have dragged others into, and if you haven’t it’s not our fault as it seems to us to be perfectly evident. Another clue we can give you is that by now we have already mentioned it explicitly.

      We say you are dragging others into your conundrum because as an assumed and transparent pro, anything that will discredit Grime and his dogs does benefit you, so we understand your persistence.

      And that’s why we don’t understand if you have already spotted your mistake or if you are just pretending and making those “antis” siding with you ending up being absolute fools. Only you know and we are not asking you to reply as we are having too much fun watching.

      Now to your question and your article, are you sure you did the right thing in submitting it? Because it does work against you, you do realise that, don’t you?

      About Taza’s alert one can – and we will – speculate about the reasons why Taza barked, however there is one thing that is damning to your argument which is a certainty and not at all speculative and is very clear in the article.

      Let us put up some quotes and let’s see if you can spot it (our caps):

      “Taza, a German shepherd trained to find cadavers, TURNED UP THE UNEXPECTED Sunday morning - a man missing for four days who was still alive, her owner said.
      She THOUGHT AT FIRST THAT JONES WAS DEAD, Batten said, but when she bent closer she saw his eyes fluttering and yelled for Whisenant.
      "I WAS SHOCKED," she said. "I usually don't scream. I just pick up my cellphone and discreetly call the sheriff."”

      Can you see it?

      No? Then do explain why was Taza’s trainer so surprised with the alert if Taza was trained to alert to living human blood?

      It is very clear that Taza’s trainer considered that alert clearly outside Taza’s training parameters otherwise the trainer would not have been minimally surprised.

      Yet the trainer was SHOCKED.

      About why Taza barked, one can only speculate and it would be up to the trainer who knows the full details of the case to come up with a valid reason for it to have happened.

      And speculating, it’s possible the man had a wound that gangrened, causing the cadaveric scent. But, as we said, only the trainer can say but we can all read how surprised the trainer really was about the dog alerting to a live target


      It seems to us that Taza did what any friendly dog would do on coming across a person.

      She didn’t bark alert but was found by the trainer wagging her tail.

      Taza was trained on human remains at body farm so we would say she just came across the man as she was trained to search for living people as a puppy.

      As she didn’t seem to alert to cadaver, just wag her tail and lick the man, it seems more likely she found his scent as a living person as she had been trained as a search dog as a puppy.

      The man was only 400ft away from his home, so it’s likely any search dog, or even an untrained dog would probably find him.

      We would also be shocked if a man missing for 4 days was found so near his home after earlier searches hadn’t found him. Handler would expect him to be dead when she first saw him unconscious.

      The trainer would have been shocked when she saw what she thought was a corpse open his eyes!

      The fact the dog didn’t bark meant she knew the difference between living and dead people, but the fact she didn’t bark probably wasn’t the first thing that can into the mind of the handler.

      If Taza had barked, which is her cadaver alert, then she could be called unreliable but the fact is that she didn’t.

      If Eddie had been taken into a remote area and came across an unconscious person, we guess it would be likely that he would react in a similar way.

      He would approach the body to see if any familiar cadaver odour. If not, he wouldn’t alert by barking, but might respond to a living person as any friendly dog would.

    3. I'm perfectly satisfied that Eddie would alert to the dried blood from a living human as that particular material was used in his training. You can continue to dupe a few followers with your interpretation of Grime's words but you really are in a minority of two or three people.
      Taza was trained to find cadaver. What do you think attracted him to the area where the dying man was found?

    4. Frog,

      You and Turaffe are becoming more and more one and the same with each passing day, almost giving reason to the Anonymous who said that you both were the same person.

      Note, we are NOT saying that you 2 are the same person, just noting the fact that you are increasingly becoming like him. Your use of the language associated with the gang, especially Turaffe’s, seems to point that way.

      By the way, it’s very interesting that you of all people, a person who implies that Grime is compromised, not to say corrupt, a handler who you suggest cued the dogs to bark against the McCanns just to nail them, is the same person who suddenly decides to believe as untouchable truth the words Grime is translated to have said.

    5. Turaffe & I couldn't be more different if we tried.
      However, I note you've dodged the question so I'll ask it again.
      Taza was trained to find cadaver. What do you think attracted him to the area where the dying man was found?

    6. We have replied. Extensively.

      You haven't answered the question we put to you, so we'll ask you again.

      "Then do explain why was Taza’s trainer so surprised with the alert if Taza was trained to alert to living human blood?"

    7. Was there any blood found at the scene? I got the impression the handler was shocked Taza found a living human. What scent was the dog following to find a living human?
      (Clue:- where was the man found?)

    8. Frog,

      "Was there any blood found at the scene?", a very good question. You are the one implying there was, so please quote from the article where blood is mentioned.

      While you're at it, please quote where in the article it says Taza barked in alert. You seem to rule out that the finding having been due to pure chance, guided solely by the smell of a human being, to which any and all dogs are "trained" for.

      If you are implying that Taza was driven buy the smell of blood, then we have to return to the question as to why Eddie, if he was also a blood dog, did not alert to blood in any of the apartments nor in the kitchen or bathroom of 5A (when we know, according to the files, that at least one person says he suffered a shaving accident and spilled blood all over the apartment and certainly not in the corner behind the couch of the living room, nor in the corner of the bedroom closet).

      Is blood only a strong scent when it's convenient to you?

    9. Frog,

      "You can continue to dupe a few followers with your interpretation of Grime's words"

      Who cares about our critics when the entire Portuguese system seems to be on the same page as us?

    10. I haven't claimed the dog alerted. There was apparently no blood.
      What led the cadaver dog to the just-about-alive man? Where was he found?

    11. @Textusa 19.38.00
      Is that the same Portuguese justice system which also doesn't understand ballistics & likes to pursue convictions despite a total lack of evidence? (Luis Grilo case)

    12. Frog at 26 Nov 2019, 19:56:00,

      So, no alert and no blood when the debate was about whether Eddie the cadaver dog alerted or not to blood from a living human being.

      What was your point then Frog? And that would be the question that the majority of our 2 readers have asked when they read your comment. But we won’t ask that because we know what you mean:

      What the Frog wants to PROVE is that Taza was a dog was trained on pig remains, the hog pen may have attracted her attention and finding the man was coincidental but she was driven to him by the scent of… pig.

      What the Frog overlooks is what “pig remains” means. Or to be clear, what uneviscerated means. Eviscerated means disembowelled. Uneviscerated means the bowels of the animal are not removed. Now one has to add the word decomposed to understand what decomposing uneviscerated piglet remains means: rotting piglet still with its bowels.

      No hog pen has such a scent, so Taza was not driven by such a smell. All points to a coincidence of a dog finding a human being and that’s all there is to this case.

      But wanting to convince people that Eddie is a pig dog (not a decomposing uneviscerated piglet one) is something that the Frog has persistently tried to push:
      Green Leaper 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆‏ @FragrantFrog
      Replying to @JaneParshally @zampos
      I'm suggesting they should have done more to investigate the cause of a cadaver dogs alerts. Where did people who lived on the land, prior to OC being built, bury their pig carcasses?
      11:57 PM - 23 Jun 2018

      Green Leaper 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆‏ @FragrantFrog
      Replying to @CarlaSpade
      What about the pig's head in the other cupboard?
      12:01 AM - 1 Mar 2019

      Green Leaper 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆‏ @FragrantFrog
      @K9Truth And GM would know about Portuguese. furnaces & pig farms how? PJ detective would know though #mccann
      10:50 PM - 8 Jul 2017

      Green Leaper 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆‏ @FragrantFrog
      Replying to @hicksydan
      Why? Because Amaral/PJ had been forewarned about Eddie's training methods. Easier for him to get hold of dead pig remains than human.
      6:46 PM - 20 Oct 2017

      Green Leaper 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆‏ @FragrantFrog
      Replying to @turaffetamer
      So you believe that there is not a single body or pig carcase buried anywhere in the open areas the cadaver dogs searched in Luz?
      11:10 PM - 14 Jul 2019

      Green Leaper 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆‏ @FragrantFrog
      Replying to @ArataMylov
      How do you know a member of OC staff hadn't contaminated 5A by carrying dead pig remains in on his/her shoes?
      11:13 PM - 19 Jun 2019


    13. (Cont)

      And the Frog expects to be taken seriously…

      A pig is not a pet nor a work animal. It does not die of old age and is then buried.

      A pig’s purpose is its body and what it represents in meat products. Its bowels included. Very little of the animal is thrown away. Literally hardly anything is and if the reader is sensitive best not ask what is done with some parts of the animal.

      Artisanal or factory-made meat products.

      The key words here in decomposed, which is something that does not happen. The little waste there is, is either burned or washed up.

      For example, in the example Frog uses in her tweet at 11:13 PM - 19 Jun 2019 which is what is called in Portugal the “Matança do Porco” (literal translation, killing of the pig) a rural feast that is for the sensitive souls a very unpleasant spectacle.

      The animal is not meant to suffer and the unpleasantness referred is simply because the killing is done publicly with the men of the village showing how brave and strong they are by holding the animal when its killed and killing it as swiftly as possible.

      It’s an old rural custom where the men kill the animal and the women then separate the body into various pieces. Some parts of the pig are cooked and eaten then and there, with wine and some will have music and that is what this rural feast is all about.

      Having been invited to some, I can state from experience it’s not pleasant at all but have accepted as the invitations were made out of sincere good-will and the desire to receive me well.

      To be very clear, this is not sport-killing like fox-hunting or spectacle killing like a bullfight. This is to produce food. A village gets together and collectively does this and celebrates being able to do it.

      One thing that it isn’t, is unhealthy. Nothing of the pig is left on site to rot.

      All waste is clearly disposed of, either by burning or by a thorough washing very quickly. Countryside folk know that anything that rots will bring vermin and disease.

      The floor where the pig was killed is left as spotless as it was when it was alive.

      No one walks from a “Matança do Porco” contaminated with decomposed pig remains. The Frog tries to deceive knowing she is deceiving.

      Plus, the animal is disembowelled and the bowels washed very well to become what is a delicatessen dish in the city of Porto, the “Tripas à Moda do Porto”:

      Tripas is not only enjoyed by the Portuguese in Porto, it’s a very popular dish everywhere, all over the country.

      No pig carcass is buried. All of the animal is sold or consumed. There are no pig graveyards and there never were. Frog is simply makes things up, as she usually does.

      And unless the Frog can give a reasonable explanation as to why there was decomposing uneviscerated piglet in the living-room, in the bedroom, in the flowerbed, in the cuddle-cat, in the clothes, in the Scenic and in the key fob, all these alerts from Eddie were human cadaver.

      We would also like to emphasize that Taza was trained on a body farm, the link we put up says that.

      If she was confused by a live body scent and thought it was cadaver, why didn’t she bark when she found the unconscious man? Rhetorical question as the Frog agrees there was no alert.

      Tony was handler’s husband, Taza as puppy played a game of finding him.

    14. Frog at 26 Nov 2019, 20:09:00,

      Now you are just being xenophobic and disgusting.

      The case of Rosa Grilo is still on trial and no verdict has been handed out by the court. Yet, you have already anticipated a guilty verdict.

      The case shares a lot with the Maddie case as Rosa Grilo first said “this” and when it was proven that “this” was either ridiculous or false she changed the “this” many times to a “that” (something the arguido status allows without consequences).

      You defending Leonor Cipriano and now Rosa Grilo is all readers need to know about you and your intentions. Those siding with you against us must really feel proud of themselves.

      You attack the Portuguese justice system, so please name a case similar to the Hillsborough tragedy which you think happened in Portugal.

      And if you wish, we can list a series of other cases in the UK where it has been proven for there to have been miscarriage of justice, including wrongful imprisonment.

      The UK does not have any moral high ground when it comes to failing in serving justice.

      We inform you that we will not publish again similar comments to this one.

    15. I suggest you research details of some of the VOCs found in soil where hogs have been farmed & compare them to the VOCs produced during human decomposition. IMO it was sheer chance that the dying man was found near an old hog pen where the VOC's attracted the cadaver dog.

      In early hide & seek training, Taza would have been searching for Tony's scent, not generic living human scent.

      It will be interesting to see which way the jury lean in the Grilo case. Evidence is certainly not in the prosecution's favour, which is reportedly admitted by the AG. However, I only know of one admitted miscarriage of justice case in Portugal so on that basis, a guilty verdict will probably.

      Hillsborough is a bad choice for you to use against the UK...a bunch of policeman covering for each other & altering/withholding documents....can you recall a similar case in Portugal, albeit on a smaller scale?
      I'm not attempting to take any moral high ground when it comes to failings in justice systems. Such travesties are not unique to Portugal, they continually occur worldwide.

    16. Frog,

      You are bringing up Gonçalo Amaral’s conviction. He was made accountable for what he did wrong. Justice was done.

      You, on the other hand think that you are above the law and above any justice system. You evidently disagree with the principle that a sentence is what the legitimate legal entities of a state determine to be a debt to society for not abiding the law. Once that sentence is served, the slate should be cleaned.

      You think you are above legality and think that Gonçalo Amaral should be continued to be punished after a court of law determined what his debt to society was for his acts.

      Note, this is not a case of you thinking that the court made a wrong decision because they did find him guilty, it is a case of you not accepting what a justice system is about.

      We recommend that you read this post:

      Returning to Gonçalo Amaral and the example you used, the Portuguese justice system worked, regardless of you thinking it was too lenient or not. There was a conviction.

      In Hillsborough, you have recognised that cops covered up for cops and so we would like for you to put up a link where there have been convictions on the case because we are discussing justice systems and not cops covering up for cops, we are discussing countries and their legal systems letting crimes go without judgement by their justice systems.

      Your thesis of pig carcasses is 5A is so absurd that it doesn’t even merit a response.

      By the way, if you had any scintilla of reason, that Taza was driven by the scent coming from the hog pen then the dog would have alerted to the scent somewhere along his path way before getting near it and it didn’t.

    17. Farmers don’t bury dead pigs in their pens.
      If Frog is saying a pig had died in the hog pen, wouldn’t that be some coincidence: the McCanns apartment being contaminated with dead pig remains and a dead pig having been in the hog pen where the old man was found unconscious?
      Taza’s handler gave no such explanation.

    18. Textusa @ 10.17.00

      "By the way, if you had any scintilla of reason, that Taza was driven by the scent coming from the hog pen then the dog would have alerted to the scent somewhere along his path way before getting near it and it didn’t."

      Dear, oh dear, oh dear.
      Did Eddie alert all the way up the path to 5A?

    19. If Taza was trained at a body farm but was fooled by decomposing pig odour, according to Frog (does Turaffe agree?), why didn’t she bark alert when she reached the source of decomposing pig at the hog pen?
      The unconscious man shouldn’t have deterred her because no cadaver dog could be trained in such a confusing way
      “Alert to cadaver odour only if no living person happens to be in the same location.
      If a living person is in the same location, just wag your tail.”
      Taza probably followed the most interesting smell available, as Eddie did when he came across pork foodstuff in a bin in one of the apartments, but didn’t alert to it.
      The most interesting smell didn’t cause either dog to bark alert because it wasn’t their target scent.

    20. Frog at 27 Nov 2019, 22:16:00,

      You seem to have lost the plot of the play that you were writing yourself!

      Could you please show where us the image of Eddie – as per what he really is (a certified and accredited cadaver ONLY dog) and not you are trying to make him be (a pig carcass chaser)) – fits into your play the way you have written it?

      Before we explain why we said Taza would stop mid-path, let’s first see how ridiculous your thesis is.

      If by total absurdity it was usual for whole (uneviscerated and decomposing) pigs to be buried in hog pens, then Taza’s handler would be aware of that beforehand and would certainly notice the hog pen in the search area and would understand that Taza was following that scent and would have mentioned it somewhere in the article, she would say something like “Taza was going for the hog pen as expected but then she found this man, I was shocked!”

      The handler says nothing of the sort and that’s because there’s absolutely no expected relationship between hog pens and human cadaver scent or the scent from uneviscerated and decomposing piglets.

      Plus, if hog pens produced Taza’s target scent, then it would be the handler’s job to steer the dog clearly away from that location, wouldn’t it? Establishing a parallel of this with Eddie, it would be like taking him inside a morgue and then expect him only to alert to the scent of a specific cadaver that one was looking for. Eddie would of course alert but that alert would be absolutely meaningless, so why take him there in the first place?

      By the same logic why would Taza’s handler take her near the hog pen as she did? Only one reason explains why she did and that is that no scent that is EXPECTED from a hog pen is Taza’s target scent.

      But back to the point of your comment which is the reason why we said Taza would stop somewhere along the path.

      This is what you said: “What scent was the dog following to find a living human?” and “What led the cadaver dog to the just-about-alive man? Where was he found?”

      To be clear, you have suggested that Taza was following the scent being emitted from the hog pen due, say you, having whole pigs been buried there. That alone, as we showed is absurd but in our reasoning about having Taza stopping somewhere in the path, we were pampering you.

      According to you, in an outdoor scenario, Taza was drawn by the scent of dead whole pigs coming from the hog pen. It’s logical to think that if the scent was as strong in such outdoor conditions as you suggest, then it would have enough intensity at a distance from the hog pen to cause Taza to alert. That is all we said and that we are certain would happen.

      Taza would be following the scent and would certainly stop at a certain distance from the hog pen to alert. The dying man would not be found because Taza would be taken somewhere else and the chance encounter would not have happened.


    21. (Cont)

      But let’s now analyse your bringing Eddie into YOUR plot. It is really absurd on all counts and it does work against you, as has been standard with your interventions lately.

      The first and immediate difference is that Eddie doesn’t take Grime to apartment 5A, he is taken there by his handler while Taza takes her handler to the man, or in your “play” to the hog pen.

      Eddie, unlike Taza is not released at a distance from that apartment and heads towards it, either by chance or following a scent. This alone makes your analogy to be ridiculous.

      Now, for your analogy to have any reason whatsoever, not only would Eddie have to be released at a distance from the apartment, as the apartment would have to be a graveyard or/and location where whole pigs were buried so that it would represent a similar scent source to your Taza’s hog pen (not a real hog pen, to be clear).

      Then, and only then, could a comparison be established between Eddie and Taza.

      But, as we said, your example works against you because Eddie did behave according to what we said. No, he did not alert outside the apartment but as soon as he entered it – so, at a distance from the locations where he would alert – he behaved in a way that was noted by Martin Grime:

      “Ok, what was done was we, we deployed the enhanced victim recovery dog into the apartment and by experience and the training of the dog, what I first noticed is that as soon as I came in that the dog is very excited and as a handler I can pick up his body language etc and it would appear to me that as soon as he has come in the house he's picked up a scent that he recognises…”

      It was not an alert but Martin Grime felt the need to mention this pre-alert behaviour. When Eddie does alert in the bedroom and living-room, Grime is neither shocked or surprised as that pre-alert behaviour was an indication that it was likely for Eddie to alert somewhere inside the apartement.

      This was indoors and not outdoors, where it’s totally ventilated. So, under similar conditions as you suggest were Taza’s (ventilated outdoors), we would expect not only a pre-alert behaviour but also a full alert at a distance away from the location of the source. From our blog:

      Do read the sub-para “08. Factors affecting DAS: Ventilation” from our post “Blood and the EVR dog – Part 6”

    22. Where did I suggest that there were pig remains buried in the hog pen?
      Pig excrement contains dimethyl suldide/trisulphide which is also present in the early stages of human decomposition. The excrement gets trodden into the soil. IMO, just as a cadaver dog can be confused by peat-based compost, Taza was attracted to the hog pen because he was aware of an odour of interest.
      The main news story was about the recovery of the missing man, not an investigation into why the cadaver dog found him.
      BTW was Eddie's prolonged interest in underneath the bed in 5D a pre-alert?


    Human Remains vs. Others

    So what if a dog mistakes the remains of a squirrel or bird for a human?

    That doesn’t happen. Their noses are so sensitive that they can easily distinguish the differences in acidic breakdowns which occur in different species.
    Tough Training Tactics

    Along with the dog’s biological advantage, the handler of the dog plays an equally crucial role in the procedure.

    The handler needs to be in good physical shape, keep an open mind, be able to follow orders, and get trained themselves twice a week.

    A handler also needs to be able to trust the dog, and to make sure the dog is signaling correctly. Dogs signal a find by sitting, jumping on the handler, or barking.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I'm not sure why my words are altered when my posts are published, Textusa.
      What I actually posted (and what came up on the deletion screen) was:-
      A cadaver dog alerted to a dead bird in the Julie Reilly (Glasgow) case. It was captured on video.

    3. To be clear, this is the comment submitted by the Frog, which she has now deleted:

      Fragrant Frog has left a new comment on your post "Blood and the EVR dog - Part 6 - comments continue...":

      A cadaver dog alerted to a dead bird in the Julie Reilly case (Glasgow) last year. It was captured on video.

      Posted by Fragrant Frog to Textusa at 29 Nov 2019, 20:29:00



      The team is rather busy at the moment but we had to recover your deleted comment.

      Please do not delete again any of your comments after they have been published. We know it’s an option you have available due to the fact that you submit comments under a Blogger ID but we don’t want happening in this blog what happened over at Cristobell’s when NotTextusa deleted all his comments there, leaving the comment sections in the posts where he had commented a disconnected mess.

      We will republish any and all deleted comments from you or anyone who has submitted comments under a Blogger ID and which we have published.

    4. "A cadaver dog" appeared as "Every dog" when first published, which didn't make sense so I deleted it. Can you explain why that happened?

    5. Frog,


      And to be clear, Blogger does not allow edition of comments.

    6. "We will republish any and all deleted comments from you or anyone who has submitted comments under a Blogger ID and which we have published"

      Then you will find yourself in trouble. There is a legal right of the comment maker to remove it.

    7. Anonymous 30 Nov 2019, 10:26:00,

      Your delusion should be clinically studied.

    Woger Wabbit‏ @turaffetamer
    Dear @FragrantFrog
    What the hell is this delinquent on about?
    Apparently as we both understand how the dogs work (everyone else in the world with the ability to read and understand, clearly not texsauce) we are becoming the same?
    8:13 AM - 27 Nov 2019

    [The picture attached is a screengrab of our comment at 26 Nov 2019, 17:41:00, which was certainly sent to Turaffe by his blog watcher and screengrab servant on duty, as the Turaffe definetly does not read the blog. Hand on heart]


    “… we both [Frog and Turaffe] understand how the dogs work (everyone else in the world with the ability to read and understand”… it’s everyone else in the world with the exception of us, the PJ, the Portuguese Public Ministry and the Portuguese courts.

    And also the McCanns who did not contest the proven fact that cadaver odour was marked in the Scenic.

    Oh, and Netflix. And BBC. And Sky News. And…

      Woger Wabbit‏ @turaffetamer
      Oi delinquent texsauce on #McCann
      Show me anywhere in the files it says cadavar was alerted to by Eddie the evrd in the boot of the scenic in the pj files. I'll wait.
      Also anyone who's says he did either has inside knowledge or is lying
      12:46 PM - 28 Nov 2019

      [Picture attached is a screengrab of our comment at 27 Nov 2019, 16:24:00. Turaffe’s servant (is it Silver?) is doing a good job]



      Please quote us where we have said “cadavar was alerted to by Eddie the evrd in the boot of the scenic”

      We will wait.

      Where does it say that in the PJ Files? Here, by the PJ, in the Interim Report:

      7. o veículo usado pela família McCann:
      7.1 cão de odor a cadáver:
      * marcou a chave do veículo;
      * marcou no interior da bagageira do veículo;
      7.2 cão de sangue
      * marcou a chave do veículo;
      * marcou no interior da bagageira do veículo;

      7. The vehicle used by the McCann family:
      7.1 cadaver odour dog:
      * marked the vehicle key;
      * marked inside the boot compartment of the vehicle;
      7.2 blood dog
      * marked the vehicle key;
      * marked inside the boot compartment of the vehicle;

      This was corrected in their Final Report:

      7. No veículo usado pela família McCANN:
      7.1 cão de odor a cadáver:
      * marcou a chave do veículo;
      7.2 cão de sangue
      * marcou a chave do veículo;
      * marcou no interior da bagageira do veículo;

      7. In the vehicle used by the McCANN family:
      7.1 cadaver odour dog:
      * marked the vehicle key;
      7.2 blood dog
      * marked the vehicle key;
      * marked inside the boot compartment of the vehicle;

      What was not changed was the PJ saying that Eddie was a cadaver dog and that Keela was a blood one.

      You, when it came to define what kind of dogs Eddie and Keela were, you were careful to say about Eddie that he was a multi-purpose dog::
      Roger Wabbit‏ @turaffetamer
      Replying to @Babs108164110 @Lambykins60
      Nope not a prayer. The dogs alert to what they are trained to alert to. One blood the other cadavar and dried blood (dead blood) No other case have the dogs ever been slandered this much and Mr grime still works fbi. This prat is a tnuc
      10:29 PM - 20 Sep 2019”

      You were careful to highlight that Eddie was a “cadavar and dried blood” dog, something that the PJ, the Portuguese Public Ministry and the Portuguese don’t.

      We will be waiting for you to show the quote from us.

      We won’t say you made a fool of yourself again because you will never be able to beat yourself in the Crematorium in the church episode. Ever.

    2. And look who Turaffe is calling EXPLICITLY, a LIAR (“anyone who's says he did [Eddie alerting in the boot of the Scenic ]either has inside knowledge or is lying”):
      Isabelle McFadden‏ @PortugueseMrs
      Replying to @SkyNews
      Gerry #McCann said these dogs are extremely UNRELIABLE ...when a CADAVER dog alerted to his wife’s CLOTHES the Wardrobe in apartment and the CAR boot
      Madeleine CaseTweets
      5:44 PM - 18 Jan 2019


      Turaffe got muddled and thought it was us spreading misinformation when it was his friend McFadden.


      (thanking a friend for finding this pearl)

      PS - Turaffe, still waiting for that quote.

    3. 2 friends trying to compete to see who is the biggest fool:
      Woger Wabbit‏ @turaffetamer
      Oi delinquent texsauce on #McCann
      Show me anywhere in the files it says cadavar was alerted to by Eddie the evrd in the boot of the scenic in the pj files. I'll wait.
      Also anyone who's says he did either has inside knowledge or is lying
      12:46 PM - 28 Nov 2019

      [Picture attached is a screengrab of our comment at 27 Nov 2019, 16:24:00]

      SheLLxx ©Shellyphant 🎭 🦙 🐚E 🐘 😍 🐘 😍 ㊙ 👪 ❓ 🤔‏ @xxSiLverdoexx
      Replying to @turaffetamer
      The NOT great defective's still NOT getting it eh NOT Frog/Ben/Moi/and so forth... 😁
      When I had this same debate with him I made this up. He still doesn't get it. It's truly painful 🤦
      12:57 PM - 28 Nov 2019

      Woger Wabbit‏ @turaffetamer
      Replying to @xxSiLverdoexx
      I don't understand what's difficult to get, it's all in the report. Grime says he would try put eddie in the car but no record of it. End of story
      1:02 PM - 28 Nov 2019

      SheLLxx ©Shellyphant 🎭 🦙 🐚E 🐘 😍 🐘 😍 ㊙ 👪 ❓ 🤔‏ @xxSiLverdoexx
      Replying to @turaffetamer
      It's like watching headless turkey's (ahem) tripping over each other trying to get to the other side of the road, and never quite managing it cause they can't work it out why they can't...
      But how dare we go by Grime's words.
      That must make us shills? Apparently...
      1:08 PM - 28 Nov 2019


      Grime’s words in the video Silverdoe has attached, at 2:15 (our caps):
      “The important thing to realise is that he’s picking the scent that is coming out of the seal of the door, so using that information, I DON’T NEED TO GO INSIDE THE CAR.”

      If Eddie was also a blood dog, why wouldn’t he take Eddie inside the car, just like he took Keela?

    4. And more of McFadden, the LIAR (according to Turaffe, that is…):
      Madeleine CaseTweets 🌐‏ @McCannCaseTweet
      Replying to @TweetsbyGlenda @GlendaMckee14 @sunriseon7
      She was dead 3 weeks before car was hired, the body moved locations obviously why Cadaver dog also alerted in the trunk of the car #MadeleineMcCann
      12:39 AM - 2 Apr 2019 from California, USA



      (thank you again, dear friend)

      Woger Wabbit‏ @turaffetamer
      Apologies you didn't say boot, but you did say inside the car which also isn't said by grime or the pj in THE FINAL REPORT.
      3:11 PM - 28 Nov 2019

      The picture attached is a screengrab of the following (Turaffe does not provide a link):

      “Enhanced training to produce a EVRD
      The training of a VRD provides an alert response using Ivan Pavlov’s theory of producing a conditioned reflex, in this case barking, to the presence of detected decomposing human/pig flesh, bone, body fluid and blood. The dog will bark whether or not it is able to get to the source of the scent. The benefit of the reflex is that the dog will respond whenever the target scent is present. This enables the dog to be used in an investigative role, assisting experts in other fields, such as, geophysics.
      An EVRD dog received additional training on human cadavers which were buried on land and submerged underwater. This took place in America and facilitated by the FBI at the University of Tennessee.
      The scent detection threshold of the dog is greatly enhanced. In operational deployment and in training, the dog is successful in detecting human remains, bodily fluids and blood, to cellular levels that can be recovered by low copy analysis at forensic laboratories.
      The proven capability of the EVRD is to:
      Search to locate very small samples of human remains, body fluids and blood in any environment or terrain.
      Identify sub-surface depositions to a depth of approximately one metre below the surface of the ground, depending on the scent permeability of the ground. This depth is increased substantially when the ground is “vented” prior to deployment.
      Locate and give an alert to cross contamination by a cadaver. This is particularly valuable when the dog is used to assist in searches where the discovery of a body has prompted the investigation. The dog may locate secondary deposition sites and any areas of contamination, e.g. items of vehicles used to transport the body.
      The generation, storage and migration of natural gases and body scent
      Gases from decomposing human remains may be dissolved in groundwater depending on the pressure, temperature or concentration of other gases or minerals in water. Dissolved gases may be advected by groundwater, and only when the pressure is reduced and the solubility limit of the gas in groundwater exceeded, do they come out of solution and form a separate gaseous phase.”

      Turaffe circles the above from this text, which doesn’t make any sense:
      “The proven capability of the EVRD is to:
      Search to locate very small samples of human remains, body fluids and blood in any environment or terrain.
      Identify sub-surface depositions to a depth of approximately one metre below the surface of the ground, depending on the scent permeability of the ground. This depth is increased substantially when the ground is “vented” prior to deployment.”

      We are certain he wanted to highlight this, but his rage blinded him:
      “The proven capability of the EVRD is to:
      Search to locate very small samples of human remains, body fluids and blood in any environment or terrain.”



      Apologies noted.

      “but you did say inside the car which also…”

      The PJ, the Public Ministry and the Portuguese courts say it’s in the Scenic.

      Just using the Grimes’ words from the video Silver attached: “The important thing to realise is that he’s picking the scent that is coming out of the seal of the door”. It it’s coming out of the seal of the door, where is it coming from? The inside of the Scenic.


    6. (Cont)


      We have asked NotTextusa this question and we are going to ask you now in the hope that you will reply: What “other fluids” was Eddie trained to also alert to, and why wasn’t any forensic done to find any of them on the sites where Eddie alerted to and Keela didn’t?

      In fact, why wasn’t any forensics done for all those “other fluids” on ALL sites Eddie alerted to, as even in those where Keela alerted to, as there could be “another fluid” there together with blood.

      Woger Wabbit‏ @turaffetamer
      Replying to @xxSiLverdoexx
      Why would anyone say he's was a blood dog?
      He was an evrd that was used for finding body parts, fluids and hey presto blood.
      Keela was a csi blood dog and would only alert to BLOOD.
      Wow I can't believe after 12 and half years the fool doesn't get it
      3:36 PM - 28 Nov 2019


      If Eddie also alerts to the blood from a living human being, doesn’t that make him AUTOMATICALLY a blood dog?

      Or are you saying there’s a difference between blood from a living human (live blood) and one from a dead person (dead blood)?

      If they are one and the same as you seem to say they are (please confirm), then Eddie, if you are correct, is also a blood dog.

    8. Turaffe,

      You have apologised and we have noted that apology but in nothing alters that you have called Isabelle McFadden a liar.

      SheLLxx ©Shellyphant 🎭 🦙 🐚E 🐘 😍 🐘 😍 ㊙ 👪 ❓ 🤔‏ @xxSiLverdoexx
      Replying to @turaffetamer
      I am seriously lost for words.... This man whoever he is is an idiot! Grime wrote his findings AFTER the video I posted but the video proves 1 thing. Eddie was NEVER put in that car. He's now calling Grime a liar regarding Eddie and his training and what he can/can't find! 🤦🤦
      5:13 PM - 28 Nov 2019

      [Pictures attached are screengrabs of our comment at 28 Nov 2019, 16:55:00]



      1. Please quote us where we have said Grime was a liar.

      2. Please quote where we have said that Eddie was inside the Scenic.

      Thank you.

      The fact that Eddie was NOT inside the Scenic, does not alter the FACT that it was proved that the cadaver scent came from INSIDE the Scenic.

      If you cannot understand please read:

      More specifically “10. Factors affecting DAS: Confinement”

      From where these pics are:

      SheLLxx ©Shellyphant 🎭 🦙 🐚E 🐘 😍 🐘 😍 ㊙ 👪 ❓ 🤔‏ @xxSiLverdoexx
      Replying to @xxSiLverdoexx @turaffetamer
      1 - Text you call Grime a liar every time you ignore that 1 - AFTER the video taken of the dogs inspection in Grime's report he said we will 'try' to put Eddie INSIDE the car & 2 - That he doesn't alert to small amounts of blood as GRIME stated.
      2 - See attached. An apology pls?
      5:42 PM - 28 Nov 2019



      Will reply in due time to ALL of the above. Real life supersedes this, as it should. Have to warn you, there are no apologies coming.

      By the way, you do agree with Turaffe that Isabelle McFadden is a liar, right?


    McFadden starting a myth mixture: Ghislaine Maxwell, royal yacht, Podestas - mix and stir well.

    There is an error here because Keela didn’t alert to blood in the bedroom.
    However, it states here clear that E only alerts to cadaver odour, said by Swan herself.

  20. We apologise to our readers but we will have to put our reply to Silver’s moronic tweet on hold. We will return to it in due time.

    There is something that needs to be clarified once and for all. This is a lie, an absolute, heinous and disgusting lie:
    00The Jules... 🕵️‍♀‍ 🌸 🐌 🌸 🐌 🌸‏ @Jules1602xx
    Replying to @MancunianMEDlC @strackers74 and 48 others
    Top one.. She contacted a minor and spoke to the minor as though she was talking to a minor.. No matter what bullsh!t she has told.. Peoples kids should be left out of all this McCann sh!t..
    Why she's brought all this up again speaks volumes.. #obsessed
    6:31 PM - 29 Nov 2019


    Let’s be very clear and very direct, the only direct contact FROM Elaine TO the minor in question was on Twitter, on Jul 3 2019, when Elaine REPLIED to the minor: “I'm sorry that you think I stalked you when it's in the public domain. I'm blocking you now sweetie as I don't want you to have to see stuff about Zora.”

    To which, 2 MINUTES later, the supposedly stalked and allegedly harassed minor replied to Elaine with the following: “Ok sweetie”.

    Elaine’s tweet above was in reply to the minor after she published 3 tweets DIRECTED at Elaine, one of which with just a picture showing the concert tickets.

    Now do read this comment from Mr Thompson on Normalised Toilet (what is published below is not the entire comment, we have only published what is pertinent to the issue in question):

    “Pseudo Nym5 September 2019 at 15:01
    Given that this tweet is directed at me, I don't think there's an issue with copying it into here for context. Elaine could have left her words here herself of course...isn't that kind of what the reply button is for?
    Anyway, here's Krankie's tweet:
    "She searched for Zora's daughter"
    🤣👍. Bore off you absolute lying WEIRDO.
    Surely a good mother, whose daughter was "stalked" would go to the police? Why would I go?
    I have her address so if I wanted to, wouldn't I just go to her house?♀‍
    Give it a rest, you're making me cringe"
    End of tweet.
    Now Elaine, every time your lies are discussed somewhere, you get all antsy and make no real sense. Firstly, you DID search for Zora's daughter, if you hadn't, then do explain how you knew where to contact her on Twitter?”


    The answer to Mr Thompson’s arrogantly put question is evidently the reply button on Twitter.

    But Mr Thompson of course knew this and, in that comment, was just being his usual self by twisting and distorting facts that others are not familiar with to slander his targets.

    Those 5 tweets, 4 from the minor and 1 from Elaine were the only direct interaction between Elaine and the minor.

    Where is the stalking in this?

    There was no direct contact with the minor done by Elaine, she simply replied to tweets DIRECTED at her. There was no “She contacted a minor and spoke to the minor as though she was talking to a minor” as Jules lies with all the teeth she has in her mouth. An absolutely disgusting and abhorrent lie.

    The other contact made by Elaine, was not a direct one. It was done via GoFundMe (GFM).

    For starters, a GFM is public. As Elaine told the minor ““I'm sorry that you think I stalked you when it's in the public domain”. It is in the public domain.

    To accuse someone of stalking for seeing a GFM page, then ALL of us who are interested in the case are unrepentant evil stalkers because ALL of us followed with interest the GoFund page in support of Gonçalo Amaral. According to these people, we qualify as stalkers.


  21. (Cont)

    If in this case Elaine was a stalker, for being a visitor AND a donor, then there were 21 other stalkers, one of which was a 14 yr old who put this touching comment together with her £5: “i can’t imagine being in such a terrible situation, i’m sorry i can’t give much (i’m only 14) but i hope this helps. i really hope your situation gets better, no human deserves to be in this position 🧡”.

    A very young stalker with one hell of a good heart, we would say. We have the screengrabs and we will publish them if need be.

    And if all those who visited that GFM page are stalkers, then that number really hikes up.

    To say that finding a GFM page is stalking, then that is quite the insult against the site. GFM pages are meant to be found.

    One just had to read the GFM text in question and having read a tweet by the mother of this minor on June 22 saying “I’m here with my super-excited twin daughters! Promises to be an amazing night! 🥳💃”, with a Pink concert announcement picture attached, to understand that it was a scam. We have a screengrab of the tweet and we will publish it if need be.

    The scam would be confirmed by the mother of this minor in a comment by her at 3 July 2019 at 17:43, on Mr Thompson’s blog. One just has to read the GFM text and that comment and see how they contradict each other. We will publish both if need be and not doing it right now out of respect for the minor.

    And as the mother of this minor was careful to say in a comment by her at 14 August 2019 at 08:58, on the Normalised Toilet blog, “You can have a gofundme account from the age of 13 provided the payments are made to an adult”, an adult MUST be involved in the process and that adult was involved, as per her comment at 3 July 2019 at 17:43, on Mr Thompson’s blog: “So she set up the gofundme just to give it a try. (…) Anyway, I left her and her twin sister to manage it as they’re both trustworthy and capable and would give me access no problem if I wanted. When she tried to add bank account details a couple of days later, we discovered the bank account had to belong to someone over 18 with a NI number. So of course, she added my details. Other than that, I’ve had no involvement with the account.”

    The GFM page was set up on June 8 (GFM does, or in this case did really only ask for the bank details a couple of days later?) and the Pink concert was on June 22. As per the mother of this minor on Mr Thompson’s blog “The gofundme raised about £260. I spent £55 on hiring a car & petrol to take my twins to see Pink in Glasgow. (….) I paid the virgin Media bill which was about £60 and paid £70 into each of the girls’ accounts so they can buy back-to-school shoes/bags”.

    Basically the mother of this minor authorised the page and then decided how the funds from the donations, including the one from the good-hearted 14 yr old stalker, would be distributed but says she had nothing to do with it other than to have provided her bank details.

    To be clear, we have nothing negative to say about anyone’s poverty and we are very sympathetic to it. No one should be ashamed or feel shame for struggling financially. Unfortunately, there are many more people in the world struggling than those who aren’t.

    In terms of personal richness, we not only think it’s a personal issue as we only condemn those who unnecessarily flaunt their riches, rubbing it in the face of those who don’t have what they supposedly have. Most of the times, it’s all “photoshopped” one way or another just to keep up a pretence.

    Poverty and homelessness are serious problems and those of us who have been fortunate not to be stricken by either should not only allow ourselves to ever stop feeling compassionate and sympathetic towards them, as we should do our fair share to fight it whenever we can, not with just words but action.

    It must be said that working single mothers can claim state benefits in the UK if the income falls below a certain level.

    But what we will not put up with or accept is scams, and those we will expose or help those exposing them.


  22. (Cont)

    What the mother of this minor cannot say is that we’re out “to mock me for my financial situation”. Her alleged financial situation was exposed publicly by herself when she authorised the GFM page.

    And if there was nothing wrong with the “request”, if the money had been properly spent, this person should wear the GFM page set up by her daughter as a badge of honour. As we said, there’s no shame in being poor and absolutely nothing wrong in asking when one is in need.

    We are now going on a limb here, and will be speaking for Elaine and we are certain that she can speak for herself if she feels she should, but we believe that by donating she sought to draw attention to a fraudulent campaign.

    Or that she thought she needed to make a donation in order to register a complaint. Make a donation then complain and ask for refund, as detailed here:

    That would draw attention to a fraudulent request, and from what we’ve read about GFM, they rarely take action against people making requests. And fraudulent campaigns happen quite frequently.

    The point is that she did not contact the minor DIRECTLY. She contacted GFM.

    The fact that the author was notified, is an internal working of how the site operates and it makes sense to us but what matters is that the intent was not to contact the author but the admins of the GFM site and the wider public.

    To accuse Elaine of stalking is to slander the client of a bank for a bank robbery just because the client called the police when daring to use a PUBLIC branch of a PUBLIC bank that the bank robbers decided to rob.

    The gang tries to twist things into making the robbers in our bank analogy the good guys and those wanting the bank robbing exposed as criminals. And in our analogy, because the point is whether Elaine contacted the minor as Jules alleges, the law-abiding client calls the police, doesn’t contact the bank robbers, even though they are in the same building.

    Then, there’s an accusation of a further contact via email, in which the mother of the minor clearly blames Elaine: “And then after blocking her from contacting her again, to be contacted by her again from a troll email address. What has my daughter got to do with Elaine Strachan or any of this utterly ridiculous carry-on?” (on Normalised Toilet at 7 September 2019 at 13:49).

    If this mail even exists, it should have been presented to the police, handed over to them with a very clear indication of a STRONG suspect: Elaine Strachan.

    Given this compliant and the STRONG suspect, the police would be OBLIGED to act and question Elaine.

    To say that such mail is not shown publicly because there’s an ongoing police investigation is simply to insult everyone’s intelligence. Police take seriously stalking or harassment done against minors online, so if this was true Elaine by now would be in a sea of trouble, and she doesn’t seem to be and has said publicly that she has never been contacted by the police because of this.

    Another reason why this is preposterous, is that one just has to ask oneself the question why on earth would Elaine have this minor’s email address and from whom would she get it from?.

    To give an example, the mother of this minor who has met the PHYSICALLY stalked girl, who has dined with her, who has walked the path where she was stalked with her, who has looked in her eyes and agreed with her that the stalking was related to the blog and who has accused Elaine in front of her that of being a cocaine user incapable of knowing what she says under the influence, DOES NOT have her mail.


  23. (Cont)

    By the way, when asked by the rest of the team when they visited the girl said that when this person spoke this way about a supposed common friend, it shocked her but showed her then and there that this person was not to be trusted and so she was not surprised at all at how this person turned out to be.

    In a positive example, and using the team members, who have shared with the stalked girl a lot of personal time, they do NOT have her mail. Why would they? What they want to tell her, they ask me to tell her, and the same route is used when she wants to tell them anything. Both have been used loads of times, as one might imagine.

    So why would Elaine have this minor’s email? She didn’t have it and she didn’t mail anything to the minor.

    It’s interesting how Jules says “Peoples kids should be left out of all this McCann sh!t..”. The woman who stated that we had lied about the girl being physically stalked. Even laughed it off saying that there was no minor walking alone in the middle of the night.

    To Jules, to paraphrase George Orwell, some minors are way more equal than other minors, some should be protected from imagined stalking to allow Elaine be slandered without obstacles, while others, just because they had a stranger stalking them in the middle of the night, one should just laugh.

    We would ask anyone supporting these individuals have a deep look inside. We would but we won’t as experience has shown that they don’t have a conscience to struggle with:
    “Madeleine CaseTweets 🌐‏ @McCannCaseTweet
    Madeleine CaseTweets 🌐 Retweeted 00The Jules... 🕵️‍♀‍ 🌸 🐌 🌸 🐌 🌸
    This was fantastic work by Ben Thompson like all of his Madeleine #McCann research..always sticking to facts.
    Madeleine CaseTweets 🌐 added,
    6:44 PM - 29 Nov 2019”


    Not only do they watch something being twisted, distorted and taken completely out of reality in a heinous manner, they put in their shoulder helping in the twisting and distortion.

    Sick and absolutely disgusting. But not surprising.

    The gang counts on the fact that our decency won’t allow us to defend ourselves as there is a minor involved.

    We have had more consideration for them than they deserve and we’re holding back effectively in respect to the minor. Using a minor as defense shield to attack others counting on impunity from that is the ultimate cowardice and our patience is wearing very thin indeed.

    1. Jules says in her tweet “Why she's [Elaine] brought all this [stalking of the “GFM minor”] up again speaks volumes.. #obsessed”

      This issue has not been dead at all.

      We are now publishing comments we have received in the blog, which we haven’t published for obvious reasons (our caps):

      Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Titleless post":

      Elaine, are you denying contacting and trolling the fifteen year old girl, even after it was made clear to you that this was something you should not be doing and do you also deny doxing Sade's little girl,
      Also, do not for one minute think that by dropping Debbie's death into any sticky situation you cause for yourself, you can absolve yourself from any of your reprehensible actions. Your efforts to do so actually show you to be even lower than you already are.
      Let Debbie rest in peace and for once in your life actually try admitting everything you've done and stop using the death of someone you manipulated for your own agenda.
      After you've done that, perhaps you might tell us all exactly what interest you have in the McCann case...except of course using it as a vehicle to stalk people and cause as much damage to others as possible. TIA

      Posted by Anonymous to Textusa at 10 Aug 2019, 13:48:00

      Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Titleless post":

      Would that be ELAINE THE CHILD STALKER, the same Elaine who has been repeatedly caught out giving pros people's private information? It must be awful to be so desperate for a friend that you're unable to admit what she is.

      Posted by Anonymous to Textusa at 22 Aug 2019, 09:31:00

      Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Titleless post":

      Elaine blamed you for stalking and doxxing a nine year old. She shared this little girl's photo with her troll friends but says you were the one who searched for her on Google. Do you agree this is what happened, or deny you did this thus confirming Elaine IS a child stalker. ELAINE HAS ALREADY ADMITTED TO TROLLING A FIFTEEN YEAR OLD, SO CAN YOU CONFIRM IF ONE OR BOTH OF YOU STALK CHILDREN. Please try not to swerve the question and do answer honestly.

      Posted by Anonymous to Textusa at 29 Aug 2019, 01:54:00

      Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Blood and the EVR dog - Part 6":

      That anon comment is so obviously from pig eyed cunt Strachan talking about herself in the third person it's actually hilarious. NO TEEN OR PRE TEEN GIRLS TO STALK TODAY?

      Posted by Anonymous to Textusa at 15 Oct 2019, 18:12:00

      Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Blood and the EVR dog - Part 6":

      Could you enlighten readers as to Mario's job?.Oh, that's right, he doesn't have one. He spends all day and night stalking Twitter, Facebook, and SEARCHING FOR DETAILS ON PEOPLE'S CHILDREN. Care to deny any of that, Mario? Thought not...

      Posted by Anonymous to Textusa at 17 Oct 2019, 13:03:00

      Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Blood and the EVR dog - Part 6":

      LMFAO! Do you not know when someone is taking the piss? You lost any integrity when YOU STARTED STALKING WOMEN AND CHILDREN EVERY SINGLE DAY. Working alongside pros didn't do you any favours either.

      Posted by Anonymous to Textusa at 24 Oct 2019, 13:38:00


    2. Jules says in her tweet “Why she's [Elaine] brought all this [stalking of the “GFM minor”] up again speaks volumes.. #obsessed”

      Unlike Jules suggests, this issue has not been dead. Very, very far from that.

      We are now publishing comments we have received in the blog, which we haven’t published for obvious reasons (our caps), showing how this subject is not dead, at least for our critics:

      Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Titleless post":

      Elaine, are you denying contacting and trolling the fifteen year old girl, even after it was made clear to you that this was something you should not be doing and do you also deny doxing Sade's little girl,
      Also, do not for one minute think that by dropping Debbie's death into any sticky situation you cause for yourself, you can absolve yourself from any of your reprehensible actions. Your efforts to do so actually show you to be even lower than you already are.
      Let Debbie rest in peace and for once in your life actually try admitting everything you've done and stop using the death of someone you manipulated for your own agenda.
      After you've done that, perhaps you might tell us all exactly what interest you have in the McCann case...except of course using it as a vehicle to stalk people and cause as much damage to others as possible. TIA

      Posted by Anonymous to Textusa at 10 Aug 2019, 13:48:00

      Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Titleless post":

      Would that be ELAINE THE CHILD STALKER, the same Elaine who has been repeatedly caught out giving pros people's private information? It must be awful to be so desperate for a friend that you're unable to admit what she is.

      Posted by Anonymous to Textusa at 22 Aug 2019, 09:31:00

      Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Titleless post":

      Elaine blamed you for stalking and doxxing a nine year old. She shared this little girl's photo with her troll friends but says you were the one who searched for her on Google. Do you agree this is what happened, or deny you did this thus confirming Elaine IS a child stalker. ELAINE HAS ALREADY ADMITTED TO TROLLING A FIFTEEN YEAR OLD, SO CAN YOU CONFIRM IF ONE OR BOTH OF YOU STALK CHILDREN. Please try not to swerve the question and do answer honestly.

      Posted by Anonymous to Textusa at 29 Aug 2019, 01:54:00

      Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Blood and the EVR dog - Part 6":

      That anon comment is so obviously from pig eyed cunt Strachan talking about herself in the third person it's actually hilarious. NO TEEN OR PRE TEEN GIRLS TO STALK TODAY?

      Posted by Anonymous to Textusa at 15 Oct 2019, 18:12:00

      Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Blood and the EVR dog - Part 6":

      Could you enlighten readers as to Mario's job?.Oh, that's right, he doesn't have one. He spends all day and night stalking Twitter, Facebook, and SEARCHING FOR DETAILS ON PEOPLE'S CHILDREN. Care to deny any of that, Mario? Thought not...

      Posted by Anonymous to Textusa at 17 Oct 2019, 13:03:00

      Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Blood and the EVR dog - Part 6":

      LMFAO! Do you not know when someone is taking the piss? You lost any integrity when YOU STARTED STALKING WOMEN AND CHILDREN EVERY SINGLE DAY. Working alongside pros didn't do you any favours either.

      Posted by Anonymous to Textusa at 24 Oct 2019, 13:38:00


    3. (Cont)

      Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Blood and the EVR dog - Part 6":

      Could you do a blog explaining your reasons for writing so many untruths and what motivates YOU TO STALK WOMEN AND CHILDREN PLEASE?

      Posted by Anonymous to Textusa at 27 Oct 2019, 16:47:00

      Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Blood and the EVR dog - Part 6 - comments continue...":

      So blood on a knife...would you class that as
      "dead person blood" or "blood from a living person"?
      When will you admit you're wrong about the dogs and as such get down on bended knee and apologise to all those you've falsely accused of being in gangs and paid off by Michael Wright?
      Given the things you've incorrectly said, I would suggest a full blog dedicated to all those you have...shall we say, "been mistaken" about", APOLOGISING FOR YOUR OBSESSIVE BEHAVIOUR, THE STALKING OF THEIR CHILDREN, FAMILIES, careers, private lives etc, and to those you befriended and told untruths to...some of whom are no longer with us.
      How about that, Mario?
      You don't have it in you, do you.

      Posted by Anonymous to Textusa at 3 Nov 2019, 02:50:00

      [Silver would later admit she was the one bringing up the topic of the blood in a knife]
      Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Blood and the EVR dog - Part 6 - comments continue...":

      1. Nobody is rushing in with anything except the truth. If you'd prefer lies, then that says more about you and textusa than any one else.
      2. Savagery? Have you actually read this blog for the last two years? Textusa has systematically stalked and lied about antis, THEIR FAMILIES, THEIR CHILDREN, and as a result has been ditched by every decent friend and associate he ever had.
      Will you allow this truthful comment, textusa? I very much doubt it. Reason being, you're too dishonest and know people are disgusted with the way you behave.

      Posted by Anonymous to Textusa at 12 Nov 2019, 13:07:00

      Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Blood and the EVR dog - Part 6 - comments continue...":

      You're very quiet. Have you realised Elaine Strachan is a sick stalker, a serial liar, that she gave away your private information, that she's been in regular contact with walker (and hasn't shown all her messages to him), and that your closest ally whispering, is well in with the pros as well? Of course, if you have I don't expect you to be honest and admit it, YOU'VE SHOWN YOU FULLY ENDORSE THE STALKING OF PEOPLE'S FAMILIES AND CHILDREN, and any decency you once had has long since left you.

      Posted by Anonymous to Textusa at 3 Dec 2019, 11:40:00

      And just last night, Jules’ friend:
      Steven Hamilton‏ @TrollBusterXXX
      Replying to @strackers74 @MancunianMEDlC and 48 others
      Hey StrapOn, have you no minors to doxx and groom tonight? #mccann
      1:33 AM - 4 Dec 2019


      Isn’t it interesting how much in synch Belasco Walker is always in synch with the gang when it comes to the gang’s targets? How he steps up to the plate and ALWAYS defends the gang members?

      One would think he was one of them…

      Note how in the comments our critics seem that they aren’t able to decide if I’m a stalker or just a supporter of a stalker.

      But, and right up to the point made by Jules about bringing this subject up… who keeps bringing it up?

      It isn’t us or Elaine.


      Who would want to be defended by this specimen?
      Talking here about Hillsborough.
      The same specimen who defends certain minors but abuses Elaine’s son, merely because he wears glasses. Some minors are more equal than others. It depends who he’s friends with I suppose.

    5. And also this:

      From the man who refers to Elaine as Strapon. Hilariously funny?- no.
      Juvenile- yes.

  24. "Peoples kids should be left out of all this McCann sh!t." quote from Jules tweet. So it's nice to see in writing you believe the physical stalking of a minor of one of the Textusa Sisters was wrong.

  25. Many years ago I was hard up, putting any spare cash in a tin in order to pay fuel bills, never going out as paying a babysitter was out of the question and brewing our own beer and wine (rather rough, but drinkable). Before the days of gofundme and appeals, but even then, I could not have accepted money from a 14 year old child who could barely afford to part with £5 herself, bless her heart.
    Not a penny of that money should have been spent on anything other than that appealed for - food and rent.

    1. Elaine Strachan6 Dec 2019, 02:03:00

      My point entirely. Very well said ��

    2. Elaine Strachan 6 Dec 2019, 02:03:00


  26. Ben Thompson publishes highly inaccurate blog post fuelled by his hatred of and vendetta against a woman then gets his idiotic "bunny girls" to troll that person. Seeing a pattern here.

    1. Anonymous 5 Dec 2019, 18:59:00,

      It's more like the "girls' bunny" than the "bunny girls"...

  27. Elaine Strachan6 Dec 2019, 02:02:00

    Textusa Team - thank you for addressing this issue for me. I was not able to publish comments on the NT blog as "I wasn't welcome". Translated to - we wouldn't want the truth to get in the way of a good story.
    Jules thinks it's 'done' because BenT had the last word. It will not be finished until he proves his unfounded accusations or apologises (won't happen)
    The only thing I could do is sit back, never be contacted by police and hope that this proves to any sane human being that if there were a shred of truth to this, the police need reporting for not acting on such serious allegations.
    Where Jules fits in, nobody knows, but I will say again; stay out of things that don't concern you Eric.
    Emails to the witness to all this embarrassment should cease forthwith. There are some things that CAN'T be forgiven Z.

    1. I-know-more-about-science-than-you-ever-will NT isn’t straight. ‘You are not welcome’ is his way of saying ‘I’m not gonna argue with you in case I lose the argument.’ To be fair, Textusa is also known for withholding comments.

      Our vulgar Ben is ignorant and bent, and our Jules is yet a foul-mouthed apprentice.

      Merry Christmas.

    2. Anonymous 6 Dec 2019, 09:52:00,

      We only withhold abusive comments. If an abusive comment contains anything significant for the debate regarding the Maddie case, we censor it and publish it.

      FYI, in the last 24 hours we have withheld 7 drug-fueled, drunk, hate-filled comments.

    3. Anonymous 6 Dec 2019, 09:52:00,

      Sorry, haven't mentioned that we also don't publish comments with outlandish theories about Maddie.

      We say that because we have a reader who cannot be called abusive but keeps trying to plug-in his/her theory here.

    4. Textusa 6 Dec 2019, 09:59:00

      I appreciate what you’ve said. However, for instance, my following not ‘drug-fuelled, drunk, hate-filled’ comments were withheld:

      “Anonymous 14 Nov 2019 11:04:00

      Textusa 14 Nov 2019, 10:31:00

      Thank you for your kind comment, Textusa

      Yes, I agree, English grammar is a ‘Wow!’ thing indeed. I thought I could help. It seems I was wrong.

      Btw, I am a person with no connection with/attachment to anyone whatsoever on this blog. Like your good self, I never cease to amaze, that’s true, and the two of us have to share the burden of this cross.”

      “Anonymous 15 Nov 2019, 14:10:00

      Textusa 13 Nov 2019, 19:23:00

      Textusa, I’ve twice already let you know that my 11 Nov 2019, 18:32:00 comment was addressed to Anonymous 11 Nov 2019, 14:58:00, not to you. Twice you didn’t publish what I’d said.

      Alerting “to the resulting scent of the breakdown of volatile organic compounds” is very different from ‘alerting to the resulting scent (VOCs) of the breakdown of the organic matter (cadaver, blood)’. Anon (NT, according to you), a scientist knowledgeable in biochemistry, according to him, made a mistake that such a scientist would not be expected to make. NT’s position has always been that the dogs alerted, as trained, to the presence of some VOCs, not to the resulting scent of the breakdown of VOCs.

      I guess Anon understood the meaning of my question mark, and that’s why he hasn’t replied.

      I’ll wait.”

      Merry Christmas

    5. Anonymous 6 Dec 2019, 11:06:00,

      You had placed the question to Anon. We intervened BUT did not answer fro him/her or intended to.

      Your subsequent comment was being repetitive, reason why we didn't publish.

      We cannot twist people's arms and forcing them to reply. Even if we could, we wouldn't.

    6. Textusa 6 Dec 2019, 11:28:00

      To clarify:

      “Anonymous 11 Nov 2019, 14:58:00

      Eddie was an EVRD dog. He alerted to the resulting scent of the breakdown of volatile organic compounds. …

      I'll wait!”

      “Anonymous 13 Nov 2019, 18:32:00 [myself]

      Anonymous 11 Nov 2019, 14:58:00

      “He alerted to the resulting scent of the breakdown of volatile organic compounds.”


      I’ll wait.”

      I questione the statement “He alerted to the resulting scent of the breakdown of volatile organic compounds.”

      “Textusa 13 Nov 2019, 19:23:00

      Anonymous 13 Nov 2019, 18:32:00 [myself]

      Seriously? Is that all you've got?”

      I would tend to disagree as to my comments being unnecessarily repetitive, but that train had left the station weeks ago. Let’s now wait for the next one to take us where we want to go, shall we? I wouldn’t be thinking of twisting someone’s arms, for sure.

      No bad feelings.

    7. Thank you, Textusa. You’ve been fair letting my comments through.

      Merry Christmas.

    Karen Lowe Sanders‏ @EricaCantona7
    Replying to @carmarsutra @Jules1602xx and 48 others
    Why cant people just let things lie and not stir more than Mrs Beaton?
    10:48 AM - 6 Dec 2019


    Typical words from a typical wannabee playground bully when the sh*t starts to fly back at them from the fan.

    From this thing, completely unprovoked:
    Karen Lowe Sanders‏ @EricaCantona7
    Replying to @McCannCaseTweet @Anvil161Anvil16 and 11 others
    Can we meet Mini Mario the mendacious myopic midget too ?
    6:06 PM - 20 Aug 2019

  29. I always find it interesting when the gang start to ridicule and go on the attack. Why do they care what others write on their blogs and think unless it deviates away from the pretend official cover story. You can almost hear the mass hysteria from them when someone has any thoughts or opinions that they've helped feed the public, all this in the guise of pretending to stick to the facts when some are anything but. All I can say is with friends like these you don't need enemies, if anything the last three years has shown us is how money and power can heavily influence politics.

  30. "Why cant people just let things lie and not stir more than Mrs Beaton?" quote from EricaCantona7 Well why do you carry on...with this "Can we meet Mini Mario the mendacious myopic midget too ?" another quote from EricaCantona7.
    Such malicious, misleading and noxious words .......If you personally witnessed someone saying these words to another human being, how would you react ? Treat others how you wish to be treated !

  31. What a quote! We always say that truth always prevails in the end but no one has put it so clearly the reason why as this man has.

    This was shown to me by a friend. She knows I love these quotes and told me to listen at 32:00 of the following video:

    To put it in context, this is a program about economy and politics. It is run by the journalist Camilo Lourenço, who does a daily video on current themes, and weekly does this longer video, called “Think Tank” where he talks to 2 guests, Joaquim Aguiar and Jorge Marrão.

    In this particular part of the programme, they are talking about the fact that a judge, Rui Rangel, was expelled by the Superior Council of Magistrates from being a judge and his ex-wife, also a judge, compulsively retired.

    In Portuguese:

    Camilo Lourenço: É um sinal de que começa a existir justiça em Portugal? Nós nunca tivemos políticos atrás das grades… já temos, e temos outros a caminho, e temos neste momento um juiz que é expulso e outra que é aposentada compulsivamente. Podemos olhar para isto como um sinal de que justiça começa mesmo a funcionar?

    Joaquim Aguiar: Não. Podemos olhar para isto como um sinal que a verdade ocupa sempre o lugar da mentira. É preciso é dar tempo. Porque a mentira é utilizada para esconder a verdade, mas não dura sempre e portanto a verdade acaba por aparecer, e nós vamos encontrar isso agora na política americana. Será que isto significa que a justiça funciona? Não, isto significa que a justiça não pode deixar de reagir ao óbvio.

    In English:

    Camilo Lourenço: Is it a sign that justice is beginning to exist in Portugal? We have never had politicians behind bars… we already have, and we have others on the way, and we now have a judge who is expelled and another who is compulsively retired. Can we look at this as a sign that justice is really beginning to work?

    Joaquim Aguiar: No. We can look at this as a sign that truth always takes the place of the lie. It’s needed to give it time. Because the lie is used to hide the truth, but it doesn't always last forever and so the truth ends up appearing, and we will be finding this now in American politics. Does this mean that justice works? No, this means that justice cannot stop reacting to the obvious.



    The obvious is… obvious. And the obvious cannot be hidden.

    This applies so much to the Maddie case. Not only to what happened on May 3 and later in the covering-up of events, but also to the social media concerning this case, to this day.

    The obvious is indeed OBVIOUS and any sane normal person can see and understand the OBVIOUS. It's just so plain to see.

    Whispering‏ @Anvil161Anvil16
    Replying to @AnnaEsse @Max_____xxx
    - yes, to human CADAVERIC blood What ‘human fluids’ was Eddie alerted for?
    9:34 PM - 14 Nov 2019
    AnnaEsse‏ @AnnaEsse
    Replying to @Anvil161Anvil16 @Max_____xxx
    That's not what Martin said. Eddie was trained to alert to cadaverine, the organic compound released from a cadaver. If he was trained only on decomposing blood from a cadaver and Keela only to blood, if only Eddie alerted it was to cadaverine.
    9:41 PM - 14 Nov 2019


    We have already asked AnnaEsse what “other fluids” she thinks Eddie was trained to but she hasn’t replied yet (nor has Turaffe, nor has NotTextusa, to this question).

    So, we won’t be expecting an answer but we will ask anyway: what is the difference between “human CADAVERIC blood” and “decomposing blood from a cadaver”?

    Grime never said “human CADAVERIC blood”. That was mentioned by SCIENTISTS, not related to the Maddie case but to an experiment they conducted.

  33. "PLease do not publish" Anonymous at 9 Dec 2019, 09:28:00,

    Thank you for your concern. It takes more than a couple of Belascos to fool us ;)

    Best regards to you too.

    Madeleine CaseTweets 🌐‏ @McCannCaseTweet
    Replying to @McCannCaseTweet @xxSiLverdoexx @alentejo_1970
    I realized that some of the bloggers were “retornados” I didn’t know this. Great respect for what their families went through being repatriated after decolonization.
    6:32 AM - 9 Dec 2019

    Madeleine CaseTweets 🌐‏ @McCannCaseTweet
    Replying to @McCannCaseTweet @xxSiLverdoexx
    I just found out that Mario from Text USA is a retornado. My heart really goes out to him. It wasn’t easy for them initially in Portugal. Here is their story of Trauma and displacement
    6:43 AM - 9 Dec 2019

    SheLLxx ©Shellyphant 🦙 🐚E 🐘 😍 🐘 😍 ㊙ 👪 ❓ 🤔‏ @xxSiLverdoexx
    Replying to @McCannCaseTweet
    Having a read now I genuinely had no idea. Makes me feel bad for them having to go through that though .😞
    6:45 AM - 9 Dec 2019


    McFadden insists in putting publicly out alleged personal information about a member of our team without any authorisation or consent.

    Irrelevant if what is being said is truthful or not, McFadden’s intent is clear: expose personal information. Or in social media lingo: doxx.

    She puts on a faux act of sympathy with the clear goal to show she knows supposed personal information about us and wants the world to know it.

    If the aim was to tell the world that she is currently in a relationship status of “engaged” to someone who until very recently thought that McFadden was a huge liability and a total embarrassment to those associated with her, there was no need for her to now tweet about it as we all knew already that. She made the point of telling us that with her deranged and deluded “Mario tours” episode.

    Now this “retornado” thing comes from the same disgusting source as the “Mario tours” did, and that is the person who enjoyed my hospitality and that of my family.

    This person would confirm how well she was treated on May 14, as she would say this on Twitter (apologies for the absence of links but we only have the screengrabs) about the time she spent with us, when the visit was first known publicly:

    Not that I owe anyone an explanation. But. My oldest daughter bought me a ticket to and a room in Lisbon earlier this year. I decided to let Textusa know, who was kind enough to meet me, show me around town and took me for dinner. I found them to be nice, warm generous…/1
    12:19 pm – 14 May 2019”


    …in person and have literally nothing bad to say – however much we fundamentally disagree about the case and the people commenting on it. I told family and RL friends but no one online cos it was nobody’s business and also so nobody could ask me anything re T’ real life./2
    12:21 pm – 14 May 2019”

    The visit took place at the beginning of February.

    By sheer coincidence (obviously not) only after that visit did Mr Thompson, NotTextusa, Jules and the rest of the gang started to use “Mario” very extensively.


  35. (Cont)

    And it was also very shortly after this visit that the demeaning physical epithets (short-arse, bald, midget, etc) also began to be used by the gang. As a side-note, if we were to use the words used by this person to physically describe the gang, they would be quite surprised, very unpleasantly so. We won’t because the adjectives were vile and we refuse to stoop down to their level.

    That’s why we said, as we hope readers will remember, that whenever we read “Mario” and the physical epithets being used by the gang, we were smiling and enjoying it. The more they used them (and still use them) the more they exposed the source, the more they revealed that their only “reliable” source of information as someone who said, as the Portuguese say, snakes and lizards about them.

    The rat was then very clearly identified by the gang, we knew that it was coming from the person who was putting on the act of being pleasant and civil with me and the blog, while being her true heinous self behind my back. All one has to do is to read how exponentially the gang, all coming together as the true gang they are, suddenly ramped up since February the vitriol and the verbal aggression against me.

    The reader has seen that between February and May this woman had no qualms in feeding the poison to the vile gang while publicly pretending to be absolutely virtuous.

    Even after the GoFundMe scam was exposed, she continued with that act. An excerpt from her comment on Mr Thompson’s blog at 3 July 2019 at 17:43:

    “All I will say about textusa is I met him in good faith on a trip to Lisbon recently and I believe he did too. He was nice to me and I enjoyed the time I spent and the places he showed me. I’m sad that he’d think I’d be involved in some spying mission with people who he erroneously believes stalked a young girl. But I don’t think he can be persuaded otherwise and it’s best for me just to not read it. It might be different to be stalked and followed in real life but the link to the case/tag is irrefutable in this instance. So, I would hope textusa won’t support it.”

    We have been absolutely clear that we are certain that the stalking operation done against the minor was done by people with the pay grade way above any of the gang members, including NotTextusa. This woman has tried to give the impression that we believe Mr Thompson was involved in the stalking. Of course he wasn’t, people running operations like the one that targeted the girl would not trust him or this woman to fetch a newspaper. It’s just this woman trying to give herself and Mr Thompson importance they never had, don’t have and will never have. Conniving street artists will always just be that.

    However, do note how, according to this woman a minor caught scamming other people with her mother’s permission, namely a 14 yr old, has a “the link to the case/tag is irrefutable” so her supposed victimisation should be taken seriously, and so suggesting that those who denounce such a scam are way more disgusting and the issue be given way more relevance and seriousness than being “stalked and followed in real life” which, according to her just MIGHT be different.

    Just this absolute warped sense of reality allows us all to see with shocking transparency the true personality of the individual who is feeding the information to McFadden about me. To this person, a minor caught scamming should be protected and those accusing her totally vilified, while the real stalking, is to be minimised, if not discarded as the psychosis of an over-active imagination.

    The same person who agreed in front of and to the stalked girl that she absolutely agreed the stalking was related to the blog. Of course, we don’t doubt even for a minute that behind our backs, she dissed it all.


  36. (Cont)

    After all, according to this individual Elaine Strachan is a cocaine addict who when high gets blanked out BUT apparently has then only one inexplicable urge and that is during those highs to pick up a phone and call or text Mr Thompson and tell him all about Textusa! An sleepwalking addict with a bipolar tendency to contact a particular individual on a very specific subject. Amazing.

    Or as she said, paraphrasing because it was only said verbally to me and the stalked girl “Elaine is a good girl, she really loves you to bits and wouldn’t do anything against you on purpose… but when she gets high she just can’t control herself, she doesn’t remember what she says or does and I think she’s probably the one telling Ben everything… she doesn’t mean to hurt you but she just doesn’t remember she does it… I feel really, really bad telling you this…”

    Hopefully the reader will easily understand how this marked the stalked girl and why the girl crossed this woman immediately off the list of the people she would ever trust.

    And hopefully the readers will see, from where the cocaine reference appeared in the private convo between Walker and Elaine, in the screengrabs she has showed of that convo.

    It is this person who McFadden boasts of being associated with (with the “Mario’s tours” tweet and now this one) and is apparently very proud to be associated with her.

    Only later would this woman finally drop her act.

    And this is where there’s the first thing we have to correct McFadden on her tweet, and that’s where she says “that Mario from Text USA”.

    “Text USA”, McFadden? “Text USA”!!??? Really??

    What happened to the pervert blogger who got an erection from writing about minors?

    Readers will certainly remember the heinous accusation made against me about what Textusa meant. Here’s an interesting convo between this woman and Mr Thompson on the subject, on the Normalised Toilet blog:

    “Zora 27 September 2019 at 12:39
    Your Portuguese friend is right, Anon. Textusa is a sort of portmanteau of the Portuguese words for “text” and “hardon”.
    It’s more common for men to compensate for tiny penises with a sports car than with acres of irrelevant text. But have a heart - what if you’ve got a tiny penis AND you’re too tiny to fit behind the wheel of a sports car? ��

    Pseudo Nym 29 September 2019 at 11:57
    WTF? Just when I thought Mario couldn't be any sicker. What sort of person associates getting an erection with writing about Madeleine McCann? It's beyond vile. Mario and his friend are clearly a danger to children.

    Zora 29 September 2019 at 13:54
    Don’t want to think too much about what titillates TinyTusa tbh Ben. But yeah, it’s little wonder the pervy little weirdo has no support from his fellow Portuguese and friends of Amaral. What a giant waste of bandwidth and oxygen.”


    Note the epithets “too tiny to fit behind the wheel of a sports car” and “TinyTusa”.

    As a side-note to NotTextusa, this woman predicted that the association of you and J4M would be the death of the group’s credibility and that of its most frequent users. Must agree she was not very wrong there.

    We remind readers that the name Textusa PRE-DATES the Maddie case. And if it was in anyway offensive, out of respect for the little girl and all our Portuguese readers, we evidently wouldn’t have used it. And we trust our Portuguese readers that if we were ever disrespectful, they would immediately put us in our right place.

    One must really ask how is a Scottish woman so familiar with Portuguese and its colloquialisms to know that “Textusa is a sort of portmanteau of the Portuguese words for “text” and “hardon””?

    And knowing THAT for all these years, only NOW found it to be so disgusting? And then, knowing that, why on earth did she accept the hospitality of a “pervy little weirdo” in the first place?

    Why wait until the end of September to reveal such a heinous “truth”?


  37. (Cont)

    Before the reader accuses McFadden of being the one who explained to this person what the word Textusa was made up of, we must warn you that is not what happened.

    This woman knows because I told her. I happened to tell her in front of my daughter, and she laughed and concurred that it was brilliant idea. In fact, her laughter had such a glee to it that I can recall the exact location where I told her. The 3 of us laughed wholeheartedly.

    This was in February, and in May and in July, the “pervy little weirdo” had been, according to her words, a welcoming, warm and a very pleasant host.

    By the way, let me say that this woman was just one of MANY (really many) people to whom I have explained what the name means (and as explained, nothing to do with the Maddie case, it pre-dates it and was only to do with José Sócrates).

    They, all of them, and just like this woman did, found the wordplay provocative, intelligent and amusing.

    But only after this woman was told, did the gang try to make it something disgusting. The difference? The VAST majority of the people with whom I have interacted are simply normal and decent people.

    So, McFadden, back to your tweet, if you believe in all this woman has told you, then why call me “Text USA”? And where has your me being Spanish gone? We will, as always, not confirm or deny.

    The second correction I have to make to McFadden’s tweet is that I’m not a retornado.

    As our readers know, and we just said 2 paragraphs above, we don’t confirm or deny what is said about us BUT when we feed a storyline we would sincerely like it to see it be fed correctly. To feed is the key word there.

    Please get back to the woman and get the details of what I said correct. That’s the minimum we demand as it saves our memory in remembering what we fed you people. Much appreciated, thank you.

    This is like putting a ping-pong ball in a tube and waiting to see it comes out from the other end. It never fails.

    Now, about the apparent support for me (of course it wasn’t) shown by McFadden in her tweet.

    For that, we will use the words from use Jules’ friend, GC, as we couldn’t say it better:
    “YurahQunt‏ @annienonymouss
    Ok ...I tried to be subtle , now I'll be blunt: Izzy ...please stop liking & retweeting my tweets & attempting to initiate conversation's not going to happen , not today or tomorrow or ever ...find someone else to attach yourself to ...T.I.A. #mccann
    8:57 PM - 9 Oct 2019”


    Our apologies to GC but as your friend Jules likes to make the point that she likes to use info that comes from this particular source against us… (sorry, here we had to stop a bit there to laugh out just remembering what this person said about Jules and how the same person left Jules out of an important loop recently which made Jules end up completely humiliated by Orlov), what is good for the goose is good for the gander. GC, we know you will certainly understand.

    Back to the initial tweets of this comment, as readers noticed, Silver jumped in, helping this doxxing. Silver, McFadden’s French Bulldog, is always on the lookout of where she can earn extra needy points from her mistress.

    In the past, this MASSIVE hypocrite has had this to say about people being doxxed on social media:


  38. (Cont)
    SheLLxx ©Shellyphant 🦙 🐚E 🐘 😍 🐘 😍 ㊙ 👪 ❓ 🤔‏ @xxSiLverdoexx
    Replying to @strackers74 @Millsyj73 @Twitter
    @TwitterSupport @walkercan1000 Has had a busy few days - Alienating even their own kind. Apparently it's okay to use anything like he does for his own sick pleasure, bully, put others personal details without their permission on @Twitter & STILL he's able to bully SICK #McCann
    10:58 AM - 7 May 2018

    SheLLxx ©Shellyphant 🦙 🐚E 🐘 😍 🐘 😍 ㊙ 👪 ❓ 🤔‏ @xxSiLverdoexx
    Replying to @abuseofpower @zampos and 3 others
    Whatever the issues are are yours & this doesn't help your cause I don't agree personal information being shown by or about anyone and with all due respect I like JB feel you should delete it. No matter what the PERSONAL issue you have, YOU will be the one in trouble here #McCann
    11:32 PM - 14 Jun 2018

    SheLLxx ©Shellyphant 🦙 🐚E 🐘 😍 🐘 😍 ㊙ 👪 ❓ 🤔‏ @xxSiLverdoexx
    Stop acting the victim Debbie, it doesn't suit you.
    And stop revealing personal info on people, THAT is what PROS like Cass does, NOT a video pointing out the lunacy of what became the #mccann tag thanks to YOU guys last week, not me.
    2:23 PM - 10 Feb 2019

    SheLLxx ©Shellyphant 🦙 🐚E 🐘 😍 🐘 😍 ㊙ 👪 ❓ 🤔‏ @xxSiLverdoexx
    Replying to @DaveHallCoLtd @Jules1602xx and 44 others
    Well, I bet whoever it was is having a good laugh. There's no need for it and there's lines I will not cross with anyone, and yep, that family members and personal info stuff? It's not on. It's pretty cowardly if nothing else imo
    8:18 PM - 23 Apr 2019

    SheLLxx ©Shellyphant 🦙 🐚E 🐘 😍 🐘 😍 ㊙ 👪 ❓ 🤔‏ @xxSiLverdoexx
    Replying to @Babs108164110 @PhilipTann1961 and 43 others
    Yet they're still doing it! They target, goad, abuse, dox, it goes on and on because it's what they are here to do. Since when was the truth troll worthy or evil?
    11:33 PM - 2 May 2019

    SheLLxx ©Shellyphant 🦙 🐚E 🐘 😍 🐘 😍 ㊙ 👪 ❓ 🤔‏ @xxSiLverdoexx
    Seriously? On here, sometimes? You think if someone done the same to you, you wouldn't like it, why's it okay you have done it and not for that other person?
    Revealing personal info no matter what the issue with someone? NO. That's not on...I guess with some ethics don't matter!
    10:01 AM - 15 May 2019

    SheLLxx ©Shellyphant 🦙 🐚E 🐘 😍 🐘 😍 ㊙ 👪 ❓ 🤔‏ @xxSiLverdoexx
    Do not trust DPL on your personal fb - She divulges PERSONAL info on tag - She used to follow me on fb and is now plastering my JOB all over #mccann.....
    All for a BLOG?
    Hope it's worth it - YOU are pro worthy my dear.
    11:28 AM - 19 Jun 2019

    SheLLxx ©Shellyphant 🦙 🐚E 🐘 😍 🐘 😍 ㊙ 👪 ❓ 🤔‏ @xxSiLverdoexx
    Replying to @MillsyJ50 @BourgeoisViews and 44 others
    The downright lie told about me AND I can prove it too - I did NOT condone or share this photo. I said it was sad. MY opinion, that's it. I reported the account that posted it. I may not be a size ten or always right, but I do not dox or condone it on EITHER side, not just mine.
    10:00 PM - 7 Jul 2019


  39. (Cont)
    SheLLxx ©Shellyphant 🦙 🐚E 🐘 😍 🐘 😍 ㊙ 👪 ❓ 🤔‏ @xxSiLverdoexx
    Replying to @Max_____xxx
    Jules didn't dox anyone.
    Neither did Isabelle.
    Who doxxed was DANI.
    Her own parents. Apparently.
    Do you not find that disgusting?
    AND she doxxed our group and LIED - Over and over and over to US.
    Are you really going to condone all of that or are you involved?
    9:38 PM - 6 Oct 2019


    Apparently it’s ok to doxx when it’s McFadden doxxing, or when the doxxing is about this blog.

    Let’s now see what Silver says is Silver’s attitude about doxxing:
    SheLLxx ©Shellyphant 🦙 🐚E 🐘 😍 🐘 😍 ㊙ 👪 ❓ 🤔‏ @xxSiLverdoexx
    Replying to @kittlerious
    No, unlike some I don't dox...
    4:52 AM - 15 Apr 2019

    SheLLxx ©Shellyphant 🦙 🐚E 🐘 😍 🐘 😍 ㊙ 👪 ❓ 🤔‏ @xxSiLverdoexx
    Because certain people make it that way Snips. I've fallen out with a few here. Never once have I revealed any personal info. I don't want to cross a line that shouldn't be crossed. Why people keep doing so here I don't know. Whoever it is? What I saw yesterday was vile x 😞😞
    1:18 PM - 28 May 2019


    Says the person who wrote an entire blog post in her blog about “Mario” being… “Mario”.

    That, apparently, isn’t it doxxing.

    Continuing with Silver and her wise words:
    “SheLLxx ©Shellyphant 🦙 🐚E 🐘 😍 🐘 😍 ㊙ 👪 ❓ 🤔‏ @xxSiLverdoexx
    Replying to @lindale70139487 @2for1Tickets and 30 others
    Wow - You know it's bad and low when the pro's start to reveal your personal info on social media - They don't get what they're doing do they?
    8:38 PM - 7 Mar 2018”


    Let’s return to McFadden, it’s well known you pretend to have a lifestyle you don’t, garnering supporters who are impressed by the trappings of your success, lying to them, being supported to the hilt by a couple of the most impressionable and gullible acolytes, whilst being unaware of the probability of your house of cards being blown down quite easily.

    Anyone with a modicum of curiosity and ability to do some basic checks can blow that house down with a couple of gentle puffs. For example:
    “Madeleine CaseTweets 🌐‏ @McCannCaseTweet
    Replying to @mquintaocal
    Eu era pequena quando a Serra de Sintra ardeu toda, o meu avo era bombeiro voluntario de Oeiras. Foram dias horriveis, da nossa rua em Cascais nen se via a casa dos vizinhos do outro lado da rua
    6:23 PM - 8 Aug 2018”

    [Translation of this tweet: I was small when the Serra de Sintra burned completely down, my grandfather was a volunteer firefighter in Oeiras. They were horrible days, from our street in Cascais you couldn’t see the neighbour’s house across the street]


    When was this forest fire in the Serra de Sintra?

    Was it the 1966 one, when that platoon of soldiers died and which happened years before you were born?

    Or was it the 1989 one, which was minor and when you weren’t exactly a little girl then?

    Which one was it?

    So readers can understand how stupid this tweet is, Serra de Sintra is an iconic landscape mark in Portugal. Any fire there hits the news immediately.

    You do realise that the fire that hit Cascais between Malveira da Serra and Quinta da Marinha, so not Serra de Sintra, in 2000, did not produce enough smoke to blind anyone, right?

    Which fire was it? It’s easier to catch a liar than a limping man, one of the not politically correct phrases used by the Portuguese.

    Those who have put their reputations on the line by association are probably now aware of this. Those who are still with us anyway.

    A pose too far.

    1. Mcfadden would have been about 18 or 19 in 1989, so hardly a little girl! She couldn't tell the truth to save her life.

  40. I stand by every word. Triggered?
    You need to get off that high horse and get a life. tell your supporters to quit saying 'Mario' before you moan at others...
    And get that off your site trying to blackmail who others are.
    And stop stirring and lying about me.
    Give it a rest Text - the world doesn't work the way you are trying to make it and over-confidence isn't always a good thing.
    I'll be ss this too so you can't lie or twist this either and claim I'm someone I'm not.
    P.S - Still waiting for proof I've ever said about 'blood on a knife' you can provide it can't you?
    Signed SILVERDOE!

    1. Silver,

      Your sympathy for a “retornado” has suddenly vanished? Interesting.

      Glad to see that you assume that you now support tactics such as this:
      SheLLxx ©Shellyphant 🎭 🦙 🐚E 🐘 😍 🐘 😍 ㊙ 👪 ❓ 🤔‏ @xxSiLverdoexx
      Replying to @AndyFish19 @strackers74 and 7 others
      A friend of mine got conned by a pro posing as an anti - Phone number the lot - I thought the person was okay too, naive to the "Games" well, I soon realised not everyone is there for the right reasons I find that sad tbh I was just glad I didn't give any personal info myself
      5:35 PM - 2 Mar 2018

      We will reply to your “blood and knife” drama soon. We are just waiting to see you milk the last drops of that cow. And about your accusation that we said that Eddie was inside the Scenic. Neither have been forgotten.

      But for now, we must get into more serious matters. We didn’t want to but we must: Hamilton, Dane & Lemire.

      Ask your friends what those names mean.

    2. Oh, to the names above, do add Nate as well.

    3. 1 - I'll await being proven wrong with the dogs.... 2 - I DID and DO sympathise as per the retornado - You show no sympathy for anyone. At all. 2 - No drama, that accusations getting old. 3 - I've stayed well out of your personal spats with those names or others, you will NOT drag me into it.
      You aren't happy until you drag everyone in to YOUR drama, hence why our comments are belittled all over this blog. To trigger.
      That says more about you than you may realise. Who are you to dictate to anyone? It's none of your business what they do and say. You're nowt but a blogger. Big deal. Get over yourself.
      Signed SILVERDOE!

    4. Silver,

      Can you foresee a date when it is expected for Mr Thompson to write a post on his blog about Hamilton, Dane, Lamire and Nate?

      It was there that the public got to know what Ben-Hadj, Shanahan & Henderson meant, so we think it would only be fair that he would also got the scoop on these 4 names!


    5. Silverdoe, everyone can see the fake act you were putting on when McFadden told you Mario was a "retornado" and the two of you feigned sympathy for him. Please don't insult anyone's intelligence by claiming otherwise!

    6. Anonymous 12 Dec 2019, 16:20:00,

      To clarify, "retornado" has nothing to do with race (although it is linked primarily to white people who lived in the former colonies).

      When I have time, I will explain.

    7. In case this wasn’t read:
      Steven Hamilton‏ @TrollBusterXXX
      Replying to @strackers74 @AnnieIrish68 and 48 others
      Could Zora McCartney please contact me via DM for a liaison of mutual benefit. Thanks. #mccann
      3:03 AM - 13 Dec 2019


      We wouldn’t want the message not to reach the recipient.

      As if Twitter was needed for them to contact each other.

    8. Anonymous 12 Dec 2019, 16:20:00,

      With the April Revolution in 1974, the Portuguese colonies were given independence.

      One must understand that although a bloodless coup, Portugal had been fighting a colonial war in 4 of its colonies, a war that started in Angola in 1964 with the UPA attack on a Luanda’s prison.

      When the Revolution happened, the colonial war was happening in 4 of the colonies, by order of severity and in parenthesis the guerrilla movement in question: Guiné-Bissau (PAIGC), Angola (MPLA, UNITA; FNLA), Mozambique (FRELIMO) and East-Timor (FRETILIN).

      Immediately after the Revolution the Armed Forces Movement (the entity created by the Armed Forces to overthrow the government) announced that it was the intention of giving all the colonies their independence, handing over the power there to the respective guerrilla movements.

      Portugal had occupied the territories for centuries but it must be said that an effort to strengthen the presence of the Portuguese in the territories was made after WWII. This is important because it helps understand that when the Revolution happened, the white population residing in the colonies could be divided into the following groups:
      - a minority of those who had emigrated (not immigrated) prior to WWII, or were already born in the colonies and who would have been over 60 yrs old;
      - a very significant percentage, of those were born in mainland Portugal and emigrated to the colonies to find a better life, in some cases escape poverty, they would have been between 30 and 70 yrs old;
      - another significant percentage of those who were born in the colonies, the children of the mentioned above and who would have been younger than 40 yrs old;
      - a minority of people who were in the colonies on duty, such as the military and the civil servants.

      In 1974 the Portuguese population that resided in those territories saw themselves in the imminence of being ruled by those who had been their enemy for the last decade, which would mean they perceived that their presence would not be felt welcomed by the new regimes.

      A very significant part of the residents of the colonies decided then to move to Portugal. They were Portuguese in Portuguese territories moving to Portugal. No repatriation as McFadden claims. They were either locals or emigrants and not immigrants. These are the people who were “retornados”, the word meaning literally “returnees”.

      This gave place to a mass exodus from the colonies, mainly Angola and Mozambique towards the European mainland, or as it was known then Portugal Continental.

      Mass exoduses are always chaotic and stressful with people leaving with what they could (which was very little) and not with what they had, and out of what they had, not with what they wanted. Those who left immediately, in the summer of 1974 up until December that year, were still able to take most of their belongings but after that many families had to leave behind all their belongings and leave with only a suitcase.

      The other problem that these families encountered was that they were not welcomed in mainland Portugal.

      There were 2 reasons, the first being that they were seen by the local population as exploiters of the colonies. The country had taken a hard turn to the left and with all the ongoing propaganda then, anything or anyone related with the colonial war or the colonies were vilified.

      The second reason was that Portugal as a territory and its infrastructures was not prepared to receive such an unexpected wave of people. This obviously created tensions between the locals and the returnees.

      These 2 factors made these people feel they were like current day refugees.

      The times were tough and they went through a lot. However, the Portuguese are welcoming people and the tensions very quickly dissipated and the integration was quite quick. Would define it as “shock-event” that shook the Portuguese society between 1975 and 1977.


    9. (Cont)

      After that, the word “retornado” was used to define someone who had come from one of the colonies. It didn’t represent anything positive or negative in terms of social standing or acceptance by society. Some people were Algarvians, some were from the Beiras and others were retornados.

      As you can see, “retornado” has nothing to do with race, although the vast majority (but not all) were white families. It was a political stigma at first and then became a way to characterise in way people.

      With time it disappeared completely. In fact, it’s been over 30 years since I had heard it before McFadden mentioned it. Today, to say “retornado” it’s completely “out-of-fashion”, stale, inadequate. Frankly, meaningless.

    10. I understand that the term retornados is now regarded as derogatory? Just as the term Hispanic is regarded as derogatory by some Americans, as it’s a category the government decided to use, rather than a self-descriptive term.
      Any group of people seen by a country or its citizens as not being ‘one of them’ is likely to be labelled with a derogatory term.
      Maybe retornados was initially a neutral, descriptive term which acquired a derogatory status over time?

    11. It makes sense that the term "retornado" is 30 years out of date as it's over 30 years since McFadden lived in Portugal. Only to her daft bunch of devotees could she appear to have her finger on the pulse.

    Steven Hamilton‏ @TrollBusterXXX
    Replying to @strackers74 @Jules1602xx and 48 others
    When I doxx her and the Colonel you’ll be next. Followed by Short Arse. Ask Shell. She knows I’ll do it.
    11:46 PM - 12 Dec 2019


    Finally we can sleep, only AFTER Jules, the Turd and Elaine are doxxed shoud we resume worrying 😂😂😂😂😂

    Now I understand why tears were running from my dog’s eyes yesterday morning. The Hamilton he delivered then was really enormous. Poor, poor guy.

    Hope readers know fully understand why we love when we see the gang using the terminology they were fed by that woman, such as "short-arse" and Mario. 😂😂😂😂

      Steven Hamilton‏ @TrollBusterXXX
      I love the way McFadden tries backhandedly imply that Text comes from some sort of impoverished ethnic background (backed up, like a tag team, with support from Eltham). Hilarious. Could it be to deflect from the fact that Mcfadden's real father was black? #mccann
      2:53 PM - 14 Dec 2019


      Text??? TEXT??? Really?! Where has the “short-arse” gone??

      We would much prefer it. Or Mario. Anything to see you use THAT information. “Text” lacks that precision.

      Please don’t tell us that next you’re going to treat Textusa as the fictional woman she is… 😂😂😂😂

  42. Oh go away you dozy twerp, nobody is interested in your latest doxing project

    1. Anonymous 14 Dec 2019, 20:20:00,

      Do you mean Hamilton, Dane, Lemire & Nate? Can you say when Mr Thompson intends on writing the post on this person we have doxxed? Because without his help, like it happened with Ben-Hadj, Shanahan & Henderson, there’s no doxxing.

      Without Mr Thompson no one would know who Ben-Hadj, Shanahan & Henderson was outside those to whom that very clear message had been directed to, and without him, people won’t know who is Hamilton, Dane, Lemire & Nate.

      As you know, we have a doxxing limitation: either Mr Thompson exposes or what you call doxxing is not doxxing at all, no matter how much you try to twist and distort the obvious.

      Just noticed a POSSIBLE coincidence. We don’t know why Belasco decided to use the name Hamilton in his latest Twitter adventure as Steven Hamilton but as far as we can see, it is NOT related with the Hamilton of Hamilton, Dane, Lemire & Nate.

      Noted the genderless “dozy twerp”. 😂😂😂😂

    Madeleine CaseTweets 🌐‏ @McCannCaseTweet
    Replying to @McCannCaseTweet @xxSiLverdoexx
    Madeleine CaseTweets 🌐 Retweeted Revista SÁBADO
    This is a fantastic read just out on the history of the Retornados their suffering and contributions #Mario God bless his heart #Portugal #Must read
    Madeleine CaseTweets 🌐 added,
    8:08 PM - 14 Dec 2019

    Tweet liked by:
    xsilverdoe2x ㊙️ 💯 🤦‍♀‍ 🙄 ⁉️ 🤷‍♀‍ @theshelminator
    Madeleine CaseTweets 🌐 @McCannCaseTweet
    SheLLxx ©Shellyphant 🎭 🦙 🐚E 🐘 😍 🐘 😍 ㊙ 👪 ❓ 🤔 @xxSiLverdoexx

    And retweeted by:
    xsilverdoe2x ㊙️ 💯 🤦‍♀‍ 🙄 ⁉️ 🤷‍♀‍ @theshelminator
    Madeleine CaseTweets 🌐 @McCannCaseTweet
    SheLLxx ©Shellyphant 🎭 🦙 🐚E 🐘 😍 🐘 😍 ㊙ 👪 ❓ 🤔 @xxSiLverdoexx


    Bringing this tweet over for 2 reasons:

    # 1 – A friend now owes me a fiver as I made a wager McFadden was sufficiently vain and shameless to not back down. Proving she reads us, so we will ask her when does she intend to answer our question about the Serra de Sintra fire that engulfed her street with the most dark and thick smoke?

    By the way, we were flabbergasted to have realised that McFadden had neighbours across the street in Cascais. One would think that she lived in a property that would be so large that the smoke would allow her to see only half of the driveway to the main outdoor pool. We would say that to have across the street neighbours would be below the expected for such a text-book princess.

    #2 – To show how desperate is “I-never-doxx-Silver” for needy points.

      Madeleine CaseTweets 🌐‏ @McCannCaseTweet
      Replying to @Anvil161Anvil16
      Adoro a Zora que amor de rapariga.
      Fantastica mesmo, conheces a Zora?
      Ela conhece o Mário da textusa? Não sabia.
      #mccann 🧡🧡
      2:42 AM - 15 Dec 2019

      I love Zora what a love of a girl.
      Really fantastic, do you know Zora?
      Does she know Mário of textusa? I didn’t know that.
      #mccann 🧡🧡


      Congratulations. We see you’ve taken our advice and started to use the Portuguese keyboard option when typing in Portuguese. We even see that you can write acentos! Well done!

      Now, next level for you: it’s fantástica and not fantastica. It’s a palavra esdrúxula, so it requires an acento (always an acento gráfico) on the syllable pronounced with the highest intensity.

      Here is something to help you out, if you find yourself struggling with this subject:

      By the way, your friend was absolutely spot on in her assessment of you. As you are proving.

    2. “DO NOT PUBLISH” Anonymous at 15 Dec 2019, 12:39:00

      Thank you for the Information. It does indeed explain the accusation that I am Spanish and the interest in my alleged Portuguese credentials.

      We’re happy not to make it public but it gives us satisfaction to know that those concerned will know we have it.

      It speaks volumes about the need to establish status.

    3. Whispering requested it and McFadden has acquiesced and provided her own translation:
      Whispering‏ @Anvil161Anvil16
      Replying to @McCannCaseTweet @xxSiLverdoexx
      Could you translate that, please? #mccann
      12:53 PM - 15 Dec 2019
      Madeleine CaseTweets 🌐‏ @McCannCaseTweet
      Replying to @Anvil161Anvil16 @xxSiLverdoexx
      I love Zora she’s a lovely girl. Do you know her?
      1:52 PM - 15 Dec 2019


      Why hasn’t McFadden translated this?

      “Ela conhece o Mário da textusa? Não sabia” / “Does she know Mário of textusa? I didn’t know that”

      Madeleine CaseTweets 🌐‏ @McCannCaseTweet
      Replying to @Anvil161Anvil16 @theshelminator @xxSiLverdoexx
      It was horrible how many families displaced. I know sweetie that you don’t speak Portuguese. But I can translate this fantastic article for you just came out.
      2:31 AM - 15 Dec 2019


      Bringing this tweet over to the blog because it will be useful for one reason and because it may prove to be useful in the future for another completely different one.

    YurahQunt‏ @annienonymouss
    Heres what happens somebody thinks they can use info passed to them via game players to intimidate people name is Gordan Crane ...G.C. .....sorry "Text" but I despise bullies're welcome 😏 #mccann
    12:15 PM - 15 Dec 2019
    00The Jules... 🕵️‍♀‍ 🐌 🌸 🐌 🌸 🐌 🌸‏ @Jules1602xx
    Replying to @annienonymouss
    You're a massive lovely Qunt.. 😍
    1:08 PM - 15 Dec 2019
    YurahQunt‏ @annienonymouss
    FollowFollow @annienonymouss
    Replying to @Jules1602xx
    Woteva 😏....more a case of I'm not prepared to allow a bully to use the threat of exposing my identity to intimidate other people best to neutralise that threat? ....take it away from the asshole and reveal it myself ....your move text 😊
    1:13 PM - 15 Dec 2019



    No one was bullying anyone, just making the point that the “info passed to them via game players to intimidate people” used was from the same source and who you have now confirmed to be a game player.

    A game player who some now seem to have fallen in love with. Apparently.

    We used your tweet because we truly found your words inspiring: McFadden doesn’t fool you and she doesn’t fool us.

      YurahQunt‏ @annienonymouss
      Replying to @annienonymouss @Jules1602xx
      Let's deal with this point by point "Text" ....firstly , you ASSUME I know who passed you the info ....I don't , however , you confirmed my hunch that you aren't/ weren't smart enough to work it out yourself hence somebody must've told you .....1/
      7:14 PM - 15 Dec 2019
      YurahQunt‏ @annienonymouss
      Replying to @annienonymouss @Jules1602xx
      2 fail to refute that the purpose of repeatedly using my initials wasn't to attempt to intimidate me with the unwritten threat of revealing my identity ...unfortunately for you I'm one of those rare stubborn qunts that's never been afraid to slice my nose to spite my face
      7:18 PM - 15 Dec 2019
      YurahQunt‏ @annienonymouss
      Replying to @annienonymouss @Jules1602xx
      3 My issue / non issue with Isabel is mine , not ammunition for you to use to further your own petty agenda ...I have no desire whatsoever to be used as a pawn in yours or anyone elses pathetic online squabbles ...enjoy the rest of your Sunday 😊 Yurah Qunt
      7:21 PM - 15 Dec 2019



      We have never assumed you knew who passed the info – but you have confirmed, whoever it may be, is a game player.

      If you read the initial comment which provoked your reaction today, we state very clearly that we were given the information. We have never pretended we’ve found it, have we ever looked for it nor have asked for it. It was given to us. In fact, the entire point is that: it was given to me by a game player.

      And that is the point you seem to miss. Your friend Jules liked (likes?) to use information like “Mario” and alleged demeaning physical descriptions of myself, such as “short-arse” that have come from that exact same source.

      You can complain that you didn’t ask to be brought into the issue but the only way we had to show to show that we knew who was exactly the source that was feeding that information to the gang, of which your friend Jules is part of, and that we also knew tha tit was the same person who had given us info about the gang and their friends, was to use a clear and precise example, an example who would be recognised with the intended clarity by someone within said gang.

      Among the names we were given the choice fell on you. But it was not by chance, you brought yourself into it, as we hope to explain.

      As far as we can remember, we have mentioned you 3 times, and your initials only twice (hardly qualifying as repeatedly).

      The first time we mentioned you because we wanted to highlight how although Jules appeared to be very much offended because Orlov had used a derogatory term to women, she appeared to have absolutely no problem in interacting publicly with someone bearing a clearly gross twitter name, such as yours.

      No mention of initials, nor was there even any intent to pinpoint you other than to show Jules’ hypocrisy.

      The second time, which was the first time we mentioned your initials, happened after our Ben-Hadj, Shanahan & Henderson comment (ask Jules what we mean, if you don’t know what we are talking about).

      That comment was made at the point in time we found that we had had enough of being publicly insulted on the basis of information which had a clear origin, and we knew which it was. On the day we made that comment, June 22, we simply decided to show that we were going to level the playing field and reveal we knew exactly from where said information was coming from. As you say, if one doesn’t stand up to bullies the bullies think they are entitled to say and do all.


    2. (Cont)

      In October, you decided to publish this tweet:
      YurahQunt‏ @annienonymouss
      Before it starts .....I am not Not Textusa , I'm not Textusa the swingy thingy either ......glad we cleared that up 😏#mccann
      7:34 PM - 9 Oct 2019

      Reacting to it – see how you brought yourself into this? – we simply showed that we obviously knew that you weren’t us or NotTextusa, which was more than obvious. However, we saw the opportunity to inform the gang via Jules that we knew who the source against us was. By using your initials, we wanted to show we knew who you were and that information could only have come from that one person.

      It obviously never crossed our minds to reveal your name. We used your initials to target the gang and not you. The idea was NOT to say “I know who you are” BUT to state clearly “gang, we know where your info comes from”.

      We used your initials then prompted by you. Not saying you are to blame that we used it, just making it very clear that we jumped on an opportunity you gave us an opportunity to make a statement.

      The second time was what we are debating here. Again, you were a victim of a coincidence. The words of that tweet of yours fitted perfectly with what we wanted to say, so we decided to use it. That simple. That was the only reason we used it.

      Having made that decision and having previously mentioned your initials we decided again to seize the opportunity to reinforce the idea that we knew exactly who the source being used was. So we decided to state what we had stated before: we have also information that comes from the same source as Jules’ source for her use of personal information (a use which we haven’t seen you condemn in any way) and for McFadden’s “Mario tours” and now this “retornado” thing.

      To be very clear, your initials appear because of how adequate was your tweet within the context and not the other way around. We didn’t use your tweet to use your initials, we used your tweet and then decided to use your initials. If you had not written that tweet, you wouldn’t have appeared in that comment.

      For that reason, we not only fail to refute the accusation of using your initials to intimidate you, as we adamantly refute it.

      As we said we would never reveal your name and nor use publicly any other information regarding you given to us by that source. If that thought crossed your mind, it shows you fail to grasp our set of values. We will never stoop to the level of invading other people’s homes, interact with their children to then slag the parents and pass on information.

      Anyone who uses info from that person condones such behaviour.

      We have no idea what is your issue with McFadden nor do we want to know. We didn’t use it as ammo. We used a tweet from you, which is public and we did not give it any other context than the one we have already said: you’re not fooled by McFadden, nor are we.

  45. We think now is the time to revisit the comment we made on June 27 (not June 22 as we wrongly said above).

    Now that the reader knows the full context that after having been subject for months of vile personal abuse by the gang based on information, the origin of which we had known the moment it started being used, the reader will be able to see how transparent and objective this comment was then:

    “Textusa27 Jun 2019, 15:02:00

    Please tell your friend over at Ben-Hadj, Shanahan & Henderson, that the bank has contacted us and they have very bad news for your friend.

    They have confirmed that they are really going to collect the loan. With interest. To the last cent. To the very last cent. Regardless of whatever. You know how banks are, ruthless, persevering dogs that don’t let go of the bone.

    The bank said, not sure what it means but they are certain you will know, that you are the one hiking up your friend’s interests to loan shark levels and is something you may want to know. We did tell them that you have no friends, just servants and bosses. As that person at Ben-Hadj, Shanahan & Henderson falls into the servant category and as you have proven that you don’t give a hoot about your servants, we warned the bank that it wouldn’t make a difference but they insisted we tell you.

    You’ve been told and that person has also read it, it’s now between you two, if you give a toss.

    The bank says all the paperwork has been done and is ready, the balance sheet has been refined (when and where the money of the loan was spent, how it was spent but most importantly with whom it was spent) and is just waiting for management to decide what will the right time to go collecting.

    By the way, the bank has also said that the balance sheet on your friend at Ben-Hadj, Shanahan & Henderson, is not the only one they have ready. It seems they have refined sheets on many of your other friends too. And friends of your friends.

    A financial crisis coming?”

  46. The only reason we are bringing this tweet over to the blog is because we have been asked privately to explain what the hell is Silver on about with it:
    SheLLxx ©Shellyphant 🎭 🦙 🐚E 🐘 😍 🐘 😍 ㊙ 👪 ❓ 🤔‏ @xxSiLverdoexx
    Mad blogger doing this crap for well over 8 years! 😩😩
    Causing divides. Snipping comments and posting them out of context.
    If he doesn't like our comments on twitter, he doesn't have to look.... THIS is the true 'truther'
    #Truestory #weirdo … …
    9:59 AM - 16 Dec 2019

    [Pic #1 is a screengrab of a snippet of our comment at 15 Dec 2019, 22:48:00:

    “It obviously never crossed our minds to reveal your name. We used your initials to target the gang and not you. The idea was NOT to say “I know who you are” BUT to state clearly “gang, we know where your info comes from”.

    We used your initials then prompted by you. Not saying you are to blame that we used it, just making it very clear that we jumped on an opportunity you gave us an opportunity to make a statement.”]

    [Pic #2 is the following screengrab of one of our blogs:

    “Trash Can
    Where go the comments from all those who think they can distract us with crap”

    Left column:
    “Sunday, March 27, 2011
    F***wit Insane on "The REAL Quiz Night at Tapas"
    Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "The REAL Quiz Night at Tapas":

    Good grief.

    It really is like the Emperor's new clothes.

    All too dim to see that Textusa is as phoney as a nine-bob note.

    There was a quiz night - two, in fact

    Not on the night Madeleine disappeared, though. That, like so much else, was misreported in the press. The restaurant was not closed on account of it being low season. It was decidedly open and was where, with the exception of their first night, the McCanns and their friends dined.
    Textusa is trying to pull the wool over your eyes, and as ever you are too thick to realise it. Why do you think she has been selectively quoting from my posts? Because they contain questions she refuses to answer

    You have to ask yourself why she would be too scared to answer them

    Incidentally, Textusa, you are none too bright yourself. Some of your posters are not what they seem. And you can't even see when you are having the piss taken out of you. How funny if someone else spots it first.........

    Sleep lightly.... “

    Right column:
    Blog Archive
    ▼ 2011 (7)
    ▼ March (1)
    F***wit Insane on "The REAL Quiz Night at Tapas"
    ► February (6)
    ► 2010 (22)

    About Me
    To win a battle with an army of 1 is truly gratifying. To win the war with such an army, is sublime.
    View my complete profile”]


    The first picture speaks of itself although we have no idea what point Silver is trying to prove.

    It is about the second picture that we have been asked about. It’s a screengrab that is from a blog that is clearly ours.


  47. (Cont)

    The blog title is quite clear “Trash Can” and the sub-heading also is for anyone with average intelligence: “Where go the comments from all those who think they can distract us with crap”.

    Then, as clue to the less intelligent, the first line of the post that is shown says “Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "The REAL Quiz Night at Tapas”

    This blog was created because as I was then accused of hiding comments, I decided to create a blog where I published the comments I had decided not to publish in the Textusa blog. Let readers know what crap I had received and didn’t want it polluting the blog.

    That is what Silver is promoting: our first toilet. Where the crap went. We created the blog, put up a link on the front page of the Textusa blog, and whoever wanted to read crap, they were free to go there.

    That blog was started before we became a team. I quickly realised that it didn’t deserve the time I was wasting in keeping it updated. Crap is crap, and there’s so much one can reinvent crap before it becomes boring. For example, all one has to do is to look at the Turd’s twitter timeline (Karen Lowe Sanders) and see how boring it is to watch the monotony of someone who only knows to spew crap. But then, turds don’t talk, they’re only… able to release a fetid and nauseous gas, so no surprise coming from there.

    So, I stopped updating it. It became just a link that was on the blog’s front page but that no one visited.

    NotTextusa created a blog in 2013 with the exact same intent (publish comments we didn’t publish in the blog). That invalidated all and any validity to the accusation that we were hiding comments. Those who disliked us now had a place completely out of our control to publish their comments. Our toilet #2, with the huge advantage for us that we didn’t have to maintain it, the Normalised Toilet.

    Because toilet #1, the “Trash Can” blog contained nothing but crap, the other members of the team at a certain point in time asked me to take the link away from the blog page. Which I did, and honestly cannot remember when I did that but it was years ago. Fascinating that Silver would now harvest something well before her time.

    Oh, and it’s still there, people can still read it:

    Out of curiosity, we then called NotTextusa as Insane. We had previously called him Yawn. As we said only in 2013 did he create his NotTextusa persona, the Bridget 😂😂😂😂 from New South Wales (can the reader now guess who was also spreading this Bridget crap together with Mr Thompson? Not very hard to guess…)

    But the funny thing is that Silver revives and brings attention to something that benefits us! Shows how we have been subject to abuse for the past 11 years. Not 8 years, Silver. Started to participate in the social media regarding the case after GA published his book and created the blog in October 2018.

    Now for the difficult question: what did Silver try to achieve with this? WE HAVEN’T THE FOGGIEST!

    It’s said “in vino veritas” but we would like to invent a phrase of our own: “In ira, patet ex purissimam aquam”

    That was what Google translator returned in Latin for “in rage, clear as the clearest water”.

      𝓕𝓪𝓫𝓾𝓵𝓸𝓾𝓼 Rebecca ©️ 👸🏼‏ @LoverandomIeigh
      Replying to @_Babalou_
      Wouldn’t put anything past the colonel, wasn’t she accused of physically assaulting her ex?
      According to Zora...
      #domesticabuse #domesticviolence
      6:07 PM - 16 Dec 2019 from Kildare, Ireland


      NO! We won’t believe this!! Why would a lovely girl say such a horrible thing about one of her friends?? Not possible!

  48. Given to us by our “FB Anon”:

    What Cadaver Dogs Really Sniff for in the Hunt for the Dead
    Not even 12 feet of soil can get between these dogs and a corpse.

    By Lucy Huang
    on July 27, 2017
    Filed Under Death

    In mid-July, a frustrating search for four missing men in Bucks County, Pennsylvania ended with the discovery of Dean Finocchiaro’s corpse buried in a suburban farm. The grisly unearthing led the killer, Cosmo Dinard, to confess to the murders of all four men. Though solving the crime required about 50 law enforcement investigators and the FBI, the it couldn’t have been done without the cadaver dogs. They managed to sniff out Finocchiaro’s body, even though it was buried 12 and a half feet underground.

    These dogs have their work cut out for them. Unlike drug- or bomb-sniffing dogs that just need to identify a few specific scents, cadaver dogs must learn to identify hundreds.

    Training requires a lot of exposure to a lot of putrid odors, but acquiring isolated versions of those odors isn’t easy. That’s why there’s a macabre realm of science research focusing on identifying the smells that leach out of the dead — and isolating them for dogs (and their humans) to identify.

    When cadaver pups first start out, they practice not with real corpses but with synthetic cadaver scents. These are a real thing: the chemical giant Sigma-Aldrich makes three different corpse scents for canine training, including “recently dead,” “decomposed,” and “drowned victim.” But when it comes to the scent of dead bodies, nothing beats the real, multifarious stench.

    Human bodies decompose in five basic stages, and each of those stages produces dozens of different odors. In an attempt to classify them, researchers from Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the University of Tennessee teamed up with the FBI to build a “decompositional odor analysis database.” In a 2004 article in the Journal of Forensic Science, they explained their process: First, they buried four bodies in graves between 1.5 and 3.5 feet deep and, over the course of the next year and a half, used traps to capture the air that emanated from the rotting bodies through the ground. After analyzing 374 samples from the graves, they found out just how many volatile chemicals the human body makes when it decomposes: a whopping 424.

    Many of these scents are likely identifiable only by trained dogs, but a few will stick out even to the common human nose: cadaverine, putrescine, skatole, and indole. As Inverse has explained in the past, these compounds smell particularly rank:

    Cadaverine, the smell of which is officially classified as “unpleasant,” is responsible for the foul smell of rotting flesh and is also found in urine and semen. Putrescine, which smells fairly similar to cadaverine, is also what makes bad breath bad. Skatole — which is also found in coal tar — and indole are major components of feces. Strangely enough, skatole and indole are also used in low concentrations to develop flowery scents for perfumes.

    Cadaverine, the smell of which is officially classified as “unpleasant,” is responsible for the foul smell of rotting flesh and is also found in urine and semen. Putrescine, which smells fairly similar to cadaverine, is also what makes bad breath bad. Skatole — which is also found in coal tar — and indole are major components of feces. Strangely enough, skatole and indole are also used in low concentrations to develop flowery scents for perfumes.

    Despite the fact that a dog’s sense of smell is 100 to 1,000 times more sensitive than a humans, these dogs still need to put in a lot of practice — the training process usually spans from 18 months to two years. But all that time and dogged sniffing pays off: When it comes to finding a corpse buried deep underground — even if it’s “hundreds of years old,” according to cadaver dog expert Cat Warren — these death-sniffing pups are still more effective than any machine.

    1. Interesting... such a detailed article and no mention of live blood.

  49. Re Textusa @ 16 Dec 2019, 21:57:00 "NO! We won’t believe this!! Why would a lovely girl say such a horrible thing about one of her friends?? Not possible!"

    Zora McCartney has not only told people all about Karen's personal life and domestics, but is also as cruel and disparaging about Ponce's own children, as Ponce is when she tweets about Loverandomleigh's children and husband. Ben T said he knows when Zora has been up to no good, because she sends flowers if she thinks she will get caught. Nobody's family is safe on facebook, as the mods don't allow anyone to join their groups if they won't allow mods to be their fb friends. Which leaves people and their kids open to exploitation from people like Ponce and Zora.

    ���������������� Rebecca ©️����
    Dec 16
    Shut up Dunce, like you’re not one of my BIGGEST fans ��

    Dec 16
    The Ponce account is calling your beautiful children a "rabble of unfortunate looking offspring" ffs! And on another thread (unrelated to you) the Colonel is posting gifs making fun of dwarfism. They really are a charming bunch! �� �� ��‍♀️ �� ��‍♀️
    ���������������� Rebecca ©️����
    Dec 16
    Wouldn’t put anything past the colonel, wasn’t she accused of physically assaulting her ex?

    According to Zora...

    #domesticabuse #domesticviolence
    Dec 16
    Oh, didn't know that had come from Zora. Lol.
    ���������������� Rebecca ©️����
    Replying to
    Yeah, hmm > Zora doesn’t discriminate when she’s doxxing, pros or anti #McCann are fair game for her. She found out (through doxxing the colonel) that she had a pending court case. She then spreads that around & pros get to hear too... with friends like her eh ��
    1:13 PM · Dec 17, 2019 from South Dublin, Ireland·Twitter for iPhone
    Replying to

    Karen Lowe Sanders‏ @EricaCantona7
    Replying to @TrollBusterXXX @Anvil161Anvil16 @strackers74
    i thought it was quite interesting at first, although verbose wasnt in it . then it became more and more far fetched, the table toppers etc from some random flat bed truck found on google images showed that the straitjacket wasnt doing its job tho
    9:52 AM - 17 Dec 2019


    The turd breaking wind.

    Taking into account that we’ve defended the Big Round Table NEVER existed since 2011 and have only recently mentioned the truck relatively recently, when did this individual find us quite interesting?

    By the way, when does the Turd intend to answer the question we have put her?

    The Turd published a pic of Martin Brunt sitting at the “Brunt BRT”, which, according to her, would prove once and for all that the BRT did exist.

    We replied asking the Turd what was a certain reflection on the table that could not be from Brunt that appeared on the picture she used. That reflection, among other things, proved that the entire video from where that pic came from was doctored, meaning Brunt had simply invented a BRT.

    The Turd never replied. Maybe she fell asleep in the toilet.

    1. By the way, and so readers can see how the Turd’s only objective in this case is to spout crap, the image of the truck was not from Google images.

      It was an image taken on May 4 2007, the day after Maddie disappeared and that was why we said its presence there on THAT early evening was important.

      The Turd is desperate to undermine details.

    2. A request from team member:

      “Could we revert to Yapper as Karen’s name as all the toilet references make us like NT and JBS, who are/were keen on scatological terminology?”

      Because we are a team and as the point has been made regarding this person, she will be henceforth referred to what we used to call her: Chihuahua.

      People calling her Colonel is a total disrespect to the military and gives her an aura of respectability and authority she doesn’t deserve in the least.

    Inez Carole Shooter‏ @InezShooter
    Replying to @EricaCantona7 @AnniL059 and 48 others
    I think I called it Bacon Rettuce & Tomatoe back then.
    10:18 AM - 18 Dec 2019


    Interesting, when the gang targeted you, if we remember well, you didn’t find it amusing. And you seemed to have appreciated when we came in your support. It seems we read the entire thing wrong then. You now like to side with the gang in the schoolyard.

    Would we support you again if the gang decided to pile on you again? Of course, we would. It’s not about you or about the gang but of having values and a conscience. We act according to them.

    Since you jest about the BRT, can you please provide evidence that it did exist (you can be the one who finally convinces Jules to show the pics she says she has) or refute anything we have said about the fact the table did not exist? TIA


      I note Inez retweeted this tweet saying that neglect was their alibi. Their alibi for what, does she think?
      So how does she reconcile that with her belief they dined at the big table?
      Night after night.
      Does she believe the quiz nights actually took place in a restaurant, where diners also had to queue for a booking?
      Has anybody ever been to a restaurant which serves meals at the same time it has quiz nights?

  52. To the person asking why we call Chihuahua as Chihuahua:

    Rabid, virulent, pathetic, laughable, insignificant, unimportant, irrelevant.

    A Rottweiler is feared. Even when silent a Rottweiller always generates respect. In terms of dogs, the dignified, respected and feared Rottweiller is the complete opposite of an irritating Chihuahua.

      Steven Hamilton‏ @TrollBusterXXX
      Replying to @EricaCantona7 @nessiestressy and 47 others
      You don’t have to justify yourself on here Miss. In any event no one believes those two liars. X
      3:07 PM - 18 Dec 2019


      Independent of what, or even if, that woman has been spreading about Chihuahua (however Chihuahua should take ALL information coming from that source as truthful and not only the one that she spread against us), isn’t it interesting how this disgusting individual whenever there is a “crisis” he ALWAYS takes the side of the gang?

      🎄ANNE 🎄 🎁 🍷‏ @AnniL059
      Replying to @EricaCantona7 @Caesar2207 and 48 others
      Whose TextUsa? Is it the same person ? Sorry Karen, I can't keep up with these odd people with multiple personalities.
      9:31 AM - 18 Dec 2019
      Karen Lowe Sanders‏ @EricaCantona7
      Replying to @AnniL059 @Caesar2207 and 48 others
      textUsa is a Portuguese pygmy who writes a boring blog full of rubbish basically. He thinks thr answer to Madeleines demise is down to swinging. no one with an ounce of intelligence believes his drivel of course :-)
      9:41 AM - 18 Dec 2019


      For someone who is supposed to be a victim of domestic abuse, or so she alleges, the Big Rabid Chihuahua (BRC) certainly does not spare violent and bullying wording online.

      Only BRC knows what, if any details she has confided about her personal life to the woman mentioned in Rebecca’s tweet.

      It may be advisable for BRC to be discreet as some, not us, will be watching her tweets with X-ray vision.

    Woger Wabbit‏ @turaffetamer
    Replying to @Anvil161Anvil16 @theshelminator
    Yo Mario, one last question before I head to the land of nod, big day tomorrow, its what we call mad Friday.
    What do you think of free and subsidized housing in portugal?
    11:45 PM - 19 Dec 2019

    Woger Wabbit‏ @turaffetamer
    Replying to @Anvil161Anvil16 @theshelminator
    You didn't answer my question about what you thought about free and subsidized housing in portugal Mario!!
    11:57 PM - 19 Dec 2019

    Woger Wabbit‏ @turaffetamer
    Replying to @Anvil161Anvil16 @theshelminator
    You know exactly what you was doing.
    Nothing wrong with gays, unless they try touch you where you wee.
    Is this what happened to you Mario whilst living in subsidized housing?
    12:17 AM - 20 Dec 2019


    This individual clearly thinks I’m Whispering. We won’t confirm nor deny. In case I’m not, he’s clearly talking to me and not Whispering. In case I am, he’s talking to both.

    Apparently now I live in subsidised housing. And subsidised in total as it’s rent-free thanks to the generous state of Portugal. Again, won’t confirm or deny.

    First and foremost, we reiterate that there’s nothing shameful to be poor. Shameful are only those who ridicule poverty as is the case of this individual and the MASSIVE hypocrite Silverdoe who likes these kinds of tweets.

    But this accusation is quite depressing, not because of the supposed poverty but because there’s an incontrovertible element to it that must be highlighted.

    There’s only one way for this individual to have gotten this information from: “that woman”.

    Now, imagine that the reader receives in the reader’s home a person who feels who later reveals to have had the need to use her children to scam people because she allegedly skips meals in her own home, and then the reader finds that such a person looks down at one’s home and thinks it to be a subsidised free home! How depressing is that?

    The only thing we can’t understand is why she accepted I pay for her dinner when she immediately understood the hardship I must have been in!

    We were hoping that Silver would find in her heart to give me some of that “retornado sympathy” that she expressed a few days ago, but seeing that she liked these tweets, I guess my poor Cinderella heart was hoping for way too much…

    But don’t feel sorry for me. This year I even put up a Christmas tree, hope readers really like it but that is all I could afford this year:

      Woger Wabbit‏ @turaffetamer
      Replying to @Anvil161Anvil16 @theshelminator
      Have I met you?
      Would I like to?
      Sure 😁
      11:34 PM - 19 Dec 2019
      Woger Wabbit‏ @turaffetamer
      Replying to @Anvil161Anvil16 @theshelminator
      Speechless then continues to write a whole load of drivel in a massive paragraph.
      Look nob head I've had just about enough of the bolleoux from you and ya blog of pathetic idiots.
      The next few days are gonna be really interesting.
      Watch and learn
      12:32 AM - 20 Dec 2019


      Threat (liked by Silver) noted.

      And before it is said I’m confirming I’m Whispering, I’m not. The threat is clearly directed at “Mario”.

      Karen Lowe Sanders‏ @EricaCantona7
      Replying to @Max_____xxx @Jules1602xx and 5 others
      The truth is coming, it's taken a while to assemble but we are getting there. Bringing an innocent Zora into it was a huge mistake
      10:50 AM - 20 Dec 2019


      Compiling a dossier against Mr Thompson?!? After all, he was the one who brought in “an innocent Zora”!!

      Is it against us? If it is, can whoever it is that is compiling it, please include Jules’ BRT pics? Please, pretty please?

      At least, we know 2 of the people who are involved in it: BRC and Woger.

      Let’s see if this time they don’t bring in people who haven’t given their permission to be brought in, to then later accuse us that it was us who did that.

      Steven Hamilton‏ @TrollBusterXXX
      Replying to @zampos @EricaCantona7
      Word is Zora McCartney is going public on Short Arse. She’s just biding her time. X #mccann
      11:34 PM - 20 Dec 2019

  54. More threatening behaviour from Not Ben.

    Woger Wabbit
    absolute disgrace your pretend offices are. Don't like democracy and think they are above the law. Just wait. Scum bags
    Show this thread
    Woger Wabbit
    So I've r just been refused McDonald's in Leeds cos I support Johnston, the fat fuck police who still can't catch me refuse me entrance. Scum cunts come at me off duty see who wins. Pricks
    Show this thread
    Woger Wabbit
    Replying to

    and 4 others
    Why don't you you tnuc

    Woger Wabbit
    Replying to

    and 4 others
    From places with zero laws and zero morals and grow up to rape and traffic kids
    Woger Wabbit
    Replying to
    Wow so your quoting from the book of a lying tnuc. Well done
    Woger Wabbit
    Replying to
    Yeah just fancy showing the nob up.
    Most likely that turaffe tnuc
    Woger Wabbit

  55. @ Anonymous 21 Dec 2019, 13:02:00

    McDonalds have cameras. @turaffetamer should ask for the film and prove the police abused him. Alternatively, police could identify him from the film and arrest him for making threats to them on twitter.

  56. Unpublished Anonymous at 21 Dec 2019, 15:19:00, at 21 Dec 2019, 16:20:00 and at 22 Dec 2019, 08:12:00,

    As you have seen, after McFadden’s antics and the continued barrage of abuse based on alleged personal information they know to be was groomed obnoxiously, we have lowered the threshold of the filter with which we publish, or not your comments.

    However, even with a lowered filter, we cannot publish these comments however informative and detailed they are. For example, the relationship between some gang members and subsidies by the state is of a personal nature. It would show them to be hypocrites but that, we don’t think needs further proving as what is already known suffices.

    About the relationships between each other, we have to be consistent: what is done between 2 consenting adults, both with the capability to consent, is their business and their business alone, and we would be grateful if you would leave such details out of future comments.

    Not having published your comments, we hope you appreciate this:
    Anthony Bennett‏ @zampos
    Replying to @EricaCantona7
    Maybe the most revealing thing in this sad thread of people arguing with each other is the reference to #Textusa as MARIO. It's time this male swinger & fraud was exposed & we all found out who he really is. Remember he still defends the 'death after 6pm Thursday' theory #McCann
    3:15 PM - 20 Dec 2019

    Karen Lowe Sanders‏ @EricaCantona7
    Replying to @zampos
    He's a swinger? Yikes 😂
    10:39 PM - 20 Dec 2019

    00The Jules... 🕵️‍♀‍ 🐌 🌸 🐌 🌸 🐌 🌸‏ @Jules1602xx
    Replying to @EricaCantona7 @zampos
    The plot thickens.. 👀
    10:41 PM - 20 Dec 2019

    Karen Lowe Sanders‏ @EricaCantona7
    Replying to @Jules1602xx @zampos
    Not to say sickens 😶
    11:06 PM - 20 Dec 2019


    Firstly, it is very pleasing to see Mr Bennett and BenT’s gang, hand in hand, frolicking happily together in the meadows of hatred and filth they have steadily construed to appease the frustration of their failures.

    If readers don’t remember, both BenT and Jules have accused Mr Bennett of cottaging:
    00Bugsy‏ @TheBunnyReturns
    Replying to @TheBunnyReturns @jules1602x and 6 others
    There was also reference on the internet to Tony Bennett being caught for a pratice known as "cottaging" ie performing acts of sexual indecency upon another man in a public toilet.
    8:43 am - 8 Jan 2019
    00The Jules... 🕵️‍♀‍ 🐌 🌸 🐌 🌸 🐌 🌸‏ @jules1602x
    Replying to @TheBunnyReturns @zampos and 5 others
    I heard a rumour he had an affair with Textusa.. Not sure how true that is..? #McCann
    8:55 am - 8 Jan 2019

    [tweet liked by Silverdoe]


    And when we defended Mr Bennett against this particular vilification, Jules insisted in the accusation:
    Jules ♡‏ @jules999x
    For those on TEXtuSa blog.. Cottaging is illegal in the U.K... It is covered under the Sexual Offences Act 2003... #McCann
    12:54 pm - 8 Jan 2019

    Currently, Jules together with the BRC, is liking Mr Bennett’s tweet just because he calls me a fraud. Suddenly, cottaging (as per Jules’ own belief) has become perfectly acceptable so that it’s now acceptable to side with Mr Bennett.

    About Mr Bennett’s stance in quoted tweet, we only have to say that we encourage him to speak against us. Just like with the gang, the more he does, the more he attacks us, the more he helps us with our credibility.

    It must be noted that it seems that people who we have defended appear to have short memory or have a total lack of integrity. That speaks only about them and says nothing about us.


  57. (Cont)

    In 2015, Mr Bennett was recommending Textusa:
    Anthony Bennett‏ @zampos
    More re #NunoLourenco lies re #WojchiechKrokowski trying to kidnap his child … also on #Textusa blog Sagresman #McCann
    11:48 PM - 5 Nov 2015

    And also as recently as May 2018:
    Anthony Bennett‏ @zampos
    Both #MMRG & #Textusa agree that #NunoLourenco's claim that #WojcekKrokowski tried to kidnap his daughter on #Sagres beach was bogus. So how & when exactly did Lourenco get a photo of Krokowski's hire car? And what is WK's connection with #Murat? #McCann
    7:28 PM - 17 May 2018

    By the way, when Mr Bennett speaks of “MARIO”, he does it with information that comes not from “that woman”, the one backstabbing me while pretending to be my friend, but from another woman.

    Before the reader thinks that I’m easily fooled or that I’m frequently betrayed, neither is the case. The reader must remember that I’ve been blogging against the majority for 11 years and as the reader as certainly noticed, the social media on the Maddie case is a very treacherous swamp. And if I could count with only 2 fingers the number of people who turned out to be the opposite of what they pretend they are, I would be a happy camper!

    But we can only control what we can control, and what people decide to say about us is certainly not one of the things we can control and neither is who decides to believe them.

    For example, the information in the following tweets that Mr Bennet intentionally doxxes comes clearly from that particular source (source #1) and not from “that woman” (source #2):
    Anthony Bennett‏ @zampos
    #Textusa - Mario, not Maria.
    Lives just north of Lisbon, on the coast.
    11:26 PM - 3 May 2019

    Anthony Bennett‏ @zampos
    I was given factual information on Mario Santos's address & that he is a confirmed swinger. That's clearly relevant when he has invented a false persona & has spent years propounding the 'swinging' theory relating to the disappearance of Maddie #McCann. Ask him who he really is
    9:57 AM - 4 May 2019


    The “factual information” is that source #1 asked me for my address to send me a Christmas gift. In return, she gave me her address and if memory doesn’t fail me, I sent her a Christmas card. She sent me a present and a card which I still have and will show if need be.

    The fact that she shared this info with Mr Bennett speaks more about her than it does about me.

    I did not send her earrings as source #1 has alleged to multiple people (who then reported it to me) although I have stated on more than one occasion that I would like to see what was shown to these people, so at least I can know if I have good taste in picking earrings!

    This particular source that Mr Bennett has also told him something very interesting and which explains Mr Bennett’s obsession that I’m a swinger. He didn’t pluck it out of the air:
    Anthony Bennett‏ @zampos
    Replying to @PollyGraph69
    You may not believe it, but #Textusa IS'T Maria Santosbut Mario Santos who lives just N of Lisbon. It's clearly relevant as to his obsession with #swinging & it means he probably knows a lot about the swinging scene in #Portugal. Foul language is unacceptabe so blocking you now
    1:53 PM - 7 May 2019

    We know that source #1 has told Mr Bennett and other people that I have a business partner that is a swinger and who – wait for it – was in Praia da Luz when Maddie disappeared!


  58. (Cont)

    These idiots don’t even listen to their own words. If I had a business partner who had been swinging in Luz when Maddie disappeared – thus fully confirming our theory – that would make us speak about it having heard it from someone with first-hand knowledge!

    These idiots are so desperate to discredit us that they try so hard to do it and end up, like in this particular instance, only helping us as it would give even more credibility to all our arguments.

    The name of Mr Bennett’s source, source #1, who also has been a source for BenT has popped up lately. We have now counted 3 times. Not sure if the source #1 will be pleased about that but that’s between her and those insisting in mentioning her name.

    BenT has long ago known that Textusa was said to be a “Mario” and only has been pretending to have found that out recently having forgotten that his loose and careless mouth has given this source away by referring to the “earrings episode”, which some of the veterans on the case will know exactly what I’m talking about.

    By the way, we hope source #1 fully realises that no one matters more to BenT than source #2. He will throw anyone under the bus without hesitation. The fact that source #1’s name has been mentioned is a clear indication of that.

    But the “earring episode” shows clearly that Mr Bennett and BenT share a source (cottaging in sources, are they?) when at the same time they were publicly shooting vicious poisoned arrows at each other. Interesting, isn’t it?

    And to finish all we have to say about Mr Bennett’s pathetic tweet, just a word of advice to all who are following the case and have an opinion about what may have happened to Maddie: if you believe that peadophilia was the reason for her demise and cover-up, then you are automatically a paedo because it seems that those of us who believe in swinging, that fact makes us automatically swingers. To him, a perfect and sound logic, apparently. And at least Jules and BRC have clearly agreed with it.

    Continuing, the reaction from Jules and BRC is very interesting:
    BRC: He's a swinger? Yikes 😂
    Jules: The plot thickens.. 👀
    BRC: Not to say sickens 😶

    Interesting that BRC feels that she can determine who can and who can’t swing – bullies tend to think that they possess a God given right to determine such things and BRC’s capability to switch from nasty to nice and then back again, reveals her true personality and shows she clearly has bullied her way through life.

    But isn’t it the entire basis to diss our theory that swinging is so common and so legal that no one cares whether one is a swinger or not or is it not? From the words above, it seems it is not, as it seems swinging sickens some.

    Apparently, the fact that I may be a swinger repulses BRC and fascinates Jules in the logic that if one believes in paedo in the case, then one is paedo.

    Isn’t this short conversation objectively very repulsive against swingers and swinging? It absolutely is.

    They will now say they are saying it because they say I’m a short-arse, a pygmy, a dwarf, etc… but of that was true, then I could only be a wannabe swinger! Apparently, I’ve been accepted in the swinging community, as I’m a fully-fledged swinger and being a short-arse, a pygmy or a dwarf has not made any difference at all to the other swingers!

    To Jules and BRC, swinging is repulsive. And we agree that society judges swingers the way they do. Swinging is legal but does carry social condemnation as Jules and BRC show very clearly, helping prove our point.

    And the last absurdity about all this is linked to what Mr Bennett has said about me, when compared to what the gang have stated. It seems “ and that I’m a “male swinger” who “probably knows a lot about the swinging scene in #Portugal” but this certainly does not match with the fact that I’m allegedly destitute, living in a subsidised, rent-free house! Plus with a business partner to boot!


  59. (Cont)

    As anyone with the minimum general knowledge knows and is fully aware, swinging outside “public” swinging clubs (and what we believe was happening in Praia da Luz was certainly not “public” and we even used the following acronyms to describe some of the people who we believe were there: VVIP and VVVIPs) is for the upper and upper-middle class with very limited and scrutinised access.

    Now, how on earth would a destitute, living in a subsidised, rent-free house short-arsed, pygmy, dwarf be able to be part of such world?

    Can’t these people stop a bit to think? Hatred really is a blinder. Get your act together, you are indeed relentless in humiliating yourselves.

    The reader can easily see how the gang and others, spend their time coming up with what their heads find most denigrating and derogatory to discredit our blog and our theory. They will obnoxiously pick straws out of something and distort and twist it and until it becomes something repulsive of which one has to search to find the attachment to reality. And the more heinous and disgusting the manner they do it, the more desperate they reveal to be. “In ira, patet ex purissimam aquam”.

    Putting Rambo to shame, they clench their teeth, show their teeth and fire rabid insult and ludicrous allegations left, right, centre and in whatever direction pretending to be in the offensive while it’s obvious they look more like Custer up in Little Big Horn with each passing day.

    No one watching has to ask themselves why is the gang & others doing this, because it’s OBVIOUS to all and as Joaquim Aguiar said and we quoted, the OBVIOUS is simply impossible to avoid.

    But the hatred makes them shameless, no longer caring if they make a fool of themselves so they will continue to be relentless. They are indeed artists painting self-portraits of despair.

    For those who are set on denigrating the blog and its theory, we would like to dedicate this video for this Christmas as we feel that it is really captures their reality, in the segment about the Christmas dinner in a can, starting at 0:38:

    Please watch up to 1:29, which includes the silence (and applause) after Stephen Colbert has said: “…and if you eat your way all the way to the bottom, there’s a special prize: confronting what you’ve become.”

    Only you will know when it was you ate “all the way to the bottom” but one thing is certain: you have eaten that can not only clearly all the way to the bottom as the scratch marks on the tin bottom can be clearly seen to anyone looking inside it.

    Now go and claim the prize.

      Karen Lowe Sanders‏ @EricaCantona7
      Replying to @GingaNinja098
      Where did I mention your tooth? If you're so self conscious get it fixed
      10:52 AM - 22 Dec 2019

      2 Fridges‏ @GingaNinja098
      Replying to @EricaCantona7
      I did. 4 months ago. Next...
      10:59 AM - 22 Dec 2019

      Karen Lowe Sanders‏ @EricaCantona7
      Replying to @GingaNinja098
      So where did I mention your tooth?
      11:03 AM - 22 Dec 2019

      2 Fridges‏ @GingaNinja098
      Replying to @EricaCantona7
      2 Fridges Retweeted Karen Lowe Sanders
      2 Fridges added,
      11:24 AM - 22 Dec 2019

      [The tweet attached:
      Karen Lowe Sanders‏ @EricaCantona7
      Replying to @xxSiLverdoexx @DesireeLWiggin1 and 31 others
      Missing Mandible and Strychnine then 😊
      11:16 PM - 22 Jan 2019”]

      Karen Lowe Sanders‏ @EricaCantona7
      Replying to @EricaCantona7 @xxSiLverdoexx and 32 others
      Strychnine is quite good I thought. How is a mandible a reference to you tho? Do you have jaw problems?
      11:27 AM - 22 Dec 2019


      Do readers remember who else mocked Elaine about her missing tooth? McFadden. Then, we said about her what we will now say about BRC: disgusting individual.

      And gloating in her own filth.

      Needless to say Jules liked BRC’s tweets.

      We are very pleased that these people are on the opposing side from us.

    2. Hilarious stuff, Mario. How many hours a week do you spend on this shite? I hear the not too distant sound of sirens are soon to be heading to at least two doors of your gang. Interesting times to come.

    3. Anonymous 22 Dec 2019, 20:59:00,

      BenT, you live in a fantasy world where you believe you are Clint Eastwood playing a leading role.

      Your character is becoming more like Droopy.

  60. So if you knew that you had revealed your personal information to someone connected to Tony Bennett, and you knew that he had tweeted about it, why have you spent months blaming someone else, and threatening her?

    1. Source #1 we hope you are reading this. BenT is trying to pin on you ALL the blame to protect source #2.

      And his dependency on source #2 is such that he will throw himself under the bus just to take the bullets for her: he doesn’t deny that you told him what we have said in the comment that he got from you.

      Now he wants to put all the blame on you. Exempt source #2. Be prepared for the gang to follow up on this.

      Anonymous 22 Dec 2019, 18:25:00,

      Replying to your comment, please don’t insult everyone’s intelligence. Obviously, there are details that we haven’t mentioned which separate CLEARLY from which source comes which information.

      But thank you for showing all what really a low-life you are and what a treacherous individual you are and you will always be by yourself, but to protect your soulmate you become such a submissive wimp.

  61. I'm the anonymous at 18.25 and I am not Ben.
    As for the rest, you clearly need an intervention. I hope someone close to you arranges for you to see a mental health clinician as soon as possible.

  62. We are done for now with the subject of source #2, because we have exposed all we need to expose.

    Those who behave in ways which provoke a response but don’t accept that response, attack others but don’t expect retaliation are familiar, should be aware that is not the case with us, nor will it ever be.

    However, the self-described frailty of the said person has been pointed out to us and we don’t have the impulse to kick anybody when they’re down.

    BUT, if we are further attacked, meaning if the gang (NotTextusa, Jules, BRC, Silver, McFadden, Woger and Hamilton or in comments submitted to the blog) uses “Mario” or any other derogatory terminology to describe me, we will take that as them not giving any importance to this person’s well-being, as it will be a clear act of defiance.

    Unless provoked, we will now only return in 2020.

  63. A very Merry Xmas to the Textusa Sisters and may health, happiness and prosperity follow you all throughout 2020. Best Wishes from Down Under ����

  64. Merry Christmas Textusa Team.I wish you all health and happiness in the year ahead ...and further patience in dealing with the devious,and wholly pathetic behavour of those who it seems feel no shame....despite enormous cause.

  65. This must be the tweet of the year!
    Madeleine CaseTweets ��‏ @McCannCaseTweet
    FollowFollow @McCannCaseTweet
    Replying to @enjrtrader
    Liar pants on fire
    4:44 AM - 28 Dec 2019

  66. As the number of the year changes, a thought for a dear friend, missed so much... Debbie.

  67. Wishing everyone on the Textusa Team a happy New Year! Thinking of Debbie and all her friends who loved and respected her for herself and her thoughts on the McCann case. Maybe this is the year people will see some of Debbie's evidence and intuition wasn't that wide of the mark after all.

    1. Debbie's intuition was the best, she was a very special person and won't be forgotten. To you and your team Textusa, I wish you a very happy and prosperous 2020. Same applies to all your readers, as even the negative ones offer the opportunity for us to learn something valuable.

      Sending you best wishes with much love and light Xxx

    2. One of Debbie's last tweets (which she was bullied into removing) stated she thought Madeleine had wound up back at the McCanns. We shared the same thoughts, just saying. Let's at least consider the possibility and seriously think about it, it's perfect! And Debbs was nobody's fool, of that I have absolutely no doubt.

    3. Anon 18:57

      (Madeleine wound up back at the McCann's)

      It'll take something extraordinary to execute that search warrant.

    4. Fast-forward several decades and the McCanns will die. Perhaps the new occupants will own dogs? Boom!

    5. Anonymous 3 Jan 2020, 16:28:00,

      It’s hardly likely that a future occupier of the apartment would own dogs trained to detect and alert to cadaver odour, presuming it would still be there in decades to come.

      Unless you were being facetious.

    6. I'm talking about Debbie's thoughts, not the apartment. And family dogs that obviously won't have been trained to detect cadaver scent can still be curious enough to sniff, scratch and start digging. No, I wasn't being facetious, it's just my feeling that the truth will come out much later on, maybe before the McCanns shuttle off the mortal coil, perhaps later!

      It's a possibility though that it will happen after the twins have graduated, they'll have more time on their hands and their curiosity and instincts may well get the better of them. We'll have to wait and see, but Gambon believes the truth will come out in his lifetime and he's nearly sixty. So what time period is he thinking of? He's not going to last forever and neither is the abduction illusion, every man and his dog don't believe them, and yet the MSM continues to talk to themselves in the language of consummate unrepentant liars. Kerching, kerching, kerching!

      Go figure and *hello* Rupert Murdoch!!!

  68. I've just been over to Twitter to see what's going on over there and what stood out for me the most amongst them is that every single one of them still believe in some part of the official story line.

    They are all completely brainwashed yet naively think they are somehow enlightened. Poor Madeleine, shame on them all.

  69. Is there a purpose behind making Jim Gamble look like an idiot on twitter? He may have protection, but so does QE2. She woke up and found Michael Fagan in her bedroom. Isabelle McFadden and Linda's tweets could incite people into doing or saying things they would live to regret. Where is the evidence of Michael Wright stalking Linda, and why has he not been prosecuted? Where is the evidence for what they are saying about Jim Gamble?

    Replying to

    Jim Gamble, the former head of the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre, said victims would be feeling ‘deeply aggrieved’.
    4:12 PM · Jan 3, 2020·Twitter Web App

    Steven Hamilton
    Jan 1
    More defamation. Vile. #mccann
    Steven Hamilton
    Jan 1
    Maligning a respected former policeman like this is totally unacceptable. I hope you are severely punished. Your last remark is particularly offensive. Vile. #mccann
    Jim Gamble
    Jan 1
    If anyone can identify who this person is in real life please DM me. This type of defamation just has to be stopped.
    This Tweet is unavailable. Learn more
    Jim Gamble
    Replying to

    and 47 others
    Please delete this tweet. Whilst I am going to take appropriate legal steps to address the harassment and defamation I’ve faced I do not want to be involved in jeapordising anyone’s personal details in a public space.
    8:18 AM · Jan 2, 2020·Twitter for iPhone
    Ness ������������
    Jan 2
    Replying to

    and 47 others
    Yet you asked here on a public platform for help with identifying this person and asking for DM’s . Not very professional of you in my opinion.
    2 more replies
    Velma Dinkley
    Jan 2
    Replying to

    and 47 others
    would put the same effort and energy he invests in threatening complete strangers online into the investigation concerning #MadeleineMcCann....That would make me so happy.
    Jan 2
    Well said Velma.
    Karen Lowe Sanders
    Jan 2
    Replying to

    and 47 others
    It's jeopardising, no spell check today ? ��

    1. It’s not a matter of making Gamble look like an idiot- he may well be- but accusing him of behaviour that would lead to a criminal prosecution if it were true.
      Illegally accessing and removing information in order to cover up for paedophiles are amongst the accusations against him.
      There seems to be a concerted attempt to link the Mcs to a cover up of paedophilia in order to explain why OG hasn’t taken any action, or hasn’t been allowed to take any action.
      Whatever I think of the Mcs, this is not something I believe about them.
      The Gaspars kept in touch with them and Paynes after the alleged incident they witnessed. Would they have done so if they believed their friends were capable of assaulting babies?
      The PJ were told by UK police that neither of the Mcs had criminal records. I doubt the UK police would have lied about such a serious matter.

  70. Thanks for keeping us updated on what's going on out there in Twitter land, Textusa. The only problem for me is I have no Twitter account so I don't really know how the system works. All I do is read topical or McCann-related tweets from time to time, and that's about it really.

    So what I need to know and I'm asking is, what is the gist of the conversation re Jim Gamble? I do hope he's not threatening people again ... because if he is, he should definitely be challenged this time. And the only way to do that with him and characters with his mindset, is to face him with the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, and then never back down ... no matter what he says.

    He frightened me in 2014 over the Brenda Leyland incident, but not anymore. Five years on I know much more about the flaws and fears of the man and the exact reason why he continues to uphold the McCann's fictional narrative.

    Mark my words over this, the only way he'll go to court over the Madeleine McCann is (not) missing project is if he's dragged in there kicking and screaming.

    My research, observations and analyses tells me he's a duplicitous, weak, bullying, childish, coward. PERIOD!!!!

    Happy New Year to you and yours!!

    Make it a good one, make it a great one, make it the best one!!!

    ScamHunter‏ @scamhunter486
    Replying to @FragrantFrog @justice030507 and 4 others
    There is no evidence that he did not exist. We have no reason to doubt the honesty of Smiths. Besides, come on, nine people have been lying for years? It looks to me like Textusa's or a Bennett's type conspiracy. It's not serious.
    1:24 PM - 8 Jan 2020


    Would this idiot please show us where we have said that we do not believe in the Smith’s version of events when we have more than 10 posts showing that we believe FULLY in them?

    Just dissing for dissing’s sake. Comment unfair and only inaccurate in facts but not in intent, as we have absolutely defended the Smith sighting.

    It was Watcher/NotTextusa who suggested that the Smith sighting could be our by as much as an hour. Scamhunter should ask NotTextusa to explain himself or then ask for that to the “NotTextusa Cult members” AKA the gang, which it seems to get along so well.

    And yes, being bunched together with Mr Bennett makes one feel sick.

    1. Bennett should stick to letter writing, investigations are not really his thing. For goodness sake he still doesn't understand the basics of image creation and Photoshop yet. What he's essentially done is box himself in by his own limiting beliefs, lack of knew knowledge and impervious to change self-righteous bullheadedness.

      He knows how to put on the nice man, good guy, onward Christian soldiers act, but that's about it really. I know from personal experience that he does not have the substance or the moral fortitude he professes to have.

      He resorts to name-calling and attacking that which he is too lazy to understand. Madeleine did not die on the Sunday, only closed-minded collective thinkers could ever believe that tunnelled visioned naive fantasy.

      The ex-cop should be ashamed of himself, (open your eyes!) Have you learned nothing? Good investigators start from the beginning, not a date which adheres to what was make-believe in the first place. Silly silly unprofessional man, must try harder. Tut-tut tut-tut tut-tut!!

      SUNDAY? No, absolutely not! Try stretching the brain a little further and wider than that. Oh, and here's another thing, STOP making things up!!! You know who you are and precisely who I'm talking to.

      Cheers Textusa, I really had to say that in a place I know I won't be viciously traduced, unlike I would over in the snarling b*tchy latrine with a totally false mission statement and the manners of piranha fish.

      They don't want to know the truth, but they do love to gossip and often don't see the wood for the trees. As Kate Mccann might well say, they are a DISGRACE!!!

    2. Bringing over Scmhunter’s replies:
      ScamHunter‏ @scamhunter486
      Replying to @scamhunter486 @FragrantFrog and 5 others
      Oh, Textusa was offended. By "Textusa's or a Bennett's type conspiracy", I mean not specifically Smith sighting, but conspiracies that suggest that a large group of people have been lying for years, which is not realistic. Tapas staff? After years of not working there? Come on 😁
      7:40 PM - 10 Jan 2020

      ScamHunter‏ @scamhunter486
      Replying to @scamhunter486 @FragrantFrog and 5 others
      And who is the idiot, people can judge for themselves by reading the ridiculous theory of Textusa, where the police officers' search by keywords in computers is an evidence. (It is good that no one searched for anything about UFO) 😁
      7:45 PM - 10 Jan 2020

      ScamHunter‏ @scamhunter486
      Replying to @scamhunter486 @FragrantFrog and 5 others
      Specifically about Smith sighting, Gerald walks with another child during the alarm time?! First, it's just stupid and there's no logical reason why anyone would do it. Second, what is incriminating in this? This is elimination of the only clue against Gerald.
      7:57 PM - 10 Jan 2020

      ScamHunter‏ @scamhunter486
      Replying to @FragrantFrog @justice030507 and 4 others
      Textusa wrote indignantly about my tweet at his blog, and I didn't know where else to answer him. Swinging, of course, is complete fantasy until we see some evidence.
      10:05 PM - 10 Jan 2020
      ScamHunter‏ @scamhunter486
      Replying to @scamhunter486 @FragrantFrog and 5 others
      It is one thing to lie personally involved people in order to save their skins, and quite another - outsiders. And yes, the T7 are quite lying, but in my opinion, they are not involved, or at least not all of them.
      10:05 PM - 10 Jan 2020


      We will reply later with greater detail but for now will just say that denying the obvious doesn’t make the obvious less obvious, it only makes an idiot to look even more to be indeed an idiot.

  72. Not Ben Thompson laughs off the new Silver account by asking if they have a flat to clean and a bag to sniff, but Zora McCartney is frightened Shell has opened a can of worms for the gang by tagging and contacting police over the account. Isabelle McFadden knows Elaine is not behind the account, but has piled in as a favour for a male who was told to keep his head down on twitter and not use as many socks. The same male who started the rumour about Erica's children and social services with Ponce of Dubai.

    Replying to
    Show me where I've harrassed anyone for years?
    Having an opinion and posting FACTS isn't harassment.
    You're welcome.
    Don't you have a flat to clean, and a, bag to sniff?
    SheLLxx ©Shellyphant ���� ��E��������㊙��❓��
    Can people please report this account pls?
    And no, it's not a pro �� #idiot
    I reported that account this morning shell x
    SheLLxx ©Shellyphant ���� ��E��������㊙��❓��
    Thank you Babs, I've not caught up yet with everything - I'm waiting for twitter to email me back xx
    Its bang out of order to use someone else identity like that . I can’t believe people could stoop so low. it’s pathetic . Hope it gets sorted ASAP. X
    SheLLxx ©Shellyphant ���� ��E��������㊙��❓��
    Replying to
    Well, the police are dealing with it too, they've done it way too many times. Life's too short to be so angry at the world, it's sad really x
    12:39 PM · Jan 11, 2020·Twitter Web App

  73. Comment received that we have censored:

    “Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Blood and the EVR dog - Part 6 - comments continue...":

    Textusa's blog has always been about the case, and their research speaks for itself. Jules is so self absorbed she can't see she has been recruited and used by a gang who try to control the overall social media narrative. She should ask her own gang why people close to Ben Thompson believe he is homosexual. It is not homophobic to say someone could be gay or to ask if someone is gay, but it is extremely homophobic for him and his gang to deny it as though he has been accused of something extremely offensive and dirty.

    Some of the gang know they won't be able to use the mental health card convincingly to cover any of their own crimes, so need to prove to police they are victims of hate crimes. The gang used up all the disability hate cards and disability hate cards by proxy. The race card was used by (censored), Ben Thompson has chosen the homophobia card. His blogs about people being drug addicts, swingers, child stalkers and cottagers are disgusting and frightening for his targets, yet Jules and the rest of his gang back him up and agree with him. What does this say about them? How will they explain what they have written about Textusa, Elaine and Rebecca to their children and grandchildren and the police?

    00The Jules... ��️♀‍ ������������
    Replying to
    Is Tex after tweets for it's blog, which hasn't been about the case for a long time.. ?
    9:20 AM · Jan 11, 2020·Twitter for Android

    00The Jules... ��️♀‍ ������������
    Really..? So how come it was my tweet retweeted..? Like to show me where ES was mentioned..
    It's strange all this outcry at a comment someone may have made but I didn't see much antis get their knickers in a twist about the fake shell account yesterday ��

    00The Jules... ��️♀‍ ������������
    Replying to
    and 36 others
    It's always Shell & Ben who have had their accounts copied.. Most of them have been homophobic.. Shells husbands name was named on the bio on one..
    1:18 PM · Jan 12, 2020·Twitter for Android

    ️ ️geeky little ghost ️ ️
    I'm missing something, why are they homophobic?
    Ness ������������
    I think Ben has had a lot of homophobic things said to him on Twitter from what I do know but I don’t know the full story but he’s had some nasty abuse from what I heard x
    ️ ️geeky little ghost ️ ️
    Is he gay or are they just fishing?
    Ness ������������
    Not sure geeky. I just assumed he was gay but I’ve only spoken to him a few times in passing on a thread or something. He’s a nice enough guy though but don’t see him much lately.
    Replying to

    and 36 others
    It’s vile . My son is gay homophobia is revolting .
    nick Townsend
    Homophobia is, indeed, vile. But then, so are other activities such as hounding, denigrating and maligning the innocent McCanns.

    Elaine Strachan
    Never mind the one BenT made up about me called
    Jules commented on that one thinking it was funny ��♀‍

    Posted by Anonymous to Textusa at 12 Jan 2020, 15:55:00”

    1. Censored Anonymous at 12 Jan 2020, 15:55:00,

      Reason for the censoring was because we believe we are being baited, not by you.

      Thank you for understanding.

    2. And censored for the same reason:

      “Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Blood and the EVR dog - Part 6 - comments continue...":

      Millions of Manchester United fans all over the world don't reply or agree to the constant football tweets by the giraffe obsessed misogynist who calls women ugly dwarfs, child stalkers and drug addicts, and states they live in dirty homes on the say so of someone (censored). Discounting his socks, how many people are left on twitter to banter with Jules, Shell and KLS about banal and mundane areas of the McCann case?

      Posted by Anonymous to Textusa at 12 Jan 2020, 16:45:00”

  74. It’s interesting to see that Jules has deleted almost all her tweets in which she demeans physically “Mario”.

    That is very interesting, isn’t it?

    We say almost all as because there were so many, she let escape a couple, which we expect will be deleted soon:
    Elaine Strachan‏ @strackers74
    Replying to @Jules1602xx @bitconfused90 and 43 others
    Well Textusa she ain't 😂😂😂
    6:24 PM - 22 Apr 2019
    00The Jules... 🕵️‍♀‍ 🐌 🌸 🐌 🌸 🐌 🌸‏ @Jules1602xx
    Replying to @strackers74 @bitconfused90 and 43 others
    Oh I know that.. She's not an old short arse wanker.. Lol
    6:26 PM - 22 Apr 2019

    00The Jules... 🕵️‍♀‍ 🐌 🌸 🐌 🌸 🐌 🌸‏ @Jules1602xx
    Ben doesn't write the NT blog.. Ben isn't Walker either.. neither is NT Walker.. NT is NT, Ben is Ben & Walker is Walker..
    But Textusa is a short arsed tool called MARIO..
    YES MARIO.. #McCann
    6:16 PM - 7 Aug 2019


    And this one with a very flattering picture:
    00The Jules... 🕵️‍♀‍ 🐌 🌸 🐌 🌸 🐌 🌸‏ @Jules1602xx
    Replying to @McCannCaseTweet
    Watch out for Mario.. Word is he's left his chair & is on the loose around Lisbon.. 😎 …
    5:19 PM - 18 Jul 2019


    Does Jules think that by deleting said tweets people will forget she has said about “Mario’s” alleged physical attributes? Seriously?

    The funny thing is then to watch how the gang goes all snowflake when things on the appearance front appears to boomerang:
    00The Jules... 🕵️‍♀‍ 🐌 🌸 🐌 🌸 🐌 🌸‏ @Jules1602xx
    Replying to @TrollBusterXXX @nessiestressy and 44 others
    What is about people's looks with you 'good guys'
    Post your pic.. Let's see how stunning you are.. Dazzle us all..
    9:12 PM - 6 Jan 2020

    00The Jules... 🕵️‍♀‍ 🐌 🌸 🐌 🌸 🐌 🌸‏ @Jules1602xx
    Replying to @EricaCantona7 @McCannCaseTweet and 5 others
    I've had to have time out Karen..
    I've had the snake eyed pathological liar aka MoD-Ranged McKrankie (who talks to itself on it's sock) and the lying homophobic poisoned dwarf (with less hair than cheese) dissing my pic.. 😭😭😂
    1:58 PM - 9 Jan 2020

    Karen Lowe Sanders‏ @EricaCantona7
    Replying to @Max_____xxx @Michael80282175 and 37 others
    1- you aren't getting any
    2 - how do you think Shell felt when she saw yet another account saying she has no life?
    3 - how did jules feel when 2 jackals here likened her to an alien ( when she is anything but)?
    Or what if people accused you of violence when it was anything but?
    5:41 PM - 12 Jan 2020

    1. And continuing with her consistent hypocrisy:
      🐤 🐣ANNE 🐣 🐤‏ @AnniSalli59
      Replying to @Jules1602xx @nessiestressy and 37 others
      If people have to resort to homophobic comments it shows they have nothing of any value to add. They should be so busy bombarding people with proof/evidence etc. to prove everyone wrong they shouldnt even give thought to whether someone is gay or not !
      1:54 PM - 12 Jan 2020
      00The Jules... 🕵️‍♀‍ 🐌 🌸 🐌 🌸 🐌 🌸‏ @Jules1602xx
      Replying to @AnniSalli59 @nessiestressy and 37 others
      Agree Ann..
      2:43 PM - 12 Jan 2020


      Jules must find these 2 people, BenT and Jules, completely loathsome:
      00Bugsy‏ @TheBunnyReturns
      Replying to @TheBunnyReturns @jules1602x and 6 others
      There was also reference on the internet to Tony Bennett being caught for a pratice known as "cottaging" ie performing acts of sexual indecency upon another man in a public toilet.
      8:43 am - 8 Jan 2019
      00The Jules... 🕵️‍♀‍ 🐌 🌸 🐌 🌸 🐌 🌸‏ @jules1602x
      Replying to @TheBunnyReturns @zampos and 5 others
      I heard a rumour he had an affair with Textusa.. Not sure how true that is..? #McCann
      8:55 am - 8 Jan 2019

      (tweet liked by Silverdoe)

  75. Because we think it’s of interest to all:
    Sharon 'Shazzzaa' Taylor‏ @shazbat2008
    Got this today, not to my home address... in my sons school bag, they sent it there 😳
    They might want to forget it but I'm writing back . I stand by my tweets and haven't deleted them and wont beI'd like to know what they think they're doing sending it via my disabled son #mcann
    6:16 PM - 13 Jan 2020

    [Attached is a picture with the following:

    (Top right-hand corner of stationary:

    “Our Ref: PL/RP/I133/4
    Your Ref:

    10 January 2020

    Strictly private and confidential
    To be opened by addressee only
    Sharan Taylor

    Dear Madam

    Re: Our clients – Jim Gamble and Ineqe Group

    We have been instructed by the above named clients as regards defamatory publications made by you on the Twitter social media platform.

    These publications were malicious in their nature. They were without foundation and amount to libel. Our clients have suffered damage as a result of this libel. We therefore put you on notice that if the reputations, of either of our clients, are defamed in any way in the future by you, then our clients will issue High Court libel proceedings against you without further notice. If such a course of action is necessary, then we will seek damages and costs against you.

    We will not be entering into any further correspondence on this matter as we have made our clients’ position clear.

    Yours faithfully


    1. He's clearly hoping this tweeter does not have truth on her side and will easily back down. If he challenged me I'd commission a bulldozer and see him in court.

      And no messin'...

      There is no mystery and Madeleine has NEVER been missing.

    2. Anonymous13 Jan 2020, 23:05:00

      However much one may dislike Jim Gamble or anyone else for that matter, there is a line that should not be crossed and the justice system should guarantee that any seriously offended citizen has the right to defend him or herself and make the offending party accountable for serious damages in reputations and all consequences resulting from that.

      We know that this system has been thwarted to become a weapon used by those with means to afford legal support against the weaker financially who don’t have the means to fight back however right they feel they are.

      We at ease to speak about this particular case as the blog has certainly not been a good friend of Jim Gamble. That said, we have found that some comments made against him cross the mentioned line and if Sharon Taylor’s tweets fall into that category then we agree that Jim Gamble has the absolute right to act legally.

      We always I thought he was serious. He was in danger of making empty threats if he hadn’t carried it out.

      But, according to what ST has tweeted, to send it to her disabled son’s school was awful. Certainly not very professional and not, in our opinion, proper proof of service

      Proof of service is essential for legal documents like summons.

      A summons can be sent by post to an address reasonably thought to be person’s address, although it’s certainly preferable to serve it personally because those intended to be notified can deny they lived at a particular address or claim they didn’t receive it in the post.

      In our opinion, the warning letter wasn’t properly served if sent via a school, as it’s possible the identity of the tweeter wasn’t established beyond doubt.

      What if the boy had taken it home and it was the wrong Sharon Taylor? This is not the way to transmit a warning as it’s far too speculative to assume it’s her son. What if she told lies about her background details on twitter or elsewhere publicly on other social media such as Facebook

      What if the boy dropped it on the way home? Or forgotten to give it to his mother. The boy could have lost it on the way home. Schools are not responsible for transmitting legal documents to parents via children.

      As he’s a minor, he can’t be held responsible for taking this document to his mother.

      Not something any reputable lawyers would do. Although not a court summons, the same principles apply to proof of service of legal documents.

      Unfortunately, Sharon Taylor has now admitted publicly that she received it, so it might mean they now have proof of service.

      If what Sharon Taylor states is true – and we’re not seeing any reason for it not to be – then it must be said that Jim Gamble and his solicitors have made a spectacle of themselves.

      They seemed to have spelled her name incorrectly, also a reason to challenge the legality. We don’t think the letter sets out clearly what is being referred to and what specifically were the defamatory statements made.

      Very vague even for a warning letter, as even if Sharon Taylor was willing now to delete the allegedly offending tweets, she would not know which ones they were. These may be obvious to Jim Gamble but that doesn’t mean they are for Sharon Taylor or other people reading them.

      He was threatening Ponce and McFadden too. No idea if he intends to carry out those threats.

    3. There are despicable people on the internet who have actually used the P word referring to him before now and he's done nothing about it. Why is that? Why this? And why now? Who or what's really rattled his cage? Remember the Brenda Leyland spectacle wasn't actually about her and her mostly innocuous tweets.

      She was merely an easy to intimidate and humiliate, tragic target to them. Even Brunt confessed he knew beforehand she'd had mental health issues.

      People should only fear them if they don't have the truth on their side, (which most of the Twitterati don't). That means ignoring virtually every part of the officially scripted narrative; it's almost all bogus anyway. Even the parts nearly all anti-McCanns believe to be true are cleverly concocted lies.

      The only way Gamble can sting anyone is if individuals don't stick to concrete facts and that means not relying on what's in the files. As all it is is their story; their fantasy with threads of truth here and there.

      And as far as fantasy and dark humour goes, Stephen Carpenter is the all-time best. If you're going to tell a lie tell a big one Gerry said, and then you can always mix it up with a sprinkling of truth (I said).

      That's how it usually works, isn't it?

      Mrs. Sickoftheliesandtaxpayertheft-Childrenarestarvingandpeoplearedyingonthestreets

  76. When did schools become part time post offices? The poor wording and bad grammar is reminiscent of similar letters faked by McCann trolls in the past. If it isn't faked, this is very serious. It is highly improper of the law firm to expect school staff to abuse their privileged and trusted position and use a child as a conduit to ferry home a letter of unknown content to a parent. 
    No matter if the sender's name and address were on the envelope, the sender was not known to the child and nor was the content. Children are naturally inquisitive. I note the child is disabled, Outside of the family and school staff, who knows the reading ability of this child, or their understanding of what they read? Certainly not the law firm. 

    Had the child opened and understood the seriousness of the letter, it could have caused them extreme distress. Who knows how any child could react to knowing their parent was under threat? The child could have run away from home, not wanting their parent to see the letter. The child may be led to believe their parent as a bad parent after reading it, and this could lead to serious family problems. None of us know what @shazbat2008 discusses in front of her child. She may have used Jim Gamble's name in derogatory terms on the phone to someone, not knowing she was within the child's hearing. The child may already have built up a clear and frightening image of how Gamble behaves towards women who question the McCanns abduction story. The child may know that one of those women ended up dead. 

    Whether this letter was actually instigated by Jim Gamble or not, this should now become a police matter. Before it sets a precedent and puts any more children at risk of becoming unpaid bailiffs. Schools can be unsafe enough as it is, without teachers colluding in this sort of reckless behaviour. 

    The teaching staff would have no way of knowing if this letter could have been sent by a malicious person and contained razor blades, drugs or ricin. Envelopes are easily stolen from offices. What if this letter had come from an abusive ex partner who had no legal right to contact @shazbat2008 or the child at their home address under any circumstances? Not every parent advises a school they have had violent partners who could be trying to trace them. How many parents tell the school how much debt they are in? Is it OK for debt collectors to trace and contact parents via school children? Was @shazbat2008 expected to be so struck with fear she would keep this to herself and not make the letter public? 

    Jim Gamble's reputation went down the drain the moment he threw his cape in the mud for the McCanns to cross the ditch. His obscene behaviour on twitter towards Brenda Leyland before, during, and after her death, showed him up as a man who enjoyed courting notoriety for the publicity it brought him.   
    What type of man calls it "Gr8 work" watching a woman being humiliated all day long on one of the most popular news programmes in the world? Such humiliation over such a long period is torture, like rape. Some people cannot cope with the stress. Brenda Leyland could have been physically attacked by McCann troll mobs or members of the public after Martin Brunt assaulted her in the street. Where was the safeguarding for Brenda? She ended up dead within days.

    "Gr8 work." Disgraceful person. Good luck to @shazbat2008 in getting to the crux of how this letter was able to arrive at the school and end up in her child's possession. Th head of the school needs to take this up with the education department at the earliest opportunity. People leave prison every week, looking for any means to trace families and ex partners whom the law does not allow them to contact.

  77. If some random lawyer's office harassed my disabled child in that way, I would simply send a letter of response saying: "In English please."

  78. Guiding light and guidance? She has to be taking the p$ss. Blacksmith believed the McCanns had NOTHING to do with Madeleine's disappearance. We can't soil Tex's blog with links to Blacksmith's original blog, so someone should send her a copy. He preyed on the gullible and lied through his teeth about having inside information. Is this why she was so attracted to him? Like attracting like? Notably, only her own gang and hangers on want to remember the old prick.

    Madeleine CaseTweets��
    Replying to
    I honestly used Blacksmith as a guiding light. He liked my phone calls ❤️❤️❤️and I liked his guidance, sometimes I would get a polite but stern message... Isabelle that may not be right...and I loved it. Nice, nice man
    3:58 AM · Jan 14, 2020·Twitter for iPhone

  79. Update on Gamble v shazbat2008. No comment on what the school is doing about the matter yet. The school shut be shut down until this serious safeguarding issue is addressed. The school is an unsafe space if staff do not understand they should not have colluded in this type of activity.

    Sharon 'Shazzzaa' Taylor
    Just an update to all those who have replied to my tweet details of a letter sent via my disabled son's school.
    I emailed every partner at solicitors this morning at 9am with questions about the context of the letter and why it was delivered .. nothing back so far... #mccann
    Sharon 'Shazzzaa' Taylor
    Replying to
    I am awaiting since 9am a reply to an email I sent to every partner at the solicitors, so far nothing back......

  80. Well said Anonymous14 Jan 2020, 09:11:00

    @shazbat2008's tweets don't come close to being as defamatory as The Ponce of Dubai @The_Truth_II and @Michael80282175 tweets about Jim Gamble. Why have they not received letters? Is it because they are friends of NotTextusa, Walker, Jules, Hamilton and Trotter who drive people off the McCann tag? Ponce has threatened to travel to his place of work to challenge Jim Gamble face to face. If her friend Zora McCartney will travel to Portugal to expose Textusa's team, and Ben Thompson can come up with the idea of travelling to Scotland with a gift of telescope for his friend's child to find out everything he can about he can about the family, Gamble should be concerned, tbh.

    Jan 11
    Replying to

    and 47 others
    Gerry McCann was convicted for child sex abuses in 2002, although the evidence has been hacked and emptied from the case file by someone who has access to the National Sex Offenders Register, namely Jim Gamble though the CEOP mainframe
    Jan 11
    Replying to

    and 47 others
    Jan 11
    Replying to

    and 46 others
    Gerry McCann was convicted for child sex abuses in 2002, although the evidence has been hacked and emptied from the case file by someone who has access to the National Sex Offenders Register, namely Jim Gamble

    The Ponce of Dubai
    Nov 8, 2019
    Still waiting for the postman. #wrongname #jimbel. = saying things Jim Gamble doesn’t agree with. #profiteer Jims solicitors are busy preparing papers for half of
    if we believe his daily announcements & vieled threats
    #harassment #trolling #doxing

    See new Tweets
    The Ponce of Dubai
    I wondered if I should attend one of these safety on the internet seminars I’ve heard about,stand up & introduce myself to Jim & ask him why he’s been stalking me & threatening to dox me.i May also ask him about Brendas right 2 safety on the internet wouldn’t that be Gr8 #mccann
    9:34 AM · Sep 27, 2019·Twitter for iPhone

    The Ponce of Dubai
    Aug 13, 2019
    Replying to

    and 3 others
    Maybe Jim didn’t want his real motives delved in to

    The Ponce of Dubai
    Aug 10, 2019
    Replying to
    There are some similarities & the appearance of Jim Gamble has not done the investigation any favours. he is a gold digger who attaches himself to these cases

    The Ponce of Dubai
    Jun 24, 2019
    Replying to
    Jim’s scared of his past being exposed


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