Wednesday, 1 July 2009

A Response to a Response

NOTE : Toutes les informations publiées par moi sur ce blogue ou dans n´importe quel autre blogue, sans oublier les médias avec qui je continue à travailler, sont authentiques et ont toujours été vérifiées auprès de plusieurs sources comme il est requis à un journaliste. Il est évident que je suis toujours prêt à défendre en justice contre toute allégation contraire. En autre, toute question qui n’aurait pas un lien direct avec mon travail et qui relève de ma vie privée, en particulier les commentaires qui ont été faits récemment après la fin d’une relation amoureuse de plusieurs mois, ne mérite pas de réponse… en tout cas pas ici. (from Mr. Nuno Duarte's blog)

Mr. Nuno Duarte,

I, for one, haven’t once touched your personal life. I have questioned, question and will remain questioning until satisfaction, your work ethics as a journalist. Or as an alleged one.

I've accused you, amongst many other things, using the argumentation that I have, of not being anywhere near the Oprah show which the McCanns were invited to, and that you as a journalist (or as an alleged one), reported that you were.

 That, as far as I can tell, has nothing to do with your personal life. It’s got to do, exclusively, to your (alleged) professional one.

I placed in paranthesis "alleged" because I’m highly suspicious that you have a much different way of earning a living than the one you state you have. Time and truth will tell if my suspicions are consubstantiated.

About my accusation, I can give you a few suggestions on where you can prove me wrong:

- A still, showing that you were in the audience at the referred show;

- A self-taken picture, in the show, of yourself in the audience (I don’t remember reading anything about not being allowed cameras on set, but most likely that is the case, so, if that is so, ignore this one);

- The stub of the ticket you used to enter the premises;

- Any printed confirmation, from the Oprah show people, that a ticket was issued in your name for that referred show;

- A self-taken picture taken outside the premises, as any journalist with such a scoop would have certainly taken;

- A copy of the receipt from the hotel you stayed at;

- A copy of the page of the passport where US Customs placed their stamp allowing you into the country for that particular trip (and please don’t say that you got in on a forged identity and/or passport into the US in this day and age…);

- A copy of the airplane ticket stubs of your flights both in and out of the States, and of those in that country;

- Detail (in your blog, for example) which planes (airline, time of departure and airport) you took to get in and out of the States, as well as those that you may have used in the country, so that I, as an independent citizen, may ask the various airlines involved if your name was on the passenger list (I'm assuming with your authorization, because if you wanted for this to remain a secret, you wouldn’t have publicized it in the first place).

Don’t worry, I’ll fake that I’m a journalist. A list of simple suggestions that I’m providing so that you'll have the opportunity to contradict me, thus forcing me into a humiliating apology.

Which I'll give if proven wrong.

About the abusive involvement of personal life. From Joana’s posts, one can see that the accusations are about you lying about the Maddie case or about and your forged personal (read professional) involvement in it.

Professional business, quite clearly.

Nothing, as far as I can read, from a woman scorned.

You, sir, seem to be the ONLY one that's abusively using the “personal life” excuse to avoid explaining yourself.

Because it doesn’t merit your comments, you say. Could have been right out Gerry’s mouth. Or Clarence’s. But was from yours.

We begin to understand why. You are ready to defend yourself “in Justice”, you say also. Do you think yourself THAT important to merit the spending, on my initiative, of a single cent to prove your falsity, when you do a pretty good job all by yourself? Please do spare me the drama.

Also, where have I heard of avoiding explanations using the legal-system-as-the-right-battleground excuse to avoid any explanation on suspected wrongdoing ? Oh, from the McCanns. Congratulations, you’ve proven to be such a good pupil.

Mr. Nuno Duarte, don’t play the offended damsel here. Only you know where, when and how did you lose your “virginity” in all of this, and honestly, I don’t care.

The why, however, leaves me slightly curious.

The McCanns and Tapas are saving their asses. Clarence and team are doing their job. Poorly, but that’s pure incompetence. The friends and relatives of the McCanns are doing the same as Dr. Paulo Sargento (when he calls you a journalist with a capital “J”), and are defending them beyond any rationality.

And above any criticism, all of them declared themselves clearly on which side of the fence they stood (exception for Dr. Sargento who appears in the above paragraph only as an example and is one, if not the biggest, of your victims).


  1. bonjour Textusa

    hier dèjà, j'avais adoré vous lire pour des raisons de style et de talent d'écriture !! mais aujourd'hui, vous balayez les arguments minables de nuno duarte, avec une logique imparable !!
    tout ce que vous écrivez est très bon, c'et la raison pour laquelle, je suis sûre que vous lorsque vous parlez de Mr Sargento, vous pensez vraiment qu'il est naïf !
    je vous sens très franche et perpicace, pourriez-vous me donner votre sentiment sur Mr Amaral et Reis, s'il vous plaît ?? parce que l'attitude de nuno duarte nous fait douter de tout !!! merci d'avance amicalement

  2. ciao Textus

    ieri, ho amato di leggere, per ragioni di stile e di talento per la scrittura! ma ora si spazzare la patetica argomenti di Duarte Nuno con logica!
    tutto ciò che si scrive è molto buona, è stata la ragione per cui credo che lei quando parla di Signor Sargento, davvero credo che sia ingenuo!
    Mi sento molto franco e perpicace, potrebbe darmi la tua opinione sul signor Amaral e Reis, per favore? perché l'atteggiamento di Duarte Nuno ci dubbio tutto! vi ringrazio in anticipo Cordiali saluti SYLVA

  3. Now I understand why Morticia gets all funny whenever Gomez talked to her in Italian. Such a deliciously titillating language, isn’t it?

    I know little about Mr Reis, but he seems to be an honest, courageous man. Until proven otherwise, I see no reason to doubt his word.

    About Mr. Amaral, about whom I intend to write a post about, he isn’t, in my opinion, minimally affected by DL misadventures. He is, fortunately for us all, one of the many mis-antecipations of the McCanns.

    You just have to look at what DL has written, to see that it has little effect on what is relevant about the case. What importance has the fact that he was or wasn’t on Oprah? Or if there are 24 photos (if they existed, would help the proof, but their inexistence doesn’t hinder it)? Or that he was in Aachen? Or Rothley?

    Linking Mr. DL to Mr. Amaral is offensive at this point, almost like linking Mr. Aragão to normal and sane people…

  4. ''About Mr. Amaral, about whom I intend to write a post about, he isn’t, in my opinion, minimally affected by DL misadventures. ''

    In your dreams honey, in your dreams.


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